blob: 9748aba84c73281784a3e10c20b38940bb3ebff8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* A {@link Computer} provides a set of functions that can operate on live data or snapshot
* data. At this time, the {@link Computer} is implemented by the
* {@link ComputerEngine}, which is in turn extended by {@link ComputerLocked}.
* New functions must be added carefully.
* <ol>
* <li> New functions must be true functions with respect to data collected in a
* {@link PackageManagerService.Snapshot}. Such data may never be modified from inside a {@link Computer}
* function.
* </li>
* <li> A new function must be implemented in {@link ComputerEngine}.
* </li>
* <li> A new function must be overridden in {@link ComputerLocked} if the function
* cannot safely access live data without holding the PackageManagerService lock. The
* form of the {@link ComputerLocked} function must be a single call to the
* {@link ComputerEngine} implementation, wrapped in a <code>synchronized</code>
* block. Functions in {@link ComputerLocked} should never include any other code.
* </li>
* Care must be taken when deciding if a function should be overridden in
* {@link ComputerLocked}. The complex lock relationships of PackageManagerService
* and other managers (like PermissionManager) mean deadlock is possible. On the
* other hand, not overriding in {@link ComputerLocked} may leave a function walking
* unstable data.
@VisibleForTesting(visibility = VisibleForTesting.Visibility.PACKAGE)
public interface Computer extends PackageDataSnapshot {
int getVersion();
* Administrative statistics: record that the snapshot has been used. Every call
* to use() increments the usage counter.
Computer use();
* Fetch the snapshot usage counter.
* @return The number of times this snapshot was used.
default int getUsed() {
return 0;
@NonNull List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentActivitiesInternal(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
@PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags,
@PackageManagerInternal.PrivateResolveFlags long privateResolveFlags,
int filterCallingUid, int userId, boolean resolveForStart, boolean allowDynamicSplits);
@NonNull List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentActivitiesInternal(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
long flags, int filterCallingUid, int userId);
@NonNull List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentActivitiesInternal(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
long flags, int userId);
@NonNull List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentServicesInternal(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
long flags, int userId, int callingUid, boolean includeInstantApps);
@NonNull QueryIntentActivitiesResult queryIntentActivitiesInternalBody(Intent intent,
String resolvedType, long flags, int filterCallingUid, int userId,
boolean resolveForStart, boolean allowDynamicSplits, String pkgName,
String instantAppPkgName);
ActivityInfo getActivityInfo(ComponentName component, long flags, int userId);
* Similar to {@link Computer#getActivityInfo(android.content.ComponentName, long, int)} but
* only visible as internal service. This method bypass INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS or
* INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission checks and only to be used for intent resolution across
* chained cross profiles
ActivityInfo getActivityInfoCrossProfile(ComponentName component, long flags, int userId);
* Important: The provided filterCallingUid is used exclusively to filter out activities
* that can be seen based on user state. It's typically the original caller uid prior
* to clearing. Because it can only be provided by trusted code, its value can be
* trusted and will be used as-is; unlike userId which will be validated by this method.
ActivityInfo getActivityInfoInternal(ComponentName component, long flags,
int filterCallingUid, int userId);
AndroidPackage getPackage(String packageName);
AndroidPackage getPackage(int uid);
ApplicationInfo generateApplicationInfoFromSettings(String packageName, long flags,
int filterCallingUid, int userId);
ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo(String packageName, long flags, int userId);
* Important: The provided filterCallingUid is used exclusively to filter out applications
* that can be seen based on user state. It's typically the original caller uid prior
* to clearing. Because it can only be provided by trusted code, its value can be
* trusted and will be used as-is; unlike userId which will be validated by this method.
ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfoInternal(String packageName, long flags,
int filterCallingUid, int userId);
* Report the 'Home' activity which is currently set as "always use this one". If non is set
* then reports the most likely home activity or null if there are more than one.
ComponentName getDefaultHomeActivity(int userId);
ComponentName getHomeActivitiesAsUser(List<ResolveInfo> allHomeCandidates, int userId);
CrossProfileDomainInfo getCrossProfileDomainPreferredLpr(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
long flags, int sourceUserId, int parentUserId);
Intent getHomeIntent();
List<CrossProfileIntentFilter> getMatchingCrossProfileIntentFilters(Intent intent,
String resolvedType, int userId);
* Filters out ephemeral activities.
* <p>When resolving for an ephemeral app, only activities that 1) are defined in the
* ephemeral app or 2) marked with {@code visibleToEphemeral} are returned.
* @param resolveInfos The pre-filtered list of resolved activities
* @param ephemeralPkgName The ephemeral package name. If {@code null}, no filtering
* is performed.
* @param intent
* @return A filtered list of resolved activities.
List<ResolveInfo> applyPostResolutionFilter(@NonNull List<ResolveInfo> resolveInfos,
String ephemeralPkgName, boolean allowDynamicSplits, int filterCallingUid,
boolean resolveForStart, int userId, Intent intent);
PackageInfo generatePackageInfo(PackageStateInternal ps, long flags, int userId);
PackageInfo getPackageInfo(String packageName, long flags, int userId);
PackageInfo getPackageInfoInternal(String packageName, long versionCode, long flags,
int filterCallingUid, int userId);
* @return package names of all available {@link AndroidPackage} instances. This means any
* known {@link PackageState} instances without a {@link PackageState#getAndroidPackage()}
* will not be represented.
String[] getAllAvailablePackageNames();
PackageStateInternal getPackageStateInternal(String packageName);
PackageStateInternal getPackageStateInternal(String packageName, int callingUid);
PackageStateInternal getPackageStateFiltered(@NonNull String packageName, int callingUid,
@UserIdInt int userId);
ParceledListSlice<PackageInfo> getInstalledPackages(long flags, int userId);
ResolveInfo createForwardingResolveInfoUnchecked(WatchedIntentFilter filter,
int sourceUserId, int targetUserId);
ServiceInfo getServiceInfo(ComponentName component, long flags, int userId);
SharedLibraryInfo getSharedLibraryInfo(String name, long version);
String getInstantAppPackageName(int callingUid);
String resolveExternalPackageName(AndroidPackage pkg);
String resolveInternalPackageName(String packageName, long versionCode);
String[] getPackagesForUid(int uid);
UserInfo getProfileParent(int userId);
boolean canViewInstantApps(int callingUid, int userId);
boolean filterSharedLibPackage(@Nullable PackageStateInternal ps, int uid, int userId,
long flags);
boolean isCallerSameApp(String packageName, int uid);
* Returns true if the package name and the uid represent the same app.
* @param resolveIsolatedUid if true, resolves an isolated uid into the real uid.
boolean isCallerSameApp(String packageName, int uid, boolean resolveIsolatedUid);
boolean isComponentVisibleToInstantApp(@Nullable ComponentName component);
boolean isComponentVisibleToInstantApp(@Nullable ComponentName component,
@PackageManager.ComponentType int type);
* From Android R, camera intents have to match system apps. The only exception to this is if
* the DPC has set the camera persistent preferred activity. This case was introduced
* because it is important that the DPC has the ability to set both system and non-system
* camera persistent preferred activities.
* @return {@code true} if the intent is a camera intent and the persistent preferred
* activity was not set by the DPC.
boolean isImplicitImageCaptureIntentAndNotSetByDpc(Intent intent, int userId,
String resolvedType, long flags);
boolean isInstantApp(String packageName, int userId);
boolean isInstantAppInternal(String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId, int callingUid);
boolean isSameProfileGroup(@UserIdInt int callerUserId, @UserIdInt int userId);
boolean shouldFilterApplication(@Nullable PackageStateInternal ps, int callingUid,
@Nullable ComponentName component, @PackageManager.ComponentType int componentType,
int userId, boolean filterUninstall);
boolean shouldFilterApplication(@Nullable PackageStateInternal ps, int callingUid,
@Nullable ComponentName component, @PackageManager.ComponentType int componentType,
int userId);
boolean shouldFilterApplication(@Nullable PackageStateInternal ps, int callingUid,
int userId);
boolean shouldFilterApplication(@NonNull SharedUserSetting sus, int callingUid,
int userId);
* Different form {@link #shouldFilterApplication(PackageStateInternal, int, int)}, the function
* returns {@code true} if the target package is not found in the device or uninstalled in the
* current user. Unless the caller's function needs to handle the package's uninstalled state
* by itself, using this function to keep the consistent behavior between conditions of package
* uninstalled and visibility not allowed to avoid the side channel leakage of package
* existence.
* <p>
* Package with {@link PackageManager#SYSTEM_APP_STATE_HIDDEN_UNTIL_INSTALLED_HIDDEN} is not
* treated as an uninstalled package for the carrier apps customization. Bypassing the
* uninstalled package check if the caller is system, shell or root uid.
boolean shouldFilterApplicationIncludingUninstalled(@Nullable PackageStateInternal ps,
int callingUid, int userId);
* Different from {@link #shouldFilterApplication(SharedUserSetting, int, int)}, the function
* returns {@code true} if packages with the same shared user are all uninstalled in the current
* user.
* @see #shouldFilterApplicationIncludingUninstalled(PackageStateInternal, int, int)
boolean shouldFilterApplicationIncludingUninstalled(@NonNull SharedUserSetting sus,
int callingUid, int userId);
int checkUidPermission(String permName, int uid);
int getPackageUidInternal(String packageName, long flags, int userId, int callingUid);
long updateFlagsForApplication(long flags, int userId);
long updateFlagsForComponent(long flags, int userId);
long updateFlagsForPackage(long flags, int userId);
* Update given flags when being used to request {@link ResolveInfo}.
* <p>Instant apps are resolved specially, depending upon context. Minimally,
* {@code}flags{@code} must have the {@link PackageManager#MATCH_INSTANT}
* flag set. However, this flag is only honoured in three circumstances:
* <ul>
* <li>when called from a system process</li>
* <li>when the caller holds the permission {@code android.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS}</li>
* <li>when resolution occurs to start an activity with a {@code android.intent.action.VIEW}
* action and a {@code android.intent.category.BROWSABLE} category</li>
* </ul>
long updateFlagsForResolve(long flags, int userId, int callingUid, boolean wantInstantApps,
boolean isImplicitImageCaptureIntentAndNotSetByDpc);
long updateFlagsForResolve(long flags, int userId, int callingUid, boolean wantInstantApps,
boolean onlyExposedExplicitly, boolean isImplicitImageCaptureIntentAndNotSetByDpc);
* Checks if the request is from the system or an app that has the appropriate cross-user
* permissions defined as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL if {@code requireFullPermission} is true.</li>
* <li>INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS if the given {@code userId} is in a different profile group
* to the caller.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES if the given {@code userId} is in the same profile
* group as the caller.</li>
* </ul>
* @param checkShell whether to prevent shell from access if there's a debugging restriction
* @param message the message to log on security exception
void enforceCrossUserOrProfilePermission(int callingUid, @UserIdInt int userId,
boolean requireFullPermission, boolean checkShell, String message);
* Enforces the request is from the system or an app that has INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS
* or INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permissions, if the {@code userId} is not for the caller.
* @param checkShell whether to prevent shell from access if there's a debugging restriction
* @param message the message to log on security exception
void enforceCrossUserPermission(int callingUid, @UserIdInt int userId,
boolean requireFullPermission, boolean checkShell, String message);
void enforceCrossUserPermission(int callingUid, @UserIdInt int userId,
boolean requireFullPermission, boolean checkShell,
boolean requirePermissionWhenSameUser, String message);
SigningDetails getSigningDetails(@NonNull String packageName);
SigningDetails getSigningDetails(int uid);
boolean filterAppAccess(AndroidPackage pkg, int callingUid, int userId);
boolean filterAppAccess(String packageName, int callingUid, int userId,
boolean filterUninstalled);
boolean filterAppAccess(int uid, int callingUid);
void dump(int type, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, DumpState dumpState);
PackageManagerService.FindPreferredActivityBodyResult findPreferredActivityInternal(
Intent intent, String resolvedType, long flags, List<ResolveInfo> query, boolean always,
boolean removeMatches, boolean debug, int userId, boolean queryMayBeFiltered);
ResolveInfo findPersistentPreferredActivity(Intent intent, String resolvedType, long flags,
List<ResolveInfo> query, boolean debug, int userId);
PreferredIntentResolver getPreferredActivities(@UserIdInt int userId);
ArrayMap<String, ? extends PackageStateInternal> getPackageStates();
ArrayMap<String, ? extends PackageStateInternal> getDisabledSystemPackageStates();
String getRenamedPackage(@NonNull String packageName);
* @return set of packages to notify
ArraySet<String> getNotifyPackagesForReplacedReceived(@NonNull String[] packages);
int getPackageStartability(boolean safeMode, @NonNull String packageName, int callingUid,
@UserIdInt int userId);
boolean isPackageAvailable(String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
boolean isApexPackage(String packageName);
String[] currentToCanonicalPackageNames(@NonNull String[] names);
String[] canonicalToCurrentPackageNames(@NonNull String[] names);
int[] getPackageGids(@NonNull String packageName,
@PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, @UserIdInt int userId);
int getTargetSdkVersion(@NonNull String packageName);
boolean activitySupportsIntentAsUser(@NonNull ComponentName resolveComponentName,
@NonNull ComponentName component, @NonNull Intent intent, String resolvedType,
int userId);
ActivityInfo getReceiverInfo(@NonNull ComponentName component,
@PackageManager.ComponentInfoFlagsBits long flags, @UserIdInt int userId);
ParceledListSlice<SharedLibraryInfo> getSharedLibraries(@NonNull String packageName,
@PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, @UserIdInt int userId);
boolean canRequestPackageInstalls(@NonNull String packageName, int callingUid,
int userId, boolean throwIfPermNotDeclared);
* Returns true if the system or user is explicitly preventing an otherwise valid installer to
* complete an install. This includes checks like unknown sources and user restrictions.
boolean isInstallDisabledForPackage(@NonNull String packageName, int uid,
@UserIdInt int userId);
List<VersionedPackage> getPackagesUsingSharedLibrary(@NonNull SharedLibraryInfo libInfo,
@PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, int callingUid, @UserIdInt int userId);
ParceledListSlice<SharedLibraryInfo> getDeclaredSharedLibraries(
@NonNull String packageName, @PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags,
@UserIdInt int userId);
ProviderInfo getProviderInfo(@NonNull ComponentName component,
@PackageManager.ComponentInfoFlagsBits long flags, @UserIdInt int userId);
String[] getSystemSharedLibraryNames();
* @return the state if the given package is installed and isn't filtered by visibility.
* Provides no guarantee that the package is in any usable state.
PackageStateInternal getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(@NonNull String packageName,
int callingUid, @UserIdInt int userId);
int checkSignatures(@NonNull String pkg1, @NonNull String pkg2, int userId);
int checkUidSignatures(int uid1, int uid2);
int checkUidSignaturesForAllUsers(int uid1, int uid2);
boolean hasSigningCertificate(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull byte[] certificate,
@PackageManager.CertificateInputType int type);
boolean hasUidSigningCertificate(int uid, @NonNull byte[] certificate,
@PackageManager.CertificateInputType int type);
List<String> getAllPackages();
String getNameForUid(int uid);
String[] getNamesForUids(@NonNull int[] uids);
int getUidForSharedUser(@NonNull String sharedUserName);
int getFlagsForUid(int uid);
int getPrivateFlagsForUid(int uid);
boolean isUidPrivileged(int uid);
String[] getAppOpPermissionPackages(@NonNull String permissionName, int userId);
ParceledListSlice<PackageInfo> getPackagesHoldingPermissions(@NonNull String[] permissions,
@PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, @UserIdInt int userId);
List<ApplicationInfo> getInstalledApplications(
@PackageManager.ApplicationInfoFlagsBits long flags, @UserIdInt int userId,
int callingUid);
ProviderInfo resolveContentProvider(@NonNull String name,
@PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags, @UserIdInt int userId, int callingUid);
ProviderInfo getGrantImplicitAccessProviderInfo(int recipientUid,
@NonNull String visibleAuthority);
void querySyncProviders(boolean safeMode, @NonNull List<String> outNames,
@NonNull List<ProviderInfo> outInfo);
ParceledListSlice<ProviderInfo> queryContentProviders(@Nullable String processName, int uid,
@PackageManager.ComponentInfoFlagsBits long flags, @Nullable String metaDataKey);
InstrumentationInfo getInstrumentationInfoAsUser(@NonNull ComponentName component, int flags,
int userId);
ParceledListSlice<InstrumentationInfo> queryInstrumentationAsUser(
@NonNull String targetPackage, int flags, int userId);
List<PackageStateInternal> findSharedNonSystemLibraries(
@NonNull PackageStateInternal pkgSetting);
boolean getApplicationHiddenSettingAsUser(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
boolean isPackageSuspendedForUser(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
boolean isSuspendingAnyPackages(@NonNull String suspendingPackage, @UserIdInt int userId);
ParceledListSlice<IntentFilter> getAllIntentFilters(@NonNull String packageName);
boolean getBlockUninstallForUser(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
String getInstallerPackageName(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
InstallSourceInfo getInstallSourceInfo(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
int getApplicationEnabledSetting(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
int getComponentEnabledSetting(@NonNull ComponentName component, int callingUid,
@UserIdInt int userId);
int getComponentEnabledSettingInternal(@NonNull ComponentName component, int callingUid,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* @return true if the runtime app user enabled state, runtime component user enabled state,
* install-time app manifest enabled state, and install-time component manifest enabled state
* are all effectively enabled for the given component. Or if the component cannot be found,
* returns false.
boolean isComponentEffectivelyEnabled(@NonNull ComponentInfo componentInfo,
@NonNull UserHandle userHandle);
* @return true if the runtime app user enabled state and the install-time app manifest enabled
* state are both effectively enabled for the given app. Or if the app cannot be found,
* returns false.
boolean isApplicationEffectivelyEnabled(@NonNull String packageName,
@NonNull UserHandle userHandle);
KeySet getKeySetByAlias(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull String alias);
KeySet getSigningKeySet(@NonNull String packageName);
boolean isPackageSignedByKeySet(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull KeySet ks);
boolean isPackageSignedByKeySetExactly(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull KeySet ks);
* See {@link AppsFilterSnapshot#getVisibilityAllowList(PackageStateInternal, int[], ArrayMap)}
SparseArray<int[]> getVisibilityAllowLists(@NonNull String packageName,
@UserIdInt int[] userIds);
* See {@link AppsFilterSnapshot#getVisibilityAllowList(PackageStateInternal, int[], ArrayMap)}
int[] getVisibilityAllowList(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Returns whether the given UID either declares &lt;queries&gt; element with the given package
* name in its app's manifest, has {@link android.Manifest.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES}, or
* package visibility filtering is enabled on it. If the UID is part of a shared user ID,
* return {@code true} if any one application belongs to the shared user ID meets the criteria.
boolean canQueryPackage(int callingUid, @Nullable String targetPackageName);
int getPackageUid(@NonNull String packageName, @PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags,
@UserIdInt int userId);
boolean canAccessComponent(int callingUid, @NonNull ComponentName component,
@UserIdInt int userId);
boolean isCallerInstallerOfRecord(@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg, int callingUid);
int getInstallReason(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
boolean[] canPackageQuery(@NonNull String sourcePackageName,
@NonNull String[] targetPackageNames, @UserIdInt int userId);
boolean canForwardTo(@NonNull Intent intent, @Nullable String resolvedType,
@UserIdInt int sourceUserId, @UserIdInt int targetUserId);
List<ApplicationInfo> getPersistentApplications(boolean safeMode, int flags);
SparseArray<String> getAppsWithSharedUserIds();
String[] getSharedUserPackagesForPackage(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
Set<String> getUnusedPackages(long downgradeTimeThresholdMillis);
CharSequence getHarmfulAppWarning(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Only keep package names that refer to {@link PackageState#isSystem system} packages.
* @param pkgNames The packages to filter
* @return The filtered packages
String[] filterOnlySystemPackages(@Nullable String... pkgNames);
// The methods in this block should be removed once SettingBase is interface snapshotted
List<AndroidPackage> getPackagesForAppId(int appId);
int getUidTargetSdkVersion(int uid);
* @see PackageManagerInternal#getProcessesForUid(int)
ArrayMap<String, ProcessInfo> getProcessesForUid(int uid);
// End block
boolean getBlockUninstall(@UserIdInt int userId, @NonNull String packageName);
WatchedArrayMap<String, WatchedLongSparseArray<SharedLibraryInfo>> getSharedLibraries();
Pair<PackageStateInternal, SharedUserApi> getPackageOrSharedUser(int appId);
SharedUserApi getSharedUser(int sharedUserAppIde);
ArraySet<PackageStateInternal> getSharedUserPackages(int sharedUserAppId);
ComponentResolverApi getComponentResolver();
PackageStateInternal getDisabledSystemPackage(@NonNull String packageName);
ResolveInfo getInstantAppInstallerInfo();
WatchedArrayMap<String, Integer> getFrozenPackages();
* Verify that given package is currently frozen.
void checkPackageFrozen(@NonNull String packageName);
ComponentName getInstantAppInstallerComponent();
void dumpPermissions(@NonNull PrintWriter pw, @NonNull String packageName,
@NonNull ArraySet<String> permissionNames, @NonNull DumpState dumpState);
void dumpPackages(PrintWriter pw, @NonNull String packageName,
@NonNull ArraySet<String> permissionNames, @NonNull DumpState dumpState,
boolean checkin);
void dumpKeySet(@NonNull PrintWriter pw, @NonNull String packageName,
@NonNull DumpState dumpState);
void dumpSharedUsers(@NonNull PrintWriter pw, @NonNull String packageName,
@NonNull ArraySet<String> permissionNames,
@NonNull DumpState dumpState, boolean checkin);
void dumpSharedUsersProto(@NonNull ProtoOutputStream proto);
void dumpPackagesProto(@NonNull ProtoOutputStream proto);
void dumpSharedLibrariesProto(@NonNull ProtoOutputStream protoOutputStream);
List<? extends PackageStateInternal> getVolumePackages(@NonNull String volumeUuid);
UserInfo[] getUserInfos();
Collection<SharedUserSetting> getAllSharedUsers();