Android 12.0.0 release 26
Switch media fw permissions checks to AttributionSource (voip)

Attribution source is the abstraction to capture the data
flows for private data across apps. Checking permissions
for an attribution source does this for all apps in the
chain that would receive the data as well as the relevant
app ops are checked/noted/started as needed.

bug: 158792096

Test: atest CtsMediaTestCases
      atest CtsPermissionTestCases
      atest CtsPermission2TestCases
      atest CtsPermission3TestCases
      atest CtsPermission4

Merged-In: Iec62f7afa8ca128886a85f425f7a92122ed2155c

Change-Id: Iec62f7afa8ca128886a85f425f7a92122ed2155c
3 files changed
tree: c9a45b33b3c2d00e39bc4be8877abfcd86fa1e41
  1. src/
  2. Android.bp