blob: 9abc7f55360969e4d80e90a1d1129f47253fd13f [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Comparator;
class TestIDEA
public static class Test1<Type extends List & Serializable>
public void process(Serializable s)
public void process(Type t)
public static class Test2 extends Test1<ArrayList>
public void process(Serializable s)
public void process(ArrayList t)
super.process(t); // this call is OK resolving to parameterized method in super
public static void main(String[] args)
Test2 test=new Test2();
ArrayList list=new ArrayList();
class Key<T> {
Object add(T v) {
return v;
class WKey<W, T> extends Key<T> {
W add(T v) {
return null;
class IBug {
public static <W, T> void addItem(WKey<W, T> key, T v) {
key.add(v); // --> demetra draw this in red, see attachment
abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object> {
public abstract int compare(String source, String target);
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return compare((String)o1, (String)o2);
public void foo(Collator c) {"foo", "bar");
//end of //IDEADEV-7698