Snap for 10569231 from a15c8efa19eeba51cb83eb43c550c30541b9df2e to studio-hedgehog-release

Change-Id: Ia9485c8256431c75c0fdfad76c1f5053b6f9f709
tree: 524b4d4fb35eac173c5a0ee1587702b174753bf4
  1. .github/
  2. convert-tool/
  3. gradle-resources/
  4. recipes/
  5. templates/
  6. .gitignore
  8. version_mappings.txt

Studio-main branch contains the source recipes.

A converter tool is used to convert source recipes into buildable projects that are store in a AGP Version related branch. So for examples, buildable recipes that uses AGP 8.1 will be found in the agp-8.1 branch.

The agp- branches are readonly branches, if you want to make changes to a recipe, you must do it in the studio-main branch and let the github workflow recreate the recipe in the agp- branches from the modified sources.

This project structure is as follows :

convert-tooltool to convert source recipes into buildable projects
recipessource recipes
templatestemplate recipes to help creating new recipes

The mapping between AGP versions and Gradle versions is driven by this version_mappings.txt, the line format is AGP_VERSION;GRADLE_VERSION and each line will create a branch using the agp-${AGP Major.Minor} (so 8.1.0-rc1) will create agp-8.1 branch.

| Branch | AGP and Gradle Versions | | agp-8-1 | AGP 8.1.0-rc1 and Gradle 8.0 | | agp-8-2 | AGP 8.2.0-alpha13 and Gradle 8.1 |