bdk flash now uses correct provision-device script

Provision device script (at least Intel's) expects
to be in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT. But bdk flash was using
the one from the platform $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT, then re-setting
$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT to point to the special flashing dir. In this
particular case, Intel's script searches the local dir first, and thus
found the default platform system.img instead of the bdk-built one.

This fixes bdk flash to instead use the provision-device
located in the flashing dir (which happens to just be a link
to the other, but that's besides the point). It also updates
all tools to just use env variables in their paths, so that
if those variables change, the tool path does too.

BUG: 28564349
TEST: unit tests pass. Added unit test that failed before
  this fix and passed afterwards. Manual runs of
    `bdk2 build image` and `bdk2 root provision`
  result in expected behavior (user artifacts on the device).
Change-Id: I505298b702706df79cc2e68bb1c1a81ead14f55d
5 files changed
tree: d1fc7921770811620d644d113e3461e9255e09c6
  1. brunch/
  2. build/
  3. cli/
  4. debugging/
  5. pkgconfig/
  6. schema/
  7. .gitignore
  11. NOTICE
  12. PREUPLOAD.cfg

The Brillo Developer Kit (BDK)

This is the bdk which is used to build Brillo.

Directory Listing

  • cli/: The main body of code that makes up the bdk tool.
  • schema/: Specification for the user's project.xml files.
  • CHANGES: A log highlighting major features across releases.
  • VERSION: This file should be the source of truth of the version number for a checkout. It will be updated by Builders and used by tools needing version information.