Make imports more Scala 2.8-friendly.

In Scala 2.8 there has been a change in which scopes are introduced by
import clauses. This enforced the need of using absolute paths to imported

This change is backwards-compatible with Scala 2.7.5.

The change to Scala's scope handling is explained here:

This change does not resolve all problems with porting Gimd's code to
Scala 2.8 but it's enough to make the latest version of IntelliJ happy.

Change-Id: Idfa91fe5d30f97c1918eecc3be2ac8fe51d09f92
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kossakowski <>
18 files changed
tree: 268a8a9c0188195e45f2c40409b22b392b7cd993
  1. src/
  2. .gitattributes
  3. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml