Apply clang-format

Bug: 65125938
Test: m
Change-Id: I4a4319cc34c186aa0a3ce1d0301af1cd4e0feb81
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0611e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+BasedOnStyle: Google
+DerivePointerAlignment: false
+IndentWidth: 4
+ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 8
+ContinuationIndentWidth: 8
+ColumnLimit: 100
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline
+AccessModifierOffset: -4
diff --git a/PREUPLOAD.cfg b/PREUPLOAD.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f031ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PREUPLOAD.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[Builtin Hooks]
+clang_format = true
+[Builtin Hooks Options]
+clang_format = --commit ${PREUPLOAD_COMMIT} --style file --extensions h,cpp
diff --git a/app/HyphTool.cpp b/app/HyphTool.cpp
index 975cd8f..2fd9cbf 100644
--- a/app/HyphTool.cpp
+++ b/app/HyphTool.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <vector>
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index d51578c..3c1c521 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
    6. Other libraries' files
    7. A blank line
    8. Minikin public files
-   9. Minikin private files
+   9. A blank line
+   10. Minikin private files
  For example,
diff --git a/include/minikin/AndroidLineBreakerHelper.h b/include/minikin/AndroidLineBreakerHelper.h
index 2d84617..1c257ef 100644
--- a/include/minikin/AndroidLineBreakerHelper.h
+++ b/include/minikin/AndroidLineBreakerHelper.h
@@ -23,176 +23,172 @@
 namespace android {
 class AndroidLineWidth : public LineWidth {
-    public:
-        AndroidLineWidth(float firstWidth, int32_t firstLineCount, float restWidth,
-                const std::vector<float>& indents, const std::vector<float>& leftPaddings,
-                const std::vector<float>& rightPaddings, int32_t indentsAndPaddingsOffset)
-            : mFirstWidth(firstWidth), mFirstLineCount(firstLineCount), mRestWidth(restWidth),
-              mIndents(indents), mLeftPaddings(leftPaddings),
-              mRightPaddings(rightPaddings), mOffset(indentsAndPaddingsOffset) {}
+    AndroidLineWidth(float firstWidth, int32_t firstLineCount, float restWidth,
+                     const std::vector<float>& indents, const std::vector<float>& leftPaddings,
+                     const std::vector<float>& rightPaddings, int32_t indentsAndPaddingsOffset)
+            : mFirstWidth(firstWidth),
+              mFirstLineCount(firstLineCount),
+              mRestWidth(restWidth),
+              mIndents(indents),
+              mLeftPaddings(leftPaddings),
+              mRightPaddings(rightPaddings),
+              mOffset(indentsAndPaddingsOffset) {}
-        float getAt(size_t lineNo) const override {
-            const float width = ((ssize_t)lineNo < (ssize_t)mFirstLineCount)
-                    ? mFirstWidth : mRestWidth;
-            return width - get(mIndents, lineNo);
+    float getAt(size_t lineNo) const override {
+        const float width = ((ssize_t)lineNo < (ssize_t)mFirstLineCount) ? mFirstWidth : mRestWidth;
+        return width - get(mIndents, lineNo);
+    }
+    float getMin() const override {
+        // A simpler algorithm would have been simply looping until the larger of
+        // mFirstLineCount and mIndents.size()-mOffset, but that does unnecessary calculations
+        // when mFirstLineCount is large. Instead, we measure the first line, all the lines that
+        // have an indent, and the first line after firstWidth ends and restWidth starts.
+        float minWidth = std::min(getAt(0), getAt(mFirstLineCount));
+        for (size_t lineNo = 1; lineNo + mOffset < mIndents.size(); lineNo++) {
+            minWidth = std::min(minWidth, getAt(lineNo));
+        return minWidth;
+    }
-        float getMin() const override {
-            // A simpler algorithm would have been simply looping until the larger of
-            // mFirstLineCount and mIndents.size()-mOffset, but that does unnecessary calculations
-            // when mFirstLineCount is large. Instead, we measure the first line, all the lines that
-            // have an indent, and the first line after firstWidth ends and restWidth starts.
-            float minWidth = std::min(getAt(0), getAt(mFirstLineCount));
-            for (size_t lineNo = 1; lineNo + mOffset < mIndents.size(); lineNo++) {
-                minWidth = std::min(minWidth, getAt(lineNo));
-            }
-            return minWidth;
+    float getLeftPaddingAt(size_t lineNo) const override { return get(mLeftPaddings, lineNo); }
+    float getRightPaddingAt(size_t lineNo) const override { return get(mRightPaddings, lineNo); }
+    float get(const std::vector<float>& vec, size_t lineNo) const {
+        if (vec.empty()) {
+            return 0;
-        float getLeftPaddingAt(size_t lineNo) const override {
-            return get(mLeftPaddings, lineNo);
+        const size_t index = lineNo + mOffset;
+        if (index < vec.size()) {
+            return vec[index];
+        } else {
+            return vec.back();
+    }
-        float getRightPaddingAt(size_t lineNo) const override {
-            return get(mRightPaddings, lineNo);
-        }
-    private:
-        float get(const std::vector<float>& vec, size_t lineNo) const {
-            if (vec.empty()) {
-                return 0;
-            }
-            const size_t index = lineNo + mOffset;
-            if (index < vec.size()) {
-                return vec[index];
-            } else {
-                return vec.back();
-            }
-        }
-        const float mFirstWidth;
-        const int32_t mFirstLineCount;
-        const float mRestWidth;
-        const std::vector<float>& mIndents;
-        const std::vector<float>& mLeftPaddings;
-        const std::vector<float>& mRightPaddings;
-        const int32_t mOffset;
+    const float mFirstWidth;
+    const int32_t mFirstLineCount;
+    const float mRestWidth;
+    const std::vector<float>& mIndents;
+    const std::vector<float>& mLeftPaddings;
+    const std::vector<float>& mRightPaddings;
+    const int32_t mOffset;
 class StyleRun : public Run {
-    public:
-        StyleRun(const Range& range, MinikinPaint&& paint,
-                 std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>&& collection, bool isRtl)
-            : Run(range), mPaint(std::move(paint)),
-              mCollection(std::move(collection)), mIsRtl(isRtl) {}
+    StyleRun(const Range& range, MinikinPaint&& paint, std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>&& collection,
+             bool isRtl)
+            : Run(range),
+              mPaint(std::move(paint)),
+              mCollection(std::move(collection)),
+              mIsRtl(isRtl) {}
-        bool canHyphenate() const override { return true; }
-        uint32_t getLocaleListId() const override { return mPaint.localeListId; }
-        bool isRtl() const override { return mIsRtl; }
+    bool canHyphenate() const override { return true; }
+    uint32_t getLocaleListId() const override { return mPaint.localeListId; }
+    bool isRtl() const override { return mIsRtl; }
-        void getMetrics(const U16StringPiece& text, float* advances,
-                        MinikinExtent* extents,
-                        LayoutOverhang* overhangs) const override {
-            Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
-            Layout::measureText(text, mRange, bidiFlag, mPaint, mCollection, advances, extents,
-                                overhangs);
-        }
+    void getMetrics(const U16StringPiece& text, float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
+                    LayoutOverhang* overhangs) const override {
+        Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
+        Layout::measureText(text, mRange, bidiFlag, mPaint, mCollection, advances, extents,
+                            overhangs);
+    }
-        const MinikinPaint* getPaint() const override {
-            return &mPaint;
-        }
+    const MinikinPaint* getPaint() const override { return &mPaint; }
-        float measureHyphenPiece(const U16StringPiece& text, const Range& range,
-                                 StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
-                                 float* advances, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) const override {
-            Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
-            return Layout::measureText(
-                    text, range, bidiFlag, mPaint, startHyphen, endHyphen, mCollection,
-                    advances, nullptr /* extent */, overhangs);
-        }
+    float measureHyphenPiece(const U16StringPiece& text, const Range& range,
+                             StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen, float* advances,
+                             LayoutOverhang* overhangs) const override {
+        Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
+        return Layout::measureText(text, range, bidiFlag, mPaint, startHyphen, endHyphen,
+                                   mCollection, advances, nullptr /* extent */, overhangs);
+    }
-    private:
-        MinikinPaint mPaint;
-        std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> mCollection;
-        const bool mIsRtl;
+    MinikinPaint mPaint;
+    std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> mCollection;
+    const bool mIsRtl;
 class Replacement : public Run {
-    public:
-        Replacement(const Range& range, float width, uint32_t localeListId)
+    Replacement(const Range& range, float width, uint32_t localeListId)
             : Run(range), mWidth(width), mLocaleListId(localeListId) {}
-        bool isRtl() const { return false; }
-        bool canHyphenate() const { return false; }
-        uint32_t getLocaleListId() const { return mLocaleListId; }
+    bool isRtl() const { return false; }
+    bool canHyphenate() const { return false; }
+    uint32_t getLocaleListId() const { return mLocaleListId; }
-        void getMetrics(const U16StringPiece& /* unused */, float* advances,
-                        MinikinExtent* /* unused */, LayoutOverhang* /* unused */) const override {
-            advances[0] = mWidth;
-            // TODO: Get the extents information from the caller.
-        }
+    void getMetrics(const U16StringPiece& /* unused */, float* advances,
+                    MinikinExtent* /* unused */, LayoutOverhang* /* unused */) const override {
+        advances[0] = mWidth;
+        // TODO: Get the extents information from the caller.
+    }
-    private:
-        const float mWidth;
-        const uint32_t mLocaleListId;
+    const float mWidth;
+    const uint32_t mLocaleListId;
 class StaticLayoutNative {
-    public:
-        StaticLayoutNative(
-                BreakStrategy strategy, HyphenationFrequency frequency,
-                bool isJustified, std::vector<float>&& indents, std::vector<float>&& leftPaddings,
-                std::vector<float>&& rightPaddings)
-            : mStrategy(strategy), mFrequency(frequency), mIsJustified(isJustified),
-              mIndents(std::move(indents)), mLeftPaddings(std::move(leftPaddings)),
+    StaticLayoutNative(BreakStrategy strategy, HyphenationFrequency frequency, bool isJustified,
+                       std::vector<float>&& indents, std::vector<float>&& leftPaddings,
+                       std::vector<float>&& rightPaddings)
+            : mStrategy(strategy),
+              mFrequency(frequency),
+              mIsJustified(isJustified),
+              mIndents(std::move(indents)),
+              mLeftPaddings(std::move(leftPaddings)),
               mRightPaddings(std::move(rightPaddings)) {}
-        void addStyleRun(int32_t start, int32_t end, MinikinPaint&& paint,
-                         std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection, bool isRtl) {
-            mRuns.emplace_back(std::make_unique<StyleRun>(
-                    Range(start, end), std::move(paint), std::move(collection), isRtl));
-        }
+    void addStyleRun(int32_t start, int32_t end, MinikinPaint&& paint,
+                     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection, bool isRtl) {
+        mRuns.emplace_back(std::make_unique<StyleRun>(Range(start, end), std::move(paint),
+                                                      std::move(collection), isRtl));
+    }
-        void addReplacementRun(int32_t start, int32_t end, float width, uint32_t localeListId) {
-            mRuns.emplace_back(
-                    std::make_unique<Replacement>(Range(start, end), width, localeListId));
-        }
+    void addReplacementRun(int32_t start, int32_t end, float width, uint32_t localeListId) {
+        mRuns.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Replacement>(Range(start, end), width, localeListId));
+    }
-        MeasuredText measureText(const U16StringPiece& text) const {
-            return MeasuredText::generate(text, mRuns);
-        }
+    MeasuredText measureText(const U16StringPiece& text) const {
+        return MeasuredText::generate(text, mRuns);
+    }
-        LineBreakResult computeBreaks(
-                const U16StringPiece& text, const MeasuredText& measuredText,
-                // Line width arguments
-                float firstWidth, int32_t firstWidthLineCount, float restWidth,
-                int32_t indentsOffset,
-                // Tab stop arguments
-                const int32_t* tabStops, int32_t tabStopSize, int32_t defaultTabStopWidth) const {
-            AndroidLineWidth lineWidth(firstWidth, firstWidthLineCount, restWidth, mIndents,
-                                       mLeftPaddings, mRightPaddings, indentsOffset);
-            LineBreaker lineBreaker(text, measuredText, mStrategy, mFrequency, mIsJustified);
-            return lineBreaker.computeBreaks(mRuns, lineWidth,
-                                             TabStops(tabStops, tabStopSize, defaultTabStopWidth));
-        }
+    LineBreakResult computeBreaks(const U16StringPiece& text, const MeasuredText& measuredText,
+                                  // Line width arguments
+                                  float firstWidth, int32_t firstWidthLineCount, float restWidth,
+                                  int32_t indentsOffset,
+                                  // Tab stop arguments
+                                  const int32_t* tabStops, int32_t tabStopSize,
+                                  int32_t defaultTabStopWidth) const {
+        AndroidLineWidth lineWidth(firstWidth, firstWidthLineCount, restWidth, mIndents,
+                                   mLeftPaddings, mRightPaddings, indentsOffset);
+        LineBreaker lineBreaker(text, measuredText, mStrategy, mFrequency, mIsJustified);
+        return lineBreaker.computeBreaks(mRuns, lineWidth,
+                                         TabStops(tabStops, tabStopSize, defaultTabStopWidth));
+    }
-        void clearRuns() {
-            mRuns.clear();
-        }
+    void clearRuns() { mRuns.clear(); }
-        inline BreakStrategy getStrategy() const { return mStrategy; }
-        inline HyphenationFrequency getFrequency() const { return mFrequency; }
-        inline bool isJustified() const { return mIsJustified; }
+    inline BreakStrategy getStrategy() const { return mStrategy; }
+    inline HyphenationFrequency getFrequency() const { return mFrequency; }
+    inline bool isJustified() const { return mIsJustified; }
-    private:
-        const BreakStrategy mStrategy;
-        const HyphenationFrequency mFrequency;
-        const bool mIsJustified;
-        const std::vector<float> mIndents;
-        const std::vector<float> mLeftPaddings;
-        const std::vector<float> mRightPaddings;
+    const BreakStrategy mStrategy;
+    const HyphenationFrequency mFrequency;
+    const bool mIsJustified;
+    const std::vector<float> mIndents;
+    const std::vector<float> mLeftPaddings;
+    const std::vector<float> mRightPaddings;
-        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Run>> mRuns;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Run>> mRuns;
 }  // namespace android
diff --git a/include/minikin/Characters.h b/include/minikin/Characters.h
index 7810000..f433baf 100644
--- a/include/minikin/Characters.h
+++ b/include/minikin/Characters.h
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
 namespace minikin {
 // Code point order
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_TAB             = 0x0009;
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS    = 0x002D;
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_NBSP            = 0x00A0;
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_SOFT_HYPHEN     = 0x00AD;
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_MIDDLE_DOT      = 0x00B7;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_TAB = 0x0009;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS = 0x002D;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_NBSP = 0x00A0;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_SOFT_HYPHEN = 0x00AD;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_MIDDLE_DOT = 0x00B7;
 constexpr uint32_t CHAR_ARMENIAN_HYPHEN = 0x058A;
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_MAQAF           = 0x05BE;
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_UCAS_HYPHEN     = 0x1400;
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_ZWJ             = 0x200D;
-constexpr uint32_t CHAR_HYPHEN          = 0x2010;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_MAQAF = 0x05BE;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_UCAS_HYPHEN = 0x1400;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_ZWJ = 0x200D;
+constexpr uint32_t CHAR_HYPHEN = 0x2010;
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/include/minikin/CmapCoverage.h b/include/minikin/CmapCoverage.h
index 87ebf64..583593d 100644
--- a/include/minikin/CmapCoverage.h
+++ b/include/minikin/CmapCoverage.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 class CmapCoverage {
     static SparseBitSet getCoverage(const uint8_t* cmap_data, size_t cmap_size,
-            std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparseBitSet>>* out);
+                                    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparseBitSet>>* out);
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/include/minikin/Emoji.h b/include/minikin/Emoji.h
index 2826173..046a9d6 100644
--- a/include/minikin/Emoji.h
+++ b/include/minikin/Emoji.h
@@ -31,4 +31,3 @@
 UCharDirection emojiBidiOverride(const void* context, UChar32 c);
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/include/minikin/FontCollection.h b/include/minikin/FontCollection.h
index 684527d..288ed0d 100644
--- a/include/minikin/FontCollection.h
+++ b/include/minikin/FontCollection.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 #include <unordered_set>
 #include <vector>
-#include "minikin/MinikinFont.h"
 #include "minikin/FontFamily.h"
+#include "minikin/MinikinFont.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
         int end;
-    void itemize(const uint16_t *string, size_t string_length, const MinikinPaint& paint,
-            std::vector<Run>* result) const;
+    void itemize(const uint16_t* string, size_t string_length, const MinikinPaint& paint,
+                 std::vector<Run>* result) const;
     // Returns true if there is a glyph for the code point and variation selector pair.
     // Returns false if no fonts have a glyph for the code point and variation
@@ -50,12 +50,10 @@
     // Creates new FontCollection based on this collection while applying font variations. Returns
     // nullptr if none of variations apply to this collection.
-    std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>
-            createCollectionWithVariation(const std::vector<FontVariation>& variations);
+    std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> createCollectionWithVariation(
+            const std::vector<FontVariation>& variations);
-    const std::unordered_set<AxisTag>& getSupportedTags() const {
-        return mSupportedAxes;
-    }
+    const std::unordered_set<AxisTag>& getSupportedTags() const { return mSupportedAxes; }
     uint32_t getId() const;
@@ -77,17 +75,18 @@
     void init(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>>& typefaces);
     const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& getFamilyForChar(uint32_t ch, uint32_t vs,
-            uint32_t localeListId, FontFamily::Variant variant) const;
+                                                        uint32_t localeListId,
+                                                        FontFamily::Variant variant) const;
     uint32_t calcFamilyScore(uint32_t ch, uint32_t vs, FontFamily::Variant variant,
                              uint32_t localeListId,
                              const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& fontFamily) const;
     uint32_t calcCoverageScore(uint32_t ch, uint32_t vs,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& fontFamily) const;
+                               const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& fontFamily) const;
     static uint32_t calcLocaleMatchingScore(uint32_t userLocaleListId,
-            const FontFamily& fontFamily);
+                                            const FontFamily& fontFamily);
     static uint32_t calcVariantMatchingScore(FontFamily::Variant variant,
                                              const FontFamily& fontFamily);
diff --git a/include/minikin/FontFamily.h b/include/minikin/FontFamily.h
index 22531f0..1f5b40c 100644
--- a/include/minikin/FontFamily.h
+++ b/include/minikin/FontFamily.h
@@ -32,11 +32,12 @@
 // attributes representing transforms (fake bold, fake italic) to match styles
 class FontFakery {
-    FontFakery() : mFakeBold(false), mFakeItalic(false) { }
-    FontFakery(bool fakeBold, bool fakeItalic) : mFakeBold(fakeBold), mFakeItalic(fakeItalic) { }
+    FontFakery() : mFakeBold(false), mFakeItalic(false) {}
+    FontFakery(bool fakeBold, bool fakeItalic) : mFakeBold(fakeBold), mFakeItalic(fakeItalic) {}
     // TODO: want to support graded fake bolding
     bool isFakeBold() { return mFakeBold; }
     bool isFakeItalic() { return mFakeItalic; }
     bool mFakeBold;
     bool mFakeItalic;
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@
     // TODO: Good to expose FontUtil.h.
     static bool analyzeStyle(const std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont>& typeface, int* weight,
-            bool* italic);
+                             bool* italic);
     FakedFont getClosestMatch(FontStyle style) const;
     uint32_t localeListId() const { return mLocaleListId; }
diff --git a/include/minikin/FontStyle.h b/include/minikin/FontStyle.h
index ade9c1c..73cf427 100644
--- a/include/minikin/FontStyle.h
+++ b/include/minikin/FontStyle.h
@@ -23,20 +23,20 @@
 class FontStyle {
     enum class Weight : uint16_t {
-        THIN        = 100,
+        THIN = 100,
         EXTRA_LIGHT = 200,
-        LIGHT       = 300,
-        NORMAL      = 400,
-        MEDIUM      = 500,
-        SEMI_BOLD   = 600,
-        BOLD        = 700,
-        EXTRA_BOLD  = 800,
-        BLACK       = 900,
+        LIGHT = 300,
+        NORMAL = 400,
+        MEDIUM = 500,
+        SEMI_BOLD = 600,
+        BOLD = 700,
+        EXTRA_BOLD = 800,
+        BLACK = 900,
         EXTRA_BLACK = 1000,
     enum class Slant : bool {
-        ITALIC  = true,
+        ITALIC = true,
         UPRIGHT = false,
diff --git a/include/minikin/GraphemeBreak.h b/include/minikin/GraphemeBreak.h
index a6095da..8d8e359 100644
--- a/include/minikin/GraphemeBreak.h
+++ b/include/minikin/GraphemeBreak.h
@@ -24,24 +24,18 @@
 class GraphemeBreak {
     // These values must be kept in sync with CURSOR_AFTER etc in
-    enum MoveOpt {
-        AFTER = 0,
-        AT_OR_AFTER = 1,
-        BEFORE = 2,
-        AT_OR_BEFORE = 3,
-        AT = 4
-    };
+    enum MoveOpt { AFTER = 0, AT_OR_AFTER = 1, BEFORE = 2, AT_OR_BEFORE = 3, AT = 4 };
     // Determine whether the given offset is a grapheme break.
     // This implementation generally follows Unicode's UTR #29 extended
     // grapheme break, with various tweaks.
     static bool isGraphemeBreak(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start,
-            size_t count, size_t offset);
+                                size_t count, size_t offset);
     // Matches Android's Java API. Note, return (size_t)-1 for AT to
     // signal non-break because unsigned return type.
     static size_t getTextRunCursor(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start,
-            size_t count, size_t offset, MoveOpt opt);
+                                   size_t count, size_t offset, MoveOpt opt);
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/include/minikin/Hyphenator.h b/include/minikin/Hyphenator.h
index c403850..d3386d1 100644
--- a/include/minikin/Hyphenator.h
+++ b/include/minikin/Hyphenator.h
@@ -72,28 +72,28 @@
 enum class EndHyphenEdit : uint8_t {
     // Note that everything inserting characters must have a value greater than or equal to
-    NO_EDIT                = 0b000,
-    REPLACE_WITH_HYPHEN    = 0b001,
+    NO_EDIT = 0b000,
-    INSERT_HYPHEN          = 0b010,
+    INSERT_HYPHEN = 0b010,
-    INSERT_MAQAF           = 0b100,
-    INSERT_UCAS_HYPHEN     = 0b101,
-    INSERT_ZWJ_AND_HYPHEN  = 0b110,
+    INSERT_MAQAF = 0b100,
+    INSERT_UCAS_HYPHEN = 0b101,
 enum class StartHyphenEdit : uint8_t {
-    NO_EDIT       = 0b00,
+    NO_EDIT = 0b00,
     INSERT_HYPHEN = 0b01,
-    INSERT_ZWJ    = 0b10,
+    INSERT_ZWJ = 0b10,
 typedef uint8_t HyphenEdit;
 constexpr uint8_t START_BITS_SHIFT = 3;
 // The following two masks must keep in sync with the definitions in the Java code at:
 // frameworks/base/graphics/java/android/graphics/
-constexpr uint8_t MASK_END_OF_LINE   = 0b00111;
+constexpr uint8_t MASK_END_OF_LINE = 0b00111;
 constexpr uint8_t MASK_START_OF_LINE = 0b11000;
 inline HyphenEdit packHyphenEdit(StartHyphenEdit start, EndHyphenEdit end) {
@@ -120,7 +120,10 @@
     return static_cast<uint8_t>(hyph) >= static_cast<uint8_t>(EndHyphenEdit::INSERT_HYPHEN);
-template<typename T, size_t size> constexpr size_t ARRAYSIZE(T const (&)[size]) { return size; }
+template <typename T, size_t size>
+constexpr size_t ARRAYSIZE(T const (&)[size]) {
+    return size;
 constexpr uint32_t HYPHEN_STR_ZWJ[] = {CHAR_ZWJ};
 constexpr uint32_t HYPHEN_STR_HYPHEN[] = {CHAR_HYPHEN};
@@ -189,7 +192,8 @@
     // until this instance is deleted.
     // Note: nullptr is valid input, in which case the hyphenator only processes soft hyphens.
     static Hyphenator* loadBinary(const uint8_t* patternData, size_t minPrefix, size_t minSuffix,
-            const std::string& locale);
+                                  const std::string& locale);
     enum class HyphenationLocale : uint8_t {
         OTHER = 0,
@@ -200,7 +204,7 @@
     // Use Hyphenator::loadBinary instead.
     Hyphenator(const uint8_t* patternData, size_t minPrefix, size_t minSuffix,
-        HyphenationLocale hyphenLocale);
+               HyphenationLocale hyphenLocale);
     // apply various hyphenation rules including hard and soft hyphens, ignoring patterns
     void hyphenateWithNoPatterns(HyphenationType* result, const uint16_t* word, size_t len) const;
@@ -213,7 +217,7 @@
     // calculate hyphenation from patterns, assuming alphabet lookup has already been done
     void hyphenateFromCodes(HyphenationType* result, const uint16_t* codes, size_t len,
-            HyphenationType hyphenValue) const;
+                            HyphenationType hyphenValue) const;
     // See also LONGEST_HYPHENATED_WORD in LineBreaker.cpp. Here the constant is used so
     // that temporary buffers can be stack-allocated without waste, which is a slightly
@@ -225,12 +229,9 @@
     const HyphenationLocale mHyphenationLocale;
     // accessors for binary data
-    const Header* getHeader() const {
-        return reinterpret_cast<const Header*>(mPatternData);
-    }
+    const Header* getHeader() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Header*>(mPatternData); }
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/include/minikin/Layout.h b/include/minikin/Layout.h
index b074462..2310bb7 100644
--- a/include/minikin/Layout.h
+++ b/include/minikin/Layout.h
@@ -50,25 +50,34 @@
 // Must be the same value with
 enum class Bidi : uint8_t {
-    LTR         = 0b0000,  // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_LTR
-    RTL         = 0b0001,  // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_RTL
+    LTR = 0b0000,          // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_LTR
+    RTL = 0b0001,          // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_RTL
     DEFAULT_LTR = 0b0010,  // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_DEFAULT_LTR
     DEFAULT_RTL = 0b0011,  // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_DEFAULT_RTL
-    FORCE_LTR   = 0b0100,  // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_FORCE_LTR
-    FORCE_RTL   = 0b0101,  // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_FORCE_RTL
+    FORCE_LTR = 0b0100,    // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_FORCE_LTR
+    FORCE_RTL = 0b0101,    // Must be same with Paint.BIDI_FORCE_RTL
-inline bool isRtl(Bidi bidi) {  return static_cast<uint8_t>(bidi) & 0b0001; }
-inline bool isOverride(Bidi bidi) { return static_cast<uint8_t>(bidi) & 0b0100; }
+inline bool isRtl(Bidi bidi) {
+    return static_cast<uint8_t>(bidi) & 0b0001;
+inline bool isOverride(Bidi bidi) {
+    return static_cast<uint8_t>(bidi) & 0b0100;
 // Lifecycle and threading assumptions for Layout:
 // The object is assumed to be owned by a single thread; multiple threads
 // may not mutate it at the same time.
 class Layout {
-    Layout() : mGlyphs(), mAdvances(), mExtents(), mClusterBounds(), mFaces(), mAdvance(0),
-            mBounds() {
+    Layout()
+            : mGlyphs(),
+              mAdvances(),
+              mExtents(),
+              mClusterBounds(),
+              mFaces(),
+              mAdvance(0),
+              mBounds() {
@@ -80,44 +89,51 @@
     void dump() const;
-    void doLayout(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-            Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint& paint,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection);
+    void doLayout(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize, Bidi bidiFlags,
+                  const MinikinPaint& paint, const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection);
     inline void doLayout(const U16StringPiece& str, const Range& range, Bidi bidiFlags,
-            const MinikinPaint& paint, const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) {
+                         const MinikinPaint& paint,
+                         const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) {
         doLayout(, range.getStart(), range.getLength(), str.size(), bidiFlags, paint,
     static float measureText(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-            Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint &paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
-            EndHyphenEdit endHyphen, const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
-            float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs);
+                             Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint& paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
+                             EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                             const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, float* advances,
+                             MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs);
     static inline float measureText(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-            Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint &paint,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, float* advances,
-            MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
+                                    Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint& paint,
+                                    const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
+                                    float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
+                                    LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
         return measureText(buf, start, count, bufSize, bidiFlags, paint,
-                startHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit), endHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit), collection,
-                advances, extents, overhangs);
+                           startHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit), endHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit),
+                           collection, advances, extents, overhangs);
     static inline float measureText(const U16StringPiece& str, const Range& range, Bidi bidiFlags,
-            const MinikinPaint &paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, float* advances,
-            MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
+                                    const MinikinPaint& paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
+                                    EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                                    const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
+                                    float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
+                                    LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
         return measureText(, range.getStart(), range.getLength(), str.length(), bidiFlags,
-                paint, startHyphen, endHyphen, collection, advances, extents, overhangs);
+                           paint, startHyphen, endHyphen, collection, advances, extents, overhangs);
     static inline float measureText(const U16StringPiece& str, const Range& range, Bidi bidiFlags,
-            const MinikinPaint &paint, const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
-            float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
+                                    const MinikinPaint& paint,
+                                    const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
+                                    float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
+                                    LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
         return measureText(, range.getStart(), range.getLength(), str.length(), bidiFlags,
-                paint, startHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit), endHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit),
-                collection, advances, extents, overhangs);
+                           paint, startHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit),
+                           endHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit), collection, advances, extents,
+                           overhangs);
     // public accessors
@@ -168,22 +184,23 @@
     // When layout is not null, layout info will be stored in the object.
     // When advances is not null, measurement results will be stored in the array.
     static float doLayoutRunCached(const uint16_t* buf, size_t runStart, size_t runLength,
-        size_t bufSize, bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, size_t dstStart,
-        StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, Layout* layout, float* advances,
-        MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs);
+                                   size_t bufSize, bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, size_t dstStart,
+                                   StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                                   const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
+                                   Layout* layout, float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
+                                   LayoutOverhang* overhangs);
     // Lay out a single word
     static float doLayoutWord(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-        bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, size_t bufStart,
-        StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, Layout* layout, float* advances,
-        MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs);
+                              bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, size_t bufStart,
+                              StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                              const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, Layout* layout,
+                              float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs);
     // Lay out a single bidi run
-    void doLayoutRun(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-        bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection);
+    void doLayoutRun(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize, bool isRtl,
+                     LayoutContext* ctx, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                     const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection);
     // Append another layout (for example, cached value) into this one
     void appendLayout(Layout* src, size_t start, float extraAdvance);
@@ -194,8 +211,9 @@
     // input text.
     std::vector<float> mAdvances;
     std::vector<MinikinExtent> mExtents;
-    std::vector<MinikinRect> mClusterBounds; // per-cluster bounds, without a shift based on
-                                             // previously-shaped text. Used to calculate overhangs.
+    std::vector<MinikinRect>
+            mClusterBounds;  // per-cluster bounds, without a shift based on
+                             // previously-shaped text. Used to calculate overhangs.
     std::vector<FakedFont> mFaces;
     float mAdvance;
diff --git a/include/minikin/LineBreaker.h b/include/minikin/LineBreaker.h
index 2f839da..10b737a 100644
--- a/include/minikin/LineBreaker.h
+++ b/include/minikin/LineBreaker.h
@@ -50,80 +50,81 @@
 class WordBreaker;
 class Run {
-    public:
-        Run(const Range& range) : mRange(range) {}
-        virtual ~Run() {}
+    Run(const Range& range) : mRange(range) {}
+    virtual ~Run() {}
-        // Returns true if this run is RTL. Otherwise returns false.
-        virtual bool isRtl() const = 0;
+    // Returns true if this run is RTL. Otherwise returns false.
+    virtual bool isRtl() const = 0;
-        // Returns true if this run is a target of hyphenation. Otherwise return false.
-        virtual bool canHyphenate() const = 0;
+    // Returns true if this run is a target of hyphenation. Otherwise return false.
+    virtual bool canHyphenate() const = 0;
-        // Returns the locale list ID for this run.
-        virtual uint32_t getLocaleListId() const = 0;
+    // Returns the locale list ID for this run.
+    virtual uint32_t getLocaleListId() const = 0;
-        // Fills the each character's advances, extents and overhangs.
-        virtual void getMetrics(const U16StringPiece& text, float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
-                                LayoutOverhang* overhangs) const = 0;
+    // Fills the each character's advances, extents and overhangs.
+    virtual void getMetrics(const U16StringPiece& text, float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
+                            LayoutOverhang* overhangs) const = 0;
-        // Following two methods are only called when the implementation returns true for
-        // canHyphenate method.
+    // Following two methods are only called when the implementation returns true for
+    // canHyphenate method.
-        // Returns the paint pointer used for this run. Do not return null if you returns true for
-        // canHyphenate method.
-        virtual const MinikinPaint* getPaint() const { return nullptr; }
+    // Returns the paint pointer used for this run. Do not return null if you returns true for
+    // canHyphenate method.
+    virtual const MinikinPaint* getPaint() const { return nullptr; }
-        // Measure the hyphenation piece and fills the each character's advances and overhangs.
-        virtual float measureHyphenPiece(const U16StringPiece&, const Range&, StartHyphenEdit,
-                                         EndHyphenEdit, float*, LayoutOverhang*) const {
-            return 0.0;
-        }
+    // Measure the hyphenation piece and fills the each character's advances and overhangs.
+    virtual float measureHyphenPiece(const U16StringPiece&, const Range&, StartHyphenEdit,
+                                     EndHyphenEdit, float*, LayoutOverhang*) const {
+        return 0.0;
+    }
-        inline const Range& getRange() const { return mRange; }
+    inline const Range& getRange() const { return mRange; }
-    protected:
-        const Range mRange;
+    const Range mRange;
 class TabStops {
-    public:
-        // Caller must free stops. stops can be nullprt.
-        TabStops(const int32_t* stops, size_t nStops, int32_t tabWidth)
-            : mStops(stops), mStopsSize(nStops), mTabWidth(tabWidth) { }
+    // Caller must free stops. stops can be nullprt.
+    TabStops(const int32_t* stops, size_t nStops, int32_t tabWidth)
+            : mStops(stops), mStopsSize(nStops), mTabWidth(tabWidth) {}
-        float nextTab(float widthSoFar) const {
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < mStopsSize; i++) {
-                if (mStops[i] > widthSoFar) {
-                    return mStops[i];
-                }
+    float nextTab(float widthSoFar) const {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < mStopsSize; i++) {
+            if (mStops[i] > widthSoFar) {
+                return mStops[i];
-            return floor(widthSoFar / mTabWidth + 1) * mTabWidth;
-    private:
-        const int32_t* mStops;
-        size_t mStopsSize;
-        int32_t mTabWidth;
+        return floor(widthSoFar / mTabWidth + 1) * mTabWidth;
+    }
+    const int32_t* mStops;
+    size_t mStopsSize;
+    int32_t mTabWidth;
 // Implement this for the additional information during line breaking.
 // The functions in this class's interface may be called several times. The implementation
 // must return the same value for the same input.
 class LineWidth {
-    public:
-        virtual ~LineWidth() {}
+    virtual ~LineWidth() {}
-        // Called to find out the width for the line.
-        virtual float getAt(size_t lineNo) const = 0;
+    // Called to find out the width for the line.
+    virtual float getAt(size_t lineNo) const = 0;
-        // Called to find out the minimum line width.
-        virtual float getMin() const = 0;
+    // Called to find out the minimum line width.
+    virtual float getMin() const = 0;
-        // Called to find out the available left-side padding for the line.
-        virtual float getLeftPaddingAt(size_t lineNo) const = 0;
+    // Called to find out the available left-side padding for the line.
+    virtual float getLeftPaddingAt(size_t lineNo) const = 0;
-        // Called to find out the available right-side padding for the line.
-        virtual float getRightPaddingAt(size_t lineNo) const = 0;
+    // Called to find out the available right-side padding for the line.
+    virtual float getRightPaddingAt(size_t lineNo) const = 0;
 class MeasuredText {
@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@
     MeasuredText& operator=(MeasuredText&&) = default;
     // Use generate method instead.
     MeasuredText(uint32_t size) : widths(size), extents(size), overhangs(size) {}
@@ -165,184 +167,180 @@
 class LineBreaker {
-    public:
-        LineBreaker(const U16StringPiece& textBuffer, const MeasuredText& measuredText,
-                    BreakStrategy strategy, HyphenationFrequency frequency, bool justified);
+    LineBreaker(const U16StringPiece& textBuffer, const MeasuredText& measuredText,
+                BreakStrategy strategy, HyphenationFrequency frequency, bool justified);
-        virtual ~LineBreaker();
+    virtual ~LineBreaker();
-        const static int kTab_Shift = 29;  // keep synchronized with TAB_MASK in
+    const static int kTab_Shift = 29;  // keep synchronized with TAB_MASK in
-        LineBreakResult computeBreaks(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Run>>& runs,
-                                      const LineWidth& lineWidth, const TabStops& tabStops);
+    LineBreakResult computeBreaks(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Run>>& runs,
+                                  const LineWidth& lineWidth, const TabStops& tabStops);
-    protected:
-        // For testing purposes.
-        LineBreaker(std::unique_ptr<WordBreaker>&& breaker, const U16StringPiece& textBuffer,
-                    const MeasuredText& measuredText, BreakStrategy strategy,
-                    HyphenationFrequency frequency, bool justified);
+    // For testing purposes.
+    LineBreaker(std::unique_ptr<WordBreaker>&& breaker, const U16StringPiece& textBuffer,
+                const MeasuredText& measuredText, BreakStrategy strategy,
+                HyphenationFrequency frequency, bool justified);
-    private:
-        // ParaWidth is used to hold cumulative width from beginning of paragraph. Note that for
-        // very large paragraphs, accuracy could degrade using only 32-bit float. Note however
-        // that float is used extensively on the Java side for this. This is a typedef so that
-        // we can easily change it based on performance/accuracy tradeoff.
-        typedef double ParaWidth;
+    // ParaWidth is used to hold cumulative width from beginning of paragraph. Note that for
+    // very large paragraphs, accuracy could degrade using only 32-bit float. Note however
+    // that float is used extensively on the Java side for this. This is a typedef so that
+    // we can easily change it based on performance/accuracy tradeoff.
+    typedef double ParaWidth;
-        // A single candidate break
-        struct Candidate {
-            size_t offset;  // offset to text buffer, in code units
+    // A single candidate break
+    struct Candidate {
+        size_t offset;  // offset to text buffer, in code units
-            ParaWidth preBreak;  // width of text until this point, if we decide to not break here:
-                                 // preBreak is used as an optimized way to calculate the width
-                                 // between two candidates. The line width between two line break
-                                 // candidates i and j is calculated as postBreak(j) - preBreak(i).
-            ParaWidth postBreak;  // width of text until this point, if we decide to break here
+        ParaWidth preBreak;   // width of text until this point, if we decide to not break here:
+                              // preBreak is used as an optimized way to calculate the width
+                              // between two candidates. The line width between two line break
+                              // candidates i and j is calculated as postBreak(j) - preBreak(i).
+        ParaWidth postBreak;  // width of text until this point, if we decide to break here
-            float firstOverhang;  // amount of overhang needed on the end of the line if we decide
-                                  // to break here
-            float secondOverhang;  // amount of overhang needed on the beginning of the next line
-                                   // if we decide to break here
+        float firstOverhang;   // amount of overhang needed on the end of the line if we decide
+                               // to break here
+        float secondOverhang;  // amount of overhang needed on the beginning of the next line
+                               // if we decide to break here
-            float penalty;  // penalty of this break (for example, hyphen penalty)
-            size_t preSpaceCount;  // preceding space count before breaking
-            size_t postSpaceCount;  // preceding space count after breaking
-            HyphenationType hyphenType;
-            bool isRtl; // The direction of the bidi run containing or ending in this candidate
-        };
+        float penalty;          // penalty of this break (for example, hyphen penalty)
+        size_t preSpaceCount;   // preceding space count before breaking
+        size_t postSpaceCount;  // preceding space count after breaking
+        HyphenationType hyphenType;
+        bool isRtl;  // The direction of the bidi run containing or ending in this candidate
+    };
-        void addRun(const Run& run, const LineWidth& lineWidth, const TabStops& tabStops);
+    void addRun(const Run& run, const LineWidth& lineWidth, const TabStops& tabStops);
-        void setLocaleList(uint32_t localeListId, size_t restartFrom);
-        // A locale list ID and locale ID currently used for word iterator and hyphenator.
-        uint32_t mCurrentLocaleListId;
-        uint64_t mCurrentLocaleId = 0;
+    void setLocaleList(uint32_t localeListId, size_t restartFrom);
+    // A locale list ID and locale ID currently used for word iterator and hyphenator.
+    uint32_t mCurrentLocaleListId;
+    uint64_t mCurrentLocaleId = 0;
-        // Hyphenates a string potentially containing non-breaking spaces.
-        std::vector<HyphenationType> hyphenate(const U16StringPiece& string);
+    // Hyphenates a string potentially containing non-breaking spaces.
+    std::vector<HyphenationType> hyphenate(const U16StringPiece& string);
-        void addHyphenationCandidates(const Run& run,
-                                      const Range& contextRange,
-                                      const Range& wordRange, ParaWidth lastBreakWidth,
-                                      ParaWidth PostBreak, size_t postSpaceCount,
-                                      float hyphenPenalty);
+    void addHyphenationCandidates(const Run& run, const Range& contextRange, const Range& wordRange,
+                                  ParaWidth lastBreakWidth, ParaWidth PostBreak,
+                                  size_t postSpaceCount, float hyphenPenalty);
-        void addWordBreak(size_t offset, ParaWidth preBreak, ParaWidth postBreak,
-                float firstOverhang, float secondOverhang,
-                size_t preSpaceCount, size_t postSpaceCount,
-                float penalty, HyphenationType hyph, bool isRtl);
+    void addWordBreak(size_t offset, ParaWidth preBreak, ParaWidth postBreak, float firstOverhang,
+                      float secondOverhang, size_t preSpaceCount, size_t postSpaceCount,
+                      float penalty, HyphenationType hyph, bool isRtl);
-        void adjustSecondOverhang(float secondOverhang);
+    void adjustSecondOverhang(float secondOverhang);
-        std::unique_ptr<WordBreaker> mWordBreaker;
-        U16StringPiece mTextBuf;
-        const MeasuredText& mMeasuredText;
+    std::unique_ptr<WordBreaker> mWordBreaker;
+    U16StringPiece mTextBuf;
+    const MeasuredText& mMeasuredText;
-        const Hyphenator* mHyphenator;
+    const Hyphenator* mHyphenator;
-        // layout parameters
-        BreakStrategy mStrategy;
-        HyphenationFrequency mHyphenationFrequency;
-        bool mJustified;
+    // layout parameters
+    BreakStrategy mStrategy;
+    HyphenationFrequency mHyphenationFrequency;
+    bool mJustified;
-        // result of line breaking
-        std::vector<int> mBreaks;
-        std::vector<float> mWidths;
-        std::vector<float> mAscents;
-        std::vector<float> mDescents;
-        std::vector<int> mFlags;
+    // result of line breaking
+    std::vector<int> mBreaks;
+    std::vector<float> mWidths;
+    std::vector<float> mAscents;
+    std::vector<float> mDescents;
+    std::vector<int> mFlags;
-        void clearResults() {
-            mBreaks.clear();
-            mWidths.clear();
-            mAscents.clear();
-            mDescents.clear();
-            mFlags.clear();
-        }
+    void clearResults() {
+        mBreaks.clear();
+        mWidths.clear();
+        mAscents.clear();
+        mDescents.clear();
+        mFlags.clear();
+    }
-        ParaWidth mWidth = 0;  // Total width of text seen, assuming no line breaks
-        std::vector<Candidate> mCandidates;  // All line breaking candidates
+    ParaWidth mWidth = 0;                // Total width of text seen, assuming no line breaks
+    std::vector<Candidate> mCandidates;  // All line breaking candidates
-        static LayoutOverhang computeOverhang(float totalAdvance,
-                const std::vector<float>& advances, const std::vector<LayoutOverhang>& overhangs,
-                bool isRtl);
+    static LayoutOverhang computeOverhang(float totalAdvance, const std::vector<float>& advances,
+                                          const std::vector<LayoutOverhang>& overhangs, bool isRtl);
-        MinikinExtent computeMaxExtent(size_t start, size_t end) const;
+    MinikinExtent computeMaxExtent(size_t start, size_t end) const;
-        //
-        // Types, methods, and fields related to the greedy algorithm
-        //
+    //
+    // Types, methods, and fields related to the greedy algorithm
+    //
-        void computeBreaksGreedy(const LineWidth& lineWidth);
+    void computeBreaksGreedy(const LineWidth& lineWidth);
-        // This method is called as a helper to computeBreaksGreedy(), but also when we encounter a
-        // tab character, which forces the line breaking algorithm to greedy mode. It computes all
-        // the greedy line breaks based on available candidates and returns the preBreak of the last
-        // break which would then be used to calculate the width of the tab.
-        ParaWidth computeBreaksGreedyPartial(const LineWidth& lineWidth);
+    // This method is called as a helper to computeBreaksGreedy(), but also when we encounter a
+    // tab character, which forces the line breaking algorithm to greedy mode. It computes all
+    // the greedy line breaks based on available candidates and returns the preBreak of the last
+    // break which would then be used to calculate the width of the tab.
+    ParaWidth computeBreaksGreedyPartial(const LineWidth& lineWidth);
-        // Called by computerBreaksGreedyPartial() on all candidates to determine if the line should
-        // be broken at the candidate
-        void considerGreedyBreakCandidate(size_t candIndex, const LineWidth& lineWidth);
+    // Called by computerBreaksGreedyPartial() on all candidates to determine if the line should
+    // be broken at the candidate
+    void considerGreedyBreakCandidate(size_t candIndex, const LineWidth& lineWidth);
-        // Adds a greedy break to list of line breaks.
-        void addGreedyBreak(size_t breakIndex);
+    // Adds a greedy break to list of line breaks.
+    void addGreedyBreak(size_t breakIndex);
-        // Push an actual break to the output. Takes care of setting flags for tab, etc.
-        void pushBreak(int offset, float width, MinikinExtent extent, HyphenEdit hyphenEdit);
+    // Push an actual break to the output. Takes care of setting flags for tab, etc.
+    void pushBreak(int offset, float width, MinikinExtent extent, HyphenEdit hyphenEdit);
-        void addDesperateBreaksGreedy(ParaWidth existingPreBreak, size_t start, size_t end,
-                                      const LineWidth& lineWidth);
+    void addDesperateBreaksGreedy(ParaWidth existingPreBreak, size_t start, size_t end,
+                                  const LineWidth& lineWidth);
-        bool fitsOnCurrentLine(float width, float leftOverhang, float rightOverhang,
-                               const LineWidth& lineWidth) const;
+    bool fitsOnCurrentLine(float width, float leftOverhang, float rightOverhang,
+                           const LineWidth& lineWidth) const;
-        struct GreedyBreak {
-            size_t index;
-            float penalty;
-        };
-        // This will hold a list of greedy breaks, with strictly increasing indices and penalties.
-        // The top of the list always holds the best break.
-        std::deque<GreedyBreak> mBestGreedyBreaks;
-        // Return the best greedy break from the top of the queue.
-        size_t popBestGreedyBreak();
-        // Insert a greedy break in mBestGreedyBreaks.
-        void insertGreedyBreakCandidate(size_t index, float penalty);
+    struct GreedyBreak {
+        size_t index;
+        float penalty;
+    };
+    // This will hold a list of greedy breaks, with strictly increasing indices and penalties.
+    // The top of the list always holds the best break.
+    std::deque<GreedyBreak> mBestGreedyBreaks;
+    // Return the best greedy break from the top of the queue.
+    size_t popBestGreedyBreak();
+    // Insert a greedy break in mBestGreedyBreaks.
+    void insertGreedyBreakCandidate(size_t index, float penalty);
-        // The following are state for greedy breaker. They get updated during calculation of
-        // greedy breaks (including when a partial greedy algorithm is run when adding style runs
-        // containing tabs).
-        size_t mLastGreedyBreakIndex;  // The last greedy break index of mCandidates.
-        const Candidate& getLastBreakCandidate() const;
-        size_t mLastConsideredGreedyCandidate;  // The index of the last candidate considered
-        int mFirstTabIndex;  // The index of the first tab character seen in current line
+    // The following are state for greedy breaker. They get updated during calculation of
+    // greedy breaks (including when a partial greedy algorithm is run when adding style runs
+    // containing tabs).
+    size_t mLastGreedyBreakIndex;  // The last greedy break index of mCandidates.
+    const Candidate& getLastBreakCandidate() const;
+    size_t mLastConsideredGreedyCandidate;  // The index of the last candidate considered
+    int mFirstTabIndex;  // The index of the first tab character seen in current line
-        // Used to hold a desperate break as the last greedy break
-        Candidate mFakeDesperateCandidate;
+    // Used to hold a desperate break as the last greedy break
+    Candidate mFakeDesperateCandidate;
-        //
-        // Types, methods, and fields related to the optimal algorithm
-        //
+    //
+    // Types, methods, and fields related to the optimal algorithm
+    //
-        void computeBreaksOptimal(const LineWidth& lineWidth);
+    void computeBreaksOptimal(const LineWidth& lineWidth);
-        void addDesperateBreaksOptimal(std::vector<Candidate>* out, ParaWidth existingPreBreak,
-                size_t postSpaceCount, bool isRtl, size_t start, size_t end);
+    void addDesperateBreaksOptimal(std::vector<Candidate>* out, ParaWidth existingPreBreak,
+                                   size_t postSpaceCount, bool isRtl, size_t start, size_t end);
-        void addAllDesperateBreaksOptimal(const LineWidth& lineWidth);
+    void addAllDesperateBreaksOptimal(const LineWidth& lineWidth);
-        // Data used to compute optimal line breaks
-        struct OptimalBreaksData {
-            float score;  // best score found for this break
-            size_t prev;  // index to previous break
-            size_t lineNumber;  // the computed line number of the candidate
-        };
-        void finishBreaksOptimal(const std::vector<OptimalBreaksData>& breaksData);
+    // Data used to compute optimal line breaks
+    struct OptimalBreaksData {
+        float score;        // best score found for this break
+        size_t prev;        // index to previous break
+        size_t lineNumber;  // the computed line number of the candidate
+    };
+    void finishBreaksOptimal(const std::vector<OptimalBreaksData>& breaksData);
-        float getSpaceWidth() const;
+    float getSpaceWidth() const;
-        float mLinePenalty = 0.0f;
-        size_t mSpaceCount;  // Number of word spaces seen in the input text
+    float mLinePenalty = 0.0f;
+    size_t mSpaceCount;  // Number of word spaces seen in the input text
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/include/minikin/Macros.h b/include/minikin/Macros.h
index ba08864..08eea3c 100644
--- a/include/minikin/Macros.h
+++ b/include/minikin/Macros.h
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
-#define PREVENT_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Type)      \
-    Type(const Type&) = delete;            \
+    Type(const Type&) = delete;       \
     Type& operator=(const Type&) = delete
 #endif  // MINIKIN_MACROS_H
diff --git a/include/minikin/Measurement.h b/include/minikin/Measurement.h
index c767b62..55c8474 100644
--- a/include/minikin/Measurement.h
+++ b/include/minikin/Measurement.h
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
 namespace minikin {
 float getRunAdvance(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count,
-        size_t offset);
+                    size_t offset);
 size_t getOffsetForAdvance(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count,
-        float advance);
+                           float advance);
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/include/minikin/MinikinFont.h b/include/minikin/MinikinFont.h
index a9337db..e4f5737 100644
--- a/include/minikin/MinikinFont.h
+++ b/include/minikin/MinikinFont.h
@@ -32,13 +32,19 @@
 // Possibly move into own .h file?
 // Note: if you add a field here, either add it to LayoutCacheKey or to skipCache()
 struct MinikinPaint {
-    MinikinPaint() : size(0), scaleX(0), skewX(0), letterSpacing(0), wordSpacing(0),
-            paintFlags(0), localeListId(0), familyVariant(FontFamily::Variant::DEFAULT),
-            hyphenEdit(), fontFeatureSettings() { }
+    MinikinPaint()
+            : size(0),
+              scaleX(0),
+              skewX(0),
+              letterSpacing(0),
+              wordSpacing(0),
+              paintFlags(0),
+              localeListId(0),
+              familyVariant(FontFamily::Variant::DEFAULT),
+              hyphenEdit(),
+              fontFeatureSettings() {}
-    bool skipCache() const {
-        return !fontFeatureSettings.empty();
-    }
+    bool skipCache() const { return !fontFeatureSettings.empty(); }
     float size;
     float scaleX;
@@ -52,9 +58,7 @@
     HyphenEdit hyphenEdit;
     std::string fontFeatureSettings;
-    void copyFrom(const MinikinPaint& paint) {
-        *this = paint;
-    }
+    void copyFrom(const MinikinPaint& paint) { *this = paint; }
     MinikinPaint(MinikinPaint&&) = default;
     MinikinPaint& operator=(MinikinPaint&&) = default;
@@ -76,9 +80,7 @@
     float mTop = 0.0;
     float mRight = 0.0;
     float mBottom = 0.0;
-    bool isEmpty() const {
-        return mLeft == mRight || mTop == mBottom;
-    }
+    bool isEmpty() const { return mLeft == mRight || mTop == mBottom; }
     void set(const MinikinRect& r) {
         mLeft = r.mLeft;
         mTop = r.mTop;
@@ -91,21 +93,17 @@
         mRight += dx;
         mBottom += dy;
-    void setEmpty() {
-        mLeft = mTop = mRight = mBottom = 0.0;
-    }
+    void setEmpty() { mLeft = mTop = mRight = mBottom = 0.0; }
     void join(const MinikinRect& r);
 // For holding vertical extents.
 struct MinikinExtent {
-    float ascent = 0.0; // negative
-    float descent = 0.0; // positive
-    float line_gap = 0.0; // positive
+    float ascent = 0.0;    // negative
+    float descent = 0.0;   // positive
+    float line_gap = 0.0;  // positive
-    void reset() {
-        ascent = descent = line_gap = 0.0;
-    }
+    void reset() { ascent = descent = line_gap = 0.0; }
     void extendBy(const MinikinExtent& e) {
         ascent = std::min(ascent, e.ascent);
@@ -115,7 +113,7 @@
 // Callback for freeing data
-typedef void (*MinikinDestroyFunc) (void* data);
+typedef void (*MinikinDestroyFunc)(void* data);
 class MinikinFont {
@@ -123,34 +121,24 @@
     virtual ~MinikinFont();
-    virtual float GetHorizontalAdvance(uint32_t glyph_id,
-                                       const MinikinPaint& paint,
+    virtual float GetHorizontalAdvance(uint32_t glyph_id, const MinikinPaint& paint,
                                        const FontFakery& fakery) const = 0;
-    virtual void GetBounds(MinikinRect* bounds,
-                           uint32_t glyph_id,
-                           const MinikinPaint &paint,
+    virtual void GetBounds(MinikinRect* bounds, uint32_t glyph_id, const MinikinPaint& paint,
                            const FontFakery& fakery) const = 0;
-    virtual void GetFontExtent(MinikinExtent* extent,
-                               const MinikinPaint& paint,
+    virtual void GetFontExtent(MinikinExtent* extent, const MinikinPaint& paint,
                                const FontFakery& fakery) const = 0;
     // Override if font can provide access to raw data
-    virtual const void* GetFontData() const {
-        return nullptr;
-    }
+    virtual const void* GetFontData() const { return nullptr; }
     // Override if font can provide access to raw data
-    virtual size_t GetFontSize() const {
-        return 0;
-    }
+    virtual size_t GetFontSize() const { return 0; }
     // Override if font can provide access to raw data.
     // Returns index within OpenType collection
-    virtual int GetFontIndex() const {
-        return 0;
-    }
+    virtual int GetFontIndex() const { return 0; }
     virtual const std::vector<minikin::FontVariation>& GetAxes() const = 0;
@@ -160,11 +148,11 @@
     static uint32_t MakeTag(char c1, char c2, char c3, char c4) {
-        return ((uint32_t)c1 << 24) | ((uint32_t)c2 << 16) |
-            ((uint32_t)c3 << 8) | (uint32_t)c4;
+        return ((uint32_t)c1 << 24) | ((uint32_t)c2 << 16) | ((uint32_t)c3 << 8) | (uint32_t)c4;
     int32_t GetUniqueId() const { return mUniqueId; }
     const int32_t mUniqueId;
diff --git a/include/minikin/Range.h b/include/minikin/Range.h
index 4cb01be..43fb2f7 100644
--- a/include/minikin/Range.h
+++ b/include/minikin/Range.h
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
     Range(const Range&) = default;
     Range& operator=(const Range&) = default;
-    inline uint32_t getStart() const { return mStart; }  // inclusive
+    inline uint32_t getStart() const { return mStart; }       // inclusive
     inline void setStart(uint32_t start) { mStart = start; }  // inclusive
-    inline uint32_t getEnd() const { return mEnd; }  // exclusive
+    inline uint32_t getEnd() const { return mEnd; }   // exclusive
     inline void setEnd(uint32_t end) { mEnd = end; }  // exclusive
     inline uint32_t getLength() const { return mEnd - mStart; }
@@ -56,9 +56,7 @@
     //   range.contains(0);  // false
     //   range.contains(1);  // true
     //   range.contains(2);  // false
-    inline bool contains(uint32_t pos) const {
-        return mStart <= pos && pos < mEnd;
-    }
+    inline bool contains(uint32_t pos) const { return mStart <= pos && pos < mEnd; }
     // Helper class for "for (uint32_t i : range)" style for-loop.
@@ -68,7 +66,10 @@
         inline bool operator!=(const RangeIterator& o) const { return o.mPos != mPos; }
         inline uint32_t operator*() const { return mPos; }
-        inline RangeIterator& operator++() { mPos++; return *this; }
+        inline RangeIterator& operator++() {
+            mPos++;
+            return *this;
+        }
         uint32_t mPos;
diff --git a/include/minikin/SparseBitSet.h b/include/minikin/SparseBitSet.h
index d4f64ac..9ccef12 100644
--- a/include/minikin/SparseBitSet.h
+++ b/include/minikin/SparseBitSet.h
@@ -48,15 +48,13 @@
     // Determine whether the value is included in the set
     bool get(uint32_t ch) const {
         if (ch >= mMaxVal) return false;
-        const uint32_t *bitmap = &mBitmaps[mIndices[ch >> kLogValuesPerPage]];
+        const uint32_t* bitmap = &mBitmaps[mIndices[ch >> kLogValuesPerPage]];
         uint32_t index = ch & kPageMask;
         return (bitmap[index >> kLogBitsPerEl] & (kElFirst >> (index & kElMask))) != 0;
     // One more than the maximum value in the set, or zero if empty
-    uint32_t length() const {
-        return mMaxVal;
-    }
+    uint32_t length() const { return mMaxVal; }
     // The next set bit starting at fromIndex, inclusive, or kNotFound
     // if none exists.
@@ -95,4 +93,4 @@
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/libs/minikin/CmapCoverage.cpp b/libs/minikin/CmapCoverage.cpp
index 1281543..ff7fa14 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/CmapCoverage.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/CmapCoverage.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "minikin/SparseBitSet.h"
 #include "MinikinInternal.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -35,17 +36,17 @@
 static uint32_t readU24(const uint8_t* data, size_t offset) {
     return ((uint32_t)data[offset]) << 16 | ((uint32_t)data[offset + 1]) << 8 |
-        ((uint32_t)data[offset + 2]);
+           ((uint32_t)data[offset + 2]);
 static uint32_t readU32(const uint8_t* data, size_t offset) {
     return ((uint32_t)data[offset]) << 24 | ((uint32_t)data[offset + 1]) << 16 |
-        ((uint32_t)data[offset + 2]) << 8 | ((uint32_t)data[offset + 3]);
+           ((uint32_t)data[offset + 2]) << 8 | ((uint32_t)data[offset + 3]);
 // The start must be larger than or equal to coverage.back() if coverage is not empty.
 // Returns true if the range is appended. Otherwise returns false as an error.
-static bool addRange(std::vector<uint32_t> &coverage, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
+static bool addRange(std::vector<uint32_t>& coverage, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
     if (coverage.empty() || coverage.back() < start) {
@@ -64,37 +65,33 @@
 struct Range {
     uint32_t start;  // inclusive
-    uint32_t end;  // exclusive
+    uint32_t end;    // exclusive
-    static Range InvalidRange() {
-        return Range({ U32MAX, U32MAX });
-    }
+    static Range InvalidRange() { return Range({U32MAX, U32MAX}); }
-    inline bool isValid() const {
-        return start != U32MAX && end != U32MAX;
-    }
+    inline bool isValid() const { return start != U32MAX && end != U32MAX; }
     // Returns true if left and right intersect.
     inline static bool intersects(const Range& left, const Range& right) {
-        return left.isValid() && right.isValid() &&
-                left.start < right.end && right.start < left.end;
+        return left.isValid() && right.isValid() && left.start < right.end &&
+               right.start < left.end;
     // Returns merged range. This method assumes left and right are not invalid ranges and they have
     // an intersection.
     static Range merge(const Range& left, const Range& right) {
-        return Range({ std::min(left.start, right.start), std::max(left.end, right.end) });
+        return Range({std::min(left.start, right.start), std::max(left.end, right.end)});
 // Returns Range from given ranges vector. Returns InvalidRange if i is out of range.
 static inline Range getRange(const std::vector<uint32_t>& r, size_t i) {
-    return i + 1 < r.size() ? Range({ r[i], r[i + 1] }) : Range::InvalidRange();
+    return i + 1 < r.size() ? Range({r[i], r[i + 1]}) : Range::InvalidRange();
 // Merge two sorted lists of ranges into one sorted list.
-static std::vector<uint32_t> mergeRanges(
-        const std::vector<uint32_t>& lRanges, const std::vector<uint32_t>& rRanges) {
+static std::vector<uint32_t> mergeRanges(const std::vector<uint32_t>& lRanges,
+                                         const std::vector<uint32_t>& rRanges) {
     std::vector<uint32_t> out;
     const size_t lsize = lRanges.size();
@@ -194,8 +191,8 @@
         } else {
             for (uint32_t j = start; j < end + 1; j++) {
-                uint32_t actualRangeOffset = kHeaderSize + 6 * segCount + rangeOffset +
-                    (i + j - start) * 2;
+                uint32_t actualRangeOffset =
+                        kHeaderSize + 6 * segCount + rangeOffset + (i + j - start) * 2;
                 if (actualRangeOffset + 2 > size) {
                     // invalid rangeOffset is considered a "warning" by OpenType Sanitizer
@@ -294,8 +291,8 @@
 // function assumes code points in both default UVS Table and non-default UVS table are stored in
 // ascending order. This is required by the standard.
 static bool getVSCoverage(std::vector<uint32_t>* out_ranges, const uint8_t* data, size_t size,
-        uint32_t defaultUVSTableOffset, uint32_t nonDefaultUVSTableOffset,
-        const SparseBitSet& baseCoverage) {
+                          uint32_t defaultUVSTableOffset, uint32_t nonDefaultUVSTableOffset,
+                          const SparseBitSet& baseCoverage) {
     // Need to merge supported ranges from default UVS Table and non-default UVS Table.
     // First, collect all supported code points from non default UVS table.
     std::vector<uint32_t> rangesFromNonDefaultUVSTable;
@@ -367,7 +364,8 @@
 static void getCoverageFormat14(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparseBitSet>>* out,
-        const uint8_t* data, size_t size, const SparseBitSet& baseCoverage) {
+                                const uint8_t* data, size_t size,
+                                const SparseBitSet& baseCoverage) {
     constexpr size_t kHeaderSize = 10;
     constexpr size_t kRecordSize = 11;
     constexpr size_t kLengthOffset = 2;
@@ -404,7 +402,7 @@
         std::vector<uint32_t> ranges;
         if (!getVSCoverage(&ranges, data, length, defaultUVSOffset, nonDefaultUVSOffset,
-                baseCoverage)) {
+                           baseCoverage)) {
         if (out->size() < vsIndex + 1) {
@@ -417,7 +415,7 @@
 SparseBitSet CmapCoverage::getCoverage(const uint8_t* cmap_data, size_t cmap_size,
-        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparseBitSet>>* out) {
+                                       std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparseBitSet>>* out) {
     constexpr size_t kHeaderSize = 4;
     constexpr size_t kNumTablesOffset = 2;
     constexpr size_t kTableSize = 8;
diff --git a/libs/minikin/Emoji.cpp b/libs/minikin/Emoji.cpp
index 312806a..baf15a2 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/Emoji.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/Emoji.cpp
@@ -26,14 +26,9 @@
         // Optimization for characters outside the new emoji range.
         return false;
-    return (0x1F6F7 <= c && c <= 0x1F6F8)
-            || c == 0x1F91F
-            || (0x1F928 <= c && c <= 0x1F92F)
-            || (0x1F931 <= c && c <= 0x1F932)
-            || c == 0x1F94C
-            || (0x1F95F <= c && c <= 0x1F96B)
-            || (0x1F992 <= c && c <= 0x1F997)
-            || (0x1F9D0 <= c && c <= 0x1F9E6);
+    return (0x1F6F7 <= c && c <= 0x1F6F8) || c == 0x1F91F || (0x1F928 <= c && c <= 0x1F92F) ||
+           (0x1F931 <= c && c <= 0x1F932) || c == 0x1F94C || (0x1F95F <= c && c <= 0x1F96B) ||
+           (0x1F992 <= c && c <= 0x1F997) || (0x1F9D0 <= c && c <= 0x1F9E6);
 bool isEmoji(uint32_t c) {
@@ -56,9 +51,7 @@
     // Emoji Modifier Base characters new in Unicode emoji 5.0.
     // From
     // TODO: Remove once emoji-data.text 5.0 is in ICU or update to 6.0.
-    if (c == 0x1F91F
-            || (0x1F931 <= c && c <= 0x1F932)
-            || (0x1F9D1 <= c && c <= 0x1F9DD)) {
+    if (c == 0x1F91F || (0x1F931 <= c && c <= 0x1F932) || (0x1F9D1 <= c && c <= 0x1F9DD)) {
         return true;
     return u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_EMOJI_MODIFIER_BASE);
@@ -74,4 +67,3 @@
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/libs/minikin/FontCollection.cpp b/libs/minikin/FontCollection.cpp
index 107a9ad..d9b200a 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/FontCollection.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/FontCollection.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <unicode/unorm2.h>
 #include "minikin/Emoji.h"
 #include "Locale.h"
 #include "LocaleListCache.h"
 #include "MinikinInternal.h"
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@
 template <typename T>
 static inline T max(T a, T b) {
-    return a>b ? a : b;
+    return a > b ? a : b;
 const uint32_t EMOJI_STYLE_VS = 0xFE0F;
@@ -49,8 +50,7 @@
-FontCollection::FontCollection(const vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>>& typefaces) :
-    mMaxChar(0) {
+FontCollection::FontCollection(const vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>>& typefaces) : mMaxChar(0) {
@@ -77,10 +77,8 @@
         mSupportedAxes.insert(supportedAxes.begin(), supportedAxes.end());
     nTypefaces = mFamilies.size();
-    MINIKIN_ASSERT(nTypefaces > 0,
-        "Font collection must have at least one valid typeface");
-    MINIKIN_ASSERT(nTypefaces <= 254,
-        "Font collection may only have up to 254 font families.");
+    MINIKIN_ASSERT(nTypefaces > 0, "Font collection must have at least one valid typeface");
+    MINIKIN_ASSERT(nTypefaces <= 254, "Font collection may only have up to 254 font families.");
     size_t nPages = (mMaxChar + kPageMask) >> kLogCharsPerPage;
     // TODO: Use variation selector map for mRanges construction.
     // A font can have a glyph for a base code point and variation selector pair but no glyph for
@@ -103,7 +101,7 @@
     // See the comment in Range for more details.
     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mFamilyVec.size() >= 0xFFFF,
-        "Exceeded the maximum indexable cmap coverage.");
+                        "Exceeded the maximum indexable cmap coverage.");
 // Special scores for the font fallback.
@@ -127,8 +125,8 @@
 //  - kFirstFontScore: When the font is the first font family in the collection and it supports the
 //    given character or variation sequence.
 uint32_t FontCollection::calcFamilyScore(uint32_t ch, uint32_t vs, FontFamily::Variant variant,
-        uint32_t localeListId, const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& fontFamily) const {
+                                         uint32_t localeListId,
+                                         const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& fontFamily) const {
     const uint32_t coverageScore = calcCoverageScore(ch, vs, fontFamily);
     if (coverageScore == kFirstFontScore || coverageScore == kUnsupportedFontScore) {
         // No need to calculate other scores.
@@ -155,7 +153,7 @@
 // - Returns 1 if the variation selector is not specified or if the font family only supports the
 //   variation sequence's base character.
 uint32_t FontCollection::calcCoverageScore(uint32_t ch, uint32_t vs,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& fontFamily) const {
+                                           const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& fontFamily) const {
     const bool hasVSGlyph = (vs != 0) && fontFamily->hasGlyph(ch, vs);
     if (!hasVSGlyph && !fontFamily->getCoverage().get(ch)) {
         // The font doesn't support either variation sequence or even the base character.
@@ -214,7 +212,7 @@
 // Here, m is the maximum number of locales to be compared, and s(i) is the i-th locale's matching
 // score. The possible values of s(i) are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
 uint32_t FontCollection::calcLocaleMatchingScore(uint32_t userLocaleListId,
-        const FontFamily& fontFamily) {
+                                                 const FontFamily& fontFamily) {
     const LocaleList& localeList = LocaleListCache::getById(userLocaleListId);
     const LocaleList& fontLocaleList = LocaleListCache::getById(fontFamily.localeListId());
@@ -250,8 +248,8 @@
 // 2. Calculate a score for the font family. See comments in calcFamilyScore for the detail.
 // 3. Highest score wins, with ties resolved to the first font.
 // This method never returns nullptr.
-const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& FontCollection::getFamilyForChar(uint32_t ch, uint32_t vs,
-            uint32_t localeListId, FontFamily::Variant variant) const {
+const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& FontCollection::getFamilyForChar(
+        uint32_t ch, uint32_t vs, uint32_t localeListId, FontFamily::Variant variant) const {
     if (ch >= mMaxChar) {
         return mFamilies[0];
@@ -259,7 +257,7 @@
     Range range = mRanges[ch >> kLogCharsPerPage];
     if (vs != 0) {
-        range = { 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(mFamilies.size()) };
+        range = {0, static_cast<uint16_t>(mFamilies.size())};
     int bestFamilyIndex = -1;
@@ -300,35 +298,29 @@
 // properly by Minikin or HarfBuzz even if the font does not explicitly support them and it's
 // usually meaningless to switch to a different font to display them.
 static bool doesNotNeedFontSupport(uint32_t c) {
-    return c == 0x000A // LINE FEED
-            || c == 0x000D // CARRIAGE RETURN
-            || c == 0x00AD // SOFT HYPHEN
-            || c == 0x034F // COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER
-            || c == 0x061C // ARABIC LETTER MARK
-            || (0x200C <= c && c <= 0x200F) // ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER..RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK
-            || (0x202A <= c && c <= 0x202E) // LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING..RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE
-            || (0x2066 <= c && c <= 0x2069) // LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE..POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE
-            || c == 0xFEFF // BYTE ORDER MARK
-            || isVariationSelector(c);
+    return c == 0x000A                      // LINE FEED
+           || c == 0x000D                   // CARRIAGE RETURN
+           || c == 0x00AD                   // SOFT HYPHEN
+           || c == 0x034F                   // COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER
+           || c == 0x061C                   // ARABIC LETTER MARK
+           || (0x200C <= c && c <= 0x200F)  // ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER..RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK
+           || (0x202A <= c && c <= 0x202E)  // LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING..RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE
+           || (0x2066 <= c && c <= 0x2069)  // LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE..POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE
+           || c == 0xFEFF                   // BYTE ORDER MARK
+           || isVariationSelector(c);
 // Characters where we want to continue using existing font run instead of
 // recomputing the best match in the fallback list.
 static const uint32_t stickyWhitelist[] = {
-    '!',
-    ',',
-    '-',
-    '.',
-    ':',
-    ';',
-    '?',
-    0x00A0, // NBSP
-    0x2010, // HYPHEN
-    0x2011, // NB_HYPHEN
-    0x202F, // NNBSP
-    0x2640, // FEMALE_SIGN,
-    0x2642, // MALE_SIGN,
-    0x2695, // STAFF_OF_AESCULAPIUS
+        '!',    ',', '-', '.', ':', ';', '?',
+        0x00A0,  // NBSP
+        0x2010,  // HYPHEN
+        0x2011,  // NB_HYPHEN
+        0x202F,  // NNBSP
+        0x2640,  // FEMALE_SIGN,
+        0x2642,  // MALE_SIGN,
+        0x2695,  // STAFF_OF_AESCULAPIUS
 static bool isStickyWhitelisted(uint32_t c) {
@@ -343,7 +335,7 @@
 bool FontCollection::hasVariationSelector(uint32_t baseCodepoint,
-        uint32_t variationSelector) const {
+                                          uint32_t variationSelector) const {
     if (!isVariationSelector(variationSelector)) {
         return false;
@@ -379,8 +371,8 @@
 constexpr uint32_t REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = 0xFFFD;
-void FontCollection::itemize(const uint16_t *string, size_t string_size, const MinikinPaint& paint,
-        vector<Run>* result) const {
+void FontCollection::itemize(const uint16_t* string, size_t string_size, const MinikinPaint& paint,
+                             vector<Run>* result) const {
     const FontFamily::Variant familyVariant = paint.familyVariant;
     const FontStyle style = paint.fontStyle;
     const uint32_t localeListId = paint.localeListId;
@@ -436,8 +428,8 @@
                 // character to the new run. U+20E3 COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP, used in emoji, is
                 // handled properly by this since it's a combining mark too.
                 if (utf16Pos != 0 &&
-                        (isCombining(ch) || (isEmojiModifier(ch) && isEmojiBase(prevCh))) &&
-                        family != nullptr && family->getCoverage().get(prevCh)) {
+                    (isCombining(ch) || (isEmojiModifier(ch) && isEmojiBase(prevCh))) &&
+                    family != nullptr && family->getCoverage().get(prevCh)) {
                     const size_t prevChLength = U16_LENGTH(prevCh);
                     if (run != nullptr) {
                         run->end -= prevChLength;
@@ -494,7 +486,7 @@
         return nullptr;
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> > families;
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families;
     for (const std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>& family : mFamilies) {
         std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> newFamily = family->createFamilyWithVariation(variations);
         if (newFamily) {
diff --git a/libs/minikin/FontFamily.cpp b/libs/minikin/FontFamily.cpp
index 9a8179e..b500fdb 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/FontFamily.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/FontFamily.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "minikin/CmapCoverage.h"
 #include "minikin/MinikinFont.h"
 #include "FontUtils.h"
 #include "Locale.h"
 #include "LocaleListCache.h"
@@ -34,12 +35,10 @@
 namespace minikin {
 Font::Font(const std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont>& typeface, FontStyle style)
-    : typeface(typeface), style(style) {
+        : typeface(typeface), style(style) {}
 Font::Font(std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont>&& typeface, FontStyle style)
-    : typeface(typeface), style(style) {
+        : typeface(typeface), style(style) {}
 std::unordered_set<AxisTag> Font::getSupportedAxesLocked() const {
     const uint32_t fvarTag = MinikinFont::MakeTag('f', 'v', 'a', 'r');
@@ -66,20 +65,18 @@
 // static
 FontFamily::FontFamily(std::vector<Font>&& fonts)
-      : FontFamily(Variant::DEFAULT, std::move(fonts)) {
+        : FontFamily(Variant::DEFAULT, std::move(fonts)) {}
 FontFamily::FontFamily(Variant variant, std::vector<Font>&& fonts)
-    : FontFamily(LocaleListCache::kEmptyListId, variant, std::move(fonts)) {
+        : FontFamily(LocaleListCache::kEmptyListId, variant, std::move(fonts)) {}
 FontFamily::FontFamily(uint32_t localeListId, Variant variant, std::vector<Font>&& fonts)
-    : mLocaleListId(localeListId), mVariant(variant), mFonts(std::move(fonts)) {
+        : mLocaleListId(localeListId), mVariant(variant), mFonts(std::move(fonts)) {
 bool FontFamily::analyzeStyle(const std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont>& typeface, int* weight,
-        bool* italic) {
+                              bool* italic) {
     android::AutoMutex _l(gMinikinLock);
     const uint32_t os2Tag = MinikinFont::MakeTag('O', 'S', '/', '2');
     HbBlob os2Table(getFontTable(typeface.get(), os2Tag));
@@ -103,7 +100,7 @@
     // select fake bold.
     bool isFakeBold = wanted.weight() >= 600 && (wanted.weight() - actual.weight()) >= 200;
     bool isFakeItalic = wanted.slant() == FontStyle::Slant::ITALIC &&
-            actual.slant() == FontStyle::Slant::UPRIGHT;
+                        actual.slant() == FontStyle::Slant::UPRIGHT;
     return FontFakery(isFakeBold, isFakeItalic);
@@ -119,9 +116,9 @@
     if (bestFont != nullptr) {
-        return FakedFont{ bestFont->typeface.get(), computeFakery(style, bestFont->style) };
+        return FakedFont{bestFont->typeface.get(), computeFakery(style, bestFont->style)};
-    return FakedFont{ nullptr, FontFakery() };
+    return FakedFont{nullptr, FontFakery()};
 bool FontFamily::isColorEmojiFamily() const {
diff --git a/libs/minikin/FontUtils.cpp b/libs/minikin/FontUtils.cpp
index f891a76..0d4c6d2 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/FontUtils.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/FontUtils.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 static uint32_t readU32(const uint8_t* data, size_t offset) {
     return ((uint32_t)data[offset]) << 24 | ((uint32_t)data[offset + 1]) << 16 |
-            ((uint32_t)data[offset + 2]) << 8 | ((uint32_t)data[offset + 3]);
+           ((uint32_t)data[offset + 2]) << 8 | ((uint32_t)data[offset + 3]);
 bool analyzeStyle(const uint8_t* os2_data, size_t os2_size, int* weight, bool* italic) {
diff --git a/libs/minikin/GraphemeBreak.cpp b/libs/minikin/GraphemeBreak.cpp
index c4ac7c4..7d06d8f 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/GraphemeBreak.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/GraphemeBreak.cpp
@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@
 int32_t tailoredGraphemeClusterBreak(uint32_t c) {
     // Characters defined as Control that we want to treat them as Extend.
     // These are curated manually.
-    if (c == 0x00AD                         // SHY
-            || c == 0x061C                  // ALM
-            || c == 0x180E                  // MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR
-            || c == 0x200B                  // ZWSP
-            || c == 0x200E                  // LRM
-            || c == 0x200F                  // RLM
-            || (0x202A <= c && c <= 0x202E) // LRE, RLE, PDF, LRO, RLO
-            || ((c | 0xF) == 0x206F)        // WJ, invisible math operators, LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI,
-                                            // and the deprecated invisible format controls
-            || c == 0xFEFF                  // BOM
-            || ((c | 0x7F) == 0xE007F))     // recently undeprecated tag characters in Plane 14
+    if (c == 0x00AD                      // SHY
+        || c == 0x061C                   // ALM
+        || c == 0x180E                   // MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR
+        || c == 0x200B                   // ZWSP
+        || c == 0x200E                   // LRM
+        || c == 0x200F                   // RLM
+        || (0x202A <= c && c <= 0x202E)  // LRE, RLE, PDF, LRO, RLO
+        || ((c | 0xF) == 0x206F)         // WJ, invisible math operators, LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI,
+                                         // and the deprecated invisible format controls
+        || c == 0xFEFF                   // BOM
+        || ((c | 0x7F) == 0xE007F))      // recently undeprecated tag characters in Plane 14
         return U_GCB_EXTEND;
     // THAI CHARACTER SARA AM is treated as a normal letter by most other implementations: they
     // allow a grapheme break before it.
@@ -52,13 +52,14 @@
 // Returns true for all characters whose IndicSyllabicCategory is Pure_Killer.
 // From
 bool isPureKiller(uint32_t c) {
-    return (c == 0x0E3A || c == 0x0E4E || c == 0x0F84 || c == 0x103A || c == 0x1714 || c == 0x1734
-            || c == 0x17D1 || c == 0x1BAA || c == 0x1BF2 || c == 0x1BF3 || c == 0xA806
-            || c == 0xA953 || c == 0xABED || c == 0x11134 || c == 0x112EA || c == 0x1172B);
+    return (c == 0x0E3A || c == 0x0E4E || c == 0x0F84 || c == 0x103A || c == 0x1714 ||
+            c == 0x1734 || c == 0x17D1 || c == 0x1BAA || c == 0x1BF2 || c == 0x1BF3 ||
+            c == 0xA806 || c == 0xA953 || c == 0xABED || c == 0x11134 || c == 0x112EA ||
+            c == 0x1172B);
 bool GraphemeBreak::isGraphemeBreak(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start,
-        size_t count, const size_t offset) {
+                                    size_t count, const size_t offset) {
     // This implementation closely follows Unicode Standard Annex #29 on
     // Unicode Text Segmentation (,
     // implementing a tailored version of extended grapheme clusters.
@@ -195,8 +196,8 @@
     // disallow grapheme breaks (if we are here, we don't know about advances, or we already know
     // that c2 has no advance).
     if (u_getIntPropertyValue(c1, UCHAR_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS) == 9  // virama
-            && !isPureKiller(c1)
-            && u_getIntPropertyValue(c2, UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY) == U_OTHER_LETTER) {
+        && !isPureKiller(c1) &&
+        u_getIntPropertyValue(c2, UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY) == U_OTHER_LETTER) {
         return false;
     // Rule GB999, Any ÷ Any
@@ -204,33 +205,33 @@
 size_t GraphemeBreak::getTextRunCursor(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start,
-        size_t count, size_t offset, MoveOpt opt) {
+                                       size_t count, size_t offset, MoveOpt opt) {
     switch (opt) {
-    case AFTER:
-        if (offset < start + count) {
-            offset++;
-        }
+        case AFTER:
+            if (offset < start + count) {
+                offset++;
+            }
         // fall through
-    case AT_OR_AFTER:
-        while (!isGraphemeBreak(advances, buf, start, count, offset)) {
-            offset++;
-        }
-        break;
-    case BEFORE:
-        if (offset > start) {
-            offset--;
-        }
+        case AT_OR_AFTER:
+            while (!isGraphemeBreak(advances, buf, start, count, offset)) {
+                offset++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case BEFORE:
+            if (offset > start) {
+                offset--;
+            }
         // fall through
-    case AT_OR_BEFORE:
-        while (!isGraphemeBreak(advances, buf, start, count, offset)) {
-            offset--;
-        }
-        break;
-    case AT:
-        if (!isGraphemeBreak(advances, buf, start, count, offset)) {
-            offset = (size_t)-1;
-        }
-        break;
+        case AT_OR_BEFORE:
+            while (!isGraphemeBreak(advances, buf, start, count, offset)) {
+                offset--;
+            }
+            break;
+        case AT:
+            if (!isGraphemeBreak(advances, buf, start, count, offset)) {
+                offset = (size_t)-1;
+            }
+            break;
     return offset;
diff --git a/libs/minikin/HbFontCache.cpp b/libs/minikin/HbFontCache.cpp
index 6117292..6c10b2f 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/HbFontCache.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/HbFontCache.cpp
@@ -21,36 +21,25 @@
 #include <utils/LruCache.h>
 #include "minikin/MinikinFont.h"
 #include "MinikinInternal.h"
 namespace minikin {
 class HbFontCache : private android::OnEntryRemoved<int32_t, hb_font_t*> {
-    HbFontCache() : mCache(kMaxEntries) {
-        mCache.setOnEntryRemovedListener(this);
-    }
+    HbFontCache() : mCache(kMaxEntries) { mCache.setOnEntryRemovedListener(this); }
     // callback for OnEntryRemoved
-    void operator()(int32_t& /* key */, hb_font_t*& value) {
-        hb_font_destroy(value);
-    }
+    void operator()(int32_t& /* key */, hb_font_t*& value) { hb_font_destroy(value); }
-    hb_font_t* get(int32_t fontId) {
-        return mCache.get(fontId);
-    }
+    hb_font_t* get(int32_t fontId) { return mCache.get(fontId); }
-    void put(int32_t fontId, hb_font_t* font) {
-        mCache.put(fontId, font);
-    }
+    void put(int32_t fontId, hb_font_t* font) { mCache.put(fontId, font); }
-    void clear() {
-        mCache.clear();
-    }
+    void clear() { mCache.clear(); }
-    void remove(int32_t fontId) {
-        mCache.remove(fontId);
-    }
+    void remove(int32_t fontId) { mCache.remove(fontId); }
     static const size_t kMaxEntries = 100;
@@ -102,7 +91,7 @@
     const void* buf = minikinFont->GetFontData();
     size_t size = minikinFont->GetFontSize();
     hb_blob_t* blob = hb_blob_create(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), size,
-        HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, nullptr, nullptr);
+                                     HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, nullptr, nullptr);
     face = hb_face_create(blob, minikinFont->GetFontIndex());
diff --git a/libs/minikin/Hyphenator.cpp b/libs/minikin/Hyphenator.cpp
index 3fe3b19..393e609 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/Hyphenator.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/Hyphenator.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 struct AlphabetTable1 {
     uint32_t version;
     uint32_t n_entries;
-    uint32_t data[1]; // actually flexible array, size is known at runtime
+    uint32_t data[1];  // actually flexible array, size is known at runtime
     static uint32_t codepoint(uint32_t entry) { return entry >> 11; }
     static uint32_t value(uint32_t entry) { return entry & 0x7ff; }
@@ -90,9 +90,7 @@
     const AlphabetTable1* alphabetTable1() const {
         return reinterpret_cast<const AlphabetTable1*>(bytes() + alphabet_offset);
-    const Trie* trieTable() const {
-        return reinterpret_cast<const Trie*>(bytes() + trie_offset);
-    }
+    const Trie* trieTable() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Trie*>(bytes() + trie_offset); }
     const Pattern* patternTable() const {
         return reinterpret_cast<const Pattern*>(bytes() + pattern_offset);
@@ -100,7 +98,7 @@
 // static
 Hyphenator* Hyphenator::loadBinary(const uint8_t* patternData, size_t minPrefix, size_t minSuffix,
-        const std::string& locale) {
+                                   const std::string& locale) {
     HyphenationLocale hyphenLocale = HyphenationLocale::OTHER;
     if (locale == "pl") {
         hyphenLocale = HyphenationLocale::POLISH;
@@ -113,18 +111,19 @@
 Hyphenator::Hyphenator(const uint8_t* patternData, size_t minPrefix, size_t minSuffix,
-        HyphenationLocale hyphenLocale)
-    : mPatternData(patternData), mMinPrefix(minPrefix), mMinSuffix(minSuffix),
-        mHyphenationLocale(hyphenLocale) {
+                       HyphenationLocale hyphenLocale)
+        : mPatternData(patternData),
+          mMinPrefix(minPrefix),
+          mMinSuffix(minSuffix),
+          mHyphenationLocale(hyphenLocale) {}
 void Hyphenator::hyphenate(std::vector<HyphenationType>* result, const uint16_t* word,
-        size_t len) const {
+                           size_t len) const {
     const size_t paddedLen = len + 2;  // start and stop code each count for 1
-    if (mPatternData != nullptr &&
-            len >= mMinPrefix + mMinSuffix && paddedLen <= MAX_HYPHENATED_SIZE) {
+    if (mPatternData != nullptr && len >= mMinPrefix + mMinSuffix &&
+        paddedLen <= MAX_HYPHENATED_SIZE) {
         uint16_t alpha_codes[MAX_HYPHENATED_SIZE];
         const HyphenationType hyphenValue = alphabetLookup(alpha_codes, word, len);
         if (hyphenValue != HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK) {
@@ -147,15 +146,15 @@
 // inspecting all the characters that have the Unicode line breaking
 // property of BA or HY and seeing which ones are hyphens.
 bool Hyphenator::isLineBreakingHyphen(uint32_t c) {
-    return (c == 0x002D || // HYPHEN-MINUS
-            c == 0x058A || // ARMENIAN HYPHEN
-            c == 0x05BE || // HEBREW PUNCTUATION MAQAF
-            c == 0x1400 || // CANADIAN SYLLABICS HYPHEN
-            c == 0x2010 || // HYPHEN
-            c == 0x2013 || // EN DASH
-            c == 0x2027 || // HYPHENATION POINT
-            c == 0x2E17 || // DOUBLE OBLIQUE HYPHEN
-            c == 0x2E40);  // DOUBLE HYPHEN
+    return (c == 0x002D ||  // HYPHEN-MINUS
+            c == 0x058A ||  // ARMENIAN HYPHEN
+            c == 0x05BE ||  // HEBREW PUNCTUATION MAQAF
+            c == 0x1400 ||  // CANADIAN SYLLABICS HYPHEN
+            c == 0x2010 ||  // HYPHEN
+            c == 0x2013 ||  // EN DASH
+            c == 0x2027 ||  // HYPHENATION POINT
+            c == 0x2E17 ||  // DOUBLE OBLIQUE HYPHEN
+            c == 0x2E40);   // DOUBLE HYPHEN
 EndHyphenEdit editForThisLine(HyphenationType type) {
@@ -206,10 +205,8 @@
     // for now to be safe.  BREAK_AND_INSERT_MAQAF is already implemented, so if we want to switch
     // to maqaf for Hebrew, we can simply add a condition here.
     const UScriptCode script = getScript(codePoint);
-    if (script == USCRIPT_KANNADA
-            || script == USCRIPT_MALAYALAM
-            || script == USCRIPT_TAMIL
-            || script == USCRIPT_TELUGU) {
+    if (script == USCRIPT_KANNADA || script == USCRIPT_MALAYALAM || script == USCRIPT_TAMIL ||
+        script == USCRIPT_TELUGU) {
         // Grantha is not included, since we don't support non-BMP hyphenation yet.
         return HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN;
     } else if (script == USCRIPT_ARMENIAN) {
@@ -228,7 +225,7 @@
 // Assumption for caller: location must be >= 2 and word[location] == CHAR_SOFT_HYPHEN.
 // This function decides if the letters before and after the hyphen should appear as joining.
 static inline HyphenationType getHyphTypeForArabic(const uint16_t* word, size_t len,
-        size_t location) {
+                                                   size_t location) {
     ssize_t i = location;
     int32_t type = U_JT_NON_JOINING;
     while (static_cast<size_t>(i) < len && (type = getJoiningType(word[i])) == U_JT_TRANSPARENT) {
@@ -237,7 +234,7 @@
     if (type == U_JT_DUAL_JOINING || type == U_JT_RIGHT_JOINING || type == U_JT_JOIN_CAUSING) {
         // The next character is of the type that may join the last character. See if the last
         // character is also of the right type.
-        i = location - 2; // Skip the soft hyphen
+        i = location - 2;  // Skip the soft hyphen
         type = U_JT_NON_JOINING;
         while (i >= 0 && (type = getJoiningType(word[i])) == U_JT_TRANSPARENT) {
@@ -253,17 +250,17 @@
 // that didn't match patterns, especially words that contain hyphens or soft hyphens (See sections
 // 5.3, Use of Hyphen, and 5.4, Use of Soft Hyphen).
 void Hyphenator::hyphenateWithNoPatterns(HyphenationType* result, const uint16_t* word,
-        size_t len) const {
+                                         size_t len) const {
     result[0] = HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK;
     for (size_t i = 1; i < len; i++) {
         const uint16_t prevChar = word[i - 1];
         if (i > 1 && isLineBreakingHyphen(prevChar)) {
             // Break after hyphens, but only if they don't start the word.
-            if ((prevChar == CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS || prevChar == CHAR_HYPHEN)
-                    && (mHyphenationLocale == HyphenationLocale::POLISH
-                        || mHyphenationLocale == HyphenationLocale::SLOVENIAN)
-                    && getScript(word[i]) == USCRIPT_LATIN) {
+            if ((prevChar == CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS || prevChar == CHAR_HYPHEN) &&
+                (mHyphenationLocale == HyphenationLocale::POLISH ||
+                 mHyphenationLocale == HyphenationLocale::SLOVENIAN) &&
+                getScript(word[i]) == USCRIPT_LATIN) {
                 // In Polish and Slovenian, hyphens get repeated at the next line. To be safe,
                 // we will do this only if the next character is Latin.
                 result[i] = HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN_AT_NEXT_LINE;
@@ -281,22 +278,21 @@
             } else {
                 result[i] = hyphenationTypeBasedOnScript(word[i]);
-        } else if (prevChar == CHAR_MIDDLE_DOT
-                && mMinPrefix < i && i <= len - mMinSuffix
-                && ((word[i - 2] == 'l' && word[i] == 'l')
-                        || (word[i - 2] == 'L' && word[i] == 'L'))
-                && mHyphenationLocale == HyphenationLocale::CATALAN) {
+        } else if (prevChar == CHAR_MIDDLE_DOT && mMinPrefix < i && i <= len - mMinSuffix &&
+                   ((word[i - 2] == 'l' && word[i] == 'l') ||
+                    (word[i - 2] == 'L' && word[i] == 'L')) &&
+                   mHyphenationLocale == HyphenationLocale::CATALAN) {
             // In Catalan, "l·l" should break as "l-" on the first line
             // and "l" on the next line.
             result[i] = HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_REPLACE_WITH_HYPHEN;
         } else {
             result[i] = HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK;
-     }
+    }
 HyphenationType Hyphenator::alphabetLookup(uint16_t* alpha_codes, const uint16_t* word,
-        size_t len) const {
+                                           size_t len) const {
     const Header* header = getHeader();
     HyphenationType result = HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN;
     // TODO: check header magic
@@ -355,7 +351,7 @@
  * Note: len here is the padded length including 0 codes at start and end.
 void Hyphenator::hyphenateFromCodes(HyphenationType* result, const uint16_t* codes, size_t len,
-        HyphenationType hyphenValue) const {
+                                    HyphenationType hyphenValue) const {
     static_assert(sizeof(HyphenationType) == sizeof(uint8_t), "HyphnationType must be uint8_t.");
     // Reuse the result array as a buffer for calculating intermediate hyphenation numbers.
     uint8_t* buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(result);
diff --git a/libs/minikin/HyphenatorMap.cpp b/libs/minikin/HyphenatorMap.cpp
index 563aac3..b3b7b8b 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/HyphenatorMap.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/HyphenatorMap.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 constexpr int DEFAULT_MAX_PREFIX = 2;
 }  // namespace
 // Following two function's implementations are here since Hyphenator.cpp can't include
 // HyphenatorMap.h due to harfbuzz dependency on the host binary.
 void addHyphenator(const std::string& localeStr, const Hyphenator* hyphenator) {
@@ -43,9 +42,8 @@
-      : mSoftHyphenOnlyHyphenator(Hyphenator::loadBinary(
-              nullptr, DEFAULT_MIN_PREFIX, DEFAULT_MAX_PREFIX, "")) {
+        : mSoftHyphenOnlyHyphenator(
+                  Hyphenator::loadBinary(nullptr, DEFAULT_MIN_PREFIX, DEFAULT_MAX_PREFIX, "")) {}
 void HyphenatorMap::addInternal(const std::string& localeStr, const Hyphenator* hyphenator) {
     const Locale locale(localeStr);
@@ -59,8 +57,8 @@
     mMap[locale.getIdentifier()] = hyphenator;
-void HyphenatorMap::addAliasInternal(
-        const std::string& fromLocaleStr, const std::string& toLocaleStr) {
+void HyphenatorMap::addAliasInternal(const std::string& fromLocaleStr,
+                                     const std::string& toLocaleStr) {
     const Locale fromLocale(fromLocaleStr);
     const Locale toLocale(toLocaleStr);
     android::AutoMutex _l(gMinikinLock);
@@ -119,8 +117,7 @@
     return it == mMap.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
-const Hyphenator* HyphenatorMap::lookupBySubtagLocked(const Locale& locale,
-        SubtagBits bits) const {
+const Hyphenator* HyphenatorMap::lookupBySubtagLocked(const Locale& locale, SubtagBits bits) const {
     const Locale partialLocale = locale.getPartialLocale(bits);
     if (!partialLocale.isSupported() || partialLocale == locale) {
         return nullptr;  // Skip the partial locale result in the same locale or not supported.
diff --git a/libs/minikin/HyphenatorMap.h b/libs/minikin/HyphenatorMap.h
index f206af0..4611c01 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/HyphenatorMap.h
+++ b/libs/minikin/HyphenatorMap.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include <map>
 #include "minikin/Hyphenator.h"
 #include "Locale.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
     // The following five methods are protected for testing purposes.
-    HyphenatorMap(); // Use getInstance() instead.
+    HyphenatorMap();  // Use getInstance() instead.
     void addInternal(const std::string& localeStr, const Hyphenator* hyphenator);
     void addAliasInternal(const std::string& fromLocaleStr, const std::string& toLocaleStr);
     const Hyphenator* lookupInternal(const Locale& locale);
@@ -73,4 +74,4 @@
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/libs/minikin/Layout.cpp b/libs/minikin/Layout.cpp
index 4417b5a..187e962 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/Layout.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/Layout.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <utils/Singleton.h>
 #include "minikin/Emoji.h"
 #include "HbFontCache.h"
 #include "LayoutUtils.h"
 #include "LocaleListCache.h"
@@ -91,21 +92,28 @@
 class LayoutCacheKey {
     LayoutCacheKey(const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, const MinikinPaint& paint,
-            const uint16_t* chars, size_t start, size_t count, size_t nchars, bool dir,
-            StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen)
-            : mChars(chars), mNchars(nchars),
-            mStart(start), mCount(count), mId(collection->getId()), mStyle(paint.fontStyle),
-            mSize(paint.size), mScaleX(paint.scaleX), mSkewX(paint.skewX),
-            mLetterSpacing(paint.letterSpacing),
-            mPaintFlags(paint.paintFlags), mLocaleListId(paint.localeListId),
-            mFamilyVariant(paint.familyVariant), mStartHyphen(startHyphen), mEndHyphen(endHyphen),
-            mIsRtl(dir), mHash(computeHash()) {
-    }
-    bool operator==(const LayoutCacheKey &other) const;
+                   const uint16_t* chars, size_t start, size_t count, size_t nchars, bool dir,
+                   StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen)
+            : mChars(chars),
+              mNchars(nchars),
+              mStart(start),
+              mCount(count),
+              mId(collection->getId()),
+              mStyle(paint.fontStyle),
+              mSize(paint.size),
+              mScaleX(paint.scaleX),
+              mSkewX(paint.skewX),
+              mLetterSpacing(paint.letterSpacing),
+              mPaintFlags(paint.paintFlags),
+              mLocaleListId(paint.localeListId),
+              mFamilyVariant(paint.familyVariant),
+              mStartHyphen(startHyphen),
+              mEndHyphen(endHyphen),
+              mIsRtl(dir),
+              mHash(computeHash()) {}
+    bool operator==(const LayoutCacheKey& other) const;
-    android::hash_t hash() const {
-        return mHash;
-    }
+    android::hash_t hash() const { return mHash; }
     void copyText() {
         uint16_t* charsCopy = new uint16_t[mNchars];
@@ -118,13 +126,13 @@
     void doLayout(Layout* layout, LayoutContext* ctx,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) const {
+                  const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) const {
         layout->mAdvances.resize(mCount, 0);
         layout->doLayoutRun(mChars, mStart, mCount, mNchars, mIsRtl, ctx, mStartHyphen, mEndHyphen,
-                collection);
+                            collection);
@@ -157,12 +165,10 @@
-    void clear() {
-        mCache.clear();
-    }
+    void clear() { mCache.clear(); }
     Layout* get(LayoutCacheKey& key, LayoutContext* ctx,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) {
+                const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) {
         Layout* layout = mCache.get(key);
         if (layout == NULL) {
@@ -179,7 +185,7 @@
     void dumpStats(int fd) {
         dprintf(fd, "\nLayout Cache Info:\n");
         dprintf(fd, "  Usage: %zd/%zd entries\n", mCache.size(), kMaxEntries);
-        float ratio = (mRequestCount == 0) ? 0 : mCacheHitCount / (float) mRequestCount;
+        float ratio = (mRequestCount == 0) ? 0 : mCacheHitCount / (float)mRequestCount;
         dprintf(fd, "  Hit ratio: %d/%d (%f)\n", mCacheHitCount, mRequestCount, ratio);
@@ -195,7 +201,7 @@
     int32_t mRequestCount;
     int32_t mCacheHitCount;
-    //static const size_t kMaxEntries = LruCache<LayoutCacheKey, Layout*>::kUnlimitedCapacity;
+    // static const size_t kMaxEntries = LruCache<LayoutCacheKey, Layout*>::kUnlimitedCapacity;
     // TODO: eviction based on memory footprint; for now, we just use a constant
     // number of strings
@@ -224,22 +230,13 @@
 bool LayoutCacheKey::operator==(const LayoutCacheKey& other) const {
-    return mId == other.mId
-            && mStart == other.mStart
-            && mCount == other.mCount
-            && mStyle == other.mStyle
-            && mSize == other.mSize
-            && mScaleX == other.mScaleX
-            && mSkewX == other.mSkewX
-            && mLetterSpacing == other.mLetterSpacing
-            && mPaintFlags == other.mPaintFlags
-            && mLocaleListId == other.mLocaleListId
-            && mFamilyVariant == other.mFamilyVariant
-            && mStartHyphen == other.mStartHyphen
-            && mEndHyphen == other.mEndHyphen
-            && mIsRtl == other.mIsRtl
-            && mNchars == other.mNchars
-            && !memcmp(mChars, other.mChars, mNchars * sizeof(uint16_t));
+    return mId == other.mId && mStart == other.mStart && mCount == other.mCount &&
+           mStyle == other.mStyle && mSize == other.mSize && mScaleX == other.mScaleX &&
+           mSkewX == other.mSkewX && mLetterSpacing == other.mLetterSpacing &&
+           mPaintFlags == other.mPaintFlags && mLocaleListId == other.mLocaleListId &&
+           mFamilyVariant == other.mFamilyVariant && mStartHyphen == other.mStartHyphen &&
+           mEndHyphen == other.mEndHyphen && mIsRtl == other.mIsRtl && mNchars == other.mNchars &&
+           !memcmp(mChars, other.mChars, mNchars * sizeof(uint16_t));
 android::hash_t LayoutCacheKey::computeHash() const {
@@ -254,8 +251,9 @@
     hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(mPaintFlags));
     hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(mLocaleListId));
     hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(static_cast<uint8_t>(mFamilyVariant)));
-    hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(
-            static_cast<uint8_t>(packHyphenEdit(mStartHyphen, mEndHyphen))));
+    hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(
+            hash,
+            android::hash_type(static_cast<uint8_t>(packHyphenEdit(mStartHyphen, mEndHyphen))));
     hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(mIsRtl));
     hash = android::JenkinsHashMixShorts(hash, mChars, mNchars);
     return android::JenkinsHashWhiten(hash);
@@ -287,15 +285,16 @@
 static hb_position_t harfbuzzGetGlyphHorizontalAdvance(hb_font_t* /* hbFont */, void* fontData,
-        hb_codepoint_t glyph, void* /* userData */) {
+                                                       hb_codepoint_t glyph, void* /* userData */) {
     SkiaArguments* args = reinterpret_cast<SkiaArguments*>(fontData);
     float advance = args->font->GetHorizontalAdvance(glyph, *args->paint, args->fakery);
     return 256 * advance + 0.5;
 static hb_bool_t harfbuzzGetGlyphHorizontalOrigin(hb_font_t* /* hbFont */, void* /* fontData */,
-        hb_codepoint_t /* glyph */, hb_position_t* /* x */, hb_position_t* /* y */,
-        void* /* userData */) {
+                                                  hb_codepoint_t /* glyph */,
+                                                  hb_position_t* /* x */, hb_position_t* /* y */,
+                                                  void* /* userData */) {
     // Just return true, following the way that Harfbuzz-FreeType
     // implementation does.
     return true;
@@ -333,14 +332,12 @@
     return cbdt.size() > 0;
-static float HBFixedToFloat(hb_position_t v)
-    return scalbnf (v, -8);
+static float HBFixedToFloat(hb_position_t v) {
+    return scalbnf(v, -8);
-static hb_position_t HBFloatToFixed(float v)
-    return scalbnf (v, +8);
+static hb_position_t HBFloatToFixed(float v) {
+    return scalbnf(v, +8);
 void Layout::dump() const {
@@ -365,7 +362,7 @@
         hb_font_t* font = getHbFontLocked(face.font);
         hb_font_set_funcs(font, getHbFontFuncs(isColorBitmapFont(font)),
                           new SkiaArguments({face.font, &ctx->paint, face.fakery}),
-                          [] (void* data) { delete reinterpret_cast<SkiaArguments*>(data); });
+                          [](void* data) { delete reinterpret_cast<SkiaArguments*>(data); });
     return ix;
@@ -381,11 +378,11 @@
 static hb_codepoint_t decodeUtf16(const uint16_t* chars, size_t len, ssize_t* iter) {
     UChar32 result;
-    U16_NEXT(chars, *iter, (ssize_t) len, result);
-    if (U_IS_SURROGATE(result)) { // isolated surrogate
-        result = 0xFFFDu; // U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
+    U16_NEXT(chars, *iter, (ssize_t)len, result);
+    if (U_IS_SURROGATE(result)) {  // isolated surrogate
+        result = 0xFFFDu;          // U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
-    return (hb_codepoint_t) result;
+    return (hb_codepoint_t)result;
 static hb_script_t getScriptRun(const uint16_t* chars, size_t len, ssize_t* iter) {
@@ -395,17 +392,14 @@
     uint32_t cp = decodeUtf16(chars, len, iter);
     hb_script_t current_script = codePointToScript(cp);
     for (;;) {
-        if (size_t(*iter) == len)
-            break;
+        if (size_t(*iter) == len) break;
         const ssize_t prev_iter = *iter;
         cp = decodeUtf16(chars, len, iter);
         const hb_script_t script = codePointToScript(cp);
         if (script != current_script) {
-            if (current_script == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED ||
-                current_script == HB_SCRIPT_COMMON) {
+            if (current_script == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED || current_script == HB_SCRIPT_COMMON) {
                 current_script = script;
-            } else if (script == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED ||
-                script == HB_SCRIPT_COMMON) {
+            } else if (script == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED || script == HB_SCRIPT_COMMON) {
             } else {
                 *iter = prev_iter;
@@ -425,22 +419,13 @@
  * applied. See for more details.
 static bool isScriptOkForLetterspacing(hb_script_t script) {
-    return !(
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_NKO ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_PSALTER_PAHLAVI ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_MANDAIC ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_PHAGS_PA ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_BENGALI ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_MODI ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_SHARADA ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_TIRHUTA ||
-            script == HB_SCRIPT_OGHAM
-            );
+    return !(script == HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC || script == HB_SCRIPT_NKO ||
+             script == HB_SCRIPT_PSALTER_PAHLAVI || script == HB_SCRIPT_MANDAIC ||
+             script == HB_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN || script == HB_SCRIPT_PHAGS_PA ||
+             script == HB_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI || script == HB_SCRIPT_BENGALI ||
+             script == HB_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI || script == HB_SCRIPT_MODI ||
+             script == HB_SCRIPT_SHARADA || script == HB_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI ||
+             script == HB_SCRIPT_TIRHUTA || script == HB_SCRIPT_OGHAM);
 class BidiText {
@@ -455,16 +440,14 @@
         Iter(UBiDi* bidi, size_t start, size_t end, size_t runIndex, size_t runCount, bool isRtl);
-        bool operator!= (const Iter& other) const {
-            return mIsEnd != other.mIsEnd || mNextRunIndex != other.mNextRunIndex
-                    || mBidi != other.mBidi;
+        bool operator!=(const Iter& other) const {
+            return mIsEnd != other.mIsEnd || mNextRunIndex != other.mNextRunIndex ||
+                   mBidi != other.mBidi;
-        const RunInfo& operator* () const {
-            return mRunInfo;
-        }
+        const RunInfo& operator*() const { return mRunInfo; }
-        const Iter& operator++ () {
+        const Iter& operator++() {
             return *this;
@@ -489,13 +472,9 @@
-    Iter begin () const {
-        return Iter(mBidi, mStart, mEnd, 0, mRunCount, mIsRtl);
-    }
+    Iter begin() const { return Iter(mBidi, mStart, mEnd, 0, mRunCount, mIsRtl); }
-    Iter end() const {
-        return Iter(mBidi, mStart, mEnd, mRunCount, mRunCount, mIsRtl);
-    }
+    Iter end() const { return Iter(mBidi, mStart, mEnd, mRunCount, mRunCount, mIsRtl); }
     const size_t mStart;
@@ -510,9 +489,14 @@
 BidiText::Iter::Iter(UBiDi* bidi, size_t start, size_t end, size_t runIndex, size_t runCount,
-        bool isRtl)
-    : mBidi(bidi), mIsEnd(runIndex == runCount), mNextRunIndex(runIndex), mRunCount(runCount),
-      mStart(start), mEnd(end), mRunInfo() {
+                     bool isRtl)
+        : mBidi(bidi),
+          mIsEnd(runIndex == runCount),
+          mNextRunIndex(runIndex),
+          mRunCount(runCount),
+          mStart(start),
+          mEnd(end),
+          mRunInfo() {
     if (mRunCount == 1) {
         mRunInfo.mRunStart = start;
         mRunInfo.mRunLength = end - start;
@@ -551,8 +535,12 @@
 BidiText::BidiText(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize, Bidi bidiFlags)
-    : mStart(start), mEnd(start + count), mBufSize(bufSize), mBidi(NULL), mRunCount(1),
-      mIsRtl(isRtl(bidiFlags)) {
+        : mStart(start),
+          mEnd(start + count),
+          mBufSize(bufSize),
+          mBidi(NULL),
+          mRunCount(1),
+          mIsRtl(isRtl(bidiFlags)) {
     if (isOverride(bidiFlags)) {
         // force single run.
@@ -596,8 +584,8 @@
 void Layout::doLayout(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-        Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint &paint,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) {
+                      Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint& paint,
+                      const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) {
     android::AutoMutex _l(gMinikinLock);
     LayoutContext ctx(paint);
@@ -609,16 +597,17 @@
     for (const BidiText::Iter::RunInfo& runInfo : BidiText(buf, start, count, bufSize, bidiFlags)) {
         doLayoutRunCached(buf, runInfo.mRunStart, runInfo.mRunLength, bufSize, runInfo.mIsRtl, &ctx,
-                start, startHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit), endHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit),
-                collection, this, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
+                          start, startHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit), endHyphenEdit(paint.hyphenEdit),
+                          collection, this, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
 float Layout::measureText(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-        Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint &paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
-        EndHyphenEdit endHyphen, const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, float* advances,
-        MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
+                          Bidi bidiFlags, const MinikinPaint& paint, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
+                          EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                          const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, float* advances,
+                          MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
     android::AutoMutex _l(gMinikinLock);
     LayoutContext ctx(paint);
@@ -630,8 +619,8 @@
         MinikinExtent* extentsForRun = extents ? extents + offset : nullptr;
         LayoutOverhang* overhangsForRun = overhangs ? overhangs + offset : nullptr;
         advance += doLayoutRunCached(buf, runInfo.mRunStart, runInfo.mRunLength, bufSize,
-                runInfo.mIsRtl, &ctx, 0, startHyphen, endHyphen, collection, NULL, advancesForRun,
-                extentsForRun, overhangsForRun);
+                                     runInfo.mIsRtl, &ctx, 0, startHyphen, endHyphen, collection,
+                                     NULL, advancesForRun, extentsForRun, overhangsForRun);
@@ -639,10 +628,11 @@
 float Layout::doLayoutRunCached(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-        bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, size_t dstStart,
-        StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, Layout* layout, float* advances,
-        MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
+                                bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, size_t dstStart,
+                                StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                                const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, Layout* layout,
+                                float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents,
+                                LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
     float advance = 0;
     if (!isRtl) {
         // left to right
@@ -654,14 +644,13 @@
             const size_t wordcount = std::min(start + count, wordend) - iter;
             const size_t offset = iter - start;
             advance += doLayoutWord(buf + wordstart, iter - wordstart, wordcount,
-                    wordend - wordstart, isRtl, ctx, iter - dstStart,
-                    // Only apply hyphen to the first or last word in the string.
-                    iter == start ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
-                    wordend >= start + count ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
-                    collection, layout,
-                    advances ? advances + offset : nullptr,
-                    extents ? extents + offset : nullptr,
-                    overhangs ? overhangs + offset : nullptr);
+                                    wordend - wordstart, isRtl, ctx, iter - dstStart,
+                                    // Only apply hyphen to the first or last word in the string.
+                                    iter == start ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
+                                    wordend >= start + count ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
+                                    collection, layout, advances ? advances + offset : nullptr,
+                                    extents ? extents + offset : nullptr,
+                                    overhangs ? overhangs + offset : nullptr);
             wordstart = wordend;
     } else {
@@ -674,15 +663,14 @@
             size_t bufStart = std::max(start, wordstart);
             const size_t offset = bufStart - start;
             advance += doLayoutWord(buf + wordstart, bufStart - wordstart, iter - bufStart,
-                    wordend - wordstart, isRtl, ctx, bufStart - dstStart,
-                    // Only apply hyphen to the first (rightmost) or last (leftmost) word in the
-                    // string.
-                    wordstart <= start ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
-                    iter == end ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
-                    collection, layout,
-                    advances ? advances + offset : nullptr,
-                    extents ? extents + offset : nullptr,
-                    overhangs ? overhangs + offset : nullptr);
+                                    wordend - wordstart, isRtl, ctx, bufStart - dstStart,
+                                    // Only apply hyphen to the first (rightmost) or last (leftmost)
+                                    // word in the string.
+                                    wordstart <= start ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
+                                    iter == end ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, collection,
+                                    layout, advances ? advances + offset : nullptr,
+                                    extents ? extents + offset : nullptr,
+                                    overhangs ? overhangs + offset : nullptr);
             wordend = wordstart;
@@ -690,10 +678,10 @@
 float Layout::doLayoutWord(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-        bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, size_t bufStart,
-        StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, Layout* layout, float* advances,
-        MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
+                           bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, size_t bufStart,
+                           StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                           const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, Layout* layout,
+                           float* advances, MinikinExtent* extents, LayoutOverhang* overhangs) {
     LayoutCache& cache = LayoutEngine::getInstance().layoutCache;
     LayoutCacheKey key(collection, ctx->paint, buf, start, count, bufSize, isRtl, startHyphen,
@@ -743,15 +731,15 @@
     return advance;
-static void addFeatures(const std::string &str, std::vector<hb_feature_t>* features) {
+static void addFeatures(const std::string& str, std::vector<hb_feature_t>* features) {
     SplitIterator it(str, ',');
     while (it.hasNext()) {
         StringPiece featureStr =;
         static hb_feature_t feature;
         /* We do not allow setting features on ranges.  As such, reject any
          * setting that has non-universal range. */
-        if (hb_feature_from_string (, featureStr.size(), &feature)
-                && feature.start == 0 && feature.end == (unsigned int) -1) {
+        if (hb_feature_from_string(, featureStr.size(), &feature) &&
+            feature.start == 0 && feature.end == (unsigned int)-1) {
@@ -759,9 +747,9 @@
 static inline hb_codepoint_t determineHyphenChar(hb_codepoint_t preferredHyphen, hb_font_t* font) {
     hb_codepoint_t glyph;
-    if (preferredHyphen == 0x058A /* ARMENIAN_HYPHEN */
-                || preferredHyphen == 0x05BE /* HEBREW PUNCTUATION MAQAF */
-                || preferredHyphen == 0x1400 /* CANADIAN SYLLABIC HYPHEN */) {
+    if (preferredHyphen == 0x058A    /* ARMENIAN_HYPHEN */
+        || preferredHyphen == 0x05BE /* HEBREW PUNCTUATION MAQAF */
+        || preferredHyphen == 0x1400 /* CANADIAN SYLLABIC HYPHEN */) {
         if (hb_font_get_nominal_glyph(font, preferredHyphen, &glyph)) {
             return preferredHyphen;
         } else {
@@ -775,15 +763,15 @@
         // Note that we intentionally don't do anything special if the font doesn't have a
         // HYPHEN-MINUS either, so a tofu could be shown, hinting towards something missing.
         if (!hb_font_get_nominal_glyph(font, preferredHyphen, &glyph)) {
-            return 0x002D; // HYPHEN-MINUS
+            return 0x002D;  // HYPHEN-MINUS
     return preferredHyphen;
 template <typename HyphenEdit>
-static inline void addHyphenToHbBuffer(hb_buffer_t* buffer, hb_font_t* font,
-        HyphenEdit hyphen, uint32_t cluster) {
+static inline void addHyphenToHbBuffer(hb_buffer_t* buffer, hb_font_t* font, HyphenEdit hyphen,
+                                       uint32_t cluster) {
     const uint32_t* chars;
     size_t size;
     std::tie(chars, size) = getHyphenString(hyphen);
@@ -794,17 +782,16 @@
 // Returns the cluster value assigned to the first codepoint added to the buffer, which can be used
 // to translate cluster values returned by HarfBuzz to input indices.
-static inline uint32_t addToHbBuffer(hb_buffer_t* buffer,
-        const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-        ssize_t scriptRunStart, ssize_t scriptRunEnd,
-        StartHyphenEdit inStartHyphen, EndHyphenEdit inEndHyphen, hb_font_t* hbFont) {
+static inline uint32_t addToHbBuffer(hb_buffer_t* buffer, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start,
+                                     size_t count, size_t bufSize, ssize_t scriptRunStart,
+                                     ssize_t scriptRunEnd, StartHyphenEdit inStartHyphen,
+                                     EndHyphenEdit inEndHyphen, hb_font_t* hbFont) {
     // Only hyphenate the very first script run for starting hyphens.
-    const StartHyphenEdit startHyphen = (scriptRunStart == 0)
-            ? inStartHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
+    const StartHyphenEdit startHyphen =
+            (scriptRunStart == 0) ? inStartHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
     // Only hyphenate the very last script run for ending hyphens.
-    const EndHyphenEdit endHyphen = (static_cast<size_t>(scriptRunEnd) == count)
-            ? inEndHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
+    const EndHyphenEdit endHyphen =
+            (static_cast<size_t>(scriptRunEnd) == count) ? inEndHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
     // In the following code, we drop the pre-context and/or post-context if there is a
     // hyphen edit at that end. This is not absolutely necessary, since HarfBuzz uses
@@ -829,7 +816,7 @@
     const uint16_t* hbText;
     int hbTextLength;
     unsigned int hbItemOffset;
-    unsigned int hbItemLength = scriptRunEnd - scriptRunStart; // This is >= 1.
+    unsigned int hbItemLength = scriptRunEnd - scriptRunStart;  // This is >= 1.
     const bool hasEndInsertion = isInsertion(endHyphen);
     const bool hasEndReplacement = isReplacement(endHyphen);
@@ -881,7 +868,7 @@
             // we have a replacement that is replacing a one-code unit script run.
             hyphenCluster = 0;
         } else {
-            hyphenCluster = cpInfo[numCodepoints - 1].cluster + (uint32_t) hasEndReplacement;
+            hyphenCluster = cpInfo[numCodepoints - 1].cluster + (uint32_t)hasEndReplacement;
         addHyphenToHbBuffer(buffer, hbFont, endHyphen, hyphenCluster);
         // Since we have just added to the buffer, cpInfo no longer necessarily points to
@@ -891,10 +878,10 @@
     return cpInfo[0].cluster;
 void Layout::doLayoutRun(const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count, size_t bufSize,
-        bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) {
+                         bool isRtl, LayoutContext* ctx, StartHyphenEdit startHyphen,
+                         EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
+                         const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection) {
     hb_buffer_t* buffer = LayoutEngine::getInstance().hbBuffer;
     std::vector<FontCollection::Run> items;
     collection->itemize(buf + start, count, ctx->paint, &items);
@@ -905,10 +892,9 @@
     // "When the effective spacing between two characters is not zero (due to
     // either justification or a non-zero value of letter-spacing), user agents
     // should not apply optional ligatures."
-    if (fabs(ctx->paint.letterSpacing) > 0.03)
-    {
-        static const hb_feature_t no_liga = { HB_TAG('l', 'i', 'g', 'a'), 0, 0, ~0u };
-        static const hb_feature_t no_clig = { HB_TAG('c', 'l', 'i', 'g'), 0, 0, ~0u };
+    if (fabs(ctx->paint.letterSpacing) > 0.03) {
+        static const hb_feature_t no_liga = {HB_TAG('l', 'i', 'g', 'a'), 0, 0, ~0u};
+        static const hb_feature_t no_clig = {HB_TAG('c', 'l', 'i', 'g'), 0, 0, ~0u};
@@ -920,9 +906,9 @@
     float x = mAdvance;
     float y = 0;
     for (int run_ix = isRtl ? items.size() - 1 : 0;
-            isRtl ? run_ix >= 0 : run_ix < static_cast<int>(items.size());
-            isRtl ? --run_ix : ++run_ix) {
-        FontCollection::Run &run = items[run_ix];
+         isRtl ? run_ix >= 0 : run_ix < static_cast<int>(items.size());
+         isRtl ? --run_ix : ++run_ix) {
+        FontCollection::Run& run = items[run_ix];
         const FakedFont& fakedFont = run.fakedFont;
         if (fakedFont.font == NULL) {
             ALOGE("no font for run starting u+%04x length %d", buf[run.start], run.end - run.start);
@@ -947,9 +933,8 @@
         // Note: scriptRunStart and scriptRunEnd, as well as run.start and run.end, run between 0
         // and count.
         ssize_t scriptRunEnd;
-        for (ssize_t scriptRunStart = run.start;
-                scriptRunStart < run.end;
-                scriptRunStart = scriptRunEnd) {
+        for (ssize_t scriptRunStart = run.start; scriptRunStart < run.end;
+             scriptRunStart = scriptRunEnd) {
             scriptRunEnd = scriptRunStart;
             hb_script_t script = getScriptRun(buf + start, run.end, &scriptRunEnd /* iterator */);
             // After the last line, scriptRunEnd is guaranteed to have increased, since the only
@@ -976,7 +961,7 @@
             hb_buffer_set_script(buffer, script);
-            hb_buffer_set_direction(buffer, isRtl? HB_DIRECTION_RTL : HB_DIRECTION_LTR);
+            hb_buffer_set_direction(buffer, isRtl ? HB_DIRECTION_RTL : HB_DIRECTION_LTR);
             const LocaleList& localeList = LocaleListCache::getById(ctx->paint.localeListId);
             if (localeList.size() != 0) {
                 hb_language_t hbLanguage = localeList.getHbLanguage(0);
@@ -989,11 +974,9 @@
                 hb_buffer_set_language(buffer, hbLanguage);
-            const uint32_t clusterStart = addToHbBuffer(
-                buffer,
-                buf, start, count, bufSize,
-                scriptRunStart, scriptRunEnd,
-                startHyphen, endHyphen, hbFont);
+            const uint32_t clusterStart =
+                    addToHbBuffer(buffer, buf, start, count, bufSize, scriptRunStart, scriptRunEnd,
+                                  startHyphen, endHyphen, hbFont);
             hb_shape(hbFont, buffer, features.empty() ? NULL : &features[0], features.size());
             unsigned int numGlyphs;
@@ -1008,8 +991,7 @@
             // mAdvances.
             const ssize_t clusterOffset = clusterStart - scriptRunStart;
-            if (numGlyphs)
-            {
+            if (numGlyphs) {
                 mAdvances[info[0].cluster - clusterOffset] += letterSpaceHalfLeft;
                 x += letterSpaceHalfLeft;
@@ -1051,15 +1033,14 @@
                     mAdvances[clusterBaseIndex] += xAdvance;
                 } else {
-                    ALOGE("cluster %zu (start %zu) out of bounds of count %zu",
-                        clusterBaseIndex, start, count);
+                    ALOGE("cluster %zu (start %zu) out of bounds of count %zu", clusterBaseIndex,
+                          start, count);
                 glyphBounds.offset(x, y);
                 x += xAdvance;
-            if (numGlyphs)
-            {
+            if (numGlyphs) {
                 mAdvances[info[numGlyphs - 1].cluster - clusterOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight;
                 x += letterSpaceHalfRight;
@@ -1184,4 +1165,3 @@
 namespace android {
 }  // namespace android
diff --git a/libs/minikin/LayoutUtils.h b/libs/minikin/LayoutUtils.h
index 05c4156..3128148 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/LayoutUtils.h
+++ b/libs/minikin/LayoutUtils.h
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
  * kerning or complex script processing. This is necessarily a
  * heuristic, but should be accurate most of the time.
-size_t getPrevWordBreakForCache(
-        const uint16_t* chars, size_t offset, size_t len);
+size_t getPrevWordBreakForCache(const uint16_t* chars, size_t offset, size_t len);
  * Return offset of next word break. It is either > offset or == len.
@@ -43,8 +42,7 @@
  * kerning or complex script processing. This is necessarily a
  * heuristic, but should be accurate most of the time.
-size_t getNextWordBreakForCache(
-        const uint16_t* chars, size_t offset, size_t len);
+size_t getNextWordBreakForCache(const uint16_t* chars, size_t offset, size_t len);
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/libs/minikin/LineBreaker.cpp b/libs/minikin/LineBreaker.cpp
index bcac772..413c5f6 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/LineBreaker.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/LineBreaker.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "minikin/Layout.h"
 #include "minikin/Range.h"
 #include "minikin/U16StringPiece.h"
 #include "HyphenatorMap.h"
 #include "LayoutUtils.h"
 #include "Locale.h"
@@ -70,8 +71,8 @@
     MeasuredText result(text.size());
     for (const auto& run : runs) {
         const uint32_t runOffset = run->getRange().getStart();
-        run->getMetrics(text, + runOffset,
-               + runOffset, + runOffset);
+        run->getMetrics(text, + runOffset, + runOffset,
+               + runOffset);
     return result;
@@ -85,25 +86,22 @@
                          const MeasuredText& measuredText, BreakStrategy strategy,
                          HyphenationFrequency frequency, bool justified)
         : mCurrentLocaleListId(LocaleListCache::kInvalidListId),
-        mWordBreaker(std::move(breaker)),
-        mTextBuf(textBuffer),
-        mMeasuredText(measuredText),
-        mStrategy(strategy),
-        mHyphenationFrequency(frequency),
-        mJustified(justified),
-        mLastConsideredGreedyCandidate(LAST_BREAK_OFFSET_NOWHERE),
-        mSpaceCount(0) {
+          mWordBreaker(std::move(breaker)),
+          mTextBuf(textBuffer),
+          mMeasuredText(measuredText),
+          mStrategy(strategy),
+          mHyphenationFrequency(frequency),
+          mJustified(justified),
+          mLastConsideredGreedyCandidate(LAST_BREAK_OFFSET_NOWHERE),
+          mSpaceCount(0) {
     mWordBreaker->setText(, mTextBuf.size());
     // handle initial break here because addStyleRun may never be called
-    mCandidates.push_back({
-            0 /* offset */, 0.0 /* preBreak */, 0.0 /* postBreak */,
-            0.0 /* firstOverhang */, 0.0 /* secondOverhang */,
-            0.0 /* penalty */,
-            0 /* preSpaceCount */, 0 /* postSpaceCount */,
-            HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK /* hyphenType */,
-            false /* isRtl. TODO: may need to be based on input. */});
+    mCandidates.push_back({0 /* offset */, 0.0 /* preBreak */, 0.0 /* postBreak */,
+                           0.0 /* firstOverhang */, 0.0 /* secondOverhang */, 0.0 /* penalty */,
+                           0 /* preSpaceCount */, 0 /* postSpaceCount */,
+                           HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK /* hyphenType */,
+                           false /* isRtl. TODO: may need to be based on input. */});
 LineBreaker::~LineBreaker() {}
@@ -112,7 +110,8 @@
                    "Line break hasn't started.");
     return mLastGreedyBreakIndex == LAST_BREAK_OFFSET_DESPERATE
-            ?  mFakeDesperateCandidate : mCandidates[mLastGreedyBreakIndex];
+                   ? mFakeDesperateCandidate
+                   : mCandidates[mLastGreedyBreakIndex];
 void LineBreaker::setLocaleList(uint32_t localeListId, size_t restartFrom) {
@@ -125,10 +124,10 @@
     const uint64_t newLocaleId = newLocale.getIdentifier();
     const bool needUpdate =
-        // The first time setLocale is called.
-        mCurrentLocaleListId == LocaleListCache::kInvalidListId ||
-        // The effective locale is changed.
-        newLocaleId != mCurrentLocaleId;
+            // The first time setLocale is called.
+            mCurrentLocaleListId == LocaleListCache::kInvalidListId ||
+            // The effective locale is changed.
+            newLocaleId != mCurrentLocaleId;
     // For now, we ignore all locales except the first valid one.
     // TODO: Support selecting the locale based on the script of the text.
@@ -145,15 +144,14 @@
 // plus '\n'.
 // Note: all such characters are in the BMP, so it's ok to use code units for this.
 static bool isLineEndSpace(uint16_t c) {
-    return c == '\n'
-            || c == ' '      // SPACE
-            || c == 0x1680   // OGHAM SPACE MARK
-            || (0x2000 <= c && c <= 0x200A && c != 0x2007) // EN QUAD, EM QUAD, EN SPACE, EM SPACE,
+    return c == '\n' || c == ' '                           // SPACE
+           || c == 0x1680                                  // OGHAM SPACE MARK
+           || (0x2000 <= c && c <= 0x200A && c != 0x2007)  // EN QUAD, EM QUAD, EN SPACE, EM SPACE,
                                                            // THREE-PER-EM SPACE, FOUR-PER-EM SPACE,
                                                            // SIX-PER-EM SPACE, PUNCTUATION SPACE,
                                                            // THIN SPACE, HAIR SPACE
-            || c == 0x205F   // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
-            || c == 0x3000;  // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
+           || c == 0x205F                                  // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
+           || c == 0x3000;                                 // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
 // Hyphenates a string potentially containing non-breaking spaces.
@@ -164,7 +162,7 @@
     // A word here is any consecutive string of non-NBSP characters.
     bool inWord = false;
-    size_t wordStart = 0; // The initial value will never be accessed, but just in case.
+    size_t wordStart = 0;  // The initial value will never be accessed, but just in case.
     for (size_t i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
         if (i == len || str[i] == CHAR_NBSP) {
             if (inWord) {
@@ -179,7 +177,7 @@
                         mHyphenator->hyphenate(&wordVec, + wordStart, wordLen);
                         out.insert(out.end(), wordVec.cbegin(), wordVec.cend());
-                } else { // Word is too long. Inefficient to hyphenate.
+                } else {  // Word is too long. Inefficient to hyphenate.
                     out.insert(out.end(), wordLen, HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK);
                 inWord = false;
@@ -198,9 +196,9 @@
 // Compute the total overhang of text based on per-cluster advances and overhangs.
 // The two input vectors are expected to be of the same size.
-/* static */ LayoutOverhang LineBreaker::computeOverhang(float totalAdvance,
-        const std::vector<float>& advances, const std::vector<LayoutOverhang>& overhangs,
-        bool isRtl) {
+/* static */ LayoutOverhang LineBreaker::computeOverhang(
+        float totalAdvance, const std::vector<float>& advances,
+        const std::vector<LayoutOverhang>& overhangs, bool isRtl) {
     ParaWidth left = 0.0;
     ParaWidth right = 0.0;
     ParaWidth seenAdvance = 0.0;
@@ -239,14 +237,10 @@
 // postSpaceCount is the number of spaces that would be seen if we decide to break at the end of the
 //     word (and like postBreak it doesn't count any line-ending space after the word).
 // hyphenPenalty is the amount of penalty for hyphenation.
-void LineBreaker::addHyphenationCandidates(
-        const Run& run,
-        const Range& contextRange,
-        const Range& wordRange,
-        ParaWidth lastBreakWidth,
-        ParaWidth postBreak,
-        size_t postSpaceCount,
-        float hyphenPenalty) {
+void LineBreaker::addHyphenationCandidates(const Run& run, const Range& contextRange,
+                                           const Range& wordRange, ParaWidth lastBreakWidth,
+                                           ParaWidth postBreak, size_t postSpaceCount,
+                                           float hyphenPenalty) {
     MINIKIN_ASSERT(contextRange.contains(wordRange), "Context must contain word range");
     const bool isRtlWord = run.isRtl();
@@ -270,9 +264,9 @@
         const size_t firstPartLen = firstPart.getLength();
-        const float firstPartWidth = run.measureHyphenPiece(
-                mTextBuf, firstPart, StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, editForThisLine(hyph),
-      ,;
+        const float firstPartWidth =
+                run.measureHyphenPiece(mTextBuf, firstPart, StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
+                                       editForThisLine(hyph),,;
         const ParaWidth hyphPostBreak = lastBreakWidth + firstPartWidth;
         LayoutOverhang overhang = computeOverhang(firstPartWidth, advances, overhangs, isRtlWord);
         // TODO: This ignores potential overhang from a previous word, e.g. in "R table" if the
@@ -283,9 +277,9 @@
         const size_t secondPartLen = secondPart.getLength();
-        const float secondPartWidth = run.measureHyphenPiece(
-                mTextBuf, secondPart, editForNextLine(hyph), EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,
-      ,;
+        const float secondPartWidth =
+                run.measureHyphenPiece(mTextBuf, secondPart, editForNextLine(hyph),
+                                       EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT,,;
         // hyphPreBreak is calculated like this so that when the line width for a future line break
         // is being calculated, the width of the whole word would be subtracted and the width of the
         // second part would be added.
@@ -293,8 +287,8 @@
         overhang = computeOverhang(secondPartWidth, advances, overhangs, isRtlWord);
         const float secondOverhang = isRtlWord ? overhang.right : overhang.left;
-        addWordBreak(j, hyphPreBreak, hyphPostBreak, firstOverhang, secondOverhang,
-                postSpaceCount, postSpaceCount, hyphenPenalty, hyph, isRtlWord);
+        addWordBreak(j, hyphPreBreak, hyphPostBreak, firstOverhang, secondOverhang, postSpaceCount,
+                     postSpaceCount, hyphenPenalty, hyph, isRtlWord);
@@ -311,7 +305,7 @@
         // a heuristic that seems to perform well
         hyphenPenalty = 0.5 * paint->size * paint->scaleX * lineWidth.getAt(0);
         if (mHyphenationFrequency == HyphenationFrequency::Normal) {
-            hyphenPenalty *= 4.0; // TODO: Replace with a better value after some testing
+            hyphenPenalty *= 4.0;  // TODO: Replace with a better value after some testing
         if (mJustified) {
@@ -325,13 +319,13 @@
     setLocaleList(run.getLocaleListId(), range.getStart());
-    size_t current = (size_t) mWordBreaker->current();
+    size_t current = (size_t)mWordBreaker->current();
     // This will keep the index of last code unit seen that's not a line-ending space, plus one.
     // In other words, the index of the first code unit after a word.
     Range hyphenationContextRange(range.getStart(), range.getStart());
-    ParaWidth lastBreakWidth = mWidth; // The width of the text as of the previous break point.
-    ParaWidth postBreak = mWidth; // The width of text seen if we decide to break here
+    ParaWidth lastBreakWidth = mWidth;  // The width of the text as of the previous break point.
+    ParaWidth postBreak = mWidth;       // The width of text seen if we decide to break here
     // postBreak plus potential forward overhang. Guaranteed to be >= postBreak.
     ParaWidth postBreakWithOverhang = mWidth;
     // The maximum amount of backward overhang seen since last word.
@@ -375,8 +369,8 @@
                 // so we ignore it for now.
                 const float forwardOverhang =
                         isRtl ? mMeasuredText.overhangs[i].left : mMeasuredText.overhangs[i].right;
-                postBreakWithOverhang = std::max(postBreakWithOverhang,
-                                                 postBreak + forwardOverhang);
+                postBreakWithOverhang =
+                        std::max(postBreakWithOverhang, postBreak + forwardOverhang);
                 float backwardOverhang =
                         isRtl ? mMeasuredText.overhangs[i].right : mMeasuredText.overhangs[i].left;
@@ -385,10 +379,10 @@
                 maxBackwardOverhang = std::max(maxBackwardOverhang, backwardOverhang);
-        if (i + 1 == current) { // We are at the end of a word.
+        if (i + 1 == current) {  // We are at the end of a word.
             // We skip breaks for zero-width characters inside replacement spans.
-            const bool addBreak = canHyphenate || current == range.getEnd() ||
-                    mMeasuredText.widths[current] > 0;
+            const bool addBreak =
+                    canHyphenate || current == range.getEnd() || mMeasuredText.widths[current] > 0;
             if (addBreak) {
                 // adjust second overhang for previous breaks
@@ -398,17 +392,17 @@
                 const Range wordRange = mWordBreaker->wordRange();
                 if (!wordRange.isEmpty() && range.contains(wordRange)) {
                     addHyphenationCandidates(run, hyphenationContextRange, wordRange,
-                            lastBreakWidth, postBreak, postSpaceCount, hyphenPenalty);
+                                             lastBreakWidth, postBreak, postSpaceCount,
+                                             hyphenPenalty);
             if (addBreak) {
                 const float penalty = hyphenPenalty * mWordBreaker->breakBadness();
                 // TODO: overhangs may need adjustment at bidi boundaries.
                 addWordBreak(current, mWidth /* preBreak */, postBreak,
-                        postBreakWithOverhang - postBreak /* firstOverhang */,
-                        0.0 /* secondOverhang, to be adjusted later */,
-                        mSpaceCount, postSpaceCount,
-                        penalty, HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, isRtl);
+                             postBreakWithOverhang - postBreak /* firstOverhang */,
+                             0.0 /* secondOverhang, to be adjusted later */, mSpaceCount,
+                             postSpaceCount, penalty, HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, isRtl);
             hyphenationContextRange = Range(current, current);
             lastBreakWidth = mWidth;
@@ -426,7 +420,7 @@
     ParaWidth width = mMeasuredText.widths[start];
     for (size_t i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
         const float w = mMeasuredText.widths[i];
-        if (w > 0) { // Add desperate breaks only before grapheme clusters.
+        if (w > 0) {  // Add desperate breaks only before grapheme clusters.
             const ParaWidth newWidth = width + w;
             if (!fitsOnCurrentLine(newWidth, 0.0, 0.0, lineWidth)) {
                 const Candidate& lastGreedyBreak = getLastBreakCandidate();
@@ -453,10 +447,11 @@
 // Add a word break (possibly for a hyphenated fragment).
 inline void LineBreaker::addWordBreak(size_t offset, ParaWidth preBreak, ParaWidth postBreak,
-        float firstOverhang, float secondOverhang, size_t preSpaceCount, size_t postSpaceCount,
-        float penalty, HyphenationType hyph, bool isRtl) {
+                                      float firstOverhang, float secondOverhang,
+                                      size_t preSpaceCount, size_t postSpaceCount, float penalty,
+                                      HyphenationType hyph, bool isRtl) {
     mCandidates.push_back({offset, preBreak, postBreak, firstOverhang, secondOverhang, penalty,
-            preSpaceCount, postSpaceCount, hyph, isRtl});
+                           preSpaceCount, postSpaceCount, hyph, isRtl});
 // Go back and adjust earlier line breaks if needed.
@@ -472,8 +467,7 @@
             // No more remaining overhang. We don't need to adjust anything anymore.
-        mCandidates[i].secondOverhang = std::max(mCandidates[i].secondOverhang,
-                remainingOverhang);
+        mCandidates[i].secondOverhang = std::max(mCandidates[i].secondOverhang, remainingOverhang);
@@ -490,11 +484,10 @@
 void LineBreaker::addGreedyBreak(size_t breakIndex) {
     const Candidate& candidate = mCandidates[breakIndex];
     const Candidate& lastGreedyBreak = getLastBreakCandidate();
-    pushBreak(candidate.offset,
-            candidate.postBreak - lastGreedyBreak.preBreak,
-            computeMaxExtent(lastGreedyBreak.offset, candidate.offset),
-            packHyphenEdit(editForNextLine(lastGreedyBreak.hyphenType),
-                    editForThisLine(candidate.hyphenType)));
+    pushBreak(candidate.offset, candidate.postBreak - lastGreedyBreak.preBreak,
+              computeMaxExtent(lastGreedyBreak.offset, candidate.offset),
+              packHyphenEdit(editForNextLine(lastGreedyBreak.hyphenType),
+                             editForThisLine(candidate.hyphenType)));
     mLastGreedyBreakIndex = breakIndex;
@@ -511,8 +504,8 @@
         leftOverhang = lastGreedyBreak->secondOverhang;
         rightOverhang = cand->firstOverhang;
-    while (!fitsOnCurrentLine(cand->postBreak - lastGreedyBreak->preBreak,
-            leftOverhang, rightOverhang, lineWidth)) {
+    while (!fitsOnCurrentLine(cand->postBreak - lastGreedyBreak->preBreak, leftOverhang,
+                              rightOverhang, lineWidth)) {
         // This break would create an overfull line, pick the best break and break there (greedy).
         // We do this in a loop, since there's no guarantee that after a break the remaining text
         // would fit on the next line.
@@ -524,7 +517,7 @@
             // Add desperate breaks starting immediately after the last break.
             addDesperateBreaksGreedy(lastGreedyBreak->preBreak, lastGreedyBreak->offset,
-                    cand->offset, lineWidth);
+                                     cand->offset, lineWidth);
         } else {
             // Break at the best known break.
@@ -602,11 +595,10 @@
     const Candidate* lastCandidate = &mCandidates.back();
     if (mCandidates.size() == 1 || mLastGreedyBreakIndex != (mCandidates.size() - 1)) {
         const Candidate& lastGreedyBreak = getLastBreakCandidate();
-        pushBreak(lastCandidate->offset,
-                lastCandidate->postBreak - lastGreedyBreak.preBreak,
-                computeMaxExtent(lastGreedyBreak.offset, lastCandidate->offset),
-                packHyphenEdit(editForNextLine(lastGreedyBreak.hyphenType),
-                        EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT));
+        pushBreak(lastCandidate->offset, lastCandidate->postBreak - lastGreedyBreak.preBreak,
+                  computeMaxExtent(lastGreedyBreak.offset, lastCandidate->offset),
+                  packHyphenEdit(editForNextLine(lastGreedyBreak.hyphenType),
+                                 EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT));
         // No need to update mLastGreedyBreakIndex because we're done.
@@ -615,18 +607,19 @@
 // Note: these breaks are based on the shaping of the (non-broken) original text; they
 // are imprecise especially in the presence of kerning, ligatures, overhangs, and Arabic shaping.
 void LineBreaker::addDesperateBreaksOptimal(std::vector<Candidate>* out, ParaWidth existingPreBreak,
-        size_t postSpaceCount, bool isRtl, size_t start, size_t end) {
+                                            size_t postSpaceCount, bool isRtl, size_t start,
+                                            size_t end) {
     ParaWidth width = existingPreBreak + mMeasuredText.widths[start];
     for (size_t i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
         const float w = mMeasuredText.widths[i];
-        if (w > 0) { // Add desperate breaks only before grapheme clusters.
+        if (w > 0) {  // Add desperate breaks only before grapheme clusters.
             out->push_back({i /* offset */, width /* preBreak */, width /* postBreak */,
-                    0.0 /* firstOverhang */, 0.0 /* secondOverhang */,
-                    SCORE_DESPERATE /* penalty */,
-                    // postSpaceCount doesn't include trailing spaces.
-                    postSpaceCount /* preSpaceCount */, postSpaceCount /* postSpaceCount */,
-                    HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN /* hyphenType */,
-                    isRtl /* isRtl */});
+                            0.0 /* firstOverhang */, 0.0 /* secondOverhang */,
+                            SCORE_DESPERATE /* penalty */,
+                            // postSpaceCount doesn't include trailing spaces.
+                            postSpaceCount /* preSpaceCount */, postSpaceCount /* postSpaceCount */,
+                            HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN /* hyphenType */,
+                            isRtl /* isRtl */});
             width += w;
@@ -644,7 +637,7 @@
-    if (firstDesperateIndex == 0) { // No desperate breaks needed.
+    if (firstDesperateIndex == 0) {  // No desperate breaks needed.
@@ -652,15 +645,15 @@
     // mCandidates. The beginning of mCandidates, where there are no desparate breaks, is skipped.
     std::vector<Candidate> expandedCandidates;
     const size_t nRemainingCandidates = nCand - firstDesperateIndex;
-    expandedCandidates.reserve(nRemainingCandidates + 1); // At least one more is needed.
+    expandedCandidates.reserve(nRemainingCandidates + 1);  // At least one more is needed.
     for (size_t i = firstDesperateIndex; i < nCand; i++) {
         const Candidate& previousCand = mCandidates[i - 1];
         const Candidate& thisCand = mCandidates[i];
         const ParaWidth requiredWidth = thisCand.postBreak - previousCand.preBreak;
         if (requiredWidth > minLineWidth) {
             addDesperateBreaksOptimal(&expandedCandidates, previousCand.preBreak,
-                    thisCand.postSpaceCount, thisCand.isRtl, previousCand.offset /* start */,
-                    thisCand.offset /* end */);
+                                      thisCand.postSpaceCount, thisCand.isRtl,
+                                      previousCand.offset /* start */, thisCand.offset /* end */);
@@ -690,9 +683,10 @@
-        const HyphenEdit edit = packHyphenEdit(
-                prev == 0 ? StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT : editForNextLine(mCandidates[prev].hyphenType),
-                editForThisLine(mCandidates[i].hyphenType));
+        const HyphenEdit edit =
+                packHyphenEdit(prev == 0 ? StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT
+                                         : editForNextLine(mCandidates[prev].hyphenType),
+                               editForThisLine(mCandidates[i].hyphenType));
     std::reverse(mBreaks.begin(), mBreaks.end());
@@ -707,7 +701,7 @@
     std::vector<OptimalBreaksData> breaksData;
-    breaksData.push_back({0.0, 0, 0}); // The first candidate is always at the first line.
+    breaksData.push_back({0.0, 0, 0});  // The first candidate is always at the first line.
     // "i" iterates through candidates for the end of the line.
     for (size_t i = 1; i < nCand; i++) {
@@ -752,8 +746,8 @@
             } else {
                 widthScore = delta * delta;
                 if (delta < 0) {
-                    if (-delta < maxShrink *
-                            (mCandidates[i].postSpaceCount - mCandidates[j].preSpaceCount)) {
+                    if (-delta < maxShrink * (mCandidates[i].postSpaceCount -
+                                              mCandidates[j].preSpaceCount)) {
                         widthScore *= SHRINK_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER;
                     } else {
                         widthScore = SCORE_OVERFULL;
@@ -773,17 +767,15 @@
                 bestPrev = j;
-        breaksData.push_back({
-            best + mCandidates[i].penalty + mLinePenalty,  // score
-            bestPrev,  // prev
-            breaksData[bestPrev].lineNumber + 1});  // lineNumber
+        breaksData.push_back({best + mCandidates[i].penalty + mLinePenalty,  // score
+                              bestPrev,                                      // prev
+                              breaksData[bestPrev].lineNumber + 1});         // lineNumber
 LineBreakResult LineBreaker::computeBreaks(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Run>>& runs,
-                                           const LineWidth& lineWidth,
-                                           const TabStops& tabStops) {
+                                           const LineWidth& lineWidth, const TabStops& tabStops) {
     for (const auto& run : runs) {
         addRun(*run, lineWidth, tabStops);
@@ -814,10 +806,10 @@
     if (!mBestGreedyBreaks.empty()) {
         // Find the location in the queue where the penalty is <= the current penalty, and drop the
         // elements from there to the end of the queue.
-        auto where = std::lower_bound(
-                mBestGreedyBreaks.begin(), mBestGreedyBreaks.end(), gBreak,
-                [](GreedyBreak first, GreedyBreak second) -> bool
-                        { return first.penalty < second.penalty; });
+        auto where = std::lower_bound(mBestGreedyBreaks.begin(), mBestGreedyBreaks.end(), gBreak,
+                                      [](GreedyBreak first, GreedyBreak second) -> bool {
+                                          return first.penalty < second.penalty;
+                                      });
         if (where != mBestGreedyBreaks.end()) {
             mBestGreedyBreaks.erase(where, mBestGreedyBreaks.end());
diff --git a/libs/minikin/Locale.cpp b/libs/minikin/Locale.cpp
index 9df26bf..aad8cfd 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/Locale.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/Locale.cpp
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 #include <hb.h>
 #include "minikin/LocaleList.h"
-#include "MinikinInternal.h"
 #include "LocaleListCache.h"
+#include "MinikinInternal.h"
 #include "StringPiece.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -42,8 +43,8 @@
     if (strncmp(buf, subtag, subtagLen) != 0) {
         return false;  // no match between two strings
-    return (bufLen == subtagLen || buf[subtagLen] == '\0' ||
-            buf[subtagLen] == '-' || buf[subtagLen] == '_');
+    return (bufLen == subtagLen || buf[subtagLen] == '\0' || buf[subtagLen] == '-' ||
+            buf[subtagLen] == '_');
 // Pack the three letter code into 15 bits and stored to 16 bit integer. The highest bit is 0.
@@ -54,20 +55,18 @@
 // In case of two letter code, use fullbit(0x1f) for the first letter instead.
 static uint16_t packLanguageOrRegion(const StringPiece& in, uint8_t twoLetterBase,
-        uint8_t threeLetterBase) {
+                                     uint8_t threeLetterBase) {
     if (in.length() == 2) {
         return 0x7c00u |  // 0x1fu << 10
-                (uint16_t)(in[0] - twoLetterBase) << 5 |
-                (uint16_t)(in[1] - twoLetterBase);
+               (uint16_t)(in[0] - twoLetterBase) << 5 | (uint16_t)(in[1] - twoLetterBase);
     } else {
         return ((uint16_t)(in[0] - threeLetterBase) << 10) |
-                (uint16_t)(in[1] - threeLetterBase) << 5 |
-                (uint16_t)(in[2] - threeLetterBase);
+               (uint16_t)(in[1] - threeLetterBase) << 5 | (uint16_t)(in[2] - threeLetterBase);
 static size_t unpackLanguageOrRegion(uint16_t in, char* out, uint8_t twoLetterBase,
-        uint8_t threeLetterBase) {
+                                     uint8_t threeLetterBase) {
     uint8_t first = (in >> 10) & FIVE_BITS;
     uint8_t second = (in >> 5) & FIVE_BITS;
     uint8_t third = in & FIVE_BITS;
@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@
     constexpr char FIRST_LETTER_BASE = 'A';
     constexpr char REST_LETTER_BASE = 'a';
     return ((uint32_t)(c1 - FIRST_LETTER_BASE) << 15) | (uint32_t)(c2 - REST_LETTER_BASE) << 10 |
-            ((uint32_t)(c3 - REST_LETTER_BASE) << 5) | (uint32_t)(c4 - REST_LETTER_BASE);
+           ((uint32_t)(c3 - REST_LETTER_BASE) << 5) | (uint32_t)(c4 - REST_LETTER_BASE);
 constexpr uint32_t packScript(uint32_t script) {
@@ -146,13 +145,13 @@
 // Returns true if buffer is valid for script code. The length of buffer must be 4.
 static inline bool isValidScriptCode(const StringPiece& buffer) {
     return buffer.size() == 4 && isUppercase(buffer[0]) && isLowercase(buffer[1]) &&
-            isLowercase(buffer[2]) && isLowercase(buffer[3]);
+           isLowercase(buffer[2]) && isLowercase(buffer[3]);
 // Returns true if the buffer is valid for region code.
 static inline bool isValidRegionCode(const StringPiece& buffer) {
     return (buffer.size() == 2 && isUppercase(buffer[0]) && isUppercase(buffer[1])) ||
-            (buffer.size() == 3 && isDigit(buffer[0]) && isDigit(buffer[1]) && isDigit(buffer[2]));
+           (buffer.size() == 3 && isDigit(buffer[0]) && isDigit(buffer[1]) && isDigit(buffer[2]));
 // Parse BCP 47 language identifier into internal structure
@@ -224,15 +223,15 @@
     const size_t kMinSubtagLength = 10;
     if (length >= kMinSubtagLength) {
         static const char kPrefix[] = "-u-em-";
-        const char *pos = std::search(buf, buf + length, kPrefix, kPrefix + strlen(kPrefix));
+        const char* pos = std::search(buf, buf + length, kPrefix, kPrefix + strlen(kPrefix));
         if (pos != buf + length) {  // found
             pos += strlen(kPrefix);
             const size_t remainingLength = length - (pos - buf);
-            if (isEmojiSubtag(pos, remainingLength, "emoji", 5)){
+            if (isEmojiSubtag(pos, remainingLength, "emoji", 5)) {
                 return EMSTYLE_EMOJI;
-            } else if (isEmojiSubtag(pos, remainingLength, "text", 4)){
+            } else if (isEmojiSubtag(pos, remainingLength, "text", 4)) {
                 return EMSTYLE_TEXT;
-            } else if (isEmojiSubtag(pos, remainingLength, "default", 7)){
+            } else if (isEmojiSubtag(pos, remainingLength, "default", 7)) {
                 return EMSTYLE_DEFAULT;
@@ -250,7 +249,7 @@
     return EMSTYLE_EMPTY;
+// static
 uint8_t Locale::scriptToSubScriptBits(uint32_t script) {
     uint8_t subScriptBits = 0u;
     switch (script) {
@@ -381,15 +380,14 @@
     bool scriptMatch = false;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < supported.size(); ++i) {
-        if (mEmojiStyle != EMSTYLE_EMPTY &&
-               mEmojiStyle == supported[i].mEmojiStyle) {
+        if (mEmojiStyle != EMSTYLE_EMPTY && mEmojiStyle == supported[i].mEmojiStyle) {
             subtagMatch = true;
             if (mLanguage == supported[i].mLanguage) {
                 return 4;
         if (isEqualScript(supported[i]) ||
-                supportsScript(supported[i].mSubScriptBits, mSubScriptBits)) {
+            supportsScript(supported[i].mSubScriptBits, mSubScriptBits)) {
             scriptMatch = true;
             if (mLanguage == supported[i].mLanguage) {
                 languageScriptMatch = true;
@@ -415,12 +413,11 @@
 static hb_language_t buildHbLanguage(const Locale& locale) {
-    return locale.isSupported() ?
-            hb_language_from_string(locale.getString().c_str(), -1) : HB_LANGUAGE_INVALID;
+    return locale.isSupported() ? hb_language_from_string(locale.getString().c_str(), -1)
+                                : HB_LANGUAGE_INVALID;
-LocaleList::LocaleList(std::vector<Locale>&& locales)
-    : mLocales(std::move(locales)) {
+LocaleList::LocaleList(std::vector<Locale>&& locales) : mLocales(std::move(locales)) {
     if (mLocales.empty()) {
@@ -439,8 +436,6 @@
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/libs/minikin/Locale.h b/libs/minikin/Locale.h
index e4a731c..3ed81be 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/Locale.h
+++ b/libs/minikin/Locale.h
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
 // Enum for making sub-locale from FontLangauge.
 enum class SubtagBits : uint8_t {
-    EMPTY    = 0b00000000,
+    EMPTY = 0b00000000,
     LANGUAGE = 0b00000001,
-    SCRIPT   = 0b00000010,
-    REGION   = 0b00000100,
-    VARIANT  = 0b00001000,
-    EMOJI    = 0b00010000,
-    ALL      = 0b00011111,
+    SCRIPT = 0b00000010,
+    REGION = 0b00000100,
+    VARIANT = 0b00001000,
+    EMOJI = 0b00010000,
+    ALL = 0b00011111,
 inline constexpr SubtagBits operator&(SubtagBits l, SubtagBits r) {
@@ -76,24 +76,22 @@
     // Default constructor creates the unsupported locale.
             : mScript(NO_SCRIPT),
-            mLanguage(NO_LANGUAGE),
-            mRegion(NO_REGION),
-            mSubScriptBits(0ul),
-            mVariant(Variant::NO_VARIANT),
-            mEmojiStyle(EMSTYLE_EMPTY) {}
+              mLanguage(NO_LANGUAGE),
+              mRegion(NO_REGION),
+              mSubScriptBits(0ul),
+              mVariant(Variant::NO_VARIANT),
+              mEmojiStyle(EMSTYLE_EMPTY) {}
     // Parse from string
     Locale(const StringPiece& buf);
     bool operator==(const Locale other) const {
         return !isUnsupported() && isEqualScript(other) && mLanguage == other.mLanguage &&
-                mRegion == other.mRegion && mVariant == other.mVariant &&
-                mEmojiStyle == other.mEmojiStyle;
+               mRegion == other.mRegion && mVariant == other.mVariant &&
+               mEmojiStyle == other.mEmojiStyle;
-    bool operator!=(const Locale other) const {
-        return !(*this == other);
-    }
+    bool operator!=(const Locale other) const { return !(*this == other); }
     inline bool hasLanguage() const { return mLanguage != NO_LANGUAGE; }
     inline bool hasScript() const { return mScript != NO_SCRIPT; }
@@ -105,9 +103,7 @@
         return hasLanguage() || hasScript() || hasRegion() || hasVariant() || hasEmojiStyle();
-    inline bool isUnsupported() const {
-        return !isSupported();
-    }
+    inline bool isUnsupported() const { return !isSupported(); }
     EmojiStyle getEmojiStyle() const { return mEmojiStyle; }
@@ -126,7 +122,7 @@
     uint64_t getIdentifier() const {
         return ((uint64_t)mLanguage << 49) | ((uint64_t)mScript << 29) | ((uint64_t)mRegion << 14) |
-                ((uint64_t)mEmojiStyle << 12) | (uint64_t)mVariant;
+               ((uint64_t)mEmojiStyle << 12) | (uint64_t)mVariant;
     Locale getPartialLocale(SubtagBits bits) const;
@@ -180,7 +176,7 @@
     size_t size() const { return mLocales.size(); }
     bool empty() const { return mLocales.empty(); }
-    const Locale& operator[] (size_t n) const { return mLocales[n]; }
+    const Locale& operator[](size_t n) const { return mLocales[n]; }
     hb_language_t getHbLanguage(size_t n) const { return mHbLangs[n]; }
diff --git a/libs/minikin/LocaleListCache.cpp b/libs/minikin/LocaleListCache.cpp
index 883e25d..625b4d2 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/LocaleListCache.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/LocaleListCache.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     // Preserve "und" and "und-****" since uloc_addLikelySubtags changes "und" to "en-Latn-US".
     if (strncmp(output, "und", 3) == 0 &&
-        (outLength == 3 || (outLength == 8 && output[3]  == '_'))) {
+        (outLength == 3 || (outLength == 8 && output[3] == '_'))) {
         output[3] = '-';  // to be language tag.
         return outLength;
diff --git a/libs/minikin/Measurement.cpp b/libs/minikin/Measurement.cpp
index 03cce9f..5d110c4 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/Measurement.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/Measurement.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 // are separate.
 static float getRunAdvance(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t layoutStart,
-        size_t start, size_t count, size_t offset) {
+                           size_t start, size_t count, size_t offset) {
     float advance = 0.0f;
     size_t lastCluster = start;
     float clusterWidth = 0.0f;
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
         int numGraphemeClustersAfter = 0;
         for (size_t i = lastCluster; i < nextCluster; i++) {
             bool isAfter = i >= offset;
-            if (GraphemeBreak::isGraphemeBreak(
-                    advances + (start - layoutStart), buf, start, count, i)) {
+            if (GraphemeBreak::isGraphemeBreak(advances + (start - layoutStart), buf, start, count,
+                                               i)) {
                 if (isAfter) {
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 float getRunAdvance(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count,
-        size_t offset) {
+                    size_t offset) {
     return getRunAdvance(advances, buf, start, start, count, offset);
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
  * search within the cluster and grapheme breaks.
 size_t getOffsetForAdvance(const float* advances, const uint16_t* buf, size_t start, size_t count,
-        float advance) {
+                           float advance) {
     float x = 0.0f, xLastClusterStart = 0.0f, xSearchStart = 0.0f;
     size_t lastClusterStart = start, searchStart = start;
     for (size_t i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
             // "getRunAdvance(layout, buf, start, count, i) - advance" but more efficient
             float delta = getRunAdvance(advances, buf, start, searchStart, count - searchStart, i)
-                    + xSearchStart - advance;
+                          + xSearchStart - advance;
             if (std::abs(delta) < bestDist) {
                 bestDist = std::abs(delta);
                 best = i;
diff --git a/libs/minikin/MinikinInternal.h b/libs/minikin/MinikinInternal.h
index 2d733c3..bffda70 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/MinikinInternal.h
+++ b/libs/minikin/MinikinInternal.h
@@ -70,21 +70,16 @@
     // Takes ownership of hb_blob_t object, caller is no longer
     // responsible for calling hb_blob_destroy().
-    explicit HbBlob(hb_blob_t* blob) : mBlob(blob) {
-    }
+    explicit HbBlob(hb_blob_t* blob) : mBlob(blob) {}
-    ~HbBlob() {
-        hb_blob_destroy(mBlob);
-    }
+    ~HbBlob() { hb_blob_destroy(mBlob); }
     const uint8_t* get() const {
         const char* data = hb_blob_get_data(mBlob, nullptr);
         return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data);
-    size_t size() const {
-        return (size_t)hb_blob_get_length(mBlob);
-    }
+    size_t size() const { return (size_t)hb_blob_get_length(mBlob); }
     hb_blob_t* mBlob;
diff --git a/libs/minikin/SparseBitSet.cpp b/libs/minikin/SparseBitSet.cpp
index afbe851..66d6c02 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/SparseBitSet.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/SparseBitSet.cpp
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@
         size_t index = ((currentPage - 1) << (kLogValuesPerPage - kLogBitsPerEl)) +
-            ((start & kPageMask) >> kLogBitsPerEl);
+                       ((start & kPageMask) >> kLogBitsPerEl);
         size_t nElements = (end - (start & ~kElMask) + kElMask) >> kLogBitsPerEl;
         if (nElements == 1) {
-            mBitmaps[index] |= (kElAllOnes >> (start & kElMask)) &
-                (kElAllOnes << ((~end + 1) & kElMask));
+            mBitmaps[index] |=
+                    (kElAllOnes >> (start & kElMask)) & (kElAllOnes << ((~end + 1) & kElMask));
         } else {
             mBitmaps[index] |= kElAllOnes >> (start & kElMask);
             for (size_t j = 1; j < nElements - 1; j++) {
diff --git a/libs/minikin/StringPiece.h b/libs/minikin/StringPiece.h
index 5394ef2..befb312 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/StringPiece.h
+++ b/libs/minikin/StringPiece.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     inline size_t size() const { return mLength; }
     inline bool empty() const { return mLength == 0; }
-    inline char operator[] (size_t i) const { return mData[i]; }
+    inline char operator[](size_t i) const { return mData[i]; }
     inline StringPiece substr(size_t from, size_t length) const {
         return StringPiece(mData + from, length);
@@ -49,16 +49,14 @@
         return p == nullptr ? mLength : p - mData;
-    std::string toString() const {
-        return std::string(mData, mData + mLength);
-    }
+    std::string toString() const { return std::string(mData, mData + mLength); }
     const char* mData;
     size_t mLength;
-inline bool operator== (const StringPiece& l, const StringPiece& r) {
+inline bool operator==(const StringPiece& l, const StringPiece& r) {
     const size_t len = l.size();
     if (len != r.size()) {
         return false;
@@ -71,7 +69,7 @@
     return memcmp(lData, rData, len) == 0;
-inline bool operator== (const StringPiece& l, const char* s) {
+inline bool operator==(const StringPiece& l, const char* s) {
     const size_t len = l.size();
     if (len != strlen(s)) {
         return false;
@@ -79,18 +77,18 @@
     return memcmp(, s, len) == 0;
-inline bool operator!= (const StringPiece& l, const StringPiece& r) {
+inline bool operator!=(const StringPiece& l, const StringPiece& r) {
     return !(l == r);
-inline bool operator!= (const StringPiece& l, const char* s) {
+inline bool operator!=(const StringPiece& l, const char* s) {
     return !(l == s);
 class SplitIterator {
-    SplitIterator(const StringPiece& string, char delimiter) :
-        mStarted(false), mCurrent(0), mString(string), mDelimiter(delimiter) {}
+    SplitIterator(const StringPiece& string, char delimiter)
+            : mStarted(false), mCurrent(0), mString(string), mDelimiter(delimiter) {}
     inline StringPiece next() {
         if (!hasNext()) {
@@ -102,6 +100,7 @@
         return mString.substr(searchFrom, mCurrent - searchFrom);
     inline bool hasNext() const { return mCurrent < mString.size(); }
     bool mStarted;
     size_t mCurrent;
diff --git a/libs/minikin/WordBreaker.cpp b/libs/minikin/WordBreaker.cpp
index be31b5b..12d64f8 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/WordBreaker.cpp
+++ b/libs/minikin/WordBreaker.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include "minikin/Emoji.h"
 #include "minikin/Hyphenator.h"
 #include "Locale.h"
 #include "MinikinInternal.h"
@@ -33,8 +34,9 @@
 static icu::BreakIterator* createNewIterator(const Locale& locale) {
     // TODO: handle failure status
     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    return icu::BreakIterator::createLineInstance(locale.isUnsupported()  ?
-            icu::Locale::getRoot() : icu::Locale::createFromName(locale.getString().c_str()),
+    return icu::BreakIterator::createLineInstance(
+            locale.isUnsupported() ? icu::Locale::getRoot()
+                                   : icu::Locale::createFromName(locale.getString().c_str()),
 }  // namespace
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@
     // Not found in pool. Create new one.
-    return { id, std::unique_ptr<icu::BreakIterator>(createNewIterator(locale)) };
+    return {id, std::unique_ptr<icu::BreakIterator>(createNewIterator(locale))};
 void ICULineBreakerPoolImpl::release(ICULineBreakerPool::Slot&& slot) {
@@ -68,11 +70,9 @@
-WordBreaker::WordBreaker() : mPool(&ICULineBreakerPoolImpl::getInstance()) {
+WordBreaker::WordBreaker() : mPool(&ICULineBreakerPoolImpl::getInstance()) {}
-WordBreaker::WordBreaker(ICULineBreakerPool* pool) : mPool(pool) {
+WordBreaker::WordBreaker(ICULineBreakerPool* pool) : mPool(pool) {}
 ssize_t WordBreaker::followingWithLocale(const Locale& locale, size_t from) {
     mIcuBreaker = mPool->acquire(locale);
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@
 // Chicago Manual of Style recommends breaking before these characters in URLs and email addresses
 static bool breakBefore(uint16_t c) {
-    return c == '~' || c == '.' || c == ',' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '?' || c == '#'
-            || c == '%' || c == '=' || c == '&';
+    return c == '~' || c == '.' || c == ',' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '?' || c == '#' ||
+           c == '%' || c == '=' || c == '&';
 enum ScanState {
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
             // break before single slash
             if (thisChar == '/' && lastChar != '/' &&
-                        !(i + 1 < mScanOffset && mText[i + 1] == '/')) {
+                !(i + 1 < mScanOffset && mText[i + 1] == '/')) {
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
     if (mInEmailOrUrl) {
         mCurrent = findNextBreakInEmailOrUrl();
     } else {  // Business as usual
-        mCurrent = (ssize_t) iteratorNext();
+        mCurrent = (ssize_t)iteratorNext();
     return mCurrent;
diff --git a/libs/minikin/WordBreaker.h b/libs/minikin/WordBreaker.h
index da33059..84d1d62 100644
--- a/libs/minikin/WordBreaker.h
+++ b/libs/minikin/WordBreaker.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include <unicode/brkiter.h>
 #include "minikin/Range.h"
 #include "Locale.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
     // protected for testing purposes.
     static constexpr size_t MAX_POOL_SIZE = 4;
-    ICULineBreakerPoolImpl() {};  // singleton.
+    ICULineBreakerPoolImpl(){};  // singleton.
     size_t getPoolSize() const { return mPool.size(); }
@@ -80,9 +81,7 @@
 class WordBreaker {
-    virtual ~WordBreaker() {
-        finish();
-    }
+    virtual ~WordBreaker() { finish(); }
diff --git a/tests/perftests/FontCollection.cpp b/tests/perftests/FontCollection.cpp
index 377d86f..0829818 100644
--- a/tests/perftests/FontCollection.cpp
+++ b/tests/perftests/FontCollection.cpp
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@
 #include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
 #include "minikin/LocaleList.h"
 #include "FontTestUtils.h"
-#include "UnicodeUtils.h"
 #include "MinikinInternal.h"
+#include "UnicodeUtils.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -58,22 +59,23 @@
 // TODO: Rewrite with BENCHMARK_CAPTURE for better test name.
-      ->ArgPair(0x2708, 0xFE0F)
-      ->ArgPair(0x2708, 0xFE0E)
-      ->ArgPair(0x3402, 0xE0100);
+        ->ArgPair(0x2708, 0xFE0F)
+        ->ArgPair(0x2708, 0xFE0E)
+        ->ArgPair(0x3402, 0xE0100);
 struct ItemizeTestCases {
     std::string itemizeText;
     std::string languageTag;
     std::string labelText;
-    { "'A' 'n' 'd' 'r' 'o' 'i' 'd'", "en", "English" },
-    { "U+4E16", "zh-Hans", "CJK Ideograph" },
-    { "U+4E16", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja,en,es,pt,fr,de", "CJK Ideograph with many language fallback" },
-    { "U+3402 U+E0100", "ja", "CJK Ideograph with variation selector" },
-    { "'A' 'n' U+0E1A U+0E31 U+0645 U+062D U+0648", "en", "Mixture of English, Thai and Arabic" },
-    { "U+2708 U+FE0E", "en", "Emoji with variation selector" },
-    { "U+0031 U+FE0F U+20E3", "en", "KEYCAP" },
+        {"'A' 'n' 'd' 'r' 'o' 'i' 'd'", "en", "English"},
+        {"U+4E16", "zh-Hans", "CJK Ideograph"},
+        {"U+4E16", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja,en,es,pt,fr,de",
+         "CJK Ideograph with many language fallback"},
+        {"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja", "CJK Ideograph with variation selector"},
+        {"'A' 'n' U+0E1A U+0E31 U+0645 U+062D U+0648", "en", "Mixture of English, Thai and Arabic"},
+        {"U+2708 U+FE0E", "en", "Emoji with variation selector"},
+        {"U+0031 U+FE0F U+20E3", "en", "KEYCAP"},
 static void BM_FontCollection_itemize(benchmark::State& state) {
@@ -85,8 +87,8 @@
     uint16_t buffer[64];
     size_t utf16_length = 0;
-    ParseUnicode(
-            buffer, 64, ITEMIZE_TEST_CASES[testIndex].itemizeText.c_str(), &utf16_length, nullptr);
+    ParseUnicode(buffer, 64, ITEMIZE_TEST_CASES[testIndex].itemizeText.c_str(), &utf16_length,
+                 nullptr);
     std::vector<FontCollection::Run> result;
     MinikinPaint paint;
     paint.localeListId = registerLocaleList(ITEMIZE_TEST_CASES[testIndex].languageTag);
@@ -99,7 +101,6 @@
 // TODO: Rewrite with BENCHMARK_CAPTURE once it is available in Android.
-    ->Arg(0)->Arg(1)->Arg(2)->Arg(3)->Arg(4)->Arg(5)->Arg(6);
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/tests/perftests/FontFamily.cpp b/tests/perftests/FontFamily.cpp
index 2bf8914..ceeae47 100644
--- a/tests/perftests/FontFamily.cpp
+++ b/tests/perftests/FontFamily.cpp
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
             std::make_shared<MinikinFontForTest>("/system/fonts/NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc", 0);
     while (state.KeepRunning()) {
-        std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family = std::make_shared<FontFamily>(
-                std::vector<Font>({Font(minikinFont, FontStyle())}));
+        std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family =
+                std::make_shared<FontFamily>(std::vector<Font>({Font(minikinFont, FontStyle())}));
diff --git a/tests/perftests/GraphemeBreak.cpp b/tests/perftests/GraphemeBreak.cpp
index a3e06d7..af156c8 100644
--- a/tests/perftests/GraphemeBreak.cpp
+++ b/tests/perftests/GraphemeBreak.cpp
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
-    ->Arg(0)  // Begining of the text.
-    ->Arg(1)  // Middle of the text.
-    ->Arg(12);  // End of the text.
+        ->Arg(0)    // Begining of the text.
+        ->Arg(1)    // Middle of the text.
+        ->Arg(12);  // End of the text.
 static void BM_GraphemeBreak_Emoji(benchmark::State& state) {
     size_t result_size;
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
-    ->Arg(1)  // Middle of emoji modifier sequence.
-    ->Arg(2)  // Middle of the surrogate pairs.
-    ->Arg(3);  // After emoji modifier sequence. Here is boundary of grapheme cluster.
+        ->Arg(1)   // Middle of emoji modifier sequence.
+        ->Arg(2)   // Middle of the surrogate pairs.
+        ->Arg(3);  // After emoji modifier sequence. Here is boundary of grapheme cluster.
 static void BM_GraphemeBreak_Emoji_Flags(benchmark::State& state) {
     size_t result_size;
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
-    ->Arg(2)  // Middle of flag sequence.
-    ->Arg(4)  // After flag sequence. Here is boundary of grapheme cluster.
-    ->Arg(10); // Middle of 3rd flag sequence.
+        ->Arg(2)    // Middle of flag sequence.
+        ->Arg(4)    // After flag sequence. Here is boundary of grapheme cluster.
+        ->Arg(10);  // Middle of 3rd flag sequence.
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/tests/perftests/Hyphenator.cpp b/tests/perftests/Hyphenator.cpp
index 2dfc324..253c0f4 100644
--- a/tests/perftests/Hyphenator.cpp
+++ b/tests/perftests/Hyphenator.cpp
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 const int enUsMinSuffix = 3;
 static void BM_Hyphenator_short_word(benchmark::State& state) {
-    Hyphenator* hyphenator = Hyphenator::loadBinary(
-            readWholeFile(enUsHyph).data(), enUsMinPrefix, enUsMinSuffix, "en");
+    Hyphenator* hyphenator = Hyphenator::loadBinary(readWholeFile(enUsHyph).data(), enUsMinPrefix,
+                                                    enUsMinSuffix, "en");
     std::vector<uint16_t> word = utf8ToUtf16("hyphen");
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     while (state.KeepRunning()) {
@@ -40,10 +40,9 @@
 static void BM_Hyphenator_long_word(benchmark::State& state) {
-    Hyphenator* hyphenator = Hyphenator::loadBinary(
-            readWholeFile(enUsHyph).data(), enUsMinPrefix, enUsMinSuffix, "en");
-    std::vector<uint16_t> word = utf8ToUtf16(
-            "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis");
+    Hyphenator* hyphenator = Hyphenator::loadBinary(readWholeFile(enUsHyph).data(), enUsMinPrefix,
+                                                    enUsMinSuffix, "en");
+    std::vector<uint16_t> word = utf8ToUtf16("Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis");
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     while (state.KeepRunning()) {
         hyphenator->hyphenate(&result,, word.size());
diff --git a/tests/perftests/WordBreaker.cpp b/tests/perftests/WordBreaker.cpp
index 33e5e57..6a8b1c4 100644
--- a/tests/perftests/WordBreaker.cpp
+++ b/tests/perftests/WordBreaker.cpp
@@ -23,15 +23,17 @@
 namespace minikin {
 static void BM_WordBreaker_English(benchmark::State& state) {
-    const char* kLoremIpsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do "
-        "eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.";
+    const char* kLoremIpsum =
+            "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do "
+            "eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.";
     WordBreaker wb;
     wb.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 0);
     std::vector<uint16_t> text = utf8ToUtf16(kLoremIpsum);
     while (state.KeepRunning()) {
         wb.setText(, text.size());
-        while ( != -1) {}
+        while ( != -1) {
+        }
diff --git a/tests/perftests/main.cpp b/tests/perftests/main.cpp
index 8281dd6..142b396 100644
--- a/tests/perftests/main.cpp
+++ b/tests/perftests/main.cpp
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
  * limitations under the License.
 #include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
 #include <cutils/log.h>
diff --git a/tests/stresstest/FontFamilyTest.cpp b/tests/stresstest/FontFamilyTest.cpp
index 88c26b2..efd6bbc 100644
--- a/tests/stresstest/FontFamilyTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/stresstest/FontFamilyTest.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "minikin/FontCollection.h"
 #include "FontTestUtils.h"
 #include "HbFontCache.h"
 #include "MinikinFontForTest.h"
@@ -44,8 +45,8 @@
     for (uint32_t codePoint = 0; codePoint < MAX_UNICODE_CODE_POINT; ++codePoint) {
         uint32_t unusedGlyph;
         EXPECT_EQ(family->hasGlyph(codePoint, 0 /* variation selector */),
-                static_cast<bool>(hb_font_get_glyph(hbFont, codePoint, 0 /* variation selector */,
-                        &unusedGlyph)));
+                  static_cast<bool>(hb_font_get_glyph(hbFont, codePoint, 0 /* variation selector */,
+                                                      &unusedGlyph)));
     for (uint32_t vs = VS1; vs < VS256; ++vs) {
@@ -56,21 +57,17 @@
         for (uint32_t codePoint = 0; codePoint < MAX_UNICODE_CODE_POINT; ++codePoint) {
             uint32_t unusedGlyph;
             ASSERT_EQ(family->hasGlyph(codePoint, vs),
-                    static_cast<bool>(hb_font_get_glyph(hbFont, codePoint, vs, &unusedGlyph)))
-                << "Inconsistent Result: " << fontPath << "#" << ttcIndex
-                << ": U+" << std::hex << codePoint << " U+" << std::hex << vs
-                << " Minikin: " << family->hasGlyph(codePoint, vs)
-                << " HarfBuzz: "
-                << static_cast<bool>(hb_font_get_glyph(hbFont, codePoint, vs, &unusedGlyph));
+                      static_cast<bool>(hb_font_get_glyph(hbFont, codePoint, vs, &unusedGlyph)))
+                    << "Inconsistent Result: " << fontPath << "#" << ttcIndex << ": U+" << std::hex
+                    << codePoint << " U+" << std::hex << vs
+                    << " Minikin: " << family->hasGlyph(codePoint, vs) << " HarfBuzz: "
+                    << static_cast<bool>(hb_font_get_glyph(hbFont, codePoint, vs, &unusedGlyph));
-        FontFamilyHarfBuzzCompatibilityTest,
-        ::testing::Values(
-                TestParam("/system/fonts/NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc", 0),
-                TestParam("/system/fonts/NotoColorEmoji.ttf", 0)));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FontFamilyTest, FontFamilyHarfBuzzCompatibilityTest,
+                        ::testing::Values(TestParam("/system/fonts/NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc", 0),
+                                          TestParam("/system/fonts/NotoColorEmoji.ttf", 0)));
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/tests/stresstest/MultithreadTest.cpp b/tests/stresstest/MultithreadTest.cpp
index 5a6f409..684d0b5 100644
--- a/tests/stresstest/MultithreadTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/stresstest/MultithreadTest.cpp
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "minikin/FontCollection.h"
-#include "MinikinInternal.h"
 #include "FontTestUtils.h"
+#include "MinikinInternal.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -41,8 +42,8 @@
 std::condition_variable gCv;
 bool gReady = false;
-static std::vector<uint16_t> generateTestText(
-        std::mt19937* mt, int lettersInWord, int wordsInText) {
+static std::vector<uint16_t> generateTestText(std::mt19937* mt, int lettersInWord,
+                                              int wordsInText) {
     std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> dist('A', 'Z');
     std::vector<uint16_t> text;
diff --git a/tests/unittest/AndroidLineBreakerHelperTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/AndroidLineBreakerHelperTest.cpp
index e0b40bc..5ef217d 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/AndroidLineBreakerHelperTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/AndroidLineBreakerHelperTest.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "minikin/LineBreaker.h"
 #include "FontTestUtils.h"
 #include "ICUTestBase.h"
 #include "UnicodeUtils.h"
@@ -39,13 +40,12 @@
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection =
             getFontCollection(SYSTEM_FONT_PATH, SYSTEM_FONT_XML);
-    StaticLayoutNative layoutNative(
-            BreakStrategy::Greedy,  // break strategy
-            HyphenationFrequency::None,  // hyphenation frequency
-            false,  // not justified
-            std::vector<float>(),  // indents
-            std::vector<float>(),  // left padding
-            std::vector<float>());  // right padding
+    StaticLayoutNative layoutNative(BreakStrategy::Greedy,       // break strategy
+                                    HyphenationFrequency::None,  // hyphenation frequency
+                                    false,                       // not justified
+                                    std::vector<float>(),        // indents
+                                    std::vector<float>(),        // left padding
+                                    std::vector<float>());       // right padding
     layoutNative.addStyleRun(0, 2, MinikinPaint(), collection, false /* is RTL */);
     layoutNative.addReplacementRun(2, 4, REPLACEMENT_WIDTH, 0 /* locale list id */);
@@ -54,15 +54,13 @@
     std::vector<uint16_t> text(CHAR_COUNT, 'a');
     MeasuredText measuredText = layoutNative.measureText(text);
-    LineBreakResult result = layoutNative.computeBreaks(
-            text, measuredText,
-            LINE_WIDTH, 1, LINE_WIDTH, 0,  // line width arguments,
-            nullptr, 0, 0);  // tab stop arguments.
+    LineBreakResult result = layoutNative.computeBreaks(text, measuredText, LINE_WIDTH, 1,
+                                                        LINE_WIDTH, 0,   // line width arguments,
+                                                        nullptr, 0, 0);  // tab stop arguments.
     // ReplacementRun assigns all width to the first character and leave zeros others.
-    std::vector<float> expectedWidths = {
-    };
+    std::vector<float> expectedWidths = {CHAR_WIDTH, CHAR_WIDTH, REPLACEMENT_WIDTH,
+                                         0,          CHAR_WIDTH, CHAR_WIDTH};
     EXPECT_EQ(expectedWidths, measuredText.widths);
diff --git a/tests/unittest/CmapCoverageTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/CmapCoverageTest.cpp
index c401bbf..db3bb39 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/CmapCoverageTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/CmapCoverageTest.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <log/log.h>
 #include "minikin/SparseBitSet.h"
 #include "MinikinInternal.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -65,22 +66,23 @@
 static std::vector<uint8_t> buildCmapFormat4Table(const std::vector<uint16_t>& ranges) {
     uint16_t segmentCount = ranges.size() / 2 + 1 /* +1 for end marker */;
-    const size_t numOfUint16 =
-        8 /* format, length, languages, segCountX2, searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift, pad */ +
-        segmentCount * 4 /* endCount, startCount, idRange, idRangeOffset */;
+    const size_t numOfUint16 = 8 /* format, length, languages, segCountX2, searchRange,
+                                    entrySelector, rangeShift, pad */
+                               +
+                               segmentCount * 4 /* endCount, startCount, idRange, idRangeOffset */;
     const size_t finalLength = sizeof(uint16_t) * numOfUint16;
     std::vector<uint8_t> out(finalLength);
     size_t head = 0;
-    head = writeU16(4,, head);  // format
+    head = writeU16(4,, head);            // format
     head = writeU16(finalLength,, head);  // length
-    head = writeU16(0,, head);  // langauge
+    head = writeU16(0,, head);            // langauge
     const uint16_t searchRange = 2 * (1 << static_cast<int>(floor(log2(segmentCount))));
-    head = writeU16(segmentCount * 2,, head);  // segCountX2
-    head = writeU16(searchRange,, head);  // searchRange
-    head = writeU16(__builtin_ctz(searchRange) - 1,, head); // entrySelector
+    head = writeU16(segmentCount * 2,, head);                // segCountX2
+    head = writeU16(searchRange,, head);                     // searchRange
+    head = writeU16(__builtin_ctz(searchRange) - 1,, head);  // entrySelector
     head = writeU16(segmentCount * 2 - searchRange,, head);  // rangeShift
     size_t endCountHead = head;
@@ -114,18 +116,19 @@
 // 'a' (U+0061) is mapped to Glyph ID = 0x0061).
 // 'range' should be specified with inclusive-inclusive values.
 static std::vector<uint8_t> buildCmapFormat12Table(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ranges) {
-    uint32_t numGroups  = ranges.size() / 2;
+    uint32_t numGroups = ranges.size() / 2;
     const size_t finalLength = 2 /* format */ + 2 /* reserved */ + 4 /* length */ +
-        4 /* languages */ + 4 /* numGroups */ + 12 /* size of a group */ * numGroups;
+                               4 /* languages */ + 4 /* numGroups */ +
+                               12 /* size of a group */ * numGroups;
     std::vector<uint8_t> out(finalLength);
     size_t head = 0;
-    head = writeU16(12,, head);  // format
-    head = writeU16(0,, head);  // reserved
+    head = writeU16(12,, head);           // format
+    head = writeU16(0,, head);            // reserved
     head = writeU32(finalLength,, head);  // length
-    head = writeU32(0,, head);  // langauge
-    head = writeU32(numGroups,, head);  // numGroups
+    head = writeU32(0,, head);            // langauge
+    head = writeU32(numGroups,, head);    // numGroups
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numGroups; ++i) {
         const uint32_t start = ranges[2 * i];
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@
         const size_t numOfRanges = defaultUVSRanges.size() / 2;
         const size_t length = sizeof(uint32_t) /* numUnicodeValueRanges */ +
-            numOfRanges * 4 /* size of Unicode Range Table */;
+                              numOfRanges * 4 /* size of Unicode Range Table */;
         std::vector<uint8_t> out(length);
         size_t head = 0;
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@
             return std::vector<uint8_t>();
         const size_t length = sizeof(uint32_t) /* numUnicodeValueRanges */ +
-            nonDefaultUVS.size() * 5 /* size of UVS Mapping Record */;
+                              nonDefaultUVS.size() * 5 /* size of UVS Mapping Record */;
         std::vector<uint8_t> out(length);
         size_t head = 0;
@@ -190,15 +193,14 @@
 static std::vector<uint8_t> buildCmapFormat14Table(
         const std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>& vsRecords) {
     const size_t headerLength = sizeof(uint16_t) /* format */ + sizeof(uint32_t) /* length */ +
-            sizeof(uint32_t) /* numVarSelectorRecords */ +
-            11 /* size of variation selector record */ * vsRecords.size();
+                                sizeof(uint32_t) /* numVarSelectorRecords */ +
+                                11 /* size of variation selector record */ * vsRecords.size();
     std::vector<uint8_t> out(headerLength);
     size_t head = 0;
-    head = writeU16(14,, head);  // format
-    head += sizeof(uint32_t);  // length will be filled later
+    head = writeU16(14,, head);                // format
+    head += sizeof(uint32_t);                             // length will be filled later
     head = writeU32(vsRecords.size(),, head);  // numVarSelectorRecords;
     for (const auto& record : vsRecords) {
@@ -233,14 +235,13 @@
     CmapBuilder(int numTables) : mNumTables(numTables), mCurrentTableIndex(0) {
         const size_t headerSize =
-            2 /* version */ + 2 /* numTables */ + kEncodingTableSize * numTables;
+                2 /* version */ + 2 /* numTables */ + kEncodingTableSize * numTables;
         writeU16(0,, 0);
         writeU16(numTables,, 2);
-    void appendTable(uint16_t platformId, uint16_t encodingId,
-            const std::vector<uint8_t>& table) {
+    void appendTable(uint16_t platformId, uint16_t encodingId, const std::vector<uint8_t>& table) {
         appendEncodingTable(platformId, encodingId, out.size());
         out.insert(out.end(), table.begin(), table.end());
@@ -252,14 +253,14 @@
     // Helper functions.
     static std::vector<uint8_t> buildSingleFormat4Cmap(uint16_t platformId, uint16_t encodingId,
-            const std::vector<uint16_t>& ranges) {
+                                                       const std::vector<uint16_t>& ranges) {
         CmapBuilder builder(1);
         builder.appendTable(platformId, encodingId, buildCmapFormat4Table(ranges));
     static std::vector<uint8_t> buildSingleFormat12Cmap(uint16_t platformId, uint16_t encodingId,
-            const std::vector<uint32_t>& ranges) {
+                                                        const std::vector<uint32_t>& ranges) {
         CmapBuilder builder(1);
         builder.appendTable(platformId, encodingId, buildCmapFormat12Table(ranges));
@@ -317,8 +318,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Reversed range");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> cmap = CmapBuilder::buildSingleFormat4Cmap(0, 0, std::vector<uint16_t>(
-                {'b', 'b', 'a', 'a'}));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> cmap = CmapBuilder::buildSingleFormat4Cmap(
+                0, 0, std::vector<uint16_t>({'b', 'b', 'a', 'a'}));
         SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
         EXPECT_EQ(0U, coverage.length());
@@ -326,8 +327,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Reversed range - partially readable");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> cmap = CmapBuilder::buildSingleFormat4Cmap(0, 0, std::vector<uint16_t>(
-                { 'a', 'a', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'b'}));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> cmap = CmapBuilder::buildSingleFormat4Cmap(
+                0, 0, std::vector<uint16_t>({'a', 'a', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'b'}));
         SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
         EXPECT_EQ(0U, coverage.length());
@@ -342,11 +343,9 @@
         uint16_t platformId;
         uint16_t encodingId;
     } TEST_CASES[] = {
-        { "Platform 0, Encoding 0", 0, 0 },
-        { "Platform 0, Encoding 1", 0, 1 },
-        { "Platform 0, Encoding 2", 0, 2 },
-        { "Platform 0, Encoding 3", 0, 3 },
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 1", 3, 1 },
+            {"Platform 0, Encoding 0", 0, 0}, {"Platform 0, Encoding 1", 0, 1},
+            {"Platform 0, Encoding 2", 0, 2}, {"Platform 0, Encoding 3", 0, 3},
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 1", 3, 1},
     for (const auto& testCase : TEST_CASES) {
@@ -368,9 +367,9 @@
         uint16_t platformId;
         uint16_t encodingId;
     } TEST_CASES[] = {
-        { "Platform 0, Encoding 4", 0, 4 },
-        { "Platform 0, Encoding 6", 0, 6 },
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 10", 3, 10 },
+            {"Platform 0, Encoding 4", 0, 4},
+            {"Platform 0, Encoding 6", 0, 6},
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 10", 3, 10},
     for (const auto& testCase : TEST_CASES) {
@@ -418,26 +417,26 @@
         uint16_t platformId;
         uint16_t encodingId;
     } TEST_CASES[] = {
-        // Any encodings with platform 2 is not supported.
-        { "Platform 2, Encoding 0", 2, 0 },
-        { "Platform 2, Encoding 1", 2, 1 },
-        { "Platform 2, Encoding 2", 2, 2 },
-        { "Platform 2, Encoding 3", 2, 3 },
-        // UCS-2 or UCS-4 are supported on Platform == 3. Others are not supported.
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 0", 3, 0 },  // Symbol
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 2", 3, 2 },  // ShiftJIS
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 3", 3, 3 },  // RPC
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 4", 3, 4 },  // Big5
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 5", 3, 5 },  // Wansung
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 6", 3, 6 },  // Johab
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 7", 3, 7 },  // Reserved
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 8", 3, 8 },  // Reserved
-        { "Platform 3, Encoding 9", 3, 9 },  // Reserved
-        // Uknown platforms
-        { "Platform 4, Encoding 0", 4, 0 },
-        { "Platform 5, Encoding 1", 5, 1 },
-        { "Platform 6, Encoding 0", 6, 0 },
-        { "Platform 7, Encoding 1", 7, 1 },
+            // Any encodings with platform 2 is not supported.
+            {"Platform 2, Encoding 0", 2, 0},
+            {"Platform 2, Encoding 1", 2, 1},
+            {"Platform 2, Encoding 2", 2, 2},
+            {"Platform 2, Encoding 3", 2, 3},
+            // UCS-2 or UCS-4 are supported on Platform == 3. Others are not supported.
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 0", 3, 0},  // Symbol
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 2", 3, 2},  // ShiftJIS
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 3", 3, 3},  // RPC
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 4", 3, 4},  // Big5
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 5", 3, 5},  // Wansung
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 6", 3, 6},  // Johab
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 7", 3, 7},  // Reserved
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 8", 3, 8},  // Reserved
+            {"Platform 3, Encoding 9", 3, 9},  // Reserved
+            // Uknown platforms
+            {"Platform 4, Encoding 0", 4, 0},
+            {"Platform 5, Encoding 1", 5, 1},
+            {"Platform 6, Encoding 0", 6, 0},
+            {"Platform 7, Encoding 1", 7, 1},
     for (const auto& testCase : TEST_CASES) {
@@ -579,13 +578,8 @@
             uint16_t encodingId;
             const std::vector<uint8_t>& table;
         } LOWER_PRIORITY_TABLES[] = {
-            { 0, 0, format4 },
-            { 0, 1, format4 },
-            { 0, 2, format4 },
-            { 0, 3, format4 },
-            { 0, 4, format12 },
-            { 0, 6, format12 },
-            { 3, 1, format4 },
+                {0, 0, format4},  {0, 1, format4},  {0, 2, format4}, {0, 3, format4},
+                {0, 4, format12}, {0, 6, format12}, {3, 1, format4},
         for (const auto& table : LOWER_PRIORITY_TABLES) {
@@ -595,7 +589,7 @@
             std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
             SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));  // comes from highest table
+            EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));   // comes from highest table
             EXPECT_FALSE(coverage.get('b'));  // should not use other table.
@@ -608,10 +602,7 @@
             uint16_t encodingId;
             const std::vector<uint8_t>& table;
         } LOWER_PRIORITY_TABLES[] = {
-            { 0, 0, format4 },
-            { 0, 1, format4 },
-            { 0, 2, format4 },
-            { 0, 3, format4 },
+                {0, 0, format4}, {0, 1, format4}, {0, 2, format4}, {0, 3, format4},
         for (const auto& table : LOWER_PRIORITY_TABLES) {
@@ -621,7 +612,7 @@
             std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
             SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));  // comes from highest table
+            EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));   // comes from highest table
             EXPECT_FALSE(coverage.get('b'));  // should not use other table.
@@ -641,7 +632,7 @@
         std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
         SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));  // comes from valid table
+        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));   // comes from valid table
         EXPECT_FALSE(coverage.get('b'));  // should not use invalid table.
@@ -655,7 +646,7 @@
         std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
         SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));  // comes from valid table
+        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));   // comes from valid table
         EXPECT_FALSE(coverage.get('b'));  // should not use invalid table.
@@ -669,7 +660,7 @@
         std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
         SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));  // comes from valid table
+        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));   // comes from valid table
         EXPECT_FALSE(coverage.get('b'));  // should not use invalid table.
@@ -677,8 +668,7 @@
 TEST(CmapCoverageTest, TableSelection_SkipBrokenFormat12Table) {
     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparseBitSet>> vsTables;
-    std::vector<uint8_t> validTable =
-            buildCmapFormat12Table(std::vector<uint32_t>({'a', 'a'}));
+    std::vector<uint8_t> validTable = buildCmapFormat12Table(std::vector<uint32_t>({'a', 'a'}));
         SCOPED_TRACE("Unsupported format");
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
@@ -689,7 +679,7 @@
         std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
         SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));  // comes from valid table
+        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));   // comes from valid table
         EXPECT_FALSE(coverage.get('b'));  // should not use invalid table.
@@ -703,7 +693,7 @@
         std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
         SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));  // comes from valid table
+        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));   // comes from valid table
         EXPECT_FALSE(coverage.get('b'));  // should not use invalid table.
@@ -717,7 +707,7 @@
         std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
         SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, cmap.size(), &vsTables);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));  // comes from valid table
+        EXPECT_TRUE(coverage.get('a'));   // comes from valid table
         EXPECT_FALSE(coverage.get('b'));  // should not use invalid table.
@@ -727,9 +717,9 @@
     std::vector<uint8_t> smallLetterTable =
             buildCmapFormat12Table(std::vector<uint32_t>({'a', 'z'}));
     std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-        { 0xFE0E, { 'a', 'b' }, {} /* no non-default UVS table */ },
-        { 0xFE0F, {} /* no default UVS table */, { 'a', 'b'} },
-        { 0xE0100, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b'} },
+            {0xFE0E, {'a', 'b'}, {} /* no non-default UVS table */},
+            {0xFE0F, {} /* no default UVS table */, {'a', 'b'}},
+            {0xE0100, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}},
     CmapBuilder builder(2);
     builder.appendTable(3, 1, smallLetterTable);
@@ -764,12 +754,20 @@
     std::vector<uint8_t> smallLetterTable =
             buildCmapFormat12Table(std::vector<uint32_t>({'a', 'z'}));
     std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-        { 0xFE0E, { 'a', 'e' }, { 'c', 'd', } },
-        { 0xFE0F, { 'c', 'e'} , { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'} },
-        { 0xE0100, { 'a', 'c' }, { 'b', 'c', 'd' } },
-        { 0xE0101, { 'b', 'd'} , { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'} },
-        { 0xE0102, { 'a', 'c', 'd', 'g'} , { 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'} },
-        { 0xE0103, { 'a', 'f'} , { 'b', 'd', } },
+            {0xFE0E,
+             {'a', 'e'},
+             {
+                     'c', 'd',
+             }},
+            {0xFE0F, {'c', 'e'}, {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}},
+            {0xE0100, {'a', 'c'}, {'b', 'c', 'd'}},
+            {0xE0101, {'b', 'd'}, {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}},
+            {0xE0102, {'a', 'c', 'd', 'g'}, {'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'}},
+            {0xE0103,
+             {'a', 'f'},
+             {
+                     'b', 'd',
+             }},
     CmapBuilder builder(2);
     builder.appendTable(3, 1, smallLetterTable);
@@ -842,25 +840,23 @@
     std::vector<uint8_t> cmap12Table = buildCmapFormat12Table(std::vector<uint32_t>({'a', 'z'}));
         SCOPED_TRACE("Too small cmap size");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0E, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0E, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}}));
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
         builder.appendTable(VS_PLATFORM_ID, VS_ENCODING_ID, vsTable);
         std::vector<uint8_t> cmap =;
         std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparseBitSet>> vsTables;
-        SparseBitSet coverage = CmapCoverage::getCoverage(
-      , 3 /* too small size */, &vsTables);
+        SparseBitSet coverage =
+                CmapCoverage::getCoverage(, 3 /* too small size */, &vsTables);
         SCOPED_TRACE("Too many variation records");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}}));
         writeU32(5000,, 6 /* numVarSelectorRecord offset */);
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
@@ -873,9 +869,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Invalid default UVS offset in variation records");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}}));
         writeU32(5000,, 13 /* defaultUVSffset offset in the first record */);
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
@@ -888,9 +883,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Invalid non default UVS offset in variation records");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}}));
         writeU32(5000,, 17 /* nonDefaultUVSffset offset in the first record */);
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
@@ -903,9 +897,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Too many ranges entry in default UVS table");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}}));
         // 21 is the offset of the numUnicodeValueRanges in the fist defulat UVS table.
         writeU32(5000,, 21);
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
@@ -919,9 +912,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Too many ranges entry in non default UVS table");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}}));
         // 29 is the offset of the numUnicodeValueRanges in the fist defulat UVS table.
         writeU32(5000,, 29);
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
@@ -935,9 +927,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Reversed range in default UVS table");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a' }, { } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {'b', 'b', 'a', 'a'}, {}}}));
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
         builder.appendTable(VS_PLATFORM_ID, VS_ENCODING_ID, vsTable);
@@ -949,9 +940,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Reversed range in default UVS table - partially readable");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'b' }, { } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>(
+                {{0xFE0F, {'a', 'a', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'b'}, {}}}));
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
         builder.appendTable(VS_PLATFORM_ID, VS_ENCODING_ID, vsTable);
@@ -963,9 +953,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Reversed mapping entries in non default UVS table");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { }, { 'b', 'a' } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {}, {'b', 'a'}}}));
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
         builder.appendTable(VS_PLATFORM_ID, VS_ENCODING_ID, vsTable);
@@ -977,9 +966,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Reversed mapping entries in non default UVS table");
-        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { }, { 'a', 'c', 'b' } }
-        }));
+        std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+                std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {}, {'a', 'c', 'b'}}}));
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
         builder.appendTable(VS_PLATFORM_ID, VS_ENCODING_ID, vsTable);
@@ -996,8 +984,7 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Invalid default UVS offset in variation records");
         std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0E, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } },
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } },
+                {0xFE0E, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}, {0xFE0F, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}},
         writeU32(5000,, 13 /* defaultUVSffset offset in the record for 0xFE0E */);
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
@@ -1020,8 +1007,7 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Invalid non default UVS offset in variation records");
         std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0E, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } },
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } },
+                {0xFE0E, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}, {0xFE0F, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}},
         writeU32(5000,, 17 /* nonDefaultUVSffset offset in the first record */);
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
@@ -1044,8 +1030,7 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("Unknown variation selectors.");
         std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-            { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } },
-            { 0xEFFFF, { 'a', 'a' }, { 'b' } },
+                {0xFE0F, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}}, {0xEFFFF, {'a', 'a'}, {'b'}},
         CmapBuilder builder(2);
         builder.appendTable(3, 1, cmap12Table);
@@ -1069,9 +1054,8 @@
 TEST(CmapCoverageTest, TableSelection_defaultUVSPointMissingGlyph) {
     std::vector<uint8_t> baseTable = buildCmapFormat12Table(std::vector<uint32_t>(
             {RANGE('a', 'e'), RANGE('g', 'h'), RANGE('j', 'j'), RANGE('m', 'z')}));
-    std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-        { 0xFE0F, { 'a', 'z' }, { } }
-    }));
+    std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(
+            std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {'a', 'z'}, {}}}));
     CmapBuilder builder(2);
     builder.appendTable(3, 1, baseTable);
@@ -1084,7 +1068,7 @@
     ASSERT_LT(vsIndex, vsTables.size());
-    for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c)  {
+    for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) {
         // Default UVS table points the variation sequence to the glyph of the base code point.
         // Thus, if the base code point is not supported, we should exclude them.
         EXPECT_EQ(coverage.get(c), vsTables[vsIndex]->get(c)) << c;
@@ -1094,9 +1078,8 @@
 #undef RANGE
 TEST(CmapCoverageTest, TableSelection_vsTableOnly) {
-    std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable = buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({
-        { 0xFE0F, { }, { 'a' } }
-    }));
+    std::vector<uint8_t> vsTable =
+            buildCmapFormat14Table(std::vector<VariationSelectorRecord>({{0xFE0F, {}, {'a'}}}));
     CmapBuilder builder(1);
     builder.appendTable(VS_PLATFORM_ID, VS_ENCODING_ID, vsTable);
diff --git a/tests/unittest/EmojiTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/EmojiTest.cpp
index 327cbd9..32ffde7 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/EmojiTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/EmojiTest.cpp
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@
 namespace minikin {
 TEST(EmojiTest, isEmojiTest) {
-    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x0023));  // NUMBER SIGN
-    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x0035));  // DIGIT FIVE
-    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x2640));  // FEMALE SIGN
-    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x2642));  // MALE SIGN
-    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x2695));  // STAFF OF AESCULAPIUS
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x0023));   // NUMBER SIGN
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x0035));   // DIGIT FIVE
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x2640));   // FEMALE SIGN
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x2642));   // MALE SIGN
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x2695));   // STAFF OF AESCULAPIUS
     EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x1F6F7));  // SLED
     EXPECT_TRUE(isEmoji(0x1F9E6));  // SOCKS
-    EXPECT_FALSE(isEmoji(0x0000));  // <control>
-    EXPECT_FALSE(isEmoji(0x0061));  // LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isEmoji(0x0000));   // <control>
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isEmoji(0x0061));   // LATIN SMALL LETTER A
     EXPECT_FALSE(isEmoji(0x1F946));  // RIFLE
     EXPECT_FALSE(isEmoji(0x29E3D));  // A han character.
@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@
-    EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiModifier(0x0000));  // <control>
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiModifier(0x0000));   // <control>
     EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiModifier(0x1F3FA));  // AMPHORA
     EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiModifier(0x1F400));  // RAT
     EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiModifier(0x29E3D));  // A han character.
 TEST(EmojiTest, isEmojiBaseTest) {
-    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x261D));  // WHITE UP POINTING INDEX
-    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x270D));  // WRITING HAND
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x261D));   // WHITE UP POINTING INDEX
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x270D));   // WRITING HAND
     EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x1F385));  // FATHER CHRISTMAS
     EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x1F3C2));  // SNOWBOARDER
     EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x1F3C7));  // HORSE RACING
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x1F9D1));  // ADULT
     EXPECT_TRUE(isEmojiBase(0x1F9DD));  // ELF
-    EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiBase(0x0000));  // <control>
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiBase(0x0000));   // <control>
     EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiBase(0x1F384));  // CHRISTMAS TREE
     EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiBase(0x1F9DE));  // GENIE
     EXPECT_FALSE(isEmojiBase(0x29E3D));  // A han character.
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 TEST(EmojiTest, emojiBidiOverrideTest) {
     EXPECT_EQ(U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT, emojiBidiOverride(nullptr, 0x05D0));  // HEBREW LETTER ALEF
-            emojiBidiOverride(nullptr, 0x1F170));  // NEGATIVE SQUARED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+              emojiBidiOverride(nullptr, 0x1F170));  // NEGATIVE SQUARED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
     EXPECT_EQ(U_OTHER_NEUTRAL, emojiBidiOverride(nullptr, 0x1F6F7));  // SLED
     EXPECT_EQ(U_OTHER_NEUTRAL, emojiBidiOverride(nullptr, 0x1F9E6));  // SOCKS
diff --git a/tests/unittest/FontCollectionItemizeTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/FontCollectionItemizeTest.cpp
index 628ebb0..2aa68be 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/FontCollectionItemizeTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/FontCollectionItemizeTest.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "minikin/FontFamily.h"
 #include "minikin/LocaleList.h"
 #include "FontTestUtils.h"
 #include "ICUTestBase.h"
 #include "Locale.h"
@@ -45,13 +46,13 @@
 const char kZH_HantFont[] = kTestFontDir "ZhHant.ttf";
 const char kEmojiXmlFile[] = kTestFontDir "emoji.xml";
-const char kNoGlyphFont[] =  kTestFontDir "NoGlyphFont.ttf";
+const char kNoGlyphFont[] = kTestFontDir "NoGlyphFont.ttf";
 const char kColorEmojiFont[] = kTestFontDir "ColorEmojiFont.ttf";
 const char kTextEmojiFont[] = kTestFontDir "TextEmojiFont.ttf";
 const char kMixedEmojiFont[] = kTestFontDir "ColorTextMixedEmojiFont.ttf";
-const char kHasCmapFormat14Font[] =  kTestFontDir "NoCmapFormat14.ttf";
-const char kNoCmapFormat14Font[] =  kTestFontDir "VariationSelectorTest-Regular.ttf";
+const char kHasCmapFormat14Font[] = kTestFontDir "NoCmapFormat14.ttf";
+const char kNoCmapFormat14Font[] = kTestFontDir "VariationSelectorTest-Regular.ttf";
 typedef ICUTestBase FontCollectionItemizeTest;
@@ -79,8 +80,8 @@
 // Overloaded version for empty locale list id.
-void itemize(const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, const char* str,
-             FontStyle style, std::vector<FontCollection::Run>* result) {
+void itemize(const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection, const char* str, FontStyle style,
+             std::vector<FontCollection::Run>* result) {
     itemize(collection, str, style, "", result);
@@ -749,12 +750,12 @@
     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families;
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> font(new MinikinFontForTest(kLatinFont));
     std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family1(new FontFamily(FontFamily::Variant::DEFAULT,
-            std::vector<Font>{ Font(font, FontStyle()) }));
+                                                       std::vector<Font>{Font(font, FontStyle())}));
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> font2(new MinikinFontForTest(kVSTestFont));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family2(new FontFamily(FontFamily::Variant::DEFAULT,
-            std::vector<Font>{ Font(font2, FontStyle()) }));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family2(new FontFamily(
+            FontFamily::Variant::DEFAULT, std::vector<Font>{Font(font2, FontStyle())}));
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection(new FontCollection(families));
@@ -839,102 +840,102 @@
         std::vector<std::string> fontLocales;
         int selectedFontIndex;
     } testCases[] = {
-        // Font can specify empty locale.
-        { "und", { "", "" }, 0 },
-        { "und", { "", "en-Latn" }, 0 },
-        { "en-Latn", { "", "" }, 0 },
-        { "en-Latn", { "", "en-Latn" }, 1 },
+            // Font can specify empty locale.
+            {"und", {"", ""}, 0},
+            {"und", {"", "en-Latn"}, 0},
+            {"en-Latn", {"", ""}, 0},
+            {"en-Latn", {"", "en-Latn"}, 1},
-        // Single user preferred locale.
-        // Exact match case
-        { "en-Latn", { "en-Latn", "ja-Jpan" }, 0 },
-        { "ja-Jpan", { "en-Latn", "ja-Jpan" }, 1 },
-        { "en-Latn", { "en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn" }, 0 },
-        { "nl-Latn", { "en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn" }, 1 },
-        { "es-Latn", { "en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn" }, 2 },
-        { "es-Latn", { "en-Latn", "en-Latn", "nl-Latn" }, 0 },
+            // Single user preferred locale.
+            // Exact match case
+            {"en-Latn", {"en-Latn", "ja-Jpan"}, 0},
+            {"ja-Jpan", {"en-Latn", "ja-Jpan"}, 1},
+            {"en-Latn", {"en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn"}, 0},
+            {"nl-Latn", {"en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn"}, 1},
+            {"es-Latn", {"en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn"}, 2},
+            {"es-Latn", {"en-Latn", "en-Latn", "nl-Latn"}, 0},
-        // Exact script match case
-        { "en-Latn", { "nl-Latn", "e-Latn" }, 0 },
-        { "en-Arab", { "nl-Latn", "ar-Arab" }, 1 },
-        { "en-Latn", { "be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng" }, 0 },
-        { "en-Arab", { "be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng" }, 1 },
-        { "en-Beng", { "be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng" }, 2 },
-        { "en-Beng", { "be-Latn", "ar-Beng", "d-Beng" }, 1 },
-        { "zh-Hant", { "zh-Hant", "zh-Hans" }, 0 },
-        { "zh-Hans", { "zh-Hant", "zh-Hans" }, 1 },
+            // Exact script match case
+            {"en-Latn", {"nl-Latn", "e-Latn"}, 0},
+            {"en-Arab", {"nl-Latn", "ar-Arab"}, 1},
+            {"en-Latn", {"be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng"}, 0},
+            {"en-Arab", {"be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng"}, 1},
+            {"en-Beng", {"be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng"}, 2},
+            {"en-Beng", {"be-Latn", "ar-Beng", "d-Beng"}, 1},
+            {"zh-Hant", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Hans"}, 0},
+            {"zh-Hans", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Hans"}, 1},
-        // Subscript match case, e.g. Jpan supports Hira.
-        { "en-Hira", { "ja-Jpan" }, 0 },
-        { "zh-Hani", { "zh-Hans", "zh-Hant" }, 0 },
-        { "zh-Hani", { "zh-Hant", "zh-Hans" }, 0 },
-        { "en-Hira", { "zh-Hant", "ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan" }, 1 },
+            // Subscript match case, e.g. Jpan supports Hira.
+            {"en-Hira", {"ja-Jpan"}, 0},
+            {"zh-Hani", {"zh-Hans", "zh-Hant"}, 0},
+            {"zh-Hani", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Hans"}, 0},
+            {"en-Hira", {"zh-Hant", "ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan"}, 1},
-        // Language match case
-        { "ja-Latn", { "zh-Latn", "ja-Latn" }, 1 },
-        { "zh-Latn", { "zh-Latn", "ja-Latn" }, 0 },
-        { "ja-Latn", { "zh-Latn", "ja-Latn" }, 1 },
-        { "ja-Latn", { "zh-Latn", "ja-Latn", "ja-Latn" }, 1 },
+            // Language match case
+            {"ja-Latn", {"zh-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
+            {"zh-Latn", {"zh-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 0},
+            {"ja-Latn", {"zh-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
+            {"ja-Latn", {"zh-Latn", "ja-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
-        // Mixed case
-        // Script/subscript match is strongest.
-        { "ja-Jpan", { "en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan" }, 2 },
-        { "ja-Hira", { "en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan" }, 2 },
-        { "ja-Hira", { "en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan", "en-Jpan" }, 2 },
+            // Mixed case
+            // Script/subscript match is strongest.
+            {"ja-Jpan", {"en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan"}, 2},
+            {"ja-Hira", {"en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan"}, 2},
+            {"ja-Hira", {"en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan", "en-Jpan"}, 2},
-        // Language match only happens if the script matches.
-        { "ja-Hira", { "en-Latn", "ja-Latn" }, 0 },
-        { "ja-Hira", { "en-Jpan", "ja-Jpan" }, 1 },
+            // Language match only happens if the script matches.
+            {"ja-Hira", {"en-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 0},
+            {"ja-Hira", {"en-Jpan", "ja-Jpan"}, 1},
-        // Multiple locales.
-        // Even if all fonts have the same score, use the 2nd locale for better selection.
-        { "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", { "zh-Hant", "zh-Hans", "ja-Jpan" }, 2 },
-        { "en-Latn,nl-Latn", { "es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn" }, 2 },
-        { "en-Latn,br-Latn,nl-Latn", { "es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn" }, 2 },
-        { "en-Latn,br-Latn,nl-Latn", { "es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn", "nl-Latn" }, 2 },
+            // Multiple locales.
+            // Even if all fonts have the same score, use the 2nd locale for better selection.
+            {"en-Latn,ja-Jpan", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Hans", "ja-Jpan"}, 2},
+            {"en-Latn,nl-Latn", {"es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn"}, 2},
+            {"en-Latn,br-Latn,nl-Latn", {"es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn"}, 2},
+            {"en-Latn,br-Latn,nl-Latn", {"es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn", "nl-Latn"}, 2},
-        // Script score.
-        { "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", { "en-Arab", "en-Jpan" }, 1 },
-        { "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", { "en-Arab", "en-Jpan", "en-Jpan" }, 1 },
+            // Script score.
+            {"en-Latn,ja-Jpan", {"en-Arab", "en-Jpan"}, 1},
+            {"en-Latn,ja-Jpan", {"en-Arab", "en-Jpan", "en-Jpan"}, 1},
-        // Language match case
-        { "en-Latn,ja-Latn", { "bd-Latn", "ja-Latn" }, 1 },
-        { "en-Latn,ja-Latn", { "bd-Latn", "ja-Latn", "ja-Latn" }, 1 },
+            // Language match case
+            {"en-Latn,ja-Latn", {"bd-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
+            {"en-Latn,ja-Latn", {"bd-Latn", "ja-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
-        // Language match only happens if the script matches.
-        { "en-Latn,ar-Arab", { "en-Beng", "ar-Arab" }, 1 },
+            // Language match only happens if the script matches.
+            {"en-Latn,ar-Arab", {"en-Beng", "ar-Arab"}, 1},
-        // Multiple locales in the font settings.
-        { "ko-Jamo", { "ja-Jpan", "ko-Kore", "ko-Kore,ko-Jamo"}, 2 },
-        { "en-Latn", { "ja-Jpan", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan"}, 1 },
-        { "en-Latn", { "ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn"}, 1 },
-        { "en-Latn", { "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", "en-Latn"}, 1 },
-        { "en-Latn", { "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", "en-Latn"}, 1 },
+            // Multiple locales in the font settings.
+            {"ko-Jamo", {"ja-Jpan", "ko-Kore", "ko-Kore,ko-Jamo"}, 2},
+            {"en-Latn", {"ja-Jpan", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan"}, 1},
+            {"en-Latn", {"ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn"}, 1},
+            {"en-Latn", {"ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", "en-Latn"}, 1},
+            {"en-Latn", {"zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", "en-Latn"}, 1},
-        // Kore = Hang + Hani, etc.
-        { "ko-Kore", { "ko-Hang", "ko-Jamo,ko-Hani", "ko-Hang,ko-Hani"}, 2 },
-        { "ja-Hrkt", { "ja-Hira", "ja-Kana", "ja-Hira,ja-Kana"}, 2 },
-        { "ja-Jpan", { "ja-Hira", "ja-Kana", "ja-Hani", "ja-Hira,ja-Kana,ja-Hani"}, 3 },
-        { "zh-Hanb", { "zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 2 },
-        { "zh-Hanb", { "ja-Hanb", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 1 },
+            // Kore = Hang + Hani, etc.
+            {"ko-Kore", {"ko-Hang", "ko-Jamo,ko-Hani", "ko-Hang,ko-Hani"}, 2},
+            {"ja-Hrkt", {"ja-Hira", "ja-Kana", "ja-Hira,ja-Kana"}, 2},
+            {"ja-Jpan", {"ja-Hira", "ja-Kana", "ja-Hani", "ja-Hira,ja-Kana,ja-Hani"}, 3},
+            {"zh-Hanb", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 2},
+            {"zh-Hanb", {"ja-Hanb", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 1},
-        // Language match with unified subscript bits.
-        { "zh-Hanb", { "zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "ja-Hant,ja-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 3 },
-        { "zh-Hanb", { "zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "ja-Hant,zh-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 3 },
+            // Language match with unified subscript bits.
+            {"zh-Hanb", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "ja-Hant,ja-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 3},
+            {"zh-Hanb", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "ja-Hant,zh-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 3},
-        // Two elements subtag matching: language and subtag or language or script.
-        { "ja-Kana-u-em-emoji", { "zh-Hant", "ja-Kana"}, 1 },
-        { "ja-Kana-u-em-emoji", { "zh-Hant", "ja-Kana", "ja-Zsye"}, 2 },
-        { "ja-Zsym-u-em-emoji", { "ja-Kana", "ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 2 },
+            // Two elements subtag matching: language and subtag or language or script.
+            {"ja-Kana-u-em-emoji", {"zh-Hant", "ja-Kana"}, 1},
+            {"ja-Kana-u-em-emoji", {"zh-Hant", "ja-Kana", "ja-Zsye"}, 2},
+            {"ja-Zsym-u-em-emoji", {"ja-Kana", "ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 2},
-        // One element subtag matching: subtag only or script only.
-        { "en-Latn-u-em-emoji", { "ja-Latn", "ja-Zsye"}, 1 },
-        { "en-Zsym-u-em-emoji", { "ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 1 },
-        { "en-Zsye-u-em-text", { "ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 0 },
+            // One element subtag matching: subtag only or script only.
+            {"en-Latn-u-em-emoji", {"ja-Latn", "ja-Zsye"}, 1},
+            {"en-Zsym-u-em-emoji", {"ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 1},
+            {"en-Zsye-u-em-text", {"ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 0},
-        // Multiple locale list with subtags.
-        { "en-Latn,ja-Jpan-u-em-text", { "en-Latn", "en-Zsye", "en-Zsym"}, 0 },
-        { "en-Latn,en-Zsye,ja-Jpan-u-em-text", { "zh", "en-Zsye", "en-Zsym"}, 1 },
+            // Multiple locale list with subtags.
+            {"en-Latn,ja-Jpan-u-em-text", {"en-Latn", "en-Zsye", "en-Zsym"}, 0},
+            {"en-Latn,en-Zsye,ja-Jpan-u-em-text", {"zh", "en-Zsye", "en-Zsym"}, 1},
     for (auto testCase : testCases) {
@@ -952,11 +953,10 @@
         std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families;
         // Prepare first font which doesn't supports U+9AA8
-        std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> firstFamilyMinikinFont(
-                new MinikinFontForTest(kNoGlyphFont));
-        std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> firstFamily(new FontFamily(
-                registerLocaleList("und"), FontFamily::Variant::DEFAULT,
-                std::vector<Font>({ Font(firstFamilyMinikinFont, FontStyle()) })));
+        std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> firstFamilyMinikinFont(new MinikinFontForTest(kNoGlyphFont));
+        std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> firstFamily(
+                new FontFamily(registerLocaleList("und"), FontFamily::Variant::DEFAULT,
+                               std::vector<Font>({Font(firstFamilyMinikinFont, FontStyle())})));
         // Prepare font families
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@
             std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> minikin_font(new MinikinFontForTest(kJAFont));
             std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family(new FontFamily(
                     registerLocaleList(testCase.fontLocales[i]), FontFamily::Variant::DEFAULT,
-                    std::vector<Font>({ Font(minikin_font, FontStyle()) })));
+                    std::vector<Font>({Font(minikin_font, FontStyle())})));
             fontLocaleIdxMap.insert(std::make_pair(minikin_font.get(), i));
@@ -995,290 +995,294 @@
         std::string requestedLocales;
         std::string expectedFont;
     } testCases[] = {
-        // Following test cases verify that following rules in font fallback chain.
-        // - If the first font in the collection supports the given character or variation sequence,
-        //   it should be selected.
-        // - If the font doesn't support the given character, variation sequence or its base
-        //   character, it should not be selected.
-        // - If two or more fonts match the requested locales, the font matches with the highest
-        //   priority locale should be selected.
-        // - If two or more fonts get the same score, the font listed earlier in the XML file
-        //   (here, kItemizeFontXml) should be selected.
+            // Following test cases verify that following rules in font fallback chain.
+            // - If the first font in the collection supports the given character or variation
+            // sequence,
+            //   it should be selected.
+            // - If the font doesn't support the given character, variation sequence or its base
+            //   character, it should not be selected.
+            // - If two or more fonts match the requested locales, the font matches with the highest
+            //   priority locale should be selected.
+            // - If two or more fonts get the same score, the font listed earlier in the XML file
+            //   (here, kItemizeFontXml) should be selected.
-        // Regardless of locale, the first font is always selected if it covers the code point.
-        { "'a'", "", kLatinFont},
-        { "'a'", "en-Latn", kLatinFont},
-        { "'a'", "ja-Jpan", kLatinFont},
-        { "'a'", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kLatinFont},
-        { "'a'", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,en-Latn,ja-Jpan,fr-Latn", kLatinFont},
+            // Regardless of locale, the first font is always selected if it covers the code point.
+            {"'a'", "", kLatinFont},
+            {"'a'", "en-Latn", kLatinFont},
+            {"'a'", "ja-Jpan", kLatinFont},
+            {"'a'", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kLatinFont},
+            {"'a'", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,en-Latn,ja-Jpan,fr-Latn", kLatinFont},
-        // U+81ED is supported by both the ja font and zh-Hans font.
-        { "U+81ED", "", kZH_HansFont },  // zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
-        { "U+81ED", "en-Latn", kZH_HansFont },  // zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
-        { "U+81ED", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
+            // U+81ED is supported by both the ja font and zh-Hans font.
+            {"U+81ED", "", kZH_HansFont},         // zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
+            {"U+81ED", "en-Latn", kZH_HansFont},  // zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
+            {"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
-        { "U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "zh-Hans,en-Latn", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
+            {"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "zh-Hans,en-Latn", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
-        { "U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,en-Latn", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "zh-Hans,en-Latn,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kZH_HansFont },
+            {"U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,en-Latn", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "zh-Hans,en-Latn,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kZH_HansFont},
-        // U+304A is only supported by ja font.
-        { "U+304A", "", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            // U+304A is only supported by ja font.
+            {"U+304A", "", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+304A", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+304A", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        // U+242EE is supported by both ja font and zh-Hant fonts but not by zh-Hans font.
-        { "U+242EE", "", kJAFont },  // ja font is listed before zh-Hant font.
-        { "U+242EE", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
+            // U+242EE is supported by both ja font and zh-Hant fonts but not by zh-Hans font.
+            {"U+242EE", "", kJAFont},  // ja font is listed before zh-Hant font.
+            {"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
-        { "U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+242EE", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+242EE", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
-        // U+9AA8 is supported by all ja-Jpan, zh-Hans, zh-Hant fonts.
-        { "U+9AA8", "", kZH_HansFont },  // zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
-        { "U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
+            // U+9AA8 is supported by all ja-Jpan, zh-Hans, zh-Hant fonts.
+            {"U+9AA8", "", kZH_HansFont},  // zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
+            {"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
-        { "U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
-        // U+242EE U+FE00 is supported by ja font but not by zh-Hans or zh-Hant fonts.
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            // U+242EE U+FE00 is supported by ja font but not by zh-Hans or zh-Hant fonts.
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        // U+3402 U+E0100 is supported by both zh-Hans and zh-Hant but not by ja font.
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont },  // zh-Hans font is listed before zh-Hant font.
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },  // zh-Hans font is listed before zh-Hant font.
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
+            // U+3402 U+E0100 is supported by both zh-Hans and zh-Hant but not by ja font.
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont},  // zh-Hans font is listed before zh-Hant font.
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan",
+             kZH_HansFont},  // zh-Hans font is listed before zh-Hant font.
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
-        // No font supports U+4444 U+FE00 but only zh-Hans supports its base character U+4444.
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
+            // No font supports U+4444 U+FE00 but only zh-Hans supports its base character U+4444.
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
-        // No font supports U+81ED U+E0100 but ja and zh-Hans support its base character U+81ED.
-        // zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
+            // No font supports U+81ED U+E0100 but ja and zh-Hans support its base character U+81ED.
+            // zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        // No font supports U+9AA8 U+E0100 but all zh-Hans zh-hant ja fonts support its base
-        // character U+9AA8.
-        // zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
+            // No font supports U+9AA8 U+E0100 but all zh-Hans zh-hant ja fonts support its base
+            // character U+9AA8.
+            // zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
-        // All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35A8 U+E0100 and its base character U+35A8.
-        // zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
-        { "U+35A8", "", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
+            // All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35A8 U+E0100 and its base character U+35A8.
+            // zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
+            {"U+35A8", "", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
-        { "U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35A8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35A8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
-        // All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35B6 U+E0100, but zh-Hant and ja fonts support its
-        // base character U+35B6.
-        // ja font is listed before zh-Hant font.
-        { "U+35B6", "", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            // All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35B6 U+E0100, but zh-Hant and ja fonts support
+            // its
+            // base character U+35B6.
+            // ja font is listed before zh-Hant font.
+            {"U+35B6", "", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont },
-        { "U+35B6", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont },
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
+            {"U+35B6", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
-        // All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35C5 U+E0100, but only ja font supports its base
-        // character U+35C5.
-        { "U+35C5", "", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            // All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35C5 U+E0100, but only ja font supports its
+            // base
+            // character U+35C5.
+            {"U+35C5", "", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont },
-        { "U+35C5", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont },
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
+            {"U+35C5", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
-        // None of ja-Jpan, zh-Hant, zh-Hans font supports U+1F469. Emoji font supports it.
-        { "U+1F469", "", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hant", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hans", kEmojiFont },
+            // None of ja-Jpan, zh-Hant, zh-Hans font supports U+1F469. Emoji font supports it.
+            {"U+1F469", "", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
-        { "U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont },
+            {"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont },
-        { "U+1F469", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont },
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
+            {"U+1F469", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection(getFontCollection(kTestFontDir, kItemizeFontXml));
@@ -1538,17 +1542,15 @@
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> fontA(new MinikinFontForTest(kZH_HansFont));
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> fontB(new MinikinFontForTest(kZH_HansFont));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> dummyFamily(new FontFamily(
-            std::vector<Font>({ Font(dummyFont, FontStyle()) })));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> familyA(new FontFamily(
-            std::vector<Font>({ Font(fontA, FontStyle()) })));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> familyB(new FontFamily(
-            std::vector<Font>({ Font(fontB, FontStyle()) })));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> dummyFamily(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(dummyFont, FontStyle())})));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> familyA(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(fontA, FontStyle())})));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> familyB(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(fontB, FontStyle())})));
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families =
-            { dummyFamily, familyA, familyB };
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> reversedFamilies =
-            { dummyFamily, familyB, familyA };
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families = {dummyFamily, familyA, familyB};
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> reversedFamilies = {dummyFamily, familyB, familyA};
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection(new FontCollection(families));
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> reversedCollection(new FontCollection(reversedFamilies));
@@ -1566,22 +1568,20 @@
 // For b/29585939
 TEST_F(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemizeShouldKeepOrderForVS2) {
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> dummyFont(new MinikinFontForTest(kNoGlyphFont));
-    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> hasCmapFormat14Font(
-            new MinikinFontForTest(kHasCmapFormat14Font));
-    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> noCmapFormat14Font(
-            new MinikinFontForTest(kNoCmapFormat14Font));
+    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> hasCmapFormat14Font(new MinikinFontForTest(kHasCmapFormat14Font));
+    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> noCmapFormat14Font(new MinikinFontForTest(kNoCmapFormat14Font));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> dummyFamily(new FontFamily(
-            std::vector<Font>({ Font(dummyFont, FontStyle()) })));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> hasCmapFormat14Family(new FontFamily(
-            std::vector<Font>({ Font(hasCmapFormat14Font, FontStyle()) })));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> noCmapFormat14Family(new FontFamily(
-            std::vector<Font>({ Font(noCmapFormat14Font, FontStyle()) })));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> dummyFamily(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(dummyFont, FontStyle())})));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> hasCmapFormat14Family(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(hasCmapFormat14Font, FontStyle())})));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> noCmapFormat14Family(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(noCmapFormat14Font, FontStyle())})));
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families =
-            { dummyFamily, hasCmapFormat14Family, noCmapFormat14Family };
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> reversedFamilies =
-            { dummyFamily, noCmapFormat14Family, hasCmapFormat14Family };
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families = {dummyFamily, hasCmapFormat14Family,
+                                                         noCmapFormat14Family};
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> reversedFamilies = {dummyFamily, noCmapFormat14Family,
+                                                                 hasCmapFormat14Family};
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection(new FontCollection(families));
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> reversedCollection(new FontCollection(reversedFamilies));
diff --git a/tests/unittest/FontCollectionTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/FontCollectionTest.cpp
index 07af5d4..b05481e 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/FontCollectionTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/FontCollectionTest.cpp
@@ -49,32 +49,34 @@
         if (vsSet.find(vs) == vsSet.end()) {
             EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(codepoint, vs))
-                << "Glyph for U+" << std::hex << codepoint << " U+" << vs;
+                    << "Glyph for U+" << std::hex << codepoint << " U+" << vs;
         } else {
             EXPECT_TRUE(fc->hasVariationSelector(codepoint, vs))
-                << "Glyph for U+" << std::hex << codepoint << " U+" << vs;
+                    << "Glyph for U+" << std::hex << codepoint << " U+" << vs;
 TEST(FontCollectionTest, hasVariationSelectorTest) {
-  std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> font(new MinikinFontForTest(kVsTestFont));
-  std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family(new FontFamily(
-          std::vector<Font>({ Font(font, FontStyle()) })));
-  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families({ family });
-  std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> fc(new FontCollection(families));
+    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> font(new MinikinFontForTest(kVsTestFont));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(font, FontStyle())})));
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families({family});
+    std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> fc(new FontCollection(families));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(0x82A6, 0));
-  expectVSGlyphs(fc.get(), 0x82A6, std::set<uint32_t>({0xFE00, 0xFE0E, 0xE0100, 0xE0101, 0xE0102}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(0x82A6, 0));
+    expectVSGlyphs(fc.get(), 0x82A6,
+                   std::set<uint32_t>({0xFE00, 0xFE0E, 0xE0100, 0xE0101, 0xE0102}));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(0x845B, 0));
-  expectVSGlyphs(fc.get(), 0x845B, std::set<uint32_t>({0xFE01, 0xFE0E, 0xE0101, 0xE0102, 0xE0103}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(0x845B, 0));
+    expectVSGlyphs(fc.get(), 0x845B,
+                   std::set<uint32_t>({0xFE01, 0xFE0E, 0xE0101, 0xE0102, 0xE0103}));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(0x537F, 0));
-  expectVSGlyphs(fc.get(), 0x537F, std::set<uint32_t>({0xFE0E}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(0x537F, 0));
+    expectVSGlyphs(fc.get(), 0x537F, std::set<uint32_t>({0xFE0E}));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(0x717D, 0));
-  expectVSGlyphs(fc.get(), 0x717D, std::set<uint32_t>({0xFE02, 0xE0102, 0xE0103}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(fc->hasVariationSelector(0x717D, 0));
+    expectVSGlyphs(fc.get(), 0x717D, std::set<uint32_t>({0xFE02, 0xE0102, 0xE0103}));
 const char kEmojiXmlFile[] = kTestFontDir "emoji.xml";
@@ -109,7 +111,6 @@
     // None of the fonts support U+2229.
     EXPECT_FALSE(collection->hasVariationSelector(0x2229, 0xFE0E));
     EXPECT_FALSE(collection->hasVariationSelector(0x2229, 0xFE0F));
 TEST(FontCollectionTest, newEmojiTest) {
@@ -131,29 +132,26 @@
     const char kNoAxisFont[] = kTestFontDir "/Regular.ttf";
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> multiAxisFont(new MinikinFontForTest(kMultiAxisFont));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> multiAxisFamily(new FontFamily(
-            std::vector<Font>({ Font(multiAxisFont, FontStyle()) })));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> multiAxisFamily(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(multiAxisFont, FontStyle())})));
     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> multiAxisFamilies({multiAxisFamily});
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> multiAxisFc(new FontCollection(multiAxisFamilies));
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> noAxisFont(new MinikinFontForTest(kNoAxisFont));
-    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> noAxisFamily(new FontFamily(
-            std::vector<Font>({ Font(noAxisFont, FontStyle()) })));
+    std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> noAxisFamily(
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>({Font(noAxisFont, FontStyle())})));
     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> noAxisFamilies({noAxisFamily});
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> noAxisFc(new FontCollection(noAxisFamilies));
         // Do not ceate new instance if none of variations are specified.
-                multiAxisFc->createCollectionWithVariation(std::vector<FontVariation>()));
-        EXPECT_EQ(nullptr,
-                noAxisFc->createCollectionWithVariation(std::vector<FontVariation>()));
+                  multiAxisFc->createCollectionWithVariation(std::vector<FontVariation>()));
+        EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, noAxisFc->createCollectionWithVariation(std::vector<FontVariation>()));
         // New instance should be used for supported variation.
-        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f }
-        };
+        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {{MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f}};
         std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> newFc(
         EXPECT_NE(nullptr, newFc.get());
@@ -163,10 +161,8 @@
         // New instance should be used for supported variation (multiple variations case).
-        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f },
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'g', 'h', 't'), 1.0f }
-        };
+        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {{MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f},
+                                                 {MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'g', 'h', 't'), 1.0f}};
         std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> newFc(
         EXPECT_NE(nullptr, newFc.get());
@@ -176,18 +172,14 @@
         // Do not ceate new instance if none of variations are supported.
-        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), 1.0f }
-        };
+        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {{MinikinFont::MakeTag('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), 1.0f}};
         EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, multiAxisFc->createCollectionWithVariation(variations));
         EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, noAxisFc->createCollectionWithVariation(variations));
         // At least one axis is supported, should create new instance.
-        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f },
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), 1.0f }
-        };
+        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {{MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f},
+                                                 {MinikinFont::MakeTag('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), 1.0f}};
         std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> newFc(
         EXPECT_NE(nullptr, newFc.get());
diff --git a/tests/unittest/FontFamilyTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/FontFamilyTest.cpp
index 22d8cd3..f0412d8 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/FontFamilyTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/FontFamilyTest.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "minikin/LocaleList.h"
 #include "ICUTestBase.h"
 #include "LocaleListCache.h"
 #include "MinikinFontForTest.h"
@@ -47,8 +48,7 @@
 std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> makeFamily(const std::string& fontPath) {
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> font(new MinikinFontForTest(fontPath));
-    return std::make_shared<FontFamily>(
-            std::vector<Font>({Font(font, FontStyle())}));
+    return std::make_shared<FontFamily>(std::vector<Font>({Font(font, FontStyle())}));
 TEST_F(LocaleTest, basicTests) {
@@ -173,80 +173,80 @@
         const std::string requestedScript;
         bool isSupported;
     } testCases[] = {
-        // Same scripts
-        { "en-Latn", "Latn", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Jpan", "Jpan", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hira", "Hira", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Kana", "Kana", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hrkt", "Hrkt", SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hans", "Hans", SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hant", "Hant", SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hani", "Hani", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ko-Kore", "Kore", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ko-Hang", "Hang", SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hanb", "Hanb", SUPPORTED },
+            // Same scripts
+            {"en-Latn", "Latn", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Jpan", "Jpan", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hira", "Hira", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Kana", "Kana", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hrkt", "Hrkt", SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hans", "Hans", SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hant", "Hant", SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hani", "Hani", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ko-Kore", "Kore", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ko-Hang", "Hang", SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hanb", "Hanb", SUPPORTED},
-        // Japanese supports Hiragana, Katakanara, etc.
-        { "ja-Jpan", "Hira", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Jpan", "Kana", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Jpan", "Hrkt", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hrkt", "Hira", SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hrkt", "Kana", SUPPORTED },
+            // Japanese supports Hiragana, Katakanara, etc.
+            {"ja-Jpan", "Hira", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Jpan", "Kana", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Jpan", "Hrkt", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hrkt", "Hira", SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hrkt", "Kana", SUPPORTED},
-        // Chinese supports Han.
-        { "zh-Hans", "Hani", SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hant", "Hani", SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hanb", "Hani", SUPPORTED },
+            // Chinese supports Han.
+            {"zh-Hans", "Hani", SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hant", "Hani", SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hanb", "Hani", SUPPORTED},
-        // Hanb supports Bopomofo.
-        { "zh-Hanb", "Bopo", SUPPORTED },
+            // Hanb supports Bopomofo.
+            {"zh-Hanb", "Bopo", SUPPORTED},
-        // Korean supports Hangul.
-        { "ko-Kore", "Hang", SUPPORTED },
+            // Korean supports Hangul.
+            {"ko-Kore", "Hang", SUPPORTED},
-        // Different scripts
-        { "ja-Jpan", "Latn", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "en-Latn", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Jpan", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hant", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Jpan", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hans", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Jpan", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ko-Kore", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hans", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hant", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hans", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ko-Kore", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hant", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ko-Kore", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED },
+            // Different scripts
+            {"ja-Jpan", "Latn", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"en-Latn", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Jpan", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hant", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Jpan", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hans", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Jpan", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ko-Kore", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hans", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hant", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hans", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ko-Kore", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hant", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ko-Kore", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED},
-        // Hiragana doesn't support Japanese, etc.
-        { "ja-Hira", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Kana", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hrkt", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hani", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hira", "Hrkt", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Kana", "Hrkt", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hani", "Hrkt", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hani", "Hira", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ja-Hani", "Kana", NOT_SUPPORTED },
+            // Hiragana doesn't support Japanese, etc.
+            {"ja-Hira", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Kana", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hrkt", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hani", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hira", "Hrkt", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Kana", "Hrkt", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hani", "Hrkt", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hani", "Hira", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ja-Hani", "Kana", NOT_SUPPORTED},
-        // Kanji doesn't support Chinese, etc.
-        { "zh-Hani", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hani", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hani", "Hanb", NOT_SUPPORTED },
+            // Kanji doesn't support Chinese, etc.
+            {"zh-Hani", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hani", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hani", "Hanb", NOT_SUPPORTED},
-        // Hangul doesn't support Korean, etc.
-        { "ko-Hang", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ko-Hani", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ko-Hani", "Hang", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "ko-Hang", "Hani", NOT_SUPPORTED },
+            // Hangul doesn't support Korean, etc.
+            {"ko-Hang", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ko-Hani", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ko-Hani", "Hang", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"ko-Hang", "Hani", NOT_SUPPORTED},
-        // Han with botomofo doesn't support simplified Chinese, etc.
-        { "zh-Hanb", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hanb", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hanb", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED },
-        { "zh-Hanb", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED },
+            // Han with botomofo doesn't support simplified Chinese, etc.
+            {"zh-Hanb", "Hant", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hanb", "Hans", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hanb", "Jpan", NOT_SUPPORTED},
+            {"zh-Hanb", "Kore", NOT_SUPPORTED},
     for (auto testCase : testCases) {
@@ -254,12 +254,10 @@
                 HB_TAG(testCase.requestedScript[0], testCase.requestedScript[1],
                        testCase.requestedScript[2], testCase.requestedScript[3]));
         if (testCase.isSupported) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(
-                    createLocale(testCase.baseScript).supportsHbScript(script))
+            EXPECT_TRUE(createLocale(testCase.baseScript).supportsHbScript(script))
                     << testCase.baseScript << " should support " << testCase.requestedScript;
         } else {
-            EXPECT_FALSE(
-                    createLocale(testCase.baseScript).supportsHbScript(script))
+            EXPECT_FALSE(createLocale(testCase.baseScript).supportsHbScript(script))
                     << testCase.baseScript << " shouldn't support " << testCase.requestedScript;
@@ -352,32 +350,22 @@
 TEST_F(LocaleListTest, subtagEmojiTest) {
     std::string subtagEmojiStrings[] = {
-        // Duplicate subtag case.
-        "und-Latn-u-em-emoji-u-em-text",
+            // Duplicate subtag case.
+            "und-Latn-u-em-emoji-u-em-text",
-        // Strings that contain language.
-        "und-u-em-emoji",
-        "en-u-em-emoji",
+            // Strings that contain language.
+            "und-u-em-emoji", "en-u-em-emoji",
-        // Strings that contain the script.
-        "und-Jpan-u-em-emoji",
-        "en-Latn-u-em-emoji",
-        "und-Zsym-u-em-emoji",
-        "und-Zsye-u-em-emoji",
-        "en-Zsym-u-em-emoji",
-        "en-Zsye-u-em-emoji",
+            // Strings that contain the script.
+            "und-Jpan-u-em-emoji", "en-Latn-u-em-emoji", "und-Zsym-u-em-emoji",
+            "und-Zsye-u-em-emoji", "en-Zsym-u-em-emoji", "en-Zsye-u-em-emoji",
-        // Strings that contain the country.
-        "und-US-u-em-emoji",
-        "en-US-u-em-emoji",
-        "es-419-u-em-emoji",
-        "und-Latn-US-u-em-emoji",
-        "en-Zsym-US-u-em-emoji",
-        "en-Zsye-US-u-em-emoji",
-        "es-Zsye-419-u-em-emoji",
+            // Strings that contain the country.
+            "und-US-u-em-emoji", "en-US-u-em-emoji", "es-419-u-em-emoji", "und-Latn-US-u-em-emoji",
+            "en-Zsym-US-u-em-emoji", "en-Zsye-US-u-em-emoji", "es-Zsye-419-u-em-emoji",
-        // Strings that contain the variant.
-        "de-Latn-DE-1901-u-em-emoji",
+            // Strings that contain the variant.
+            "de-Latn-DE-1901-u-em-emoji",
     for (auto subtagEmojiString : subtagEmojiStrings) {
@@ -389,32 +377,22 @@
 TEST_F(LocaleListTest, subtagTextTest) {
     std::string subtagTextStrings[] = {
-        // Duplicate subtag case.
-        "und-Latn-u-em-text-u-em-emoji",
+            // Duplicate subtag case.
+            "und-Latn-u-em-text-u-em-emoji",
-        // Strings that contain language.
-        "und-u-em-text",
-        "en-u-em-text",
+            // Strings that contain language.
+            "und-u-em-text", "en-u-em-text",
-        // Strings that contain the script.
-        "und-Latn-u-em-text",
-        "en-Jpan-u-em-text",
-        "und-Zsym-u-em-text",
-        "und-Zsye-u-em-text",
-        "en-Zsym-u-em-text",
-        "en-Zsye-u-em-text",
+            // Strings that contain the script.
+            "und-Latn-u-em-text", "en-Jpan-u-em-text", "und-Zsym-u-em-text", "und-Zsye-u-em-text",
+            "en-Zsym-u-em-text", "en-Zsye-u-em-text",
-        // Strings that contain the country.
-        "und-US-u-em-text",
-        "en-US-u-em-text",
-        "es-419-u-em-text",
-        "und-Latn-US-u-em-text",
-        "en-Zsym-US-u-em-text",
-        "en-Zsye-US-u-em-text",
-        "es-Zsye-419-u-em-text",
+            // Strings that contain the country.
+            "und-US-u-em-text", "en-US-u-em-text", "es-419-u-em-text", "und-Latn-US-u-em-text",
+            "en-Zsym-US-u-em-text", "en-Zsye-US-u-em-text", "es-Zsye-419-u-em-text",
-        // Strings that contain the variant.
-        "de-Latn-DE-1901-u-em-text",
+            // Strings that contain the variant.
+            "de-Latn-DE-1901-u-em-text",
     for (auto subtagTextString : subtagTextStrings) {
@@ -428,29 +406,21 @@
 //       unexpectedly translated to en-Latn by ICU.
 TEST_F(LocaleListTest, subtagDefaultTest) {
     std::string subtagDefaultStrings[] = {
-        // Duplicate subtag case.
-        "en-Latn-u-em-default-u-em-emoji",
-        "en-Latn-u-em-default-u-em-text",
+            // Duplicate subtag case.
+            "en-Latn-u-em-default-u-em-emoji", "en-Latn-u-em-default-u-em-text",
-        // Strings that contain language.
-        "und-u-em-default",
-        "en-u-em-default",
+            // Strings that contain language.
+            "und-u-em-default", "en-u-em-default",
-        // Strings that contain the script.
-        "en-Latn-u-em-default",
-        "en-Zsym-u-em-default",
-        "en-Zsye-u-em-default",
+            // Strings that contain the script.
+            "en-Latn-u-em-default", "en-Zsym-u-em-default", "en-Zsye-u-em-default",
-        // Strings that contain the country.
-        "en-US-u-em-default",
-        "en-Latn-US-u-em-default",
-        "es-Latn-419-u-em-default",
-        "en-Zsym-US-u-em-default",
-        "en-Zsye-US-u-em-default",
-        "es-Zsye-419-u-em-default",
+            // Strings that contain the country.
+            "en-US-u-em-default", "en-Latn-US-u-em-default", "es-Latn-419-u-em-default",
+            "en-Zsym-US-u-em-default", "en-Zsye-US-u-em-default", "es-Zsye-419-u-em-default",
-        // Strings that contain the variant.
-        "de-Latn-DE-1901-u-em-default",
+            // Strings that contain the variant.
+            "de-Latn-DE-1901-u-em-default",
     for (auto subtagDefaultString : subtagDefaultStrings) {
@@ -462,14 +432,14 @@
 TEST_F(LocaleListTest, subtagEmptyTest) {
     std::string subtagEmptyStrings[] = {
-        "und",
-        "jp",
-        "en-US",
-        "en-Latn",
-        "en-Latn-US",
-        "en-Latn-US-u-em",
-        "en-Latn-US-u-em-defaultemoji",
-        "de-Latn-DE-1901",
+            "und",
+            "jp",
+            "en-US",
+            "en-Latn",
+            "en-Latn-US",
+            "en-Latn-US-u-em",
+            "en-Latn-US-u-em-defaultemoji",
+            "de-Latn-DE-1901",
     for (auto subtagEmptyString : subtagEmptyStrings) {
@@ -541,14 +511,13 @@
             EXPECT_TRUE(family->hasGlyph(codepoint, i))
                     << "Glyph for U+" << std::hex << codepoint << " U+" << i;
 TEST_F(FontFamilyTest, hasVariationSelectorTest) {
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> minikinFont(new MinikinFontForTest(kVsTestFont));
     std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family(
-            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>{ Font(minikinFont, FontStyle()) }));
+            new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>{Font(minikinFont, FontStyle())}));
     const uint32_t kVS1 = 0xFE00;
     const uint32_t kVS2 = 0xFE01;
@@ -584,23 +553,20 @@
         const std::string fontPath;
         bool hasVSTable;
     } testCases[] = {
-        { kTestFontDir "Ja.ttf", true },
-        { kTestFontDir "ZhHant.ttf", true },
-        { kTestFontDir "ZhHans.ttf", true },
-        { kTestFontDir "Italic.ttf", false },
-        { kTestFontDir "Bold.ttf", false },
-        { kTestFontDir "BoldItalic.ttf", false },
+            {kTestFontDir "Ja.ttf", true},     {kTestFontDir "ZhHant.ttf", true},
+            {kTestFontDir "ZhHans.ttf", true}, {kTestFontDir "Italic.ttf", false},
+            {kTestFontDir "Bold.ttf", false},  {kTestFontDir "BoldItalic.ttf", false},
     for (auto testCase : testCases) {
-        SCOPED_TRACE(testCase.hasVSTable ?
-                "Font " + testCase.fontPath + " should have a variation sequence table." :
-                "Font " + testCase.fontPath + " shouldn't have a variation sequence table.");
+        SCOPED_TRACE(testCase.hasVSTable ? "Font " + testCase.fontPath +
+                                                   " should have a variation sequence table."
+                                         : "Font " + testCase.fontPath +
+                                                   " shouldn't have a variation sequence table.");
-        std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> minikinFont(
-                new MinikinFontForTest(testCase.fontPath));
-        std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family(new FontFamily(
-                std::vector<Font>{ Font(minikinFont, FontStyle()) }));
+        std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> minikinFont(new MinikinFontForTest(testCase.fontPath));
+        std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> family(
+                new FontFamily(std::vector<Font>{Font(minikinFont, FontStyle())}));
         EXPECT_EQ(testCase.hasVSTable, family->hasVSTable());
@@ -616,9 +582,8 @@
         // Do not ceate new instance if none of variations are specified.
-                multiAxisFamily->createFamilyWithVariation(std::vector<FontVariation>()));
-        EXPECT_EQ(nullptr,
-                noAxisFamily->createFamilyWithVariation(std::vector<FontVariation>()));
+                  multiAxisFamily->createFamilyWithVariation(std::vector<FontVariation>()));
+        EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, noAxisFamily->createFamilyWithVariation(std::vector<FontVariation>()));
         // New instance should be used for supported variation.
@@ -631,10 +596,8 @@
         // New instance should be used for supported variation. (multiple variations case)
-        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f },
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'g', 'h', 't'), 1.0f }
-        };
+        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {{MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f},
+                                                 {MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'g', 'h', 't'), 1.0f}};
         std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> newFamily(
         EXPECT_NE(nullptr, newFamily.get());
@@ -643,18 +606,14 @@
         // Do not ceate new instance if none of variations are supported.
-        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), 1.0f }
-        };
+        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {{MinikinFont::MakeTag('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), 1.0f}};
         EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, multiAxisFamily->createFamilyWithVariation(variations));
         EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, noAxisFamily->createFamilyWithVariation(variations));
         // At least one axis is supported, should create new instance.
-        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f },
-                { MinikinFont::MakeTag('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), 1.0f }
-        };
+        std::vector<FontVariation> variations = {{MinikinFont::MakeTag('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), 1.0f},
+                                                 {MinikinFont::MakeTag('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), 1.0f}};
         std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> newFamily(
         EXPECT_NE(nullptr, newFamily.get());
@@ -700,8 +659,8 @@
 std::string fontStyleToString(const FontStyle& style) {
     char buf[64] = {};
-    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "FontStyle(weight=%d, slant=%s)",
-             style.weight(), slantToString(style.slant()));
+    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "FontStyle(weight=%d, slant=%s)", style.weight(),
+             slantToString(style.slant()));
     return buf;
@@ -719,58 +678,58 @@
     constexpr FontStyle::Slant ITALIC = FontStyle::Slant::ITALIC;
     const std::vector<FontStyle> STANDARD_SET = {
-          FontStyle(NORMAL, UPRIGHT),  // 0
-          FontStyle(BOLD, UPRIGHT),    // 1
-          FontStyle(NORMAL, ITALIC),   // 2
-          FontStyle(BOLD, ITALIC),     // 3
+            FontStyle(NORMAL, UPRIGHT),  // 0
+            FontStyle(BOLD, UPRIGHT),    // 1
+            FontStyle(NORMAL, ITALIC),   // 2
+            FontStyle(BOLD, ITALIC),     // 3
     const std::vector<FontStyle> FULL_SET = {
-          FontStyle(THIN, UPRIGHT),    // 0
-          FontStyle(LIGHT, UPRIGHT),   // 1
-          FontStyle(NORMAL, UPRIGHT),  // 2
-          FontStyle(MEDIUM, UPRIGHT),  // 3
-          FontStyle(BOLD, UPRIGHT),    // 4
-          FontStyle(BLACK, UPRIGHT),   // 5
-          FontStyle(THIN, ITALIC),     // 6
-          FontStyle(LIGHT, ITALIC),    // 7
-          FontStyle(NORMAL, ITALIC),   // 8
-          FontStyle(MEDIUM, ITALIC),   // 9
-          FontStyle(BOLD, ITALIC),     // 10
-          FontStyle(BLACK, ITALIC),    // 11
+            FontStyle(THIN, UPRIGHT),    // 0
+            FontStyle(LIGHT, UPRIGHT),   // 1
+            FontStyle(NORMAL, UPRIGHT),  // 2
+            FontStyle(MEDIUM, UPRIGHT),  // 3
+            FontStyle(BOLD, UPRIGHT),    // 4
+            FontStyle(BLACK, UPRIGHT),   // 5
+            FontStyle(THIN, ITALIC),     // 6
+            FontStyle(LIGHT, ITALIC),    // 7
+            FontStyle(NORMAL, ITALIC),   // 8
+            FontStyle(MEDIUM, ITALIC),   // 9
+            FontStyle(BOLD, ITALIC),     // 10
+            FontStyle(BLACK, ITALIC),    // 11
     struct TestCase {
         FontStyle wantedStyle;
         std::vector<FontStyle> familyStyles;
         size_t expectedIndex;
     } testCases[] = {
-        { FontStyle(), { FontStyle() } , 0 },
+            {FontStyle(), {FontStyle()}, 0},
-        // Exact matches
-        { FontStyle(BOLD), { FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD) }, 1 },
-        { FontStyle(BOLD), { FontStyle(LIGHT), FontStyle(BOLD) }, 1 },
-        { FontStyle(LIGHT), { FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(LIGHT) }, 1 },
-        { FontStyle(LIGHT), { FontStyle(BOLD), FontStyle(LIGHT) }, 1 },
-        { FontStyle(NORMAL), { FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(LIGHT) }, 0 },
-        { FontStyle(NORMAL), { FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD) }, 0 },
-        { FontStyle(LIGHT), { FontStyle(LIGHT), FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD) }, 0 },
-        { FontStyle(NORMAL), { FontStyle(LIGHT), FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD) }, 1 },
-        { FontStyle(BOLD), { FontStyle(LIGHT), FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD) }, 2 },
+            // Exact matches
+            {FontStyle(BOLD), {FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD)}, 1},
+            {FontStyle(BOLD), {FontStyle(LIGHT), FontStyle(BOLD)}, 1},
+            {FontStyle(LIGHT), {FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(LIGHT)}, 1},
+            {FontStyle(LIGHT), {FontStyle(BOLD), FontStyle(LIGHT)}, 1},
+            {FontStyle(NORMAL), {FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(LIGHT)}, 0},
+            {FontStyle(NORMAL), {FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD)}, 0},
+            {FontStyle(LIGHT), {FontStyle(LIGHT), FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD)}, 0},
+            {FontStyle(NORMAL), {FontStyle(LIGHT), FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD)}, 1},
+            {FontStyle(BOLD), {FontStyle(LIGHT), FontStyle(NORMAL), FontStyle(BOLD)}, 2},
-        { FontStyle(UPRIGHT), { FontStyle(UPRIGHT), FontStyle(ITALIC) }, 0 },
-        { FontStyle(ITALIC), { FontStyle(UPRIGHT), FontStyle(ITALIC) }, 1 },
+            {FontStyle(UPRIGHT), {FontStyle(UPRIGHT), FontStyle(ITALIC)}, 0},
+            {FontStyle(ITALIC), {FontStyle(UPRIGHT), FontStyle(ITALIC)}, 1},
-        { FontStyle(NORMAL, UPRIGHT), STANDARD_SET, 0 },
-        { FontStyle(BOLD, UPRIGHT), STANDARD_SET, 1 },
-        { FontStyle(NORMAL, ITALIC), STANDARD_SET, 2 },
-        { FontStyle(BOLD, ITALIC), STANDARD_SET, 3 },
+            {FontStyle(NORMAL, UPRIGHT), STANDARD_SET, 0},
+            {FontStyle(BOLD, UPRIGHT), STANDARD_SET, 1},
+            {FontStyle(NORMAL, ITALIC), STANDARD_SET, 2},
+            {FontStyle(BOLD, ITALIC), STANDARD_SET, 3},
-        { FontStyle(NORMAL, UPRIGHT), FULL_SET, 2 },
-        { FontStyle(BOLD, UPRIGHT), FULL_SET, 4 },
-        { FontStyle(NORMAL, ITALIC), FULL_SET, 8 },
-        { FontStyle(BOLD, ITALIC), FULL_SET, 10 },
+            {FontStyle(NORMAL, UPRIGHT), FULL_SET, 2},
+            {FontStyle(BOLD, UPRIGHT), FULL_SET, 4},
+            {FontStyle(NORMAL, ITALIC), FULL_SET, 8},
+            {FontStyle(BOLD, ITALIC), FULL_SET, 10},
-        // TODO: Add fallback expectations. (b/68814338)
+            // TODO: Add fallback expectations. (b/68814338)
     for (const TestCase& testCase : testCases) {
@@ -794,11 +753,11 @@
         ASSERT_NE(idx, dummyFonts.size()) << "The selected font is unknown.";
         EXPECT_EQ(testCase.expectedIndex, idx)
-            << "Input Style: " << fontStyleToString(testCase.wantedStyle) << std::endl
-            << "Actual Families' Style: "
-            << fontStyleToString(testCase.familyStyles[idx]) << std::endl
-            << "Expected Families' Style: "
-            << fontStyleToString(testCase.familyStyles[testCase.expectedIndex]) << std::endl;
+                << "Input Style: " << fontStyleToString(testCase.wantedStyle) << std::endl
+                << "Actual Families' Style: " << fontStyleToString(testCase.familyStyles[idx])
+                << std::endl
+                << "Expected Families' Style: "
+                << fontStyleToString(testCase.familyStyles[testCase.expectedIndex]) << std::endl;
diff --git a/tests/unittest/FontLanguageListCacheTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/FontLanguageListCacheTest.cpp
index 8b2793c..fafa479 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/FontLanguageListCacheTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/FontLanguageListCacheTest.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "minikin/LocaleList.h"
 #include "ICUTestBase.h"
 #include "LocaleListCache.h"
 #include "MinikinInternal.h"
diff --git a/tests/unittest/GraphemeBreakTests.cpp b/tests/unittest/GraphemeBreakTests.cpp
index e897cd5..362ae10 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/GraphemeBreakTests.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/GraphemeBreakTests.cpp
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
     // tests for invalid UTF-16
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+D800 | U+D800"));  // two leading surrogates
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+DC00 | U+DC00"));  // two trailing surrogates
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'a' | U+D800"));  // lonely leading surrogate
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+DC00 | 'a'"));  // lonely trailing surrogate
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+D800 | 'a'"));  // leading surrogate followed by non-surrogate
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'a' | U+DC00"));  // non-surrogate followed by trailing surrogate
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'a' | U+D800"));     // lonely leading surrogate
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+DC00 | 'a'"));     // lonely trailing surrogate
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+D800 | 'a'"));     // leading surrogate followed by non-surrogate
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'a' | U+DC00"));     // non-surrogate followed by trailing surrogate
 TEST(GraphemeBreak, rules) {
@@ -97,15 +97,15 @@
     // Rule GB12 and Rule GB13, Regional_Indicator x Regional_Indicator
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | U+1F1FA U+1F1F8")); // Regional indicator pair (flag)
-    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8 U+1F1FA U+1F1F8")); // Regional indicator pair (flag)
-    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8")); // Regional indicator pair (flag)
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | U+1F1FA U+1F1F8"));   // Regional indicator pair (flag)
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8 U+1F1FA U+1F1F8"));  // Regional indicator pair (flag)
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8"));  // Regional indicator pair (flag)
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | U+1F1FA"));  // Regional indicator pair (flag)
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | U+1F1FA"));   // Regional indicator pair (flag)
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8 U+1F1FA"));  // Regional indicator pair (flag)
     // Same case as the two above, knowing that the first two characters ligate, which is what
     // would typically happen.
-    const float firstPairLigated[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; // Two entries per codepoint
+    const float firstPairLigated[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0};  // Two entries per codepoint
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreakWithAdvances(firstPairLigated, "U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | U+1F1FA"));
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreakWithAdvances(firstPairLigated, "U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8 U+1F1FA"));
     // Repeat the tests, But now the font doesn't have a ligature for the first two characters,
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreakWithAdvances(secondPairLigated, "U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | U+1F1FA"));
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreakWithAdvances(secondPairLigated, "U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8 U+1F1FA"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'a' U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | U+1F1FA"));  // Regional indicator pair (flag)
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'a' U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | U+1F1FA"));   // Regional indicator pair (flag)
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' U+1F1FA | U+1F1F8 U+1F1FA"));  // Regional indicator pair (flag)
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@
     // Rule GB999, Any ÷ Any
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'a' | 'b'"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'f' | 'i'"));  // probable ligature
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+0644 | U+0627"));  // probable ligature, lam + alef
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+4E00 | U+4E00"));  // CJK ideographs
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'f' | 'i'"));              // probable ligature
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+0644 | U+0627"));        // probable ligature, lam + alef
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+4E00 | U+4E00"));        // CJK ideographs
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("'a' | U+1F1FA U+1F1F8"));  // Regional indicator pair (flag)
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+1F1FA U+1F1F8 | 'a'"));  // Regional indicator pair (flag)
@@ -172,10 +172,10 @@
 TEST(GraphemeBreak, tailoring) {
     // control characters that we interpret as "extend"
-    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+00AD"));  // soft hyphen
-    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+200B"));  // zwsp
-    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+200E"));  // lrm
-    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+202A"));  // lre
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+00AD"));   // soft hyphen
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+200B"));   // zwsp
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+200E"));   // lrm
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+202A"));   // lre
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("'a' | U+E0041"));  // tag character
     // UTC-approved characters for the Prepend class
@@ -187,32 +187,32 @@
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+0915 | U+094D U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+0915 U+094D | U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+0E01 | U+0E3A U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+0E01 U+0E3A | U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+0E01 U+0E3A | U+0E01"));   // thai phinthu = pure killer
     // Repetition of above tests, but with a given advances array that implies everything
     // became just one cluster.
     const float conjoined[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
-            "U+0915 | U+094D U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
+                                     "U+0915 | U+094D U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
-            "U+0915 U+094D | U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
+                                     "U+0915 U+094D | U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
-            "U+0E01 | U+0E3A U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
+                                     "U+0E01 | U+0E3A U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
-            "U+0E01 U+0E3A | U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
+                                    "U+0E01 U+0E3A | U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
     // Repetition of above tests, but with a given advances array that the virama did not
     // form a cluster with the following consonant. The difference is that there is now
     // a grapheme break after the virama in ka+virama+ka.
     const float separate[] = {1.0, 0.0, 1.0};
-            "U+0915 | U+094D U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
+                                     "U+0915 | U+094D U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
-            "U+0915 U+094D | U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
+                                    "U+0915 U+094D | U+0915"));  // Devanagari ka+virama+ka
-            "U+0E01 | U+0E3A U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
+                                     "U+0E01 | U+0E3A U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
-            "U+0E01 U+0E3A | U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
+                                    "U+0E01 U+0E3A | U+0E01"));  // thai phinthu = pure killer
     // suppress grapheme breaks in zwj emoji sequences
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F469 U+200D | U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468"));
@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@
 TEST(GraphemeBreak, emojiModifiers) {
-    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+261D | U+1F3FB"));  // white up pointing index + modifier
-    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+270C | U+1F3FB"));  // victory hand + modifier
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+261D | U+1F3FB"));   // white up pointing index + modifier
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+270C | U+1F3FB"));   // victory hand + modifier
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F466 | U+1F3FB"));  // boy + modifier
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F466 | U+1F3FC"));  // boy + modifier
     EXPECT_FALSE(IsBreak("U+1F466 | U+1F3FD"));  // boy + modifier
@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreakWithAdvances(unligated1_1_2, "U+270C U+FE0F | U+1F3FB"));
     // heart is not an emoji base
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+2764 | U+1F3FB"));  // heart + modifier
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+2764 | U+1F3FB"));         // heart + modifier
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+2764 U+FE0E | U+1F3FB"));  // heart + emoji style + modifier
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+2764 U+FE0F | U+1F3FB"));  // heart + emoji style + modifier
-    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+1F3FB | U+1F3FB"));  // modifier + modifier
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+1F3FB | U+1F3FB"));        // modifier + modifier
     // rat is not an emoji modifer
     EXPECT_TRUE(IsBreak("U+1F466 | U+1F400"));  // boy + rat
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
 TEST(GraphemeBreak, offsets) {
-    uint16_t string[] = { 0x0041, 0x06DD, 0x0045, 0x0301, 0x0049, 0x0301 };
+    uint16_t string[] = {0x0041, 0x06DD, 0x0045, 0x0301, 0x0049, 0x0301};
     EXPECT_TRUE(GraphemeBreak::isGraphemeBreak(nullptr, string, 2, 3, 2));
     EXPECT_FALSE(GraphemeBreak::isGraphemeBreak(nullptr, string, 2, 3, 3));
     EXPECT_TRUE(GraphemeBreak::isGraphemeBreak(nullptr, string, 2, 3, 4));
diff --git a/tests/unittest/HbFontCacheTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/HbFontCacheTest.cpp
index ab4347c..066c595 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/HbFontCacheTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/HbFontCacheTest.cpp
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@
 #include <hb.h>
 #include "minikin/MinikinFont.h"
-#include "MinikinInternal.h"
 #include "MinikinFontForTest.h"
+#include "MinikinInternal.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -36,11 +37,9 @@
 TEST_F(HbFontCacheTest, getHbFontLockedTest) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFontForTest> fontA(
-            new MinikinFontForTest(kTestFontDir "Regular.ttf"));
+    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFontForTest> fontA(new MinikinFontForTest(kTestFontDir "Regular.ttf"));
-    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFontForTest> fontB(
-            new MinikinFontForTest(kTestFontDir "Bold.ttf"));
+    std::shared_ptr<MinikinFontForTest> fontB(new MinikinFontForTest(kTestFontDir "Bold.ttf"));
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFontForTest> fontC(
             new MinikinFontForTest(kTestFontDir "BoldItalic.ttf"));
diff --git a/tests/unittest/HyphenatorMapTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/HyphenatorMapTest.cpp
index 53d857f..5be6dee 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/HyphenatorMapTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/HyphenatorMapTest.cpp
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
     TestableHyphenatorMap() : HyphenatorMap() {}
-    using HyphenatorMap::addInternal;
     using HyphenatorMap::addAliasInternal;
+    using HyphenatorMap::addInternal;
     using HyphenatorMap::lookupInternal;
@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@
         mMap.addAliasInternal("gez", "und-Ethi");
         mMap.addAliasInternal("ti", "und-Ethi");
         mMap.addAliasInternal("wal", "und-Ethi");
     const Locale& getLocale(const std::string& localeStr) {
diff --git a/tests/unittest/HyphenatorTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/HyphenatorTest.cpp
index 5f4d703..8c6c26b 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/HyphenatorTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/HyphenatorTest.cpp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'t', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 5, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)5, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'l', 'l', MIDDLE_DOT, 'l', 'l'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 5, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)5, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[2]);
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'l', MIDDLE_DOT, 'l'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[2]);
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'x', HYPHEN, 'y'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN_AT_NEXT_LINE, result[2]);
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {GREEK_LOWER_ALPHA, HYPHEN, GREEK_LOWER_ALPHA};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'x', EN_DASH, 'y'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'x', HYPHEN, 'y'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN_AT_NEXT_LINE, result[2]);
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'x', SOFT_HYPHEN, 'y'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {SOFT_HYPHEN, 'y'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 2, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)2, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {MALAYALAM_KA, SOFT_HYPHEN, MALAYALAM_KA};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -173,13 +173,12 @@
 // In automatically hyphenated Malayalam script text, we should not insert a visible hyphen.
 TEST_F(HyphenatorTest, malayalamAutomaticHyphenation) {
-    Hyphenator* hyphenator = Hyphenator::loadBinary(
-            readWholeFile(malayalamHyph).data(), 2, 2, "en");
-    const uint16_t word[] = {
+    Hyphenator* hyphenator =
+            Hyphenator::loadBinary(readWholeFile(malayalamHyph).data(), 2, 2, "en");
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 5, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)5, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -193,7 +192,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {ARMENIAN_AYB, SOFT_HYPHEN, ARMENIAN_AYB};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_ARMENIAN_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -206,7 +205,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {HEBREW_ALEF, SOFT_HYPHEN, HEBREW_ALEF};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -219,7 +218,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {ARABIC_BEH, SOFT_HYPHEN, ARABIC_BEH};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN_AND_ZWJ, result[2]);
@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {ARABIC_ALEF, SOFT_HYPHEN, ARABIC_BEH};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -244,7 +243,7 @@
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 5, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)5, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[2]);
@@ -259,7 +258,7 @@
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 4, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)4, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[2]);
@@ -273,7 +272,7 @@
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 4, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)4, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -286,7 +285,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {UCAS_E, SOFT_HYPHEN, UCAS_E};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_UCAS_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -299,7 +298,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'a', SOFT_HYPHEN, UCAS_E};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_INSERT_UCAS_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -311,7 +310,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'x', HYPHEN, 'y'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -323,7 +322,7 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {'x', HYPHEN_MINUS, 'y'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 3, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)3, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN, result[2]);
@@ -336,10 +335,9 @@
     const uint16_t word[] = {HYPHEN_MINUS, 'y'};
     std::vector<HyphenationType> result;
     hyphenator->hyphenate(&result, word, NELEM(word));
-    EXPECT_EQ((size_t) 2, result.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ((size_t)2, result.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[0]);
     EXPECT_EQ(HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, result[1]);
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/tests/unittest/ICUTestBase.h b/tests/unittest/ICUTestBase.h
index e0b0f5e..07bd865 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/ICUTestBase.h
+++ b/tests/unittest/ICUTestBase.h
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 // low level file access for mapping ICU data
 #include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include <unicode/uclean.h>
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@
-    virtual void TearDown() override {
-        u_cleanup();
-    }
+    virtual void TearDown() override { u_cleanup(); }
 }  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/tests/unittest/LayoutTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/LayoutTest.cpp
index b63bdfe..e025677 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/LayoutTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/LayoutTest.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "minikin/FontCollection.h"
 #include "FontTestUtils.h"
 #include "ICUTestBase.h"
 #include "UnicodeUtils.h"
@@ -48,8 +49,7 @@
 class LayoutTest : public ICUTestBase {
-    LayoutTest() : mCollection(nullptr) {
-    }
+    LayoutTest() : mCollection(nullptr) {}
     virtual ~LayoutTest() {}
@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@
                 getFontCollection(SYSTEM_FONT_PATH, SYSTEM_FONT_XML));
-    virtual void TearDown() override {
-    }
+    virtual void TearDown() override {}
     std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> mCollection;
@@ -343,10 +342,12 @@
     std::vector<uint16_t> text = parseUnicodeString("'a' 'b' U+3042 U+3043 'c' 'd'");
     Layout ltrLayout;
-    ltrLayout.doLayout(, 0, text.size(), text.size(), Bidi::FORCE_LTR, paint, mCollection);
+    ltrLayout.doLayout(, 0, text.size(), text.size(), Bidi::FORCE_LTR, paint,
+                       mCollection);
     Layout rtlLayout;
-    rtlLayout.doLayout(, 0, text.size(), text.size(), Bidi::FORCE_RTL, paint, mCollection);
+    rtlLayout.doLayout(, 0, text.size(), text.size(), Bidi::FORCE_RTL, paint,
+                       mCollection);
     ASSERT_EQ(ltrLayout.nGlyphs(), rtlLayout.nGlyphs());
     ASSERT_EQ(6u, ltrLayout.nGlyphs());
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
     Layout defaultRtlLayout;
     defaultRtlLayout.doLayout(, 0, text.size(), text.size(), Bidi::DEFAULT_RTL, paint,
-            mCollection);
+                              mCollection);
     const size_t nGlyphs = ltrLayout.nGlyphs();
     ASSERT_EQ(3u, nGlyphs);
@@ -413,8 +414,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("one word with hyphen replacement at the end");
         text = utf8ToUtf16("oneword");
         MinikinPaint paint;
-        paint.hyphenEdit = packHyphenEdit(
-                StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, EndHyphenEdit::REPLACE_WITH_HYPHEN);
+        paint.hyphenEdit =
+                packHyphenEdit(StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, EndHyphenEdit::REPLACE_WITH_HYPHEN);
         layout.doLayout(, 0, text.size(), text.size(), Bidi::LTR, paint, mCollection);
         EXPECT_EQ(70.0f, layout.getAdvance());
@@ -430,8 +431,8 @@
         SCOPED_TRACE("one word with hyphen insertion at the both ends");
         text = utf8ToUtf16("oneword");
         MinikinPaint paint;
-        paint.hyphenEdit = packHyphenEdit(
-                StartHyphenEdit::INSERT_HYPHEN, EndHyphenEdit::INSERT_HYPHEN);
+        paint.hyphenEdit =
+                packHyphenEdit(StartHyphenEdit::INSERT_HYPHEN, EndHyphenEdit::INSERT_HYPHEN);
         layout.doLayout(, 0, text.size(), text.size(), Bidi::LTR, paint, mCollection);
         EXPECT_EQ(90.0f, layout.getAdvance());
diff --git a/tests/unittest/LayoutUtilsTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/LayoutUtilsTest.cpp
index b789f91..4c18cce 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/LayoutUtilsTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/LayoutUtilsTest.cpp
@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@
     size_t size = 0U;
     ParseUnicode(buf, BUF_SIZE, query_str, &size, &expected_breakpoint);
-    EXPECT_EQ(expected_breakpoint,
-              getNextWordBreakForCache(buf, offset_in, size))
-        << "Expected position is [" << query_str << "] from offset " << offset_in;
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_breakpoint, getNextWordBreakForCache(buf, offset_in, size))
+            << "Expected position is [" << query_str << "] from offset " << offset_in;
 void ExpectPrevWordBreakForCache(size_t offset_in, const char* query_str) {
@@ -41,9 +40,8 @@
     size_t size = 0U;
     ParseUnicode(buf, BUF_SIZE, query_str, &size, &expected_breakpoint);
-    EXPECT_EQ(expected_breakpoint,
-              getPrevWordBreakForCache(buf, offset_in, size))
-        << "Expected position is [" << query_str << "] from offset " << offset_in;
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_breakpoint, getPrevWordBreakForCache(buf, offset_in, size))
+            << "Expected position is [" << query_str << "] from offset " << offset_in;
 TEST(WordBreakTest, goNextWordBreakTest) {
@@ -90,8 +88,7 @@
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(3, "U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00 | U+4E00");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(4, "U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00 |");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(5, "U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00 |");
-    ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(1000,
-                             "U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00 |");
+    ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(1000, "U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00   U+4E00 |");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(0, "U+4E00 | U+4E8C   U+4E09   U+56DB   U+4E94");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(1, "U+4E00   U+4E8C | U+4E09   U+56DB   U+4E94");
@@ -99,8 +96,7 @@
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(3, "U+4E00   U+4E8C   U+4E09   U+56DB | U+4E94");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(4, "U+4E00   U+4E8C   U+4E09   U+56DB   U+4E94 |");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(5, "U+4E00   U+4E8C   U+4E09   U+56DB   U+4E94 |");
-    ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(1000,
-                             "U+4E00   U+4E8C   U+4E09   U+56DB   U+4E94 |");
+    ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(1000, "U+4E00   U+4E8C   U+4E09   U+56DB   U+4E94 |");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(0, "U+4E00 'a' 'b' | U+2000 'c' U+4E00");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(1, "U+4E00 'a' 'b' | U+2000 'c' U+4E00");
@@ -247,8 +243,7 @@
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(4, "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 | U+845B");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(5, "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 U+845B |");
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(6, "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 U+845B |");
-    ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(1000,
-                             "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 U+845B |");
+    ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(1000, "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 U+845B |");
     // CJK Ideographic char + Variation Selector(VS1) + Variation Selector(VS17)
     ExpectNextWordBreakForCache(0, "U+845B U+FE00 U+E0100 | U+845B");
@@ -478,8 +473,7 @@
     ExpectPrevWordBreakForCache(4, "| U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 U+845B");
     ExpectPrevWordBreakForCache(5, "| U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 U+845B");
     ExpectPrevWordBreakForCache(6, "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 | U+845B");
-    ExpectPrevWordBreakForCache(1000,
-                             "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 | U+845B");
+    ExpectPrevWordBreakForCache(1000, "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100 | U+845B");
     // CJK Ideographic char + Variation Selector(VS1) + Variation Selector(VS17)
     ExpectPrevWordBreakForCache(0, "| U+845B U+FE00 U+E0100 U+845B");
diff --git a/tests/unittest/LineBreakerTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/LineBreakerTest.cpp
index 9223ccd..f86357d 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/LineBreakerTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/LineBreakerTest.cpp
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <cutils/log.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include <unicode/locid.h>
 #include <unicode/uchriter.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "FontTestUtils.h"
 #include "ICUTestBase.h"
@@ -48,28 +48,26 @@
 struct LocaleComparator {
-    bool operator() (const Locale& l, const Locale& r) const {
+    bool operator()(const Locale& l, const Locale& r) const {
         return l.getIdentifier() > r.getIdentifier();
 // Helper function for creating vector of move-only elements.
-template<class Base, class T, class... Tail>
+template <class Base, class T, class... Tail>
 constexpr std::vector<Base> makeVector(T&& head, Tail&&... tail) {
-    std::array<T, 1 + sizeof...(Tail)> ar = {{std::forward<T>(head), std::forward<Tail>(tail)... }};
-    return std::vector<Base>({std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(ar)),
-        std::make_move_iterator(std::end(ar))});
+    std::array<T, 1 + sizeof...(Tail)> ar = {{std::forward<T>(head), std::forward<Tail>(tail)...}};
+    return std::vector<Base>(
+            {std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(ar)), std::make_move_iterator(std::end(ar))});
 typedef std::map<Locale, std::string, LocaleComparator> LocaleIteratorMap;
 class MockBreakIterator : public icu::BreakIterator {
-    MockBreakIterator(const std::vector<int32_t>& breakPoints) : mBreakPoints(breakPoints) {
-    }
+    MockBreakIterator(const std::vector<int32_t>& breakPoints) : mBreakPoints(breakPoints) {}
-    virtual ~MockBreakIterator() {
-    }
+    virtual ~MockBreakIterator() {}
     UClassID getDynamicClassID() const override {
         LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Not yet implemented.");
@@ -123,13 +121,9 @@
         return 0;
-    int32_t next() override {
-        return following(mCurrent);
-    }
+    int32_t next() override { return following(mCurrent); }
-    int32_t current() const override {
-        return mCurrent;
-    }
+    int32_t current() const override { return mCurrent; }
     int32_t following(int32_t offset) override {
         auto i = std::upper_bound(mBreakPoints.begin(), mBreakPoints.end(), offset);
@@ -161,7 +155,7 @@
         return nullptr;
-    BreakIterator &refreshInputText(UText*, UErrorCode&) override {
+    BreakIterator& refreshInputText(UText*, UErrorCode&) override {
         LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Not yet implemented.");
         return *this;
@@ -179,11 +173,10 @@
     Slot acquire(const Locale& locale) override {
         auto i = mLocaleIteratorMap.find(locale);
-        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(i == mLocaleIteratorMap.end(),
-                "Iterator not found for %s", locale.getString().c_str());
+        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(i == mLocaleIteratorMap.end(), "Iterator not found for %s",
+                            locale.getString().c_str());
         return {locale.getIdentifier(),
-              std::make_unique<MockBreakIterator>(buildBreakPointList(i->second)) };
+                std::make_unique<MockBreakIterator>(buildBreakPointList(i->second))};
     void release(Slot&& slot) override {
@@ -196,7 +189,7 @@
     // For example, "a|bc|d" will be {0, 1, 3, 4}.
     // This means '|' could not be used as an input character.
     static std::vector<int> buildBreakPointList(const std::string& input) {
-        std::vector<int> out = { 0 };
+        std::vector<int> out = {0};
         int breakPos = 0;
         for (const char c : input) {
             if (c == '|') {
@@ -221,8 +214,8 @@
     TestableLineBreaker(ICULineBreakerPool* pool, const U16StringPiece& string,
                         const MeasuredText& measuredText)
             : LineBreaker(std::make_unique<TestableWordBreaker>(pool), string, measuredText,
-                          BreakStrategy::Greedy, HyphenationFrequency::None, false /* justified */)
-            {}
+                          BreakStrategy::Greedy, HyphenationFrequency::None,
+                          false /* justified */) {}
 class RectangleLineWidthDelegate : public LineWidth {
@@ -230,18 +223,10 @@
     RectangleLineWidthDelegate(float width) : mWidth(width) {}
     virtual ~RectangleLineWidthDelegate() {}
-    float getAt(size_t) const override {
-        return mWidth;
-    }
-    float getMin() const override {
-        return mWidth;
-    }
-    float getLeftPaddingAt(size_t) const override {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    float getRightPaddingAt(size_t) const override {
-        return 0;
-    }
+    float getAt(size_t) const override { return mWidth; }
+    float getMin() const override { return mWidth; }
+    float getLeftPaddingAt(size_t) const override { return 0; }
+    float getRightPaddingAt(size_t) const override { return 0; }
     float mWidth;
@@ -249,8 +234,7 @@
 class LineBreakerTest : public ICUTestBase {
-    LineBreakerTest()
-            : ICUTestBase(), mTabStops(nullptr, 0, 0) {}
+    LineBreakerTest() : ICUTestBase(), mTabStops(nullptr, 0, 0) {}
     virtual ~LineBreakerTest() {}
@@ -265,8 +249,7 @@
-    LineBreakResult doLineBreak(ICULineBreakerPool* pool,
-                                const U16StringPiece& text,
+    LineBreakResult doLineBreak(ICULineBreakerPool* pool, const U16StringPiece& text,
                                 const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>& runs,
                                 float lineWidth) {
         RectangleLineWidthDelegate rectangleLineWidth(lineWidth);
@@ -306,8 +289,8 @@
     EXPECT_EQ(expectedBreaks, actualBreaks)
-        << "Expected: " << buildDisplayText(text, expectedBreaks) << std::endl
-        << "Actual  : " << buildDisplayText(text, actualBreaks);
+            << "Expected: " << buildDisplayText(text, expectedBreaks) << std::endl
+            << "Actual  : " << buildDisplayText(text, actualBreaks);
 class ConstantRun : public Run {
@@ -324,9 +307,7 @@
         std::fill(advances, advances + mRange.getLength(), mWidth);
-    virtual const MinikinPaint* getPaint() const {
-        return &mPaint;
-    }
+    virtual const MinikinPaint* getPaint() const { return &mPaint; }
     virtual float measureHyphenPiece(const U16StringPiece&, const Range& range, StartHyphenEdit,
                                      EndHyphenEdit, float* advances, LayoutOverhang*) const {
@@ -361,22 +342,20 @@
         map[enUSLocale] = "ab|cde|fgh|ijk|lmn|o|pqr|st|u|vwxyz";
         MockICULineBreakerPoolImpl impl(std::move(map));
-        LineBreakResult result = doLineBreak(&impl, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, text.size()), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), 5 * CHAR_WIDTH);
+        LineBreakResult result =
+                doLineBreak(&impl, text,
+                            makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(
+                                    Range(0, text.size()), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                            5 * CHAR_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(7U, result.breakPoints.size());
         expectLineBreaks("abcde|fgh|ijk|lmno|pqrst|u|vwxyz", result.breakPoints);
-                5 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                3 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                3 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                4 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                5 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                1 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                5 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-            }), result.widths);
+                          5 * CHAR_WIDTH, 3 * CHAR_WIDTH, 3 * CHAR_WIDTH, 4 * CHAR_WIDTH,
+                          5 * CHAR_WIDTH, 1 * CHAR_WIDTH, 5 * CHAR_WIDTH,
+                  }),
+                  result.widths);
     // TODO: Add more test cases, non rectangle, hyphenation, addReplacementSpan etc.
@@ -403,19 +382,21 @@
         map[frFRLocale] = "ab|cdef|gh";
         MockICULineBreakerPoolImpl impl(std::move(map));
-        LineBreakResult result = doLineBreak(&impl, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 2), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, text.size()), frFRLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), 5 * CHAR_WIDTH);
+        LineBreakResult result = doLineBreak(
+                &impl, text,
+                makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                        std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 2), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                        std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, text.size()), frFRLocaleListId,
+                                                      CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                5 * CHAR_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(3U, result.breakPoints.size());
         expectLineBreaks("ab|cdef|gh", result.breakPoints);
-                2 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                4 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                2 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-            }), result.widths);
+                          2 * CHAR_WIDTH, 4 * CHAR_WIDTH, 2 * CHAR_WIDTH,
+                  }),
+                  result.widths);
     // TODO: Add more test cases, hyphenataion etc.
@@ -436,17 +417,20 @@
         map[enUSLocale] = "ab|cde|fgh";
         MockICULineBreakerPoolImpl impl(std::move(map));
-        LineBreakResult result = doLineBreak(&impl, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 2), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, text.size()), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), 5 * CHAR_WIDTH);
+        LineBreakResult result = doLineBreak(
+                &impl, text,
+                makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                        std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 2), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                        std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, text.size()), enUSLocaleListId,
+                                                      CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                5 * CHAR_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(2U, result.breakPoints.size());
         expectLineBreaks("abcde|fgh", result.breakPoints);
-                5 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                3 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-            }), result.widths);
+                          5 * CHAR_WIDTH, 3 * CHAR_WIDTH,
+                  }),
+                  result.widths);
@@ -474,19 +458,22 @@
         map[frFRLocale] = "aaa |b@c-d |eee";
         MockICULineBreakerPoolImpl impl(std::move(map));
-        LineBreakResult result = doLineBreak(&impl, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 7), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(7, text.size()), frFRLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), 4 * CHAR_WIDTH);
+        LineBreakResult result = doLineBreak(
+                &impl, text,
+                makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                        std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 7), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                        std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(7, text.size()), frFRLocaleListId,
+                                                      CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                4 * CHAR_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(4U, result.breakPoints.size());
         expectLineBreaks("aaa |b@c|-d |eee", result.breakPoints);
-                3 * CHAR_WIDTH,  // Doesn't count the trailing spaces.
-                3 * CHAR_WIDTH,  // Doesn't count the trailing spaces.
-                2 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-                3 * CHAR_WIDTH,
-            }), result.widths);
+                          3 * CHAR_WIDTH,  // Doesn't count the trailing spaces.
+                          3 * CHAR_WIDTH,  // Doesn't count the trailing spaces.
+                          2 * CHAR_WIDTH, 3 * CHAR_WIDTH,
+                  }),
+                  result.widths);
@@ -501,8 +488,7 @@
     MockICULineBreakerPoolImpl impl(std::move(map));
     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>> runs = makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-        std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, text.size()), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-    );
+            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, text.size()), enUSLocaleListId, CHAR_WIDTH));
     doLineBreak(&impl, text, runs, 5 * CHAR_WIDTH);  // Make sure no crash happens.
@@ -513,8 +499,9 @@
     Slot acquire(const Locale& locale) override {
         UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-        return {locale.getIdentifier(), std::unique_ptr<icu::BreakIterator>(
-                icu::BreakIterator::createLineInstance(icu::Locale::getRoot(), status))};
+        return {locale.getIdentifier(),
+                std::unique_ptr<icu::BreakIterator>(
+                        icu::BreakIterator::createLineInstance(icu::Locale::getRoot(), status))};
     void release(Slot&& slot) override {
@@ -522,17 +509,12 @@
         Slot localSlot = std::move(slot);
-    const std::vector<Locale>& getPassedLocaleLog() const {
-        return mRequestedLocaleLog;
-    }
+    const std::vector<Locale>& getPassedLocaleLog() const { return mRequestedLocaleLog; }
-    void reset() {
-        mRequestedLocaleLog.clear();
-    }
+    void reset() { mRequestedLocaleLog.clear(); }
     std::vector<Locale> mRequestedLocaleLog;
 TEST_F(LineBreakerTest, setLocaleList) {
@@ -546,73 +528,81 @@
     const uint32_t enUSId = getLocaleListId("en-US");
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         // Changing to the same locale must not update locale.
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         const uint32_t localeListId = getLocaleListId("fr-FR,en-US");
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS, frFR}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         // Changing to the same locale must not update locale.
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS, frFR}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         const uint32_t localeListId = getLocaleListId("fr-FR");
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS, frFR}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         // Changing to the same locale must not update locale.
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS, frFR}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         const uint32_t localeListId = getLocaleListId("");
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(2u, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog().size());
         EXPECT_EQ(enUS, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog()[0]);
         // Changing to the same locale must not update locale.
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(2u, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog().size());
         EXPECT_EQ(enUS, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog()[0]);
@@ -620,21 +610,23 @@
         const uint32_t localeListId = getLocaleListId("THISISABOGUSLANGUAGE");
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(2u, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog().size());
         EXPECT_EQ(enUS, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog()[0]);
         // Changing to the same locale must not update locale.
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(2u, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog().size());
         EXPECT_EQ(enUS, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog()[0]);
@@ -642,57 +634,63 @@
         const uint32_t localeListId = getLocaleListId("THISISABOGUSLANGUAGE,fr-FR");
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS, frFR}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         // Changing to the same locale must not update locale.
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS, frFR}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         const uint32_t localeListId = getLocaleListId("THISISABOGUSLANGUAGE,en-US");
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         // Changing to the same locale must not update locale.
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<Locale>({enUS}), localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog());
         const uint32_t localeListId = getLocaleListId("THISISABOGUSLANGUAGE,ANOTHERBOGUSLANGUAGE");
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(2u, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog().size());
         EXPECT_EQ(enUS, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog()[0]);
         // Changing to the same locale must not update locale.
-        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text, makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
-            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)
-        ), LINE_WIDTH);
+        doLineBreak(&localeTracer, text,
+                    makeVector<std::unique_ptr<minikin::Run>>(
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(0, 1), enUSId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(1, 2), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH),
+                            std::make_unique<ConstantRun>(Range(2, 3), localeListId, CHAR_WIDTH)),
+                    LINE_WIDTH);
         ASSERT_EQ(2u, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog().size());
         EXPECT_EQ(enUS, localeTracer.getPassedLocaleLog()[0]);
diff --git a/tests/unittest/SparseBitSetTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/SparseBitSetTest.cpp
index 9e0e4df..03a14d9 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/SparseBitSetTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/SparseBitSetTest.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     std::mt19937 mt;  // Fix seeds to be able to reproduce the result.
     std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> distribution(1, 512);
-    std::vector<uint32_t> range { distribution(mt) };
+    std::vector<uint32_t> range{distribution(mt)};
     for (size_t i = 1; i < kTestRangeNum * 2; ++i) {
         range.push_back((range.back() - 1) + distribution(mt));
diff --git a/tests/unittest/StringPieceTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/StringPieceTest.cpp
index c7e8c72..f70fd3a 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/StringPieceTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/StringPieceTest.cpp
@@ -176,5 +176,4 @@
-} // namespace minikin
+}  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/tests/unittest/UnicodeUtilsTest.cpp b/tests/unittest/UnicodeUtilsTest.cpp
index 8a3dcb9..9bdd07b 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/UnicodeUtilsTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/UnicodeUtilsTest.cpp
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@
     EXPECT_EQ(buf[3], 'a');
-} // namespace minikin
+}  // namespace minikin
diff --git a/tests/unittest/WordBreakerTests.cpp b/tests/unittest/WordBreakerTests.cpp
index 725fbbf..8548e56 100644
--- a/tests/unittest/WordBreakerTests.cpp
+++ b/tests/unittest/WordBreakerTests.cpp
@@ -37,24 +37,24 @@
 typedef ICUTestBase WordBreakerTest;
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, basic) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l' ,'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
     EXPECT_EQ(6, breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 0));  // after "hello "
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.wordStart());  // "hello"
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.wordStart());                              // "hello"
     EXPECT_EQ(5, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ(6, breaker.current());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(6, breaker.wordStart());  // "world"
+    EXPECT_EQ(6, breaker.wordStart());               // "world"
     EXPECT_EQ(11, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ(11, breaker.current());
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, softHyphen) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'h', 'e', 'l', 0x00AD, 'l' ,'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'h', 'e', 'l', 0x00AD, 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
     EXPECT_EQ(6, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(7, breaker.wordStart());  // "world"
+    EXPECT_EQ(7, breaker.wordStart());               // "world"
     EXPECT_EQ(12, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
@@ -82,17 +82,17 @@
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, postfixAndPrefix) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'U', 'S', 0x00A2, ' ', 'J', 'P', 0x00A5}; // US¢ JP¥
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'U', 'S', 0x00A2, ' ', 'J', 'P', 0x00A5};  // US¢ JP¥
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
     EXPECT_EQ(4, breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 0));  // after CENT SIGN
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.wordStart());  // "US¢"
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.wordStart());                              // "US¢"
     EXPECT_EQ(3, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end of string
-    EXPECT_EQ(4, breaker.wordStart());  // "JP¥"
+    EXPECT_EQ(4, breaker.wordStart());               // "JP¥"
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf), breaker.wordEnd());
@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, zwjEmojiSequences) {
     uint16_t buf[] = {
-        // man + zwj + heart + zwj + man
-        UTF16(0x1F468), 0x200D, 0x2764, 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F468),
-        // woman + zwj + heart + zwj + kiss mark + zwj + woman
-        UTF16(0x1F469), 0x200D, 0x2764, 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F48B), 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F469),
-        // eye + zwj + left speech bubble
-        UTF16(0x1F441), 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F5E8),
-        // CAT FACE + zwj + BUST IN SILHOUETTE
-        UTF16(0x1F431), 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F464),
+            // man + zwj + heart + zwj + man
+            UTF16(0x1F468), 0x200D, 0x2764, 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F468),
+            // woman + zwj + heart + zwj + kiss mark + zwj + woman
+            UTF16(0x1F469), 0x200D, 0x2764, 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F48B), 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F469),
+            // eye + zwj + left speech bubble
+            UTF16(0x1F441), 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F5E8),
+            // CAT FACE + zwj + BUST IN SILHOUETTE
+            UTF16(0x1F431), 0x200D, UTF16(0x1F464),
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
@@ -140,8 +140,9 @@
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, emojiWithModifier) {
     uint16_t buf[] = {
-        UTF16(0x1F466), UTF16(0x1F3FB),  // boy + type 1-2 fitzpatrick modifier
-        0x270C, 0xFE0F, UTF16(0x1F3FF)  // victory hand + emoji style + type 6 fitzpatrick modifier
+            UTF16(0x1F466), UTF16(0x1F3FB),  // boy + type 1-2 fitzpatrick modifier
+            0x270C, 0xFE0F,
+            UTF16(0x1F3FF)  // victory hand + emoji style + type 6 fitzpatrick modifier
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
@@ -158,14 +159,14 @@
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, unicode10Emoji) {
     // Should break between emojis.
     uint16_t buf[] = {
-        // SLED + SLED
-        UTF16(0x1F6F7), UTF16(0x1F6F7),
-        // SLED + VS15 + SLED
-        UTF16(0x1F6F7), 0xFE0E, UTF16(0x1F6F7),
-        0x263A, UTF16(0x1F6F7),
-        // WHITE SMILING FACE + VS16 + SLED
-        0x263A, 0xFE0F, UTF16(0x1F6F7),
+            // SLED + SLED
+            UTF16(0x1F6F7), UTF16(0x1F6F7),
+            // SLED + VS15 + SLED
+            UTF16(0x1F6F7), 0xFE0E, UTF16(0x1F6F7),
+            // WHITE SMILING FACE + SLED
+            0x263A, UTF16(0x1F6F7),
+            // WHITE SMILING FACE + VS16 + SLED
+            0x263A, 0xFE0F, UTF16(0x1F6F7),
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
@@ -252,42 +253,42 @@
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, punct) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {0x00A1, 0x00A1, 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l' ,'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd',
-        '!', '!'};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {0x00A1, 0x00A1, 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',',
+                      ' ',    'w',    'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!', '!'};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
-    EXPECT_EQ(9, breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 0)); // after "¡¡hello, "
-    EXPECT_EQ(2, breaker.wordStart());  // "hello"
+    EXPECT_EQ(9, breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 0));  // after "¡¡hello, "
+    EXPECT_EQ(2, breaker.wordStart());                              // "hello"
     EXPECT_EQ(7, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(9, breaker.wordStart());  // "world"
+    EXPECT_EQ(9, breaker.wordStart());               // "world"
     EXPECT_EQ(14, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, email) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'f', 'o', 'o', '@', 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm',
-        ' ', 'x'};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'f', 'o', 'o', '@', 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p',
+                      'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', ' ', 'x'};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
-    EXPECT_EQ(11, breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 0)); // after "foo@example"
+    EXPECT_EQ(11, breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 0));  // after "foo@example"
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(1, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ(16,;  // after ".com "
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(16, breaker.wordStart());  // "x"
+    EXPECT_EQ(16, breaker.wordStart());              // "x"
     EXPECT_EQ(17, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, mailto) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'m', 'a', 'i', 'l', 't', 'o', ':', 'f', 'o', 'o', '@',
-        'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', ' ', 'x'};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'m', 'a', 'i', 'l', 't', 'o', ':', 'f', 'o', 'o', '@', 'e',
+                      'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', ' ', 'x'};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(23, breaker.wordStart());  // "x"
+    EXPECT_EQ(23, breaker.wordStart());              // "x"
     EXPECT_EQ(24, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
 // The current logic always places a line break after a detected email address or URL
 // and an immediately following non-ASCII character.
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, emailNonAscii) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'f', 'o', 'o', '@', 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm',
-        0x4E00};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'f', 'o', 'o', '@', 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm',
+                      'p', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', 0x4E00};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
@@ -321,14 +322,14 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(15, breaker.wordStart());  // "一"
+    EXPECT_EQ(15, breaker.wordStart());              // "一"
     EXPECT_EQ(16, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, emailCombining) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'f', 'o', 'o', '@', 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm',
-        0x0303, ' ', 'x'};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'f', 'o', 'o', '@', 'e', 'x', 'a',    'm', 'p',
+                      'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', 0x0303, ' ', 'x'};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
@@ -339,7 +340,7 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(17, breaker.wordStart());  // "x"
+    EXPECT_EQ(17, breaker.wordStart());              // "x"
     EXPECT_EQ(18, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
@@ -350,21 +351,21 @@
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
     EXPECT_EQ(2, breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 0));  // after "a "
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.wordStart());  // "a"
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.wordStart());                              // "a"
     EXPECT_EQ(1, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ(4,;  // after "@ "
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(4, breaker.wordStart());  // "b"
+    EXPECT_EQ(4, breaker.wordStart());               // "b"
     EXPECT_EQ(5, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, url) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e',
-        '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', ' ', 'x'};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'e', 'x', 'a',
+                      'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', ' ', 'x'};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
@@ -381,15 +382,16 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
     EXPECT_EQ((ssize_t)NELEM(buf),;  // end
-    EXPECT_EQ(19, breaker.wordStart());  // "x"
+    EXPECT_EQ(19, breaker.wordStart());              // "x"
     EXPECT_EQ(20, breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.breakBadness());
 // Breaks according to section 14.12 of Chicago Manual of Style, *URLs or DOIs and line breaks*
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, urlBreakChars) {
-    uint16_t buf[] = {'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'a', '.', 'b', '/', '~', 'c', ',', 'd',
-        '-', 'e', '?', 'f', '=', 'g', '&', 'h', '#', 'i', '%', 'j', '_', 'k', '/', 'l'};
+    uint16_t buf[] = {'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'a', '.', 'b', '/',
+                      '~', 'c', ',', 'd', '-', 'e', '?', 'f', '=', 'g', '&',
+                      'h', '#', 'i', '%', 'j', '_', 'k', '/', 'l'};
     WordBreaker breaker;
     breaker.setText(buf, NELEM(buf));
     EXPECT_EQ(0, breaker.current());
@@ -505,7 +507,7 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     // Restart from middle point of the URL. It should return the same previous break point.
-    EXPECT_EQ(13,  breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 12));  // after "//"
+    EXPECT_EQ(13, breaker.followingWithLocale(Locale("en-US"), 12));  // after "//"
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
     EXPECT_EQ(16,;  // after "abc"
     EXPECT_TRUE(breaker.wordStart() >= breaker.wordEnd());
@@ -522,9 +524,9 @@
 // b/68669534
 TEST_F(WordBreakerTest, spaceAfterSpace) {
     const std::vector<uint16_t> SPACES = {
-        '\t',  // TAB
-        0x1680,  // OGHAM SPACE MARK
-        0x3000,  // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
+            '\t',    // TAB
+            0x1680,  // OGHAM SPACE MARK
+            0x3000,  // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
     constexpr uint16_t CHAR_SPACE = 0x0020;
diff --git a/tests/util/FileUtils.h b/tests/util/FileUtils.h
index 322f7f3..3aabc0d 100644
--- a/tests/util/FileUtils.h
+++ b/tests/util/FileUtils.h
@@ -18,4 +18,3 @@
 #include <vector>
 std::vector<uint8_t> readWholeFile(const std::string& filePath);
diff --git a/tests/util/FontTestUtils.cpp b/tests/util/FontTestUtils.cpp
index a68591d..8e7876b 100644
--- a/tests/util/FontTestUtils.cpp
+++ b/tests/util/FontTestUtils.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "minikin/FontCollection.h"
 #include "minikin/FontFamily.h"
 #include "minikin/LocaleList.h"
 #include "MinikinFontForTest.h"
 namespace minikin {
@@ -54,8 +55,9 @@
             uint16_t weight = atoi((const char*)(xmlGetProp(fontNode, (const xmlChar*)"weight")));
-            FontStyle::Slant italic = static_cast<FontStyle::Slant>(xmlStrcmp(
-                    xmlGetProp(fontNode, (const xmlChar*)"style"), (const xmlChar*)"italic") == 0);
+            FontStyle::Slant italic = static_cast<FontStyle::Slant>(
+                    xmlStrcmp(xmlGetProp(fontNode, (const xmlChar*)"style"),
+                              (const xmlChar*)"italic") == 0);
             xmlChar* index = xmlGetProp(familyNode, (const xmlChar*)"index");
             xmlChar* fontFileName = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, fontNode->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
diff --git a/tests/util/MinikinFontForTest.cpp b/tests/util/MinikinFontForTest.cpp
index b356b99..7ef92ab 100644
--- a/tests/util/MinikinFontForTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/util/MinikinFontForTest.cpp
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
 static int uniqueId = 0;  // TODO: make thread safe if necessary.
 MinikinFontForTest::MinikinFontForTest(const std::string& font_path, int index,
-        const std::vector<FontVariation>& variations) :
-        MinikinFont(uniqueId++),
-        mFontPath(font_path),
-        mVariations(variations),
-        mFontIndex(index) {
+                                       const std::vector<FontVariation>& variations)
+        : MinikinFont(uniqueId++),
+          mFontPath(font_path),
+          mVariations(variations),
+          mFontIndex(index) {
     int fd = open(font_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(fd == -1);
     struct stat st = {};
@@ -60,8 +60,7 @@
     return 10.0f;
-void MinikinFontForTest::GetBounds(MinikinRect* bounds,
-                                   uint32_t /* glyph_id */,
+void MinikinFontForTest::GetBounds(MinikinRect* bounds, uint32_t /* glyph_id */,
                                    const MinikinPaint& /* paint */,
                                    const FontFakery& /* fakery */) const {
     // TODO: Make mock values configurable if necessary.
@@ -71,8 +70,7 @@
     bounds->mBottom = 10.0f;
-void MinikinFontForTest::GetFontExtent(MinikinExtent* extent,
-                                       const MinikinPaint& /* paint */,
+void MinikinFontForTest::GetFontExtent(MinikinExtent* extent, const MinikinPaint& /* paint */,
                                        const FontFakery& /* fakery */) const {
     extent->ascent = -10.0f;
     extent->descent = 20.0f;
diff --git a/tests/util/MinikinFontForTest.h b/tests/util/MinikinFontForTest.h
index 322df22..a841d72 100644
--- a/tests/util/MinikinFontForTest.h
+++ b/tests/util/MinikinFontForTest.h
@@ -26,22 +26,18 @@
 class MinikinFontForTest : public MinikinFont {
     MinikinFontForTest(const std::string& font_path, int index,
-            const std::vector<FontVariation>& variations);
+                       const std::vector<FontVariation>& variations);
     MinikinFontForTest(const std::string& font_path, int index)
             : MinikinFontForTest(font_path, index, std::vector<FontVariation>()) {}
     MinikinFontForTest(const std::string& font_path) : MinikinFontForTest(font_path, 0) {}
     virtual ~MinikinFontForTest();
     // MinikinFont overrides.
-    float GetHorizontalAdvance(uint32_t glyph_id,
-                               const MinikinPaint& paint,
+    float GetHorizontalAdvance(uint32_t glyph_id, const MinikinPaint& paint,
                                const FontFakery& fakery) const override;
-    void GetBounds(MinikinRect* bounds,
-                   uint32_t glyph_id,
-                   const MinikinPaint& paint,
+    void GetBounds(MinikinRect* bounds, uint32_t glyph_id, const MinikinPaint& paint,
                    const FontFakery& fakery) const override;
-    void GetFontExtent(MinikinExtent* extent,
-                       const MinikinPaint& paint,
+    void GetFontExtent(MinikinExtent* extent, const MinikinPaint& paint,
                        const FontFakery& fakery) const override;
     const std::string& fontPath() const { return mFontPath; }
@@ -52,6 +48,7 @@
     const std::vector<minikin::FontVariation>& GetAxes() const { return mVariations; }
     std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> createFontWithVariation(
             const std::vector<FontVariation>& variations) const;
     MinikinFontForTest() = delete;
     MinikinFontForTest(const MinikinFontForTest&) = delete;
diff --git a/tests/util/UnicodeUtils.cpp b/tests/util/UnicodeUtils.cpp
index 87e3418..91e5337 100644
--- a/tests/util/UnicodeUtils.cpp
+++ b/tests/util/UnicodeUtils.cpp
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 #include <cstdlib>
-#include <vector>
 #include <string>
+#include <vector>
 #include <cutils/log.h>
 #include <unicode/utf.h>
@@ -27,61 +27,61 @@
 // src is of the form "U+1F431 | 'h' 'i'". Position of "|" gets saved to offset if non-null.
 // Size is returned in an out parameter because gtest needs a void return for ASSERT to work.
 void ParseUnicode(uint16_t* buf, size_t buf_size, const char* src, size_t* result_size,
-        size_t* offset) {
+                  size_t* offset) {
     size_t input_ix = 0;
     size_t output_ix = 0;
     bool seen_offset = false;
     while (src[input_ix] != 0) {
         switch (src[input_ix]) {
-        case '\'':
-            // single ASCII char
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(static_cast<uint8_t>(src[input_ix]) >= 0x80);
-            input_ix++;
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(src[input_ix] == 0);
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(output_ix >= buf_size);
-            buf[output_ix++] = (uint16_t)src[input_ix++];
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(src[input_ix] != '\'');
-            input_ix++;
-            break;
-        case 'u':
-        case 'U': {
-            // Unicode codepoint in hex syntax
-            input_ix++;
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(src[input_ix] != '+');
-            input_ix++;
-            char* endptr = (char*)src + input_ix;
-            unsigned long int codepoint = strtoul(src + input_ix, &endptr, 16);
-            size_t num_hex_digits = endptr - (src + input_ix);
+            case '\'':
+                // single ASCII char
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(static_cast<uint8_t>(src[input_ix]) >= 0x80);
+                input_ix++;
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(src[input_ix] == 0);
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(output_ix >= buf_size);
+                buf[output_ix++] = (uint16_t)src[input_ix++];
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(src[input_ix] != '\'');
+                input_ix++;
+                break;
+            case 'u':
+            case 'U': {
+                // Unicode codepoint in hex syntax
+                input_ix++;
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(src[input_ix] != '+');
+                input_ix++;
+                char* endptr = (char*)src + input_ix;
+                unsigned long int codepoint = strtoul(src + input_ix, &endptr, 16);
+                size_t num_hex_digits = endptr - (src + input_ix);
-            // also triggers on invalid number syntax, digits = 0
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(num_hex_digits < 4u);
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(num_hex_digits > 6u);
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(codepoint > 0x10FFFFu);
-            input_ix += num_hex_digits;
-            if (U16_LENGTH(codepoint) == 1) {
-                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(output_ix + 1 > buf_size);
-                buf[output_ix++] = codepoint;
-            } else {
-                // UTF-16 encoding
-                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(output_ix + 2 > buf_size);
-                buf[output_ix++] = U16_LEAD(codepoint);
-                buf[output_ix++] = U16_TRAIL(codepoint);
+                // also triggers on invalid number syntax, digits = 0
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(num_hex_digits < 4u);
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(num_hex_digits > 6u);
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(codepoint > 0x10FFFFu);
+                input_ix += num_hex_digits;
+                if (U16_LENGTH(codepoint) == 1) {
+                    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(output_ix + 1 > buf_size);
+                    buf[output_ix++] = codepoint;
+                } else {
+                    // UTF-16 encoding
+                    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(output_ix + 2 > buf_size);
+                    buf[output_ix++] = U16_LEAD(codepoint);
+                    buf[output_ix++] = U16_TRAIL(codepoint);
+                }
+                break;
-            break;
-        }
-        case ' ':
-            input_ix++;
-            break;
-        case '|':
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(seen_offset);
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(offset == nullptr);
-            *offset = output_ix;
-            seen_offset = true;
-            input_ix++;
-            break;
-        default:
-            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Unexpected Character");
+            case ' ':
+                input_ix++;
+                break;
+            case '|':
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(seen_offset);
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(offset == nullptr);
+                *offset = output_ix;
+                seen_offset = true;
+                input_ix++;
+                break;
+            default:
+                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Unexpected Character");
     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(result_size == nullptr);
diff --git a/tests/util/UnicodeUtils.h b/tests/util/UnicodeUtils.h
index 2da102d..81fb5f7 100644
--- a/tests/util/UnicodeUtils.h
+++ b/tests/util/UnicodeUtils.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 namespace minikin {
 void ParseUnicode(uint16_t* buf, size_t buf_size, const char* src, size_t* result_size,
-        size_t* offset);
+                  size_t* offset);
 std::vector<uint16_t> parseUnicodeStringWithOffset(const std::string& in, size_t* offset);
 std::vector<uint16_t> parseUnicodeString(const std::string& in);