blob: 389af8fb4a1f25e547a416e34e13cbf3ce864d17 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
rel_path := ../google-modules
ext_modules :=
ext_modules += amplifiers/audiometrics
ext_modules += amplifiers/cs35l41
ext_modules += amplifiers/cs40l25
ext_modules += amplifiers/cs40l26
ext_modules += aoc
ext_modules += aoc/alsa
ext_modules += aoc/usb
ext_modules += bluetooth/broadcom
ext_modules += bms
ext_modules += display/samsung
ext_modules += edgetpu/abrolhos/drivers/edgetpu
ext_modules += fingerprint/fpc
ext_modules += gpu/mali_kbase
ext_modules += gpu/mali_pixel
ext_modules += lwis
ext_modules += nfc
ext_modules += power/reset
ext_modules += sensors/hall_sensor
ext_modules += touch/common
ext_modules += touch/fts/fst2
ext_modules += touch/fts/ftm5
ext_modules += touch/sec
ext_modules += wlan/bcmdhd4389
ext_modules += video/gchips
ext_modules += ../devices/google/bluejay/display
# Add any modules which have their own UAPI headers to this list. This will
# cause the build to run the module makefile with headers_install target.
has_uapi_headers :=
has_uapi_headers += touch/common
install_uapi_headers_targets := $(has_uapi_headers:=_headers_install)
ifneq ($(wildcard $(KERNEL_SRC)/$(rel_path)/uwb/kernel),)
ext_modules += uwb/kernel
.PHONY: $(ext_modules) $(install_uapi_headers_targets) depmod allmodules
allmodules: $(ext_modules) $(install_uapi_headers_targets) depmod
aoc/alsa: | aoc
aoc/usb: | aoc/alsa aoc
power/reset: | bms
touch/fts/ftm5: | touch/common
touch/sec: | touch/common
../devices/google/bluejay/display: | display/samsung
include $(KERNEL_SRC)/Makefile.ext_modules.include