Split Utils into LegacyUtils and LegacyHalUtils

To simplify the review process and preserve the git history,
change I2b54bc13 copies Utils to LegacyUtils and LegacyHalUtils and this
change removes redundant code.

Bug: 170289677
Test: NNT_static
Test: NNT_utils
Change-Id: I7ffc5824a382e121b86e7c8ad0de384c9c1a6d4c
Merged-In: I7ffc5824a382e121b86e7c8ad0de384c9c1a6d4c
(cherry picked from commit 93a2a1ec8100d4fe7d91373587869a9753cdb6bc)
6 files changed
tree: b5c7f6a5268f73afc25363dd53d378cd65dabbe9
  1. nn/
  2. .clang-format
  3. CleanSpec.mk
  4. CPPLINT.cfg
  6. PREUPLOAD.cfg