Platform SDK prebuilt drop with topic fullsdk_9380052

Generated using arguments:
--build_id=9380052 --build_target=sdk --dest_host=aosp --dest_project=android-TPS

The change is generated with prebuilt drop tool.

Change-Id: I00b486d10ec483f947dd75b44ae61c4319314b9a
diff --git a/data/res/values/public-staging.xml b/data/res/values/public-staging.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f09ffbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/res/values/public-staging.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    Exposing a new resource:
+        To add a new entry, find the corresponding "staging-public-group" with the correct type for
+        your resource, and add a new entry to the BOTTOM of the list. This ensures that indexes
+        don't shift for previously added resources, and the new one will be appended to the end.
+        To add R.attr.exampleAttrName:
+            <staging-public-group type="attr" first-id="0x1ff0000">
+                <public name="previouslyAdded1"/>
+                <public name="previouslyAdded2"/>
+                <public name="exampleAttrName"/>
+            </staging-public-group>
+    Deleting a resource:
+        If a resource is no longer supported/used, it can be marked removed by renaming the
+        resource with a `removed_` prefix. This preserves the indexes of other resources so as not
+        to break apps that have compiled with their integers previously.
+        To remove R.attr.previouslyAdded2:
+            <staging-public-group type="attr" first-id="0x1ff0000">
+                <public name="previouslyAdded1"/>
+                <public name="removed_previouslyAdded2"/>
+                <public name="exampleAttrName"/>
+            </staging-public-group>
+        IMPORTANT: Deleting an entry is never allowed, even across branches or reverts. Please take
+        this into account before merging a change which edits this file. Small, isolated changes
+        which only add/remove resources is recommended to avoid reverts due to build/test failures.
+    Renaming a resource:
+        This is generally fine and can be done to the entry directly, with no other changes. But
+        note that any apps/tooling that resolve against resource names rather than IDs may break
+        as a result. This is uncommon, but not rare.
+    Finalizing a release's resources:
+        1. $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/frameworks/base/tools/aapt2/tools/ \
+           $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/public-staging.xml \
+           $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/public-final.xml
+        2. Rename "NEXT" in the new public-staging.xml resources header to the next platform short
+           version code
+    Finalizing a release's resources (manually; only for reference):
+        1. Delete all "staging-public-group" blocks for the release with no entries inside them
+        2. Rename the remaining "staging-public-group" blocks for that release to
+           "staging-public-group-final"
+        3. Cut them out this file and place at the bottom of public-final.xml; also move the
+           "Resources added in version ? of the platform" header
+        4. Copy-paste all of the non-"removed_" resources outside of the staging blocks into being
+           siblings alongside them
+        5. Assign them final public IDs in the form of
+           <public type="attr" name="exampleAttrName" id="0x0101088a" />
+           by finding the last ID for that type and incrementing the last 4 characters by 1 in
+           hexadecimal
+        6. Back in this file, seed the next release's resources by adding "staging-public-group"
+           tags with their "first-id" value shifted by -0x00010000 from the lowest "first-id"
+           in the last used "staging-public-group-final"
+        Example:
+            Starting public-staging.xml:
+                <!\- ===============================================================
+                    Resources added in version ? of the platform
+                    =============================================================== -\>
+                <eat-comment />
+                <staging-public-group type="attr" first-id="0x01ff0000">
+                    <public name="exampleAttr1"/>
+                    <public name="removed_exampleAttr2"/>
+                    <public name="exampleAttr3"/>
+                </staging-public-group>
+                <staging-public-group type="id" first-id="0x01fe0000">
+                </staging-public-group>
+            Resulting public-final.xml:
+                <!\- ===============================================================
+                    Resources added in version ? of the platform
+                    =============================================================== -\>
+                <eat-comment />
+                <staging-public-group-final type="attr" first-id="0x01ff0000">
+                    <public name="exampleAttr1"/>
+                    <public name="removed_exampleAttr2"/>
+                    <public name="exampleAttr3"/>
+                </staging-public-group-final>
+                <public type="id" name="exampleAttr1" id="0x0101088a"/>
+                <public type="id" name="exampleAttr3" id="0x0101088b"/>
+            Resulting public-staging.xml:
+                <!\- ===============================================================
+                    Resources added in version (? + 1) of the platform
+                    =============================================================== -\>
+                <eat-comment />
+                <staging-public-group type="attr" first-id="0x01fd0000">
+                </staging-public-group>
+                <staging-public-group type="id" first-id="0x01fc0000">
+                </staging-public-group>
+  <!-- ===============================================================
+    Resources added in version U of the platform
+    NOTE: After this version of the platform is forked, changes cannot be made to the root
+    branch's groups for that release. Only merge changes to the forked platform branch.
+    =============================================================== -->
+  <eat-comment/>
+  <staging-public-group type="attr" first-id="0x01ce0000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="id" first-id="0x01cd0000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="style" first-id="0x01cc0000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="string" first-id="0x01cb0000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="dimen" first-id="0x01ca0000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="color" first-id="0x01c90000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="array" first-id="0x01c80000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="drawable" first-id="0x01c70000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="layout" first-id="0x01c60000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="anim" first-id="0x01c50000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="animator" first-id="0x01c40000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="interpolator" first-id="0x01c30000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="mipmap" first-id="0x01c20000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="integer" first-id="0x01c10000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="transition" first-id="0x01c00000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="raw" first-id="0x01bf0000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="bool" first-id="0x01be0000">
+  </staging-public-group>
+  <staging-public-group type="fraction" first-id="0x01bd0000">
+  </staging-public-group>