tree: 18db9c47b103c630a7b0ffa6255ec46a6a462011 [path history] [tgz]
  1. access.go
  2. command.go
  3. config.go
  4. copy.go
  5. doc.go
  6. entity.go
  7. error.go
  8. file.go
  9. go.go
  10. host_linux.go
  11. host_osx.go
  12. host_windows.go
  13. path.go
  15. run.go
  16. step.go
  17. util.go
  18. virtual.go


import ""

Package maker provides a system for building and running a dependancy graph of tasks.


const (
	// Default is the name of the entity that is built if none are supplied on the
	// command line.
	Default = "default"
const HostExecutableExtension = ""
const HostExecutableExtension = ""
const HostExecutableExtension = ".exe"
const HostOS = "linux"
const HostOS = "osx"
const HostOS = "windows"
var (
	// Config holds the current configuration of the maker system.
	Config struct {
		// Verbose enables increased logging output.
		Verbose int
		// TargetArchitecture is the architecture to build binaries for.
		TargetArchitecture string
		// TargetOS is the OS to build for.
		TargetOS string
		// DisableParallel turns of all parallel build support.
		DisableParallel bool
	// Paths holds the set of path roots for the build.
	Paths struct {
		// The root path of the build
		Root string
		// The dependancy cache directory
		Deps string
		// The application data directory.
		Data string
		// The application binary directory.
		Bin string
	//GoPath is the GOPATH environment setting
	GoPath []string
var (
	// EnvVars holds the environment overrides used when spawning external commands.
	EnvVars = map[string][]string{}
var (
	// Errors is the main error list, it holds all errors that the system has
	// encountered.
	Errors errors

func AddEntity

func AddEntity(e Entity)

AddEntity adds a new entity into the system. The entity must not have the same name as an already exixting entity.

func CommonPath

func CommonPath(path ...string) string

CommonPath returns the '/' delimited file-path formed from the joined path segments, correcting non-forward slash delimiters found in any path segment.

func CopyFile

func CopyFile(dst, src Entity)

CopyFile builds a new Step that copies the file from src to dst, and returns the dst entity. The step will depend on the src, and the existance of the directory dst is inside.

func Dir

func Dir(path ...string) *file

Dir returns an Entity that represents a directory. The entities name will be the absolute path of the directory. The entity map will be checked for a matching directory entry and if one is not found, a new one will be added and returned. It also adds the rules to create the directory if needed.

func DirOf

func DirOf(path interface{}) *file

DirOf attempts to make a Dir for the parent of the specified File.

func EntityHook

func EntityHook(f func(e Entity))

EntityHook registers a function that is invoked when a new entity is added to the system.

func File

func File(path ...string) *file

File returns an Entity that represents a file. The entities name will be the absolute path of the file. The entity map will be checked for a matching file entry and if one is not found, a new one will be added and returned.

func FilesOf

func FilesOf(path string, filter func(os.FileInfo) bool) []*file

FilesOf reads the list of files in path, filters them with the supplied filter and returns the set of file entities that matched.

func FindEntities

func FindEntities(match string) []Entity

FindEntities tries to find all entities who's names match the supplied string. The string is treated as a set of characters that must occur in the entities name in the same order, and all entities for which that is true are returned.

func GoSrcPath

func GoSrcPath(path string) string

GoSrcPath returns the full path to a file or directory inside the GoPath.

func IsFile

func IsFile(e Entity) bool

IsFile returns true if the supplied entity is of file type.

func IsVirtual

func IsVirtual(e Entity) bool

IsVirtual returns true if the supplied entity is a virtual type.

func Newest

func Newest(t1, t2 time.Time) time.Time

Newest returns the newest of two timestamps. Timestamps with a zero value do not count as newer.

func OSPath

func OSPath(path ...string) (string, error)

OSPath returns the OS delimited file-path formed from the joined path segments.

func Oldest

func Oldest(t1, t2 time.Time) time.Time

Oldest returns the oldest of two timestamps. Timestamps with a zero value do not count as older.

func Path

func Path(path ...string) string

Path returns the '/' delimited file-path formed from the joined path segments, without correcting non-forward slash delimiters found in any path segment.

func PathSplit

func PathSplit(path ...string) (dir, base string)

func Register

func Register(f func())

Register a new graph building function with the maker system. The function will be invoked during Run to add entities and steps to the build graph.

func Run

func Run()

Run should be invoked once from main. It parses the command line, builds the graph, and then performs the required action.

func StepHook

func StepHook(f func(s *Step))

StepHook adds a function that is invoked each time a step is added or modified.

func Virtual

func Virtual(name string) *virtual

Virtual returns an Entity that represents a virtual object in the build graph. If name already represents a virtual entity, it will be returned, otherwise a new one will be built. This is used as the output for commands that have no file outputs.

type Entity

type Entity interface {
	// Name returns the unique name of this entity.
	// If Name is the empty string, the entity does not appear in the main entity
	// list and cannot be looked up.
	Name() string
	// Exists returns true if the entity currently exists.
	Exists() bool
	// Timestamp returns the last modified time of the entity, or the zero time if
	// not available.
	Timestamp() time.Time
	// NeedsUpdate returns true if the entity requires it's generating step to run.
	// The supplied timestamp is the newest timestamp of the entities this one
	// depends on, and can be used to decide if an update is neccesary.
	NeedsUpdate(t time.Time) bool
	// Updated is called when a step that modifies this entity completes.

Entity represents an object in the build graph.

func EntityOf

func EntityOf(v interface{}) Entity

EntityOf tries to find an entity for the supplied value. If the value is an entity, it will be returned directly. If the value is a string it will use FindPathEntity to look it up. It is an error for v to not match an existing entity.

func FindEntity

func FindEntity(name string) Entity

FindEntity tries to look up an entity by name, and returns nil if the entity cannot be found.

func FindPathEntity

func FindPathEntity(name string) Entity

FindPathEntity tries to look up an entity by name. If an exact match cannot be found, then the name is treated as a path, and the absolute path is looked up instead. If that also does not match, it returns nil.

func FindTool

func FindTool(name string) Entity

FindTool finds an executable on the host search path, and returns a File entity for the tool if found.

func GoInstall

func GoInstall(module string) Entity

GoInstall builds a new Step that runs "go install" on the supplied module. It will return the resulting binary entity. The step will depend on the go tool, and will be set to always run if depended on.

func GoTest

func GoTest(module string) Entity

GoTest creates a new Step that runs "go test" on the supplied module. It returns a virtual entity that represents the test output.

type Step

type Step struct {

Step represents an action that creates it's outputs from it's inputs. It is the linking entity in the build graph. Each entity can be built by only one step, but a step may build many entites, and may depend on many entities. It is an error to have a cycle in the build graph.

func Command

func Command(binary Entity, args ...string) *Step

Command builds and returns a new Step that runs the specified external binary with the supplied arguments. The newly created Step will be made to depend on the binary.

func Creator

func Creator(of interface{}) *Step

Creator looks up the step that builds an entity. The entity will be looked up using EntityOf.

func GoRun

func GoRun(gofile string, args ...string) *Step

GoRun returns a Step that runs "go run" with the supplied go file and arguments.

func List

func List(name string) *Step

List returns the Step for a virtual entity. If the virtual entity does not exist, it will be created, and if it does not have a Creator, then a new Step with no action will be created. This is used to build lists of entities that want to be updated together.

func NewStep

func NewStep(a func(*Step) error) *Step

NewStep creates and returns a new step that runs the supplied action.

func (*Step) AlwaysRun

func (s *Step) AlwaysRun() *Step

AlwaysRun marks a step as always needing to run, rather than running only when it's outputs need updating.

func (*Step) Creates

func (s *Step) Creates(out ...Entity) *Step

Creates adds new outputs to the Step. It will complain if any of the outputs already have a Creator.

func (*Step) DependsOn

func (s *Step) DependsOn(in ...interface{}) *Step

DependsOn adds a new input dependancy to a Step. If the Step already depends on an input, it will not be added again.

func (*Step) DependsStruct

func (s *Step) DependsStruct(v interface{})

DependsStruct adds all the fields of the supplied struct as input dependacies of the step. It is an error if the struct has any fields that are not public fields of types that implement Entity.

func (*Step) HasInput

func (s *Step) HasInput(e Entity) bool

HasInput returns true if the step already has the supplied entity in it's inputs.

func (*Step) HasOutput

func (s *Step) HasOutput(e Entity) bool

HasOutput returns true if the step already has the supplied entity in it's outputs.

func (*Step) String

func (s *Step) String() string

String returns the name of the first output if present, for debugging.

func (*Step) UseDepsFile

func (s *Step) UseDepsFile(deps Entity)

UseDepsFile reads in a deps file and uses it to populuate the inputs and outputs of the Step.