blob: 9e72f4b4e68ddb1b9257895d548f555f70fe7914 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.os.SystemClock
import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFails
import kotlin.test.assertNull
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
// The table contains pairs associating a regexp with the code to run. The statement is matched
// against each matcher in sequence and when a match is found the associated code is run, passing
// it the TrackRecord under test and the result of the regexp match.
typealias InterpretMatcher<T> = Pair<Regex, (ConcurrentInterpreter<T>, T, MatchResult) -> Any?>
// The default unit of time for interpreted tests
const val INTERPRET_TIME_UNIT = 60L // ms
* A small interpreter for testing parallel code.
* The interpreter will read a list of lines consisting of "|"-separated statements, e.g. :
* sleep 2 ; unblock thread2 | wait thread2 time 2..5
* sendMessage "x" | obtainMessage = "x" time 0..1
* Each column runs in a different concurrent thread and all threads wait for each other in
* between lines. Each statement is split on ";" then matched with regular expressions in the
* instructionTable constant, which contains the code associated with each statement. The
* interpreter supports an object being passed to the interpretTestSpec() method to be passed
* in each lambda (think about the object under test), and an optional transform function to be
* executed on the object at the start of every thread.
* The time unit is defined in milliseconds by the interpretTimeUnit member, which has a default
* value but can be passed to the constructor. Whitespace is ignored.
* The interpretation table has to be passed as an argument. It's a table associating a regexp
* with the code that should execute, as a function taking three arguments : the interpreter,
* the regexp match, and the object. See the individual tests for the DSL of that test.
* Implementors for new interpreting languages are encouraged to look at the defaultInterpretTable
* constant below for an example of how to write an interpreting table.
* Some expressions already exist by default and can be used by all interpreters. Refer to
* getDefaultInstructions() below for a list and documentation.
open class ConcurrentInterpreter<T>(localInterpretTable: List<InterpretMatcher<T>>) {
private val interpretTable: List<InterpretMatcher<T>> =
localInterpretTable + getDefaultInstructions()
// The last time the thread became blocked, with base System.currentTimeMillis(). This should
// be set immediately before any time the thread gets blocked.
internal val lastBlockedTime = ThreadLocal<Long>()
// Split the line into multiple statements separated by ";" and execute them. Return whatever
// the last statement returned.
fun interpretMultiple(instr: String, r: T): Any? {
return instr.split(";").map { interpret(it.trim(), r) }.last()
// Match the statement to a regex and interpret it.
fun interpret(instr: String, r: T): Any? {
val (matcher, code) =
interpretTable.find { instr matches it.first } ?: throw SyntaxException(instr)
val match = matcher.matchEntire(instr) ?: throw SyntaxException(instr)
return code(this, r, match)
* Spins as many threads as needed by the test spec and interpret each program concurrently.
* All threads wait on a CyclicBarrier after each line.
* |lineShift| says how many lines after the call the spec starts. This is used for error
* reporting. Unfortunately AFAICT there is no way to get the line of an argument rather
* than the line at which the expression starts.
* This method is mostly meant for implementations that extend the ConcurrentInterpreter
* class to add their own directives and instructions. These may need to operate on some
* data, which can be passed in |initial|. For example, an interpreter specialized in callbacks
* may want to pass the callback there. In some cases, it's necessary that each thread
* performs a transformation *after* it starts on that value before starting ; in this case,
* the transformation can be passed to |threadTransform|. The default is to return |initial| as
* is. Look at some existing child classes of this interpreter for some examples of how this
* can be used.
* @param spec The test spec, as a string of lines separated by pipes.
* @param initial An initial value passed to all threads.
* @param lineShift How many lines after the call the spec starts, for error reporting.
* @param threadTransform an optional transformation that each thread will apply to |initial|
fun interpretTestSpec(
spec: String,
initial: T,
lineShift: Int = 0,
threadTransform: (T) -> T = { it }
) {
// For nice stack traces
val callSite = getCallingMethod()
val lines = spec.trim().trim('\n').split("\n").map { it.split("|") }
// |lines| contains arrays of strings that make up the statements of a thread : in other
// words, it's an array that contains a list of statements for each column in the spec.
// E.g. if the string is """
// a | b | c
// d | e | f
// """, then lines is [ [ "a", "b", "c" ], [ "d", "e", "f" ] ].
val threadCount = lines[0].size
assertTrue(lines.all { it.size == threadCount })
val threadInstructions = (0 until threadCount).map { i -> { it[i].trim() } }
// |threadInstructions| is a list where each element is the list of instructions for the
// thread at the index. In other words, it's just |lines| transposed. In the example
// above, it would be [ [ "a", "d" ], [ "b", "e" ], [ "c", "f" ] ]
// mapIndexed below will pass in |instructions| the list of instructions for this thread.
val barrier = CyclicBarrier(threadCount)
var crash: InterpretException? = null
threadInstructions.mapIndexed { threadIndex, instructions ->
Thread {
val threadLocal = threadTransform(initial)
var lineNum = 0
instructions.forEach {
if (null != crash) return@Thread
lineNum += 1
try {
interpretMultiple(it, threadLocal)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
// If fail() or some exception was called, the thread will come here ; if
// the exception isn't caught the process will crash, which is not nice for
// testing. Instead, catch the exception, cancel other threads, and report
// nicely. Catch throwable because fail() is AssertionError, which inherits
// from Error.
crash = InterpretException(threadIndex, it,
callSite.lineNumber + lineNum + lineShift,
callSite.className, callSite.methodName, callSite.fileName, e)
}.also { it.start() }
}.forEach { it.join() }
// If the test failed, crash with line number
crash?.let { throw it }
// Helper to get the stack trace for a calling method
private fun getCallingStackTrace(): Array<StackTraceElement> {
try {
throw RuntimeException()
} catch (e: RuntimeException) {
return e.stackTrace
// Find the calling method. This is the first method in the stack trace that is annotated
// with @Test.
fun getCallingMethod(): StackTraceElement {
val stackTrace = getCallingStackTrace()
return stackTrace.find { element ->
val clazz = Class.forName(element.className)
// Because the stack trace doesn't list the formal arguments, find all methods with
// this name and return this name if any of them is annotated with @Test.
.filter { method -> == element.methodName }
.any { method -> method.getAnnotation( != null }
} ?: stackTrace[3]
// If no method is annotated return the 4th one, because that's what it usually is :
// 0 is getCallingStackTrace, 1 is this method, 2 is ConcurrentInterpreter#interpretTestSpec
* Default instructions available to all interpreters.
* sleep(x) : sleeps for x time units and returns Unit ; sleep alone means sleep(1)
* EXPR = VALUE : asserts that EXPR equals VALUE. EXPR is interpreted. VALUE can either be the
* string "null" or an int. Returns Unit.
* EXPR time x..y : measures the time taken by EXPR and asserts it took at least x and at most
* y time units.
* EXPR // any text : comments are ignored.
* EXPR fails : checks that EXPR throws some exception.
private fun <T> getDefaultInstructions() = listOf<InterpretMatcher<T>>(
// Interpret an empty line as doing nothing.
Regex("") to { _, _, _ -> null },
// Ignore comments.
Regex("(.*)//.*") to { i, t, r -> i.interpret(r.strArg(1), t) },
// Interpret "XXX time x..y" : run XXX and check it took at least x and not more than y
Regex("""(.*)\s*time\s*(\d+)\.\.(\d+)""") to { i, t, r ->
val lateStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
i.interpret(r.strArg(1), t)
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
// There is uncertainty in measuring time.
// It takes some (small) time for the thread to even measure the time at which it
// starts interpreting the instruction. It is therefore possible that thread A sleeps for
// n milliseconds, and B expects to have waited for at least n milliseconds, but because
// B started measuring after 1ms or so, B thinks it didn't wait long enough.
// To avoid this, when the `time` instruction tests the instruction took at least X and
// at most Y, it tests X against a time measured since *before* the thread blocked but
// Y against a time measured as late as possible. This ensures that the timer is
// sufficiently lenient in both directions that there are no flaky measures.
val minTime = end - lateStart
val maxTime = end - i.lastBlockedTime.get()!!
assertTrue(maxTime >= r.timeArg(2),
"Should have taken at least ${r.timeArg(2)} but took less than $maxTime")
assertTrue(minTime <= r.timeArg(3),
"Should have taken at most ${r.timeArg(3)} but took more than $minTime")
// Interpret "XXX = YYY" : run XXX and assert its return value is equal to YYY. "null" supported
Regex("""(.*)\s*=\s*(null|\d+)""") to { i, t, r ->
i.interpret(r.strArg(1), t).also {
if ("null" == r.strArg(2)) assertNull(it) else assertEquals(r.intArg(2), it)
// Interpret sleep. Optional argument for the count, in INTERPRET_TIME_UNIT units.
Regex("""sleep(\((\d+)\))?""") to { i, t, r ->
SystemClock.sleep(if (r.strArg(2).isEmpty()) INTERPRET_TIME_UNIT else r.timeArg(2))
Regex("""(.*)\s*fails""") to { i, t, r ->
assertFails { i.interpret(r.strArg(1), t) }
class SyntaxException(msg: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : RuntimeException(msg, cause)
class InterpretException(
threadIndex: Int,
instr: String,
lineNum: Int,
className: String,
methodName: String,
fileName: String,
cause: Throwable
) : RuntimeException("Failure: $instr", cause) {
init {
stackTrace = arrayOf(StackTraceElement(
lineNum)) + super.getStackTrace()
// Some small helpers to avoid to say the large ".groupValues[index].trim()" every time
fun MatchResult.strArg(index: Int) = this.groupValues[index].trim()
fun MatchResult.intArg(index: Int) = strArg(index).toInt()
fun MatchResult.timeArg(index: Int) = INTERPRET_TIME_UNIT * intArg(index)