blob: fc824844be6e672f2e04792b4c698c52233f7316 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.openapi.editor;
import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.UserDataHolderEx;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Represents a specific caret instance in the editor when it support multiple carets (see {@link CaretModel#supportsMultipleCarets()}.
* Provides methods to query and modify caret position and caret's associated selection.
public interface Caret extends UserDataHolderEx, Disposable {
* Returns an instance of Editor, current caret belongs to.
Editor getEditor();
* Returns an instance of CaretModel, current caret is associated with.
CaretModel getCaretModel();
* Tells whether this caret is valid, i.e. recognized by the caret model currently. Caret is valid since its creation till its
* removal from caret model.
* @see com.intellij.openapi.editor.CaretModel#addCaret(VisualPosition)
* @see com.intellij.openapi.editor.CaretModel#removeCaret(Caret)
boolean isValid();
* Moves the caret by the specified number of lines and/or columns.
* @param columnShift the number of columns to move the caret by.
* @param lineShift the number of lines to move the caret by.
* @param withSelection if true, the caret move should extend the selection in the document.
* @param scrollToCaret if true, the document should be scrolled so that the caret is visible after the move.
void moveCaretRelatively(int columnShift,
int lineShift,
boolean withSelection,
boolean scrollToCaret);
* Moves the caret to the specified logical position.
* If corresponding position is in the folded region currently, the region will be expanded.
* @param pos the position to move to.
void moveToLogicalPosition(@NotNull LogicalPosition pos);
* Moves the caret to the specified visual position.
* @param pos the position to move to.
void moveToVisualPosition(@NotNull VisualPosition pos);
* Short hand for calling {@link #moveToOffset(int, boolean)} with <code>'false'</code> as a second argument.
* @param offset the offset to move to
void moveToOffset(int offset);
* Moves the caret to the specified offset in the document.
* If corresponding position is in the folded region currently, the region will be expanded.
* @param offset the offset to move to.
* @param locateBeforeSoftWrap there is a possible case that there is a soft wrap at the given offset, hence, the same offset
* corresponds to two different visual positions - just before soft wrap and just after soft wrap.
* We may want to clearly indicate where to put the caret then. Given parameter allows to do that.
* <b>Note:</b> it's ignored if there is no soft wrap at the given offset
void moveToOffset(int offset, boolean locateBeforeSoftWrap);
* Caret position may be updated on document change (e.g. consider that user updates from VCS that causes addition of text
* before caret. Caret offset, visual and logical positions should be updated then). So, there is a possible case
* that caret model in in the process of caret position update now.
* <p/>
* Current method allows to check that.
* @return <code>true</code> if caret position is up-to-date for now; <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean isUpToDate();
* Returns the logical position of the caret.
* @return the caret position.
LogicalPosition getLogicalPosition();
* Returns the visual position of the caret.
* @return the caret position.
VisualPosition getVisualPosition();
* Returns the offset of the caret in the document.
* @return the caret offset.
int getOffset();
* @return document offset for the start of the logical line where caret is located
int getVisualLineStart();
* @return document offset that points to the first symbol shown at the next visual line after the one with caret on it
int getVisualLineEnd();
* Returns the start offset in the document of the selected text range, or the caret
* position if there is currently no selection.
* @return the selection start offset.
int getSelectionStart();
* @return object that encapsulates information about visual position of selected text start if any
VisualPosition getSelectionStartPosition();
* Returns the end offset in the document of the selected text range, or the caret
* position if there is currently no selection.
* @return the selection end offset.
int getSelectionEnd();
* @return object that encapsulates information about visual position of selected text end if any;
VisualPosition getSelectionEndPosition();
* Returns the text selected in the editor.
* @return the selected text, or null if there is currently no selection.
String getSelectedText();
* Returns the offset from which the user started to extend the selection (the selection start
* if the selection was extended in forward direction, or the selection end if it was
* extended backward).
* @return the offset from which the selection was started, or the caret offset if there is
* currently no selection.
int getLeadSelectionOffset();
* @return object that encapsulates information about visual position from which the user started to extend the selection if any
VisualPosition getLeadSelectionPosition();
* Checks if a range of text is currently selected.
* @return true if a range of text is selected, false otherwise.
boolean hasSelection();
* Selects the specified range of text.
* <p>
* System selection will be updated, if such feature is supported by current editor.
* @param startOffset the start offset of the text range to select.
* @param endOffset the end offset of the text range to select.
void setSelection(int startOffset, int endOffset);
* Selects the specified range of text.
* @param startOffset the start offset of the text range to select.
* @param endOffset the end offset of the text range to select.
* @param updateSystemSelection whether system selection should be updated (might not have any effect if current editor doesn't support such a feature)
void setSelection(int startOffset, int endOffset, boolean updateSystemSelection);
* Selects target range providing information about visual boundary of selection end.
* <p/>
* That is the case for soft wraps-aware processing where the whole soft wraps virtual space is matched to the same offset.
* <p/>
* Also, in column mode this method allows to create selection spanning virtual space after the line end.
* <p>
* System selection will be updated, if such feature is supported by current editor.
* @param startOffset start selection offset
* @param endPosition end visual position of the text range to select (<code>null</code> argument means that
* no specific visual position should be used)
* @param endOffset end selection offset
void setSelection(int startOffset, @Nullable VisualPosition endPosition, int endOffset);
* Selects target range based on its visual boundaries.
* <p/>
* That is the case for soft wraps-aware processing where the whole soft wraps virtual space is matched to the same offset.
* <p/>
* Also, in column mode this method allows to create selection spanning virtual space after the line end.
* <p>
* System selection will be updated, if such feature is supported by current editor.
* @param startPosition start visual position of the text range to select (<code>null</code> argument means that
* no specific visual position should be used)
* @param endPosition end visual position of the text range to select (<code>null</code> argument means that
* no specific visual position should be used)
* @param startOffset start selection offset
* @param endOffset end selection offset
void setSelection(@Nullable VisualPosition startPosition, int startOffset, @Nullable VisualPosition endPosition, int endOffset);
* Selects target range based on its visual boundaries.
* <p/>
* That is the case for soft wraps-aware processing where the whole soft wraps virtual space is matched to the same offset.
* <p/>
* Also, in column mode this method allows to create selection spanning virtual space after the line end.
* @param startPosition start visual position of the text range to select (<code>null</code> argument means that
* no specific visual position should be used)
* @param endPosition end visual position of the text range to select (<code>null</code> argument means that
* no specific visual position should be used)
* @param startOffset start selection offset
* @param endOffset end selection offset
* @param updateSystemSelection whether system selection should be updated (might not have any effect if current editor doesn't support such a feature)
void setSelection(@Nullable VisualPosition startPosition, int startOffset, @Nullable VisualPosition endPosition, int endOffset, boolean updateSystemSelection);
* Removes the selection in the editor.
void removeSelection();
* Selects the entire line of text at the caret position.
void selectLineAtCaret();
* Selects the entire word at the caret position, optionally using camel-case rules to
* determine word boundaries.
* @param honorCamelWordsSettings if true and "Use CamelHumps words" is enabled,
* upper-case letters within the word are considered as
* boundaries for the range of text to select.
void selectWordAtCaret(boolean honorCamelWordsSettings);
* Clones the current caret and positions the new one right above or below the current one. If current caret has selection, corresponding
* selection will be set for the new caret.
* @param above if <code>true</code>, new caret will be created at the previous line, if <code>false</code> - on the next line
* @return newly created caret instance, or <code>null</code> if the caret cannot be created because it already exists at the new location
* or caret model doesn't support multiple carets.
Caret clone(boolean above);