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\page streamdoc Streams: writing and reading audio data
[ThreadBase]: \ref tiaudioutils::ThreadBase "ThreadBase"
[SlotMap]: \ref tiaudioutils::SlotMap "SlotMap"
[BufferAdaptor]: \ref tiaudioutils::BufferAdaptor "BufferAdaptor"
[BufferProvider]: \ref tiaudioutils::BufferProvider "BufferProvider"
[Buffer]: \ref tiaudioutils::BufferProvider::Buffer "Buffer"
[Resampler]: \ref tiaudioutils::Resampler "Resampler"
[PcmParams]: \ref tiaudioutils::PcmParams "PcmParams"
[PcmPort]: \ref tiaudioutils::PcmPort "PcmPort"
[PcmInPort]: \ref tiaudioutils::PcmInPort "PcmInPort"
[PcmOutPort]: \ref tiaudioutils::PcmOutPort "PcmOutPort"
[NullInPort]: \ref tiaudioutils::NullInPort "NullInPort"
[NullOutPort]: \ref tiaudioutils::NullOutPort "NullOutPort"
[ALSAInPort]: \ref tiaudioutils::ALSAInPort "ALSAInPort"
[ALSAOutPort]: \ref tiaudioutils::ALSAOutPort "ALSAOutPort"
[ALSAControl]: \ref tiaudioutils::ALSAControl "ALSAControl"
[ALSAMixer]: \ref tiaudioutils::ALSAMixer "ALSAMixer"
[SimpleInStream]: \ref tiaudioutils::SimpleInStream "SimpleInStream"
[SimpleOutStream]: \ref tiaudioutils::SimpleOutStream "SimpleOutStream"
[SimpleReader]: \ref tiaudioutils::SimpleReader "SimpleReader"
[ReaderProvider]: \ref tiaudioutils::SimpleReader::ReaderProvider "ReaderProvider"
[SimpleWriter]: \ref tiaudioutils::SimpleWriter "SimpleWriter"
[InStream]: \ref tiaudioutils::InStream "InStream"
[AdaptedInStream]: \ref tiaudioutils::AdaptedInStream "AdaptedInStream"
[BufferedInStream]: \ref tiaudioutils::BufferedInStream "BufferedInStream"
[OutStream]: \ref tiaudioutils::OutStream "OutStream"
[AdaptedOutStream]: \ref tiaudioutils::AdaptedOutStream "AdaptedOutStream"
[BufferedOutStream]: \ref tiaudioutils::BufferedOutStream "BufferedOutStream"
[PcmReader]: \ref tiaudioutils::PcmReader "PcmReader"
[PcmWriter]: \ref tiaudioutils::PcmWriter "PcmWriter"
[Merge]: \ref tiaudioutils::Merge "Merge"
[UnMerge]: \ref tiaudioutils::UnMerge "UnMerge"
[MonoPipe]: \ref tiaudioutils::MonoPipe "MonoPipe"
[PipeReader]: \ref tiaudioutils::PipeReader "PipeReader"
[PipeWriter]: \ref tiaudioutils::PipeWriter "PipeWriter"
[tinyalsa]: "tinyalsa"
# PCM stream readers and writers # {#PCMReaderAndWriter}
Audio capture or playback is achieved using streams which are registered to PCM
readers or writers. The life cycle of a PCM stream and its reader/writer is as
1. Create a PCM reader/writer for a given PCM input/output port.
2. Create a PCM stream and register it to the reader/writer.
3. Start the stream.
4. Read/write data using the stream object, if applicable. Some stream types
don't require explicit read() or write() calls, instead buffers are acquired
using the [BufferProvider] interface.
5. Stop the stream.
6. Unregister the stream and destroy it if needed.
7. Destroy the PCM reader/writer if no more streams are registered and active.
All the stream types supported by this library can transparently do sample rate
conversion if the stream sampling rate differs from the PCM port's.
The [buffer provider][BufferProvider] interface describes the mechanism used to
[acquire](\ref tiaudioutils::BufferProvider::getNextBuffer) and
[release](\ref tiaudioutils::BufferProvider::releaseBuffer) buffers.
An [audio buffer][Buffer] is defined in terms of its size (in frames) and its
location in memory. The life cycle of the audio buffer delivered by a provider
is as follows:
1. The PCM reader/writer requests a new buffer through the
[getNextBuffer()](\ref tiaudioutils::BufferProvider::getNextBuffer) method.
The requestor must specify a valid buffer size by setting the buffer's frame
count field.
2. The provider gets the buffer request and determines whether the requested
size can be delivered or not, if not the buffer frame count is updated.
The provider also sets the pointer to the actual buffer in memory.
3. The PCM reader/writer uses the buffer and releases it through the
[releaseBuffer()](\ref tiaudioutils::BufferProvider::releaseBuffer) method.
4. The provider gets the buffer release call and reuses or frees the buffer.
The buffer provider mechanism is used by the non-simple streams described in
the [Merge Stream](#MStream) and [Un-Merge Stream](#UMStream) sections.
## Simple stream ## {#SimpleStream}
Simple stream classes can be used when the data going to or coming from the
hardware doesn't need any additional processing, that is, when the audio stream
is connected directly to a PCM port.
digraph SimpleDiag {
node [shape=box,fontsize=10,height=0.25];
AudioFrameCabin [label="Audio Frame"];
AudioFrameBS1 [label="Audio Frame"];
AudioFrameBS2 [label="Audio Frame"];
Cabin -> AudioFrameCabin -> PcmOutPort1;
BackSeat1 -> AudioFrameBS1 -> PcmOutPort2;
BackSeat2 -> AudioFrameBS2 -> PcmOutPort3;
### Capture ### {#SimpleStreamCapture}
Audio capture is carried out by the [SimpleInStream] and the [SimpleReader].
The simple PCM reader ([SimpleReader]) is in charge of receiving the audio data
from the underlying [PCM port][PCMInPort] and passing it to a simple PCM stream.
The PCM stream needs to be registered before use and unregistered if another
stream will use the reader or if the reader is going to be destroyed.
The simple PCM input stream ([SimpleInStream]) can be directly used in the Audio
HAL to read data from the hardware through the stream's
[read()](\ref tiaudioutils::SimpleInStream::read) method. The audio data is
actually read from the PCM input port by the reader that the stream is registered
### Playback ### {#SimpleStreamPlayback}
Audio playback is carried out by the [SimpleOutStream] and the [SimpleWriter].
The simple PCM writer ([SimpleWriter]) is in charge of taking data from a simple
PCM stream and writing it to an underlying [PCM port][PCMOutPort]. The PCM stream
needs to be registered before use and unregistered if another stream will use the
writer or if the writer is going to be destroyed.
The simple PCM output stream ([SimpleOutStream]) can be directly used in the
Audio HAL to write data to the hardware through the stream's
[write()](\ref tiaudioutils::SimpleOutStream::write) method. The audio data
is actually written to the PCM output port by the writer that the stream is
registered to.
## Un-Merge Stream ## {#UMStream}
The un-merge capable reader can be used when a single audio input port contains
data for multiple input streams. The data for each stream comes into specific
slots of the incoming hardware data stream.
digraph UnMergeDiag {
node [shape=box,fontsize=10,height=0.25];
AudioFrame [shape=record,label="{Audio\ Frame|{<f0>0|<f1>1|<f2>2|<f3>3|<f4>4|<f5>5}}"];
Stream1 [label="Stream 1"];
Stream2 [label="Stream 2"];
PcmInPort -> AudioFrame;
"AudioFrame":f0:s -> Stream1;
"AudioFrame":f1:s -> Stream1;
"AudioFrame":f2:s -> Stream2;
"AudioFrame":f2:s -> Stream2;
Audio capture is carried out by the [PcmReader] and an input stream: [InStream],
[AdaptedInStream] or [BufferedInStream].
### PCM reader ### {#PCMReader}
The PCM reader ([PcmReader]) is in charge of receiving the audio data from the
the underlying [PCM port][PcmInPort], extracting the corresponding channels from
the incoming stream and copying them to the registered streams.
The un-merge operation is performed by the [UnMerge] class which uses a
source-to-destination [slot map][SlotMap] to determine the channels to be
un-merged and the order and/or position. Slots that don't have any stream active
at a given time are filled with zeros. The [UnMerge] class is flexible enough to
allow channel duplication (one channel in the source to multiple channels in the
destination) or rearranging the channels of the incoming stream (remix).
The PCM reader uses the pull mechanism based on [buffer providers][BufferProvider]
described in the [PCM stream readers and writers](#PCMReaderAndWriter) section to
get the audio buffers from all its registered streams. These buffers are filled
by the reader with new un-merged data and then released.
### Input streams ### {#PcmInStream}
The [InStream] is created with a buffer provider that is automatically called
when the reader needs the next buffer to fill new data. This type of stream can
be useful when the provider itself can deliver the audio buffers and later store
them in their final destination (e.g. when audio data is stored in a file or
in a circular buffer / pipe).
The [AdaptedInStream] uses an [adaptor][BufferAdaptor] to connect a push-based
stream with a PCM reader that requires pull-based streams. The adapted input
stream provides a [read()](\ref tiaudioutils::AdaptedInStream::read) method
that can be called directly from the Audio HAL, while also implements the
[BufferProvider] interface that the reader needs. The adaptation is bufferless
so it doesn't add extra latency.
The [BufferedInStream] uses an internal buffer to adapt the read() calls from
the Audio HAL and the [BufferProvider] interface that the reader needs. The
consumer side (Audio HAL) reads data using the push mechanism (through the
[read()](\ref tiaudioutils::BufferedInStream::read) method provided by the
buffered input stream) while the producer side (PCM reader) writes the data to
the buffer using the pull mechanism. The size of internal buffer is configurable,
but it adds a delay to the audio path.
## Merge Stream ## {#MStream}
The merge capable writer can be used when a single audio output port carries
data for multiple streams. For example, when the three listening zones are
routed to specific slots of a single, multi-channel PCM output port, and the
data from each zone must be merged before it's passed to the hardware for
digraph MergeDiag {
node [shape=box,fontsize=10,height=0.25];
AudioFrame [shape=record,label="{{<f0>0|<f1>1|<f2>2|<f3>3|<f4>4|<f5>5}|Audio\ Frame}"];
Cabin:s -> "AudioFrame":f0:n;
Cabin:se -> "AudioFrame":f1:n;
BackSeat1:sw -> "AudioFrame":f2:n;
BackSeat1:se -> "AudioFrame":f3:n;
BackSeat2:sw -> "AudioFrame":f4:n;
BackSeat2:s -> "AudioFrame":f5:n;
AudioFrame -> PcmOutPort;
Audio playback is carried out by the [PcmWriter] and an output stream:
[OutStream], [AdaptedOutStream] or [BufferedOutStream].
### PCM writer ### {#PCMWriter}
The PCM writer ([PcmWriter]) is in charge of taking data from all registered
streams, copying the audio samples from each stream into preassigned slots of the
resulting stream and writing it to an underlying [PCM port][PcmOutPort].
The merge operation is performed by the [Merge] class which uses a
source-to-destination [slot map][SlotMap] to determine the channels to be merged
and the order and/or position. Slots that don't have any stream active at a
given time are filled with zeros. The [Merge] class is flexible enough to allow
channel duplication (one channel in the source to multiple channels in the
destination) or rearranging the channels of the incoming stream (remix) which
could be useful for multi-channel streams where the audio track and the hardware
sink don't have the same slot allocation.
The PCM writer uses the pull mechanism based on [buffer providers][BufferProvider]
described in the [PCM stream readers and writers](#PCMReaderAndWriter) section to
get the audio buffers from all its registered streams.
### Output streams ### {#PcmOutStream}
The [OutStream] is created with a buffer provider that is automatically called
when the writer needs more data. This type of stream can be useful when the
provider itself can deliver the audio buffers filled with new data (e.g. when
the audio data is stored in a file or in a circular buffer / pipe).
The [AdaptedOutStream] uses an [adaptor][BufferAdaptor] to connect a push-based
stream with a PCM writer that requires pull-based streams. The adapted output
stream provides a [write()](\ref tiaudioutils::AdaptedOutStream::write) method
that can be called directly from the Audio HAL, while also implements the
[BufferProvider] interface that the writer needs. The adaptation is bufferless
so it doesn't add extra latency.
The [BufferedOutStream] uses an internal buffer to adapt the write() calls from
the Audio HAL and the [BufferProvider] interface that the writer needs. The
producer side (Audio HAL) writes data using the push mechanism (through the
[write()](\ref tiaudioutils::BufferedOutStream::write) method provided by the
buffered output stream) while the consumer side (PCM writer) reads the data from
the buffer using the pull mechanism. The size of internal buffer is configurable,
but it adds a delay to the audio path.
## Circular Buffer: the Mono Pipe ## {#MonoPipe}
The [mono pipe][MonoPipe] is a circular buffer where there is a single producer
and a single consumer. Currently, the pipe's implementation in this library
relies on the Android's NBAIO (Non-Blocking Audio I/O) implementation.
A [pipe reader][PipeReader] and a [pipe writer][PipeWriter] are buffer providers
aimed to facilitate the interaction of PCM readers and writers with the mono pipe.
digraph PipeDiag {
node [shape=box,fontsize=10,height=0.25];
MonoPipe [shape=record,label="{MonoPipe |{<f0>|<f1>|<f2>|<f3>|<f4>}}"];
"MonoPipe":f0:w -> PipeWriter [dir=back];
"MonoPipe":f4:e -> PipeReader;
PipeWriter -> PcmReader [label=" InStream",fontsize=10,dir=back];
PipeReader -> PcmWriter [label=" OutStream",fontsize=10];
PcmReader -> PcmInPort [dir=back];
PcmWriter -> PcmOutPort;
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