Better Together Connectivity Quality (BeToCQ) Test Suite

Better Together Connectivity Quality (BeToCQ) is a new test tool built by Android to test the cross-device connectivity performance that isn't covered by the existing Android tests.

This tool is built on the top of the Nearby Connections API. Under Nearby Connections, it has Android connectivity stack including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, and UWB technologies.

BeToCQ is designed to catch connectivity software and hardware performance issues by measuring detailed quality signals including the discovery, connection latency, transfer speed, and overall success rate.

Depending on the device capabilities, the test takes two to six hours to complete.

Test types {:#test-types}

BeToCQ consists of three parts:

  • Function test

    The function test ensures hardware and software readiness for each radio technology.

  • Directed test

    The directed test measures performance of each wireless medium against expectations. To discover the radio concurrency issue, sometimes multiple mediums are enabled at the same time during the test.

    The function and direct tests are the foundational tests running with fixed wireless mediums. This helps isolate the issue to an individual medium and makes the debugging process more straightforward.

  • Critical user journey (CUJ) test

    The CUJ test tests the real use case. Different from function and directed test, the CUJ test can use multiple radios in a more dynamic way. So the debugging is typically more difficult in CUJ tests. That's why CUJ tests run as the last step when the other tests have already passed.

    CUJ test are implemented as the test cases defined in the compound_test directory, and are dynamically configured based on the CUJ requirements. The term compound_test refers to the fact that it uses multiple radios in a dynamic way.

    The test suite currently supports three CUJs: Quick Start, Quick Share, and eSIM transfer. We plan to add more CUJs in later releases.

Device capabilities {:#device-capabilities}

The exact connectivity performance depends on the device capability. For example, the low-cost 2 GHz-only Wi-Fi device achieves a lower speed than the dual-band Wi-Fi device. On the other hand, the dual-band-simultaneous (DBS) capable device can support a 2G infrastructure-STA connection and 5G device-to-device connection in parallel and thus can support higher device-to-device transfer speed.

As a result, this test suite uses the wireless capabilities of test devices as inputs to customize the test case and set the right performance expectations.

Test cases {:#test-cases}

In the directed and CUJ tests, depending on the device capabilities, test cases are defined to cover:

  • Different Wi-Fi concurrencies: single-channel concurrency (SCC) versus multi-channel concurrency (MCC)
  • Different wireless channels: 2G, 5G, 5G DFS, and 5G indoor

The test cases uses the following naming convention:


For example, scc_indoor_5g_wfd_sta_test means:

  • WLAN and Wi-Fi Direct (WFD) concurrency mode operates in the same channel.
  • Transfer medium is WFD.
  • Both STA and WFD are connected to 5G indoor channel (for example, 5180 in JP).

Similarly, mcc_5g_all_wifi_non_dbs_2g_sta_test means: outmod betocq_test_suite

  • Transfer medium can be any 5G Wi-Fi medium.
  • STA is connected to the 2G band and the transfer medium is connected to the 5G band.
  • Device isn't capable of DBS and so it operates in MCC mode.

Note that some test cases are skipped if they aren't supported by the device capabilities. For example:

  • scc_indoor_5g_wfd_sta_test is skipped if the device doesn't support WFD group owner (GO) at the 5G indoor channel.

  • mcc_5g_all_wifi_non_dbs_2g_sta_test is skipped for DBS capable devices.

Each test case runs multiple iterations to collect the following stats:

  • Success rate
  • Failure reason for each failed iteration
  • Discovery latency stats
  • Connection latency stats
  • Wi-Fi upgrade latency stats
  • Transfer speed stats

MCC test cases run more iterations than SCC test cases. 5G test cases transfer larger files than 2G test cases.

The test cases execution depends on the device capability, so it's important to fill in the device capabilities section correctly in the test configuration file. We'll discuss this in more detail in the following sections.

Actionable test results {:#actional-test-results}

Running the test is straightforward, but it can be difficult to get insights out of the test results and determine further action to take.

BetoCQ takes three steps to address this issue:

  • Simplifies the test report review with the visualized test summary.

  • Sets the proper performance expectations based on devices capabilities. The test results are compared against the expectations so that there are clear pass/failure signals.

  • Makes debugging job more straightforward, with the test isolating each failure to a single component. The tool also provides the most likely failure reasons and suggest next steps for debugging and appropriate component owner.

Prerequisites {:#test-prerequisites}

  • Environment.

    We recommend an RF shielding box or room to run the test. At minimum, avoid running tests with many other devices nearby.

  • Wi-Fi AP and network.

    The test AP must be a dual-band capable Wi-Fi AP with two SSIDs (one at 2 GHz and one at 5 GHz) with support for DFS channels. Example of routers that meet the testing requirements include NETGEAR RAX50 AX5400, NETGEAR RAX120 AX6000, and NETGEAR R8000b AC3200. Ideally two APs are required to support all test cases.

  • Target device.

    The target device must run a userdebug image of the latest Android version, for example, Android 14. This is the device that is being validated.

  • Source device.

    Run the suite and pass the quality bar with one source device running a userdebug image of the latest Android version. We recommend a model with known good connectivity performance. Some options are:

    • A model that already passed the automated test suite as a target.
    • A flagship model with no known major Bluetooth and Wi-Fi issues.
    • A Google Pixel 8

Test steps {:#test-steps}

Follow these steps to prepare and execute tests and review test results.

Prepare the test {:#test-prep}

Prepare the following materials to be used for the tests.

Get the test codes, tools, and configure build {:#test-codes}

  1. Download the release test binary files (see release instructions) and save them in a local directory:
  • betocq_test_suite (Linux and macOS)
  • (Windows only)
  • cuj_and_test_config.yml
  1. Make these two files executable (Linux and macOS only):
chmod +x betocq_test_suite
chmod +x
  1. Check and install Python version 3.11 or later:

    • Check your Python 3 version number:
    python3 --version
    • If your version is lower than Python 3.11, install Python 3.11 or later:
    sudo apt install python3

    Or install the latest version from for Windows.

  2. Windows only: Download adb and add its path to the Path environment variable.

Configure Wi-Fi AP and test {:#config}

  1. Configure Wi-Fi AP channel frequency:
  1. Modify the test config file cuj_and_test_config.yml as follows:

    • Find device serial numbers:

      adb devices -l
      List of devices attached
        17011FDEE0002N  device usb:1-1 product:raven model:Pixel_6_Pro
        R3CN90YNAR      device usb:1-2 product:p3sksx model:SM_G998N

      In this example, the source device is 17011FDEE0002N and the target device is R3CN90YNAR.

    • Specify the target and source device serial numbers:

      - serial: "17011FDEE0002N"
        role: "source_device"
      - serial: "R3CN90YNAR"
        role: "target_device"
    • Specify wifi_ssid and wifi_password for each Wi-Fi channel:

        wifi_2g_ssid: "NETGEAR62-2G"
        wifi_2g_password: "yourpassword"
        wifi_5g_ssid: "NETGEAR62-5G-1"
        wifi_5g_password: "yourpassword"
        wifi_dfs_5g_ssid: "ASUS_5G"
        wifi_dfs_5g_password: "yourpassword"

      Where wifi_2g_ssid is for the channel of 2437, wifi_2g_ssid is for the channel of 5180 and wifi_dfs_5g_ssid is for the channel of 5260.

      Leave wifi_password as an empty string "" if it's an open network.

    • Split the test into two runs if the required channels can't be supported at the same time:

      1. In the first run, define 2G and 5G SSID but leave the 5G DFS SSID to an empty string "" so that the 5G DFS test cases are skipped.
      2. In the second run, define the 5G DFS SSID but leave the 2G and 5G SSID as empty strings to cover the 5G DFS test case.
  2. Configure device capabilities for both source and target devices.

    For example, the following configuration means the device uses Wi-Fi chipset WCN6710, and supports two spatial streams with the maximum PHY rate of 2402 Mbps (2x2, 11AX, 160 MHz) at 5G and 287 Mbps (2x2, 11AX, 20 MHz) at 2G. This device doesn't support STA + WFD concurrency in DBS mode. It doesn't support starting WFD group owner mode at an STA-associated DFS or indoor channel.

      wifi_chipset: "wcn6710"
      # The max number of spatial streams
      max_num_streams: 2
      # The max PHY rate at 5G, in Mbps
      max_phy_rate_5g_mbps: 2402
      # The max PHY rate at 2G, in Mbps
      max_phy_rate_2g_mbps: 287
      # if the device supports 5G Wi-Fi
      supports_5g: True
      # if the device supports DBS in STA and Wi-Fi Direct concurrency mode
      supports_dbs_sta_wfd: False
      # The max number of spatial streams in DBS mode.
      max_num_streams_dbs: 1
      # if the device supports to start WFD group owner at a STA-associated DFS channel
      enable_sta_dfs_channel_for_peer_network: False
      # if the device supports to start WFD group owner at a STA-associated indoor channel
      enable_sta_indoor_channel_for_peer_network: False

    For the last two parameters, review config_wifiEnableStaDfsChannelForPeerNetwork and config_wifiEnableStaIndoorChannelForPeerNetwork in the Wi-Fi device overlay file [config.xml] (

    Check with the Wi-Fi engineering team about device capabilities details.

Run the test {:#run-test}

To run the test on Linux and macOS, run the following commands from the local directory:

python3 -p ./betocq_test_suite -tb Quickstart -i --novenv -c cuj_and_test_config.yml

Note that Quickstart is the CUJ test name and there are a few other supported CUJ tests listed in cuj_and_test_config.yml.

If there are more than two devices connected to USB ports, specify the device serial number explicitly:

python3 -p ./betocq_test_suite -tb Quickstart -i --novenv -s <serial1>,<serial2> -c cuj_and_test_config.yml

Note that no space is allowed between two device serial numbers in the above command.

To run the test on Windows:

python3 -p ./ -tb Quickstart -i -c cuj_and_test_config.yml

Check the test result and debug failure {:#check-result}

  1. Verify that these lines appear at the end of the test console output:
Artifacts are saved in <TestResultDirectory>
Test summary saved in <TestResultDirectory>/test_summary.yaml
Where `<TestResultDirectory>` is something like
  1. Use Result Uploader to upload the artifact folder to Google's result storage service. The latest version of the tool and instructions are provided in the results_uploader.

    • If this is your first time using the tool, file an issue with Google to get onboarded.
    • Once you upload the artifacts, a link is displayed in the console output. Click the link, then click betocq_test_suite to display a dashboard view of your test results.
  2. Click MoblyTest to display the overall test results.

    • Review the source and target device capability summary.
    • Review the completed function test result summary.
    • Review the completed directed and CUJ result summary.
  3. If the test passes, no further action is required.

  4. Click each test case (for example, test_scc_5g_wfd_sta) to display the status of each iteration under Repeats.

    • Green squares indicate passed tests, red squares indicate failed tests.
  5. If the test fails, follow the following steps to triage the results:

    1. For each failed test case:

      • Review the test case details including the transfer medium, concurrency mode, the channel bands of STA, and the transfer medium.

      • Check if the device capabilities are configured correctly.

      • Review the failed iterations and reasons. Follow the debugging tips to triage and work with the internal engineering team.

    2. Click the failed (red) iterations to see the timestamp and detailed failure signatures. Here is the list of failure signatures:

      • Wi-Fi STA connection failure signature:

        Failed to connect to SSID


        Failed to remove networks
      • Discovery failure signature:

        Timed out after waiting 30.0s for event "onEndpointFound" triggered by startDiscovery
      • BT connection failure signature: 8007: STATUS_RADIO_ERROR
      • Wi-Fi medium upgrade failure signature:

        Timed out after waiting 25.0s for event "onBandwidthChanged" triggered by requestConnection
      • Transfer failure signature:

        Timed out after 110.0s waiting for an "onPayloadTransferUpdate" event
      • Failure signature due to the GMS updates, which repeats a few times before the test exits:

        In send_rpc_request
        No response from server. Check the device logcat for crashes.
        logcat and bug report:
        stop due to installPackage
    3. Review the logcat and bug report of each failing iteration on both source and target sides. You can find them as boxed links under the test name.

    4. Search the following keywords for the related logs in the bug report: WifiP2pService, wpa_supplicant, NearbyConnections, and NearbyMediums.

    5. Review the Wi-Fi Direct logs in the bug report if the WIFI_DIRECT medium is used. Check if it's a group owner or client side error when bandwidth upgrade fails.

      DUMP OF SERVICE wifip2p:
      connectionType=FAST, groupRole=CLIENT, freq=5745, sta freq=2437, connectivityLevelFailureCode=NONE
    6. Check the above STA frequency and P2P frequency values. If both have valid values but the values are different, the device likely operates in multiple channel concurrency (MCC) mode unless it supports 2G + 5G concurrency. In MCC mode, firmware could have the bugs resulting in bandwidth upgrade failure or transfer issues. Check with the Wi-Fi chip vendor if there are any known bug fixes for MCC mode.

  6. To rule out the test setup issue or device issue, repeat the test with a pair of known good devices (or a pair of new devices).

    • If the failure persists, check the test setup because it likely has the issue. If possible, move the test to a clean environment to rule out the interference issue.
    • If the failure disappears, DUT likely has the issue. Work with the Wi-Fi/BT engineering team to resolve the device issue. This might require getting help from the Wi-Fi/BT chip vendor.
  7. If the issue can't be resolved by the internal engineering team and there is strong evidence that there might be an issue on the Google side, create an issue for Google. Be sure to include all test artifacts.

Linux and Windows release instructions {:#test-codes}

Skip this unless you want to release the test binary from AOSP.

  • Get AOSP codes from AOSP.

  • Build the test binary for Linux and macOS:

    source build/
    lunch aosp_arm-trunk_staging-eng
    make betocq_test_suite
    outmod betocq_test_suite
  • Upload these files to a shared drive:

  • Generate the zip file for Windows execution:

    mkdir ~/betocq_windows
    cp platform_testing/tests/bettertogether/betocq/ ~/betocq_windows/
    echo mobly > ~/betocq_windows/requirements.txt
    cp -r platform_testing/tests/bettertogether/betocq ~/betocq_windows
    cp out/host/linux-x86/nativetest64/betocq_test_suite/*.apk ~/betocq_windows
    cd ~/betocq_windows
    zip -r ~/ ./
  • Upload these files to a shared drive:
