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  1. perf/
  2. src/
  3. testSrc/
  4. android.sdktools.base.multipreview-asm.iml
  5. android.sdktools.base.multipreview-asm.perf.tests.iml
  6. android.sdktools.base.multipreview-asm.tests.iml
  7. BUILD

Multipreview ASM

This module contains functionality that can build so-called "multipreview" annotation structure from the bytecode. We also have similar functionality in Android Studio, however, that one extracts multipreview structure using Psi framework of Intellij IDEA.

It might be problematic (but still possible, see lint-psi for more information) to use Psi framework outside of Android Studio. Some of the reasons are:

  • Psi file structure needs to be explicitly built outside of Studio (in Studio it is "given")
  • Psi carries additional dependencies on Intellij IDEA framework
  • Current out of studio Psi solution is dedicated to lint use case, and it is not recommended to use it b/293505436

Therefore, an alternative approach that does not use Psi has been developed.


Originally, multipreview concept was developed for the case of Compose. However, as we started to have more annotations indicating preview the same approach became possible for other annotations as well. To take this into account, the @Preview (Compose) annotation and its analogs for other previews is called Base annotation, while the multipreview annotations (the annotations annotated by the Base annotation and other multipreview annotations) are called Derived annotations.


The library provides an API to extract multipreview information from the provided bytecode. One needs to specify a number of settings parameters. The mandatory one is MultipreviewSettings:

data class MultipreviewSettings(
    val baseAnnotation: String,
    val parameterAnnotation: String

baseAnnotation should specify the fully qualified class name of the base annotation for multipreview, e.g. for compose view previews that would be androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview

parameterAnnotation should specify the fully qualified class name of the annotation that is used to inject parameters to the previewable function. Again, in case of compose view that would be androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.PreviewParameter

Another optional is MethodsFilter:

fun interface MethodsFilter {
    fun allowMethod(methodFqn: String): Boolean

It allows to skip some methods (functions) to speed up the processing. By default, all methods are inspected.

Having those parameters and classes to process one can call one of the following buildMultipreview functions:

fun buildMultipreview(
  settings: MultipreviewSettings,
  methodsFilter: MethodsFilter = MethodsFilter { true },
  provider: ClassBytecodeProvider,
): Multipreview


fun buildMultipreview(
  settings: MultipreviewSettings,
  paths: Collection<String>,
  methodsFilter: MethodsFilter = MethodsFilter { true }
): Multipreview

buildMultipreview returns an instance of Multipreview class. It provides a set of found previewable methods and allows to request a set of found (parameterized) annotations for each method:

interface Multipreview {
  val methods: Set<MethodRepresentation>
  fun getAnnotations(method: MethodRepresentation): Set<BaseAnnotationRepresentation>