blob: 98ee98ba67f74acb29eca2c08f5903cba9128a37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.os.Trace.TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER;
import static;
import static;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Trace;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.view.SurfaceControl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Utility class for collecting WindowContainers that will merge transactions.
* For example to use to synchronously resize all the children of a window container
* 1. Open a new sync set, and pass the listener that will be invoked
* int id startSyncSet(TransactionReadyListener)
* the returned ID will be eventually passed to the TransactionReadyListener in combination
* with a set of WindowContainers that are ready, meaning onTransactionReady was called for
* those WindowContainers. You also use it to refer to the operation in future steps.
* 2. Ask each child to participate:
* addToSyncSet(int id, WindowContainer wc)
* if the child thinks it will be affected by a configuration change (a.k.a. has a visible
* window in its sub hierarchy, then we will increment a counter of expected callbacks
* At this point the containers hierarchy will redirect pendingTransaction and sub hierarchy
* updates in to the sync engine.
* 3. Apply your configuration changes to the window containers.
* 4. Tell the engine that the sync set is ready
* setReady(int id)
* 5. If there were no sub windows anywhere in the hierarchy to wait on, then
* transactionReady is immediately invoked, otherwise all the windows are poked
* to redraw and to deliver a buffer to {@link WindowState#finishDrawing}.
* Once all this drawing is complete, all the transactions will be merged and delivered
* to TransactionReadyListener.
* This works primarily by setting-up state and then watching/waiting for the registered subtrees
* to enter into a "finished" state (either by receiving drawn content or by disappearing). This
* checks the subtrees during surface-placement.
* By default, all Syncs will be serialized (and it is an error to start one while another is
* active). However, a sync can be explicitly started in "parallel". This does not guarantee that
* it will run in parallel; however, it will run in parallel as long as it's watched hierarchy
* doesn't overlap with any other syncs' watched hierarchies.
* Currently, a sync that is started as "parallel" implicitly ignores the subtree below it's
* direct members unless those members are activities (WindowStates are considered "part of" the
* activity). This allows "stratified" parallelism where, eg, a sync that is only at Task-level
* can run in parallel with another sync that includes only the task's activities.
* If, at any time, a container is added to a parallel sync that *is* watched by another sync, it
* will be forced to serialize with it. This is done by adding a dependency. A sync will only
* finish if it has no active dependencies. At this point it is effectively not parallel anymore.
* To avoid dependency cycles, if a sync B ultimately depends on a sync A and a container is added
* to A which is watched by B, that container will, instead, be moved from B to A instead of
* creating a cyclic dependency.
* When syncs overlap, this will attempt to finish everything in the order they were started.
class BLASTSyncEngine {
private static final String TAG = "BLASTSyncEngine";
/** No specific method. Used by override specifiers. */
public static final int METHOD_UNDEFINED = -1;
/** No sync method. Apps will draw/present internally and just report. */
public static final int METHOD_NONE = 0;
/** Sync with BLAST. Apps will draw and then send the buffer to be applied in sync. */
public static final int METHOD_BLAST = 1;
interface TransactionReadyListener {
void onTransactionReady(int mSyncId, SurfaceControl.Transaction transaction);
* Represents the desire to make a {@link BLASTSyncEngine.SyncGroup} while another is active.
* @see #queueSyncSet
private static class PendingSyncSet {
/** Called immediately when the {@link BLASTSyncEngine} is free. */
private Runnable mStartSync;
/** Posted to the main handler after {@link #mStartSync} is called. */
private Runnable mApplySync;
* Holds state associated with a single synchronous set of operations.
class SyncGroup {
final int mSyncId;
int mSyncMethod = METHOD_BLAST;
final TransactionReadyListener mListener;
final Runnable mOnTimeout;
boolean mReady = false;
final ArraySet<WindowContainer> mRootMembers = new ArraySet<>();
private SurfaceControl.Transaction mOrphanTransaction = null;
private String mTraceName;
private static final ArrayList<SyncGroup> NO_DEPENDENCIES = new ArrayList<>();
* When `true`, this SyncGroup will only wait for mRootMembers to draw; otherwise,
* it waits for the whole subtree(s) rooted at the mRootMembers.
boolean mIgnoreIndirectMembers = false;
/** List of SyncGroups that must finish before this one can. */
ArrayList<SyncGroup> mDependencies = NO_DEPENDENCIES;
private SyncGroup(TransactionReadyListener listener, int id, String name) {
mSyncId = id;
mListener = listener;
mOnTimeout = () -> {
Slog.w(TAG, "Sync group " + mSyncId + " timeout");
synchronized (mWm.mGlobalLock) {
if (Trace.isTagEnabled(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER)) {
mTraceName = name + "SyncGroupReady";
Trace.asyncTraceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, mTraceName, id);
* Gets a transaction to dump orphaned operations into. Orphaned operations are operations
* that were on the mSyncTransactions of "root" subtrees which have been removed during the
* sync period.
SurfaceControl.Transaction getOrphanTransaction() {
if (mOrphanTransaction == null) {
// Lazy since this isn't common
mOrphanTransaction = mWm.mTransactionFactory.get();
return mOrphanTransaction;
* Check if the sync-group ignores a particular container. This is used to allow syncs at
* different levels to run in parallel. The primary example is Recents while an activity
* sync is happening.
boolean isIgnoring(WindowContainer wc) {
// Some heuristics to avoid unnecessary work:
// 1. For now, require an explicit acknowledgement of potential "parallelism" across
// hierarchy levels (horizontal).
if (!mIgnoreIndirectMembers) return false;
// 2. Don't check WindowStates since they are below the relevant abstraction level (
// anything activity/token and above).
if (wc.asWindowState() != null) return false;
// Obviously, don't ignore anything that is directly part of this group.
return wc.mSyncGroup != this;
/** @return `true` if it finished. */
private boolean tryFinish() {
if (!mReady) return false;
ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_SYNC_ENGINE, "SyncGroup %d: onSurfacePlacement checking %s",
mSyncId, mRootMembers);
if (!mDependencies.isEmpty()) {
ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_SYNC_ENGINE, "SyncGroup %d: Unfinished dependencies: %s",
mSyncId, mDependencies);
return false;
for (int i = mRootMembers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
final WindowContainer wc = mRootMembers.valueAt(i);
if (!wc.isSyncFinished(this)) {
ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_SYNC_ENGINE, "SyncGroup %d: Unfinished container: %s",
mSyncId, wc);
return false;
return true;
private void finishNow() {
if (mTraceName != null) {
Trace.asyncTraceEnd(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, mTraceName, mSyncId);
ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_SYNC_ENGINE, "SyncGroup %d: Finished!", mSyncId);
SurfaceControl.Transaction merged = mWm.mTransactionFactory.get();
if (mOrphanTransaction != null) {
for (WindowContainer wc : mRootMembers) {
wc.finishSync(merged, this, false /* cancel */);
final ArraySet<WindowContainer> wcAwaitingCommit = new ArraySet<>();
for (WindowContainer wc : mRootMembers) {
class CommitCallback implements Runnable {
// Can run a second time if the action completes after the timeout.
boolean ran = false;
public void onCommitted(SurfaceControl.Transaction t) {
synchronized (mWm.mGlobalLock) {
if (ran) {
ran = true;
for (WindowContainer wc : wcAwaitingCommit) {
// Called in timeout
public void run() {
// Sometimes we get a trace, sometimes we get a bugreport without
// a trace. Since these kind of ANRs can trigger such an issue,
// try and ensure we will have some visibility in both cases.
Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "onTransactionCommitTimeout");
Slog.e(TAG, "WM sent Transaction to organized, but never received" +
" commit callback. Application ANR likely to follow.");
synchronized (mWm.mGlobalLock) {
onCommitted(merged.mNativeObject != 0
? merged : mWm.mTransactionFactory.get());
CommitCallback callback = new CommitCallback();
() -> callback.onCommitted(new SurfaceControl.Transaction()));
mHandler.postDelayed(callback, BLAST_TIMEOUT_DURATION);
Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "onTransactionReady");
mListener.onTransactionReady(mSyncId, merged);
// Immediately start the next pending sync-transaction if there is one.
if (mActiveSyncs.size() == 0 && !mPendingSyncSets.isEmpty()) {
ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_SYNC_ENGINE, "PendingStartTransaction found");
final PendingSyncSet pt = mPendingSyncSets.remove(0);;
if (mActiveSyncs.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Pending Sync Set didn't start a sync.");
// Post this so that the now-playing transition setup isn't interrupted. -> {
synchronized (mWm.mGlobalLock) {;
// Notify idle listeners
for (int i = mOnIdleListeners.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// If an idle listener adds a sync, though, then stop notifying.
if (mActiveSyncs.size() > 0) break;
/** returns true if readiness changed. */
private boolean setReady(boolean ready) {
if (mReady == ready) {
return false;
ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_SYNC_ENGINE, "SyncGroup %d: Set ready %b", mSyncId, ready);
mReady = ready;
if (ready) {
return true;
private void addToSync(WindowContainer wc) {
if (mRootMembers.contains(wc)) {
ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_SYNC_ENGINE, "SyncGroup %d: Adding to group: %s", mSyncId, wc);
final SyncGroup dependency = wc.getSyncGroup();
if (dependency != null && dependency != this && !dependency.isIgnoring(wc)) {
// This syncgroup now conflicts with another one, so the whole group now must
// wait on the other group.
Slog.w(TAG, "SyncGroup " + mSyncId + " conflicts with " + dependency.mSyncId
+ ": Making " + mSyncId + " depend on " + dependency.mSyncId);
if (mDependencies.contains(dependency)) {
// nothing, it's already a dependency.
} else if (dependency.dependsOn(this)) {
Slog.w(TAG, " Detected dependency cycle between " + mSyncId + " and "
+ dependency.mSyncId + ": Moving " + wc + " to " + mSyncId);
// Since dependency already depends on this, make this now `wc`'s watcher
if (wc.mSyncGroup == null) {
} else {
// Explicit replacement.
wc.mSyncGroup = this;
} else {
if (mDependencies == NO_DEPENDENCIES) {
mDependencies = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
if (mReady) {
private boolean dependsOn(SyncGroup group) {
if (mDependencies.isEmpty()) return false;
// BFS search with membership check. We don't expect cycle here (since this is
// explicitly called to avoid cycles) but just to be safe.
final ArrayList<SyncGroup> fringe = mTmpFringe;
for (int head = 0; head < fringe.size(); ++head) {
final SyncGroup next = fringe.get(head);
if (next == group) {
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < next.mDependencies.size(); ++i) {
if (fringe.contains(next.mDependencies.get(i))) continue;
return false;
void onCancelSync(WindowContainer wc) {
private void onTimeout() {
if (!mActiveSyncs.contains(this)) return;
boolean allFinished = true;
for (int i = mRootMembers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
final WindowContainer<?> wc = mRootMembers.valueAt(i);
if (!wc.isSyncFinished(this)) {
allFinished = false;
Slog.i(TAG, "Unfinished container: " + wc);
for (int i = mDependencies.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
allFinished = false;
Slog.i(TAG, "Unfinished dependency: " + mDependencies.get(i).mSyncId);
if (allFinished && !mReady) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Sync group " + mSyncId + " timed-out because not ready. If you see "
+ "this, please file a bug.");
private final WindowManagerService mWm;
private final Handler mHandler;
private int mNextSyncId = 0;
/** Currently active syncs. Intentionally ordered by start time. */
private final ArrayList<SyncGroup> mActiveSyncs = new ArrayList<>();
* A queue of pending sync-sets waiting for their turn to run.
* @see #queueSyncSet
private final ArrayList<PendingSyncSet> mPendingSyncSets = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<Runnable> mOnIdleListeners = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<SyncGroup> mTmpFinishQueue = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<SyncGroup> mTmpFringe = new ArrayList<>();
BLASTSyncEngine(WindowManagerService wms) {
this(wms, wms.mH);
BLASTSyncEngine(WindowManagerService wms, Handler mainHandler) {
mWm = wms;
mHandler = mainHandler;
* Prepares a {@link SyncGroup} that is not active yet. Caller must call {@link #startSyncSet}
* before calling {@link #addToSyncSet(int, WindowContainer)} on any {@link WindowContainer}.
SyncGroup prepareSyncSet(TransactionReadyListener listener, String name) {
return new SyncGroup(listener, mNextSyncId++, name);
int startSyncSet(TransactionReadyListener listener, long timeoutMs, String name,
boolean parallel) {
final SyncGroup s = prepareSyncSet(listener, name);
startSyncSet(s, timeoutMs, parallel);
return s.mSyncId;
void startSyncSet(SyncGroup s) {
startSyncSet(s, BLAST_TIMEOUT_DURATION, false /* parallel */);
void startSyncSet(SyncGroup s, long timeoutMs, boolean parallel) {
final boolean alreadyRunning = mActiveSyncs.size() > 0;
if (!parallel && alreadyRunning) {
// We only support overlapping syncs when explicitly declared `parallel`.
Slog.e(TAG, "SyncGroup " + s.mSyncId
+ ": Started when there is other active SyncGroup");
// For now, parallel implies this.
s.mIgnoreIndirectMembers = parallel;
ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_SYNC_ENGINE, "SyncGroup %d: Started %sfor listener: %s",
s.mSyncId, (parallel && alreadyRunning ? "(in parallel) " : ""), s.mListener);
scheduleTimeout(s, timeoutMs);
SyncGroup getSyncSet(int id) {
for (int i = 0; i < mActiveSyncs.size(); ++i) {
if (mActiveSyncs.get(i).mSyncId != id) continue;
return mActiveSyncs.get(i);
return null;
boolean hasActiveSync() {
return mActiveSyncs.size() != 0;
void scheduleTimeout(SyncGroup s, long timeoutMs) {
mHandler.postDelayed(s.mOnTimeout, timeoutMs);
void addToSyncSet(int id, WindowContainer wc) {
void setSyncMethod(int id, int method) {
final SyncGroup syncGroup = getSyncGroup(id);
if (!syncGroup.mRootMembers.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Not allow to change sync method after adding group member, id=" + id);
syncGroup.mSyncMethod = method;
boolean setReady(int id, boolean ready) {
return getSyncGroup(id).setReady(ready);
void setReady(int id) {
setReady(id, true);
boolean isReady(int id) {
return getSyncGroup(id).mReady;
* Aborts the sync (ie. it doesn't wait for ready or anything to finish)
void abort(int id) {
final SyncGroup group = getSyncGroup(id);
private SyncGroup getSyncGroup(int id) {
final SyncGroup syncGroup = getSyncSet(id);
if (syncGroup == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SyncGroup is not started yet id=" + id);
return syncGroup;
* Just removes `group` from any dependency lists. Does not try to evaluate anything. However,
* it will schedule traversals if any groups were changed in a way that could make them ready.
private void removeFromDependencies(SyncGroup group) {
boolean anyChange = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mActiveSyncs.size(); ++i) {
final SyncGroup active = mActiveSyncs.get(i);
if (!active.mDependencies.remove(group)) continue;
if (!active.mDependencies.isEmpty()) continue;
anyChange = true;
if (!anyChange) return;
void onSurfacePlacement() {
if (mActiveSyncs.isEmpty()) return;
// queue in-order since we want interdependent syncs to become ready in the same order they
// started in.
// There shouldn't be any dependency cycles or duplicates, but add an upper-bound just
// in case. Assuming absolute worst case, each visit will try and revisit everything
// before it, so n + (n-1) + (n-2) ... = (n+1)*n/2
int visitBounds = ((mActiveSyncs.size() + 1) * mActiveSyncs.size()) / 2;
while (!mTmpFinishQueue.isEmpty()) {
if (visitBounds <= 0) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Trying to finish more syncs than theoretically possible. This "
+ "should never happen. Most likely a dependency cycle wasn't detected.");
final SyncGroup group = mTmpFinishQueue.remove(0);
final int grpIdx = mActiveSyncs.indexOf(group);
// Skip if it's already finished:
if (grpIdx < 0) continue;
if (!group.tryFinish()) continue;
// Finished, so update dependencies of any prior groups and retry if unblocked.
int insertAt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mActiveSyncs.size(); ++i) {
final SyncGroup active = mActiveSyncs.get(i);
if (!active.mDependencies.remove(group)) continue;
// Anything afterwards is already in queue.
if (i >= grpIdx) continue;
if (!active.mDependencies.isEmpty()) continue;
// `active` became unblocked so it can finish, since it started earlier, it should
// be checked next to maintain order.
mTmpFinishQueue.add(insertAt, mActiveSyncs.get(i));
insertAt += 1;
/** Only use this for tests! */
void tryFinishForTest(int syncId) {
* Queues a sync operation onto this engine. It will wait until any current/prior sync-sets
* have finished to run. This is needed right now because currently {@link BLASTSyncEngine}
* only supports 1 sync at a time.
* Code-paths should avoid using this unless absolutely necessary. Usually, we use this for
* difficult edge-cases that we hope to clean-up later.
* @param startSync will be called immediately when the {@link BLASTSyncEngine} is free to
* "reserve" the {@link BLASTSyncEngine} by calling one of the
* {@link BLASTSyncEngine#startSyncSet} variants.
* @param applySync will be posted to the main handler after {@code startSync} has been
* called. This is posted so that it doesn't interrupt any clean-up for the
* prior sync-set.
void queueSyncSet(@NonNull Runnable startSync, @NonNull Runnable applySync) {
final PendingSyncSet pt = new PendingSyncSet();
pt.mStartSync = startSync;
pt.mApplySync = applySync;
/** @return {@code true} if there are any sync-sets waiting to start. */
boolean hasPendingSyncSets() {
return !mPendingSyncSets.isEmpty();
void addOnIdleListener(Runnable onIdleListener) {