Android Mainline 11.0.0 Release 28 (7306398)
Revert "Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp APIs ..."

Revert "Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp APIs ..."

Revert submission 10303287-revert-10253996-bt-a2dp-no-null-FQRXACWPIA

Reason for revert: Fixing breakage
Reverted Changes:
I4d9f2f819:Revert "Make sure calls to BluetoothA2dp APIs pass...
I771ca0d57:Revert "Need to now pass in active device instead ...
I76529c7a1:Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp...
I297bda68d:Revert "Require user pass in a non-null BluetoothD...
I525327959:Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp...
I1d8660b11:Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp...

Bug: 147287141
Test: Manual
Merged-In: Ibbfa5cf5f189ca28b3589af827815747dbc4085e
Change-Id: Ibbfa5cf5f189ca28b3589af827815747dbc4085e
1 file changed
tree: 141c050f54124ebcb09d4cb746bed2ce08e37c4b
  1. PMC/
  2. sl4n/
  3. UID/
  5. PREUPLOAD.cfg