Snapshot 1fff8e2b7bbcfdea262d3782d4307ca6437da2a3 from idea/136.1153 of git://

38fcfd7: try more times to connect.
6ee4e80: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
85a331b: Cleanup.
8e1582f: Logging an error in case of absent name.
a33ddd0: Add javadoc for RemoteConnectionType.
c9cea5a9: introduce OrphanGuardian interface
cadf1a7: Revert "hide on UI changes"
62aa21e: avoid status bar update on internal method invoke
c22e314: nashorn conditional breakpoints
f03bc43: cleanup
9372f19: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
94f10a8: PY-12367 loop variable should be able to reuse on else clause
1b02460: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c5294ef: hide on UI changes
3259502: fix NavBar blinking and resizing on Color Scheme change due to async tweaking in updateUI
97eddb8: Cosmetic changes
fede9f0: IDEA-122004 Good code red: surefire.forkNumber in pom.xml
ce5b97b: fix UI artifacts after exiting from Presentation Mode
6937b4d: StatusBar doesn't change when perform Prefs -> Appearance -> Custom fonts
30d235a: IdeRepaintManager.checkThreadViolations fix during readExternal()
7346c3a: [log] IDEA-118576 Don't show focus border
cc3e0c5: [log] IDEA-115902 Fix visual artifact on multi-repo indicator
1146cb6: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b991bf2d: PY-11948 Run Task ignores environment variables defined for Django Console (and Python Console)
4e41daa: IDEA-122035 accept "tip" as a branch name
d8382bb: remove unneeded read actions
d348434: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6248e48: moved unittest tests to env tests
ee3f4a5: IDEA-121966 Multiple-Cursor Jumpy
f8e6cc5: moved doctest tests to env tests
914621c: IDEA-121295 If property part of new property - unable to introduce new property - Maven
db3f6c7: replace tuple with list quick fix for tuple item assignment inspection
e7cd951: Presentation Mode: common font-size fix for all toolwindows with trees
12f048b: Wrap with Exception quick fix for Raising a string exception inspection
0f5ec0d: Propose change signature quick fix for Method signature does not match signature of overridden method inspection
07ecf4d: cleanup
6ac6f4d: IDEA-122049 Mac messages: in some cases parent window is incorrectly detected
5ee2cf2: added remove return statement quick fix for the return from init inspection
1f0a076: IDEA-121995 Code selection is reseted on last line with space if Allow placement of caret inside tabs is enabled
54936df: added rename argument quick fix for the Incorrect call arguments inspection
45020ac: move quick fix to proper place
e909581: IDEA-105935 Facets excluded from detection are still added on maven reimport
57c3cd7: Optimize MavenImporter.getSuitableImporters()
f0d0f8e: do not build VFS for excluded directories
34c32ea: added remove argument quick fix to the Incorrect call arguments inspection
09f5de3: extract variables and method
a145844: EA-54755 - NPE: FoldingUtil.findFoldRegionStartingAtLine
c37d1ba: libs for project templates
f7fad4d: IDEA-88443 (Run Inspection by Name: Inspections with same name are only shown once)
8521b4b: improve description
b65fdb0: show problematic plugins
13cfa13: extract method
06cf300: Merge branch 'master' of
4c2734f: after uninstall of a plugin the button should show "Restart"
1dbe26d: IDEA-121807 - Tomcat Logs doesn't show
02ad525: init nashorn conditional breakpoints
6cd525c: cleanup
1a0161e: cleanup
e939ebe: reverted fix for IDEA-121961 because of failing test
8b32345: after installation of a plugin the button still shows "Install"
e6e0d7d: Merge branch 'master' of
1cb358a: IDEA-85098 Intellij is not supporting groovy-eclipse-compiler
fd27d3b: IDEA-120027 - Import Git-cloud apps from sources - register VCS roots
787d068: filter by custom/bundled
b5950b4: IDEA-120027 - Import Git-cloud apps from sources - single account for all run configurations
53f918f: align text and make header bg match to html bg
cf75116: IDEA-121695 Add managed dependency info on hover over icon
2e5effd: IDEA-121762 Navigate->Select in: for Spring MVC Controller
e301c4e: [log] IDEA-118328 Fix already disposed
5a621a4: updated plugin should have MODIFIED foreground
b46a3bb: hide description on custom plugin panel
f8155ad: add description label
6c9c9f6: added change signature refactoring quick fix to the Incompatible signatures of _new_ and _init_ inspection
bb243be: cleanup
35312e5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e02ca9c: comment testdata
11cea86: New messages are implemented for jdk7 and latter jdk versions for now.
753497a3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ec60260: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2a91bce: highlight both incompatible signatures
a314614: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fefdeaf: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4afd85f: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
4b797eb: cleanup
168dbd0: IDEA-117493 Native crash in Mac launcher
88ed475: diff: do not show 'No changes' panel when 'Can not show diff' should be shown
a148809: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
88c7d65: lambda completion: strip unnecessary parenthesis, generate parameter names as for override/implement (IDEA-121947)
f738b51: diamonds: incompatible error due to cls class in default package fixed - cls file doesn't process declarations! = need to switch to mirror (IDEA-121866)
2fefd8b: abstract method overrides abstract: distinguish between covariant returns (IDEA-121930)
d851893: testdata for IDEA-121999
b89dc39: testdata for IDEA-121884
7d747c8: new inference: most specific with same functional interface presence
465325a: new inference: nested varargs
144684b: java 8: accept diamonds in method calls
4112118: new inference: choose most specifics between 2 varargs methods
1ee2942: new inference: raw inner class method qualifier fixed (IDEA-121909)
912e13d: add junit4.jar together with hamcrest (IDEA-119626)
10760d9: new inference: process varargs as separate method candidate/separate phase
69c6b7b: java 8 compatibility
62328cf: inspections: completely ignore currently unresolved scopes
fb20169: new inference: reject varargs as method reference target
0f40eb9: new inference: exact method reference is not pertinent to applicability when target type is type parameter
f64d239: rename suggestions: suggest new names for non-variables (IDEA-121982)
05289e4: Guess Python language level from SDKs of opened projects if it's not available for PSI elements
c1346de: codestyle cleanup
ee5f16e: added Add Exception base class quick fix to the Exception doesn't inherit from standard ''Exception'' class inspection
5b8ebf6: EA-54668 - NPE: Breakpoint.setLogEnabled
90c4e07: codestyle cleanup
61b1cb2: do not store reference to PsiElement in qFix, codestyle cleanup, cleanup deprecated method usage
28cc4de: Fix mappings initialization.
41c9f6f: NotNull annotations and checks.
4334ce2: Cleanup (pointless exceptions; field extracted; formatting)
278b8d6: IDEA-121928 Grails 2.3.7 reloading is broken in IntelliJ 13.0.2
bb5986d: IDEA-121938 (serialPersistentFields trips "MismatchedReadAndWriteOfArray" inspection)
93974a3: fix description
58a3377: IDEA-121920 (X/X can be replaced with X - incorrect arithmetic)
7f73d5e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
177f404: Fixed Nullable/NotNull annotations.
f058695: IDEA-54387 (type annotations in introduce parameter)
6bf6d11: Cleanup (pointless exceptions; typos; formatting)
e5fb46b: VcsIntegrationEnablerTest implemented for mock test vcs
c6a1054: IDEA-121990 Filter by old branch fails with exception if full graph is not loaded
7a73eee: IDEA-121961 Debugger: evaluate from variables doesn't include context
e2eaf0d: Support 'overwrite' parameter for maven-resources-plugin.
2acd338: rebase several problems fixed
2ace00e: cleanup deprecated method usage
298c646: @NotNull getStatementList
20269f4: do not store reference to PyFile in add function quickfix
5bd7108: code style cleanup
546c689: get rid of deprecated functions use
85b572b: do not store reference to PsiElement in add field quickfix
a3343a3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f96d241: turn java messages on
d2d3aa0: IDEA-116134 Inherited maven resource filtering is not applied
532e079: do not suggest python run configuration for scratch files
fc9c134: fix ui under darcula
b00e8a2: [log] IDEA-121992 Recalculate old heads values
813b0dc: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8d41286: Package method for checking version added
4155d62: code style cleanup
757f50b: code style cleanup
f5ac410: cleanup
37c7fca: removed state from add super call quickfix, added tests
08e2f55: refactoring - following CR-IC-4721
c415007: Cleanup (formatting; javadoc)
64c651e: IDEA-54397 (type annotations in override/implement)
3f3e064: IDEA-54396 (type annotations in "Wrap Return Value")
b360456: IDEA-104026 (Java type annotation formatting)
744d7c8: java: "wrap return value" bean formatting fixed
1540e54: Cleanup (pointless exceptions; formatting; nullability)
fb7c097: IDEA-121834 (generic exception substituted)
378b22a: added format specifier quick fix for the python string format inspection
041748c: Package method for checking version addded
35cc71f: eclipse compiler updated to the latest version
7c1a2d6: [git log] Add icon for deep compare function
741e9b9: [log] IDEA-121875 Enable manual commits sorting in VCS that support it
ee27725: make mouse shortcut for adding/removing carets configurable (IDEA-80056)
2ba4ece: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8dd9cc4: added remove dictionary key quick fix for the Dictionary contains duplicate keys inspection
f0a66f7: [log] Fix HashImpl equals
5bd2cdd: [log] HashImpl: remove the caching map
0affa6a: dom: use ReflectionUtil.getClass{Public,Declared}Methods to skip synthetic methods (which change from one java version to another)
aea8f6d: added move except clause quick fix for the Bad except clauses order inspection
39ca570: IDEA-121935 (Inspections: Overloaded variable argument method: every non-problematic method adds a warning)
8d172ac: IDEA-121952 (Java 1.8: "Interface may be annotated with @FunctionalInterface" inspection reports already annotated interfaces)
b1977ea: added Remove assignment quick fix for the Assigning function call that doesn't return anything inspection
81ca41b: test fixed
b6b5a68: fixed PY-11981 "PEP 8 naming convention violation" inspection treats class attributes as function variables
f791db7: fixed PY-10342 Instance attribute defined outside init: detect functions called in init
4d76bdb: Statement list cannot be null
f839260: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6f6d813: fixed PY-12033 PyAbstractClass invalid warning for properties.
85d52dd: IDEA-118296 Impossible to "Prevent App Nap" for the 133.* in MacOSX 10.9 (Mavericks)
c748cef: artwork update for 13.1
2ee2888: attempt to clarify the inspection description
c517b2c: add test
5a0f6fb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4b96dbf: IDEA-116029 in-place introduce variable name suggestions popup disappears before I can select anything PARTIAL ROLLBACK, fix to be continued...
bd199f1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b3dfff9: partially reverting 10f6a0f: psi depedent index get buffering status updates because they are applied to unsaved committed documents
255512d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fa8f612: Move ssh connection provider to remote-run.
1357e2b: use a more memory-efficient structure to hold a long indexed file list
a0885a9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
23b20a8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
69c9865: fix test
bbf4741: - Removed dependency on remote-run in vagrant plugin (PY-12254). - New api for path mappings providers (old left for compatibility with RubyMine and PhpStorm) - Fix launching of Python console for remote interpreter.
e5d9dff: add -> keyword to cpp and make sure it's lexed correctly (IDEA-121906)
5e71180: add a proxy test that fails on java 8
ffa6350: enable new nashorn variables view by default
c60c038: style: remove unnecessary method
965aafa: for unsaved documents with committed state and psi backed index use the same logic as for unsaved documents with plain index
8c56a6b: github tests with wrong notifications fixed
8ce415d: [log] Fix tests. (fix wrong line separators)
ff002de: [log] Remake VcsLogJoiner without recursion.
7ac6e11: [log] IDEA-118947 Implement special highlighting for cherry-pick
881645a: [log] Add ability to listen to possible filter changes
eff05ea: [log] Add ability to reuse branches filter popup
d282a0e: [log] Expose VcsLogRefs into API
3d81303: [log] Expose the VcsLogFilterUi to the API, let set filter value
a54504c: [log] repaint ui after adding highlighter
542550f: [log] make constants final
7066854: [log] Introduce VcsLogDataProvider to the API as part of VcsLogDataHolder
e10b40f: [log] Expose VcsLogUI & DataPack to the vcs-log-api
55c79a0: [log] Make it possible to add VcsLogHighlighters to the log table.
0bca3c6: [log] Remove obsolete CommitCell & its Renderer
61e2ecc: renderValue — add XValue parameter to simplify, why we need to create
b6738e4: Merge branch 'master' of
8e48244: IDEA-119822 - Support Heroku Debug
1052ef2: less garbage
35a1eba: optimisation: use AtomicLazyNullableValue to avoid extra indirection and save memory
cce38ff: cleanup
799041b: notnull
f60abae: NPE protection
e6806dd: remove old code commented code
d7464ee: support run configurations
5717d3a: make public and refactor to make accessible from Search Everywhere
20d9cb0: make public
010566a: IDEA-58818 (SSR: strange highlighting of try-catch in preview pane)
4e1ef49: cleanup
52a92f2: Gradle: detect Scala plugin presence dynamically (to avoid cyclical plugin dependency)
0333bd1: Local History: do not load ignored files and folders into VFS
4fbcf60: cleanup
7a80e9c: fix duplicates and wrong order in search everywhere
48d4765: Platform: check and warn when trying to edit non-project files (do not update notifications, when not necessary)
8358761: IDEA-121898 (Add Don't ignore String for inspection "Number costructor..")
5e097fa: IDEA-121088 (Java Inspections: Type may be weakened readObject() writeObject())
68b7c88: add fourth checkbox to description
cbff651: Platform: check and warn when trying to edit non-project files (disabled in tests)
c0847ee: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
590f153: Platform: check and warn when trying to edit non-project files
14a5a6b: gradient colors for buttons
ba067df: initial
774559b: cleanup
9a337d5: IDEA-121494 (Inspection "method overrides private method" can be improved)
cc18c42: add table header with sorters
a4d8900: always use gradient
c559f14: diff: fix UnknownFileType detection
87113dc: re-arrange downloads label
311ff47: github: remove usage of deprecated VcsNotifier API
c3b9b90: [log] IDEA-117553 Optimize details loading: don't parse Changes at once
645caac: 134->136
1168c7b: Cleanup (common method; pointless assertion; formatting)
66eaa91: nashorn: continue variables presentation simplify V8Scope
3627c46: dfa: treat different constants with same values as same (IDEA-121837)
8084cb0: Rebase feature for update project implemented
fc56bcb: Increment hours in comments
044acff: IDEA-121835 "Breakpoints" UI looks clumsy
aa2b1cb: always fold long command line in console (IDEA-121453)
6de56f5: some CharSequence utility methods
defc8ce: IDEA-121800 Live templates are shown in 'Find in Path' dialog if 'autopopup completion' is enabled
dccb826: new inference: cache substitutor for outer call conflict resolution
a5adf26: IDEA-88643 delete item from list of breakpoints by pressing delete key: selection should not return to position 1.
424cffe: [git log] IDEA-121818 Accept HEAD as branch name
a393838: [log] IDEA-121817 Fix keeping selection
70c52ca: [log] Remove the obsolete NoGraphTableModel & simplify the code which used to use it
f41b964: [log] unused
611e758: StringExpressionHelper: JSF->Java-Analysis
54fccb5: IDEA-121828 (Add single member static import intention should be available on incomplete code)
6d2515c: fix IDEA-112499 for single member static imports
811fdf5: fix IDEA-112499 for on demand imports
b52ec5f: IDEA-121784 (Add on demand static import intention not available when single-member static import present)
8853670: IDEA-119908 Smart Step doesn't work for classes generated with java 8
e36425ec: Moved LanguageLevel.forFile() to PyUtil.getLanguageLevelForVirtualFile()
8870abb: Get Python language level from PsiElements where possible instead VirtualFiles
7438ce8: added create property quick fix for the property access inspection
ead71e4: IDEA-121645 Breakpoints conversion: disabled condition is just lost
60fa43c: use constant for history id
15cb81b: continue decouple xdebugger ex ui — XValue/XStackFrame impl
8238972: added Make public quick fix for the protected member access inspection
f471666: fixed NPE in BreakpointManager.getPsiFile
aae9011: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
155f99a: added create property quick fix
d9ae792: IDEA-121806 Breakpoints fail after file modification
e7713c6: test fixed
b5b1518: cleanup
1f2f49e: Platform: do not reverse tabs order on project reopening (IDEA-121816) + new tabs should open on the right (OC-3490)
2b21896: enable multiple carets by default (IDEA-80056)
44646fe: comment added for CPP-147 fix
6da7645: EA-54287 (diagnostic)
eab3611: fixed code style
25c45d1: added rename quick fix to the protected member inspection
d29cdc8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2527c3a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6f729cf: EnforcedPlainTextFileTypeManager: pass project as a parameter [CR-IC-4656]
8e176ce: EnforcedPlainTextFileTypeManager: Fix broken file status update sequence (PhpCompletionTest.testExcludedFiles()) [CR-IC-4656]
a5f3040: Use HttpMethod#hasBeenUsed to prevent NPE, if server response was not received
218756a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3b799e4: filtering templates by frameworks
2670f2d: yellow code
6a440f7: IDEA-121259 Generated toString() placed in incorrect class
3588589: IDEA-121803 (Windows date/time format translation error)
c49bd80: svn: Perform saving all documents during move/rename in SvnFileSystemListener only if operations are related to files under svn - otherwise it could break functionality not related to svn (like renaming file under git) if svn plugin is enabled
b6f778a: disable test navigation outside test roots
43d2b2e: default mapping for SelectAllOccurrences action (IDEA-80056)
da2374a: if facet has associated framework show 'add facet' instead of 'add framework support' dialog in Project Structure (IDEA-120643, IDEA-113833)
594cad9: WEB-10567 Implemented a way to stop run configurations when starting incompatible ones. The idea is that some run configurations may implement CompatibilityAwareRunProfile.isCompatibleWith method and signal that they are not compatible with the run configuration being started so a dialog is displayed to a user and the user can choose to stop incompatible configurations. +review CR-IC
b814f54: IDEA-121403 Live Template: "Surround with tag" should not be applicable while editing XmlAttributeValue
8db0857: better category name
40c45ca: do not add generic builder for "category" templates (e.g. Java FX)
79feee3: EditorActionHandler API cleanup (IDEA-80056)
f4bbcbc: notify listener on task cancellation
a53cccd: IDEA-71048 (test fixed)
4b6b959: system.out removed
3b408e6: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
38bdd09: Open terminal in folder that was dragged to it from project view (IDEA-115145).
4586d4a: IDEA-71048 (system date/time formats on Windows)
6a119d1: platform: batch load system date/time formats
c4e7e1f: Cleanup (pointless exceptions; formatting)
177a1d9: drop deprecated stuff
e5740c5: Return true from dispatch in case of event processing.
38764d4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8f8ef28: IDEA-114457 Undocked 'project' tool window doesn't always automatically hide when I double-click to open a file Animation fix (don't freeze EDT, use Animator), request focus fix.
5ac6d6f: cleanup
e02f4ef: Terminal should override IDE shortcuts by default (IDEA-118837).
fd85821: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
026cf99: PY-12022 Clicking "Rerun" button of "Run Task..." doesn't stop current process
eb2b2db: don't treat live template complete() as second basic completion invocation (HtmlCompletionTest.testXhtmlCompletionInHtml)
6ebe750: dumb-aware actions in the Messages panel
557cca9: IDEA-108072 (Don't suggest to add on-demand static import for the current class)
8d6f72b: IDEA-121756 Don't provide postfix completion options in java string literals
c738a20: IDEA-89020 Disappears value of the variables standing next in Live templates IDEA-121634 Live Template: template is broken with 3+ variables and leading space
31dbd88: use constant empty array (following CR-IC-4606)
8537206: Extract RSS parsing logic and thus remove Atlassian plugin sources completely
1f4a22c: Fix Flex tests + IDEA-121771 <fx:Script> tag autocomplete broken
b08a89d: cache scope attribute keys to reduce daemon garbage
ddd7530: IDEA-121609 Cannot find '+' + using Find in Path
f723320: Merge branch 'master' of
c66ea39: Local History fix: load file children on fileCreated event (second try)
1c7fa2c: IDEA-120027 - Import Git-cloud apps from sources - Heroku
5eab7d1: try single member static import first in live templates
364298f: IDEA-121738 Shift-click in gutter doesn't create 'no suspend' breakpoint anymore
a0a8fe7: fixed editBreakpoint
912e749: diff: do not apply single change multiple times
3403bab: IDEA-12609 diff: do not consider equal changes as conflict
5379407: diff: do not create empty change on applying modified part of 'modified - deleted' conflict
a0c4ea5: diff: rewrite MergeBuilder and MergeList
fc8f64b: merge: rewrite MergeBuilder
90390cf: merge: add test
0adb7cc: @NotNull
bbe7af5: move Inject SQL tip to intelliLang-java
f14856e: speeding up 'Synchronizing output directories': avoid unnecessary rootsChanges events if many output directories were created during compilation (ZD-22766, IDEA-116757)
06b2ee3: fixed PY-11293 namedtuple underscore-methods are not protected
f00ecc2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2a07097: [git log] don't query ALL when branches to query are specified
397158b: VcsNotifier methods renamed according to their notification groups
24ce9d6: Exception throw  for Unit Test mode removed from GitBranchOperation
6ef9934: CPP-147 PSI is build for files from another project +review CR-IC
64ab58d: nullability
c221e1a: cleanup
0d4f12a: nashorn: initial getReceiverVariable impl
5ab90de: continue nashorn: variables view
c750301: nullability
86d092e: nullability
c97dd80: IDEA-98746 Annoying editor tab tooltips Step 2: clicks will hide tooltips & affect the point below; true "contains" for balloons
060290a0: make carets retain valid positions on Tab width changes, when multiple carets are enabled (IDEA-80056)
7325dffa: Changed default language level to Python 2.7
fd361c4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1a931f9: lambda: unhandled exceptions inside method body should be treated as those inside anonymous classes (IDEA-121741)
a042720: stream migration inspection: preserve comments (IDEA-121679)
b060c81: stream migration inspection: collapse only primitive new initializers (IDEA-121745)
4d87683: fixed PY-12113 Questionable "access to a protected member of a class" inspection in tests
90d0740: IDEA-98746 Annoying editor tab tooltips Step 1: new setting has been added (Editor -> Editor Tabs -> Show tabs tooltip)
e50b960: [git] remove unused MultipleContentsRevision
70bb70d: [log] Added time measurements to the VCS log
66fb815: renamed resolveWithoutImplicits to getResolveContext (which is more meaningfull)
e1ce2db: [log] Synchonize access to the VcsUserRegistry
a29e2b1: [log] DRY
082b273: [log] prohibit repaint during collapse/expand all branches
6f4a2d5: [log] fireTableStructureChanged if graph changes after some action
23396b0: [log] rename updateUI to repaintUI; unwrap: it shouldn't be executed not from EDT.
347647a: [log] handle answer
a631891: [log] No need to set default cursor
8475418: [log] let handleAnswer be in the single place: VcsLogUI.
43f775c: [log] Add support of getContainingBranches method.
480d1ab: [log] Fix wrong collapse branch nodes.
758c07e: [log] Fix bug related with not load commit node.
a944fe6: [log] Create JumpToNotLoadCommitActionRequest.
610219e: [log] VcsLogSorted fixed.
2d748d6: [log] Disabled selection of relative commits.
03a2a25: [log] Fix performance of collapse all action.
75ff6e6: [log] Add LinearBranchesExpansionAction support. (But collapse all may need more time).
6eaa9bf: [log] Add several debug messages.
45da0e7: [log] Disable draw harmonics in filters.
aeff40e: [log] Add graph for filters.
12bb25e: [log] Don't fail for fresh repositories without commits
bfbc9e4: [log] Don't make graph with always-false filters
33a3bf2: some automatic changes in community modules
ca7f8d3: remove unused
cc1b58a: [log] no filter => null, enable new graph by default, temporary return null if no commits match
c153674: [log] temp diagnostics: why graph sometimes disappear
ab4b7ac: [log] VcsLogSorter stub
8a62c27: [log] temp diagnostics: why graph sometimes disappear
4fd20fc: [log] Fix crash, when mouse over empty row.
8af46ee: [log] Add CollapsedMutableGraph.
6cc0435: [log] Add FragmentGenerator.
0859662: [log] Added highlighting relative commits.
8922251: [log] Extract dfs to DfsUtil.
fe36f19: [log] Simple painter fix.
3e9f31b: [log] Fix not load commit node.
90c7bd1: [log] Fix case when not using new graph for filtering & using old graph facade
b6ed824: [log] IDEA-117157 Filter by multiple branches
eeefcfa: [log] use new graph for filtering commits (disabled by default)
56f381b: [git log] Support filtering by several branches
0cfc872: [log] Fix author column width calculation
20aeb1a: [log] Optimize case with filters: read & store commits without details
01121ba: [log] Add arrow highlighted when mouse over.
4421f12: [log] Add GraphActionDispatcher.
ecdc992: [log] Fix Image overflow.
52db2ef: [log] Fix GraphCellGeneratorImpl.
863d8c7: [log] Fix Branch color.
04a0bc7: [log] Use new GraphFacade
dfc41b0: [log] Temp fix SimpleGraphCellPainter
4f028e7: [log] Copy GraphCellPainter from old log.
62dd4f6: [log] Fix graph, when not all log loaded.
84790b5: [log] Add GraphCellGenerator.
3bf48c4: [log] Add MutableGraph and simple Impl
232fe7f: [log] Add PermanentGraph & Layout
413a6a9: [log] Add GraphFlags
3e4e166: [log] Add IntToIntMap, AbstractIntToIntMap, TreeIntToIntMap and TestTreeIntToIntMap
7642e8a: [log] Get rid of VcsLogDataHolder#getDataPack: pass DataPack manually
435fffb: [log] Explicitly pass VcsLogDataHolder & VcsLogUiProperties
270649b: [log] VcsUserRegistry: return a copy of users map, to avoid CCME
5dd7cd9: [log] Extract graph facade building into separate class
691077d: GraphColorManager initial implementation
a615943: [log] remove no more needed dependencies from vcs-log-graph
be34c32: [log] DataPack: create GraphFacadeImpl instance in build
584e37d: [log] Move GraphFacade implementation to vcs-log-graph module
4e968e1: [log] remove unused stuff from the DataPack.
bfcb3f4: Override paintComponent() instead of paint().
99d52e8: [log] Delegate graph painting to the GraphFacade
c152a29: Move clicks & hovers to the GraphFacade
a00646d: GraphColorManager: more methods + javadocs
98b80a1: rename & check link listener first
54a50ae: GraphAnswer interface
f9b9890: rename to GraphFacade
055f10b: optimize search commit by part of hash
d1b69d1: remove getVisibleCommits since we've got getVisibleCommitCount & getCommitAtRow
411a76f: javadocs
bb8b897: optimize getOneOfHeads: store it in Branch instead of the VirtualFile.
cd4728b: Transition to GraphFacade, step 4: click to row
a74518c: Transition to GraphFacade, step 3: expansion actions
9311f2f: Transition to GraphFacade, step 2: setVisibleBranches
89dd596: Transition to GraphFacade, step 1: getVisibleCommits(), getRoot()
e852593: remove unused methods
8661db5: GraphColorManager
81488e4: some javadocs & GraphInfoProvider extraction
039520b: Graph Black Box refactoring initial step
fce20a5: IDEA-121764 Debugger does not show null values
e14e913: IDEA-121739 Debugger doesn't stop on breakpoints in some anonymous classes
675fa42: fix tests. Rebinding for 'def' reference should do nothing because it references to an inferred variable's type or to a variable itself.
5a54361: IDEA-116134 Inherited maven resource filtering is not applied
1766d06: Groovy: fix parameter info
812d0d6: Groovy: remove redundant GrDefaultAnnotationValue psi.
2bc747e: Groovy: import static intention should be available on argument list
cdfdf8d: IDEA-121662 Unify Groovy and Java Intention behavior
82a4f0d: IDEA-121318 optimizing whether place is child of import statement. Actually place can be a child of an import statement only if it is a GrCodeReferenceElement.
400d1ff: one big comparator for ratings, downloads, updates and status
dbe0372: memory leak fixed
3d017bc: Remove unused SOAP classes generated from WSDL. Leave only basic authorization in legacy connector
d6528d3: vcs notification structure refactored and common integration enabler  provided f or mercurial vcs IDEA-120440
71e985b: IDEA-118548 Fixed locale settings for Mac - so svn launched from IDEA should get correct locale
5f70222: IDEA-121403 Live Template: "Surround with tag" should not be applicable while editing XmlAttributeValue
0e90d93: avoid boxing/unboxing (following CR-IC-4606)
754e7d9: remote table header
99540a3: register all sorters for available plugins table
60861dd: new sorters
ae5ff21: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
455db27: Fixed names of live templates for dict comprehensions (PY-12307)
b2bbf8b: Typo
4569a1c: Don't suggest the initial name if un-pluralization failed (PY-12308)
816b0e4: Don't suggest collection names in live templates that aren't valid Python identifier (PY-12308)
b8412c1: refactor to support multiple sorters
2814c77: Add bundle for common task messages
a4b56a6: java: formatting of type annotations inside type elements
0813c3c: java: type cast intention fixed
37ec0df: update appinfo files
6ff02b1: optimization for breakpoint set in folded code
09c6a8d: method refs: search for potentially applicable members in supers (IDEA-121737)
5412fbc: overload resolution: grab lambda from nested parenthesis as well as conditional expressions
0c7adaa: java: split multi-catch intention simplified; test data made adequate
4969888: java: no annotations needed in type cast
1687a22: Cleanup (unneeded test data)
333e542: Dictionary extended
9da8f7d: IDEA-121384 Breakpoints dialog: for method breakpoint created in dialog new branch is created
20a0571: notnull
dd09f59: notnull
8aab3af: notnull
9e433b6: data race
6c89ea9: cleanup
da637a4: IDEA-84705 Live Template: should be possible to reset the changes made in default templates
ae81974: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f86ac6f: new inference: use equals bounds during incorporation
e07fdee: testdata for IDEA-118965
46112ee: new inference: cache lambda functional type during expression constraints reduction (IDEA-121315)
5029b3f: new inference: do not prefer specifics based on void return type for both void and value compatible lambdas
a70f823: new inference: postpone argument types calculation
2149ea3: Fixed project leak
1608a84: svn: Perform special check if svn repository supports "merge-info" tracking only when corresponding registry key is set
9142df3: classes from old build system API marked as deprecated (to be removed in IDEA 14)
9b4f8c02: svn: Refactored SvnUtil - removed duplicate methods for checking if svn repository supports "merge-info" tracking
d334d41: IDEA-121688 Added CommitEventType.failedOutOfDate; do not fail if could not convert SVNEventAction to CommitEventType (just log warning)
70aed3f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ba09765: missing test data
76591fd: dfa: comparison with other variables shouldn't affect a variable's nullability status
2c6cea6: IDEA-121698 Automatically make variables accessed from outer scopes final
6166a0e: don't flush fields for pure method and getter calls (IDEA-117449)
80049df: mention method name in edit contract intention text
c1b03f0: dfa: variables shouldn't be marked unknown if they don't have known constant values
1fd57b4: Close terminal tabs with middle click (IDEA-112321).
6ee5d4f: Terminal should sign as xterm-256color (IDEA-118841).
1cd41f0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8d167c6: Fix the locale on mac only for pycharm processes creation.
96c2016: IDEA-54434 (type annotations in Convert to Atomic/ThreadLocal)
9ae9623: java: formatting of type annotations inside references
50bf5a3: Cleanup (pointless exceptions; formatting)
d44fab7: fix for exception with list of indexed ids merging
39c8f52: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
bd3cf45: Launch terminal with fixed locale (IDEA-116401, IDEA-118832, IDEA-120131).
1b0bc5f: fixed regress introduced by c5819e4 : remove stale index data for removed files that were scheduled to update lazily
61d11c8: nashorn: x variables view
a5c886b: cleanup
4433f97: use SingleAlarm
6822332: Fix locale env  vars on mac (IDEA-121713).
8d82a44: IDEA-52034 Implemented option to authenticate svn+ssh repositories using ssh agent (for SVNKit integration) (inspired by @charles-dyfis-net pull request - see issue comments for details)
90b352d: svn: Refactored SSHCredentialsDialog - removed unnecessary code
7f5f956: svn: Updating license info related to svn4idea plugin
cb98865: svn: Upgraded to SVNKit 1.7.11
9d57fb2: Upgraded jna-utils (= platform = jna-platform) to 3.4.0 (now it corresponds to currently used jna 3.4.0) (both jna and jna-utils are downloaded from
d9267b7: Added jsch-agent-proxy library to community
b51333a: IDEA-75033 Implemented feature to automatically switch directory on new branch creation
ee584ce: svn: Refactored AutoSvnUpdater - utility method to run svn updates
97e7ceb: svn: Removed unused classes
d62789b: svn: Refactored SvnConfigurationState - simplify java version checks
7eff048: svn: Make "command line" integration be primary for default svn settings

Change-Id: Idc5975266870a8ad22b9cdd88181a4b53387735f
1332 files changed
tree: 9791aa0988b9461354c1b1476b43bcb6b9ea7da4
  1. .idea/
  2. bin/
  3. build/
  4. colorSchemes/
  5. community-resources/
  6. community-tests/
  7. images/
  8. java/
  9. jps/
  10. lib/
  11. license/
  12. native/
  13. platform/
  14. plugins/
  15. python/
  16. RegExpSupport/
  17. resources/
  18. resources-en/
  19. samples/
  20. spellchecker/
  21. tools/
  22. updater/
  23. xml/
  24. .gitattributes
  25. .gitignore
  26. build.txt
  27. build.xml
  28. community-main.iml
  29. LICENSE.txt
  30. NOTICE.txt
  32. test-log.xml

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

This is the official GitHub mirror of the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition source code.


To develop IntelliJ IDEA, you can use either IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. To build and run the code:

  • Make sure you have the Groovy plugin enabled. Parts of IntelliJ IDEA are written in Groovy, and you will get compilation errors if you don't have the plugin enabled.
  • Make sure you have the UI Designer plugin enabled. Most of IntelliJ IDEA's UI is built using the UI Designer, and the version you build will not run correctly if you don't have the plugin enabled.
  • Open the directory with the source code as a directory-based project
  • Configure a JSDK named "IDEA jdk", pointing to an installation of JDK 1.6
  • On Windows or Linux, add lib\tools.jar from the JDK installation directory to the classpath of IDEA jdk
  • Use Build | Make Project to build the code
  • To run the code, use the provided shared run configuration "IDEA".

To build the distribution archive of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, execute build.xml Ant build script in the root directory of the source code. The results of the build execution can be found at out/artifacts.


Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure that you follow the IntelliJ Coding Guidelines. Note that you'll need to submit a Contributor Agreement before we can accept your pull request.

See for more information.

Developer Documentation

You can find information on the internal architecture of IntelliJ IDEA and plugin development at the PluginDevelopment site.