Upgrading SQLite

This document lists the steps needed to upgrade the sources in this repository with the latest revision from upstream.

Source Directory

The upgrade takes place on aosp-main. The primary directory is below.


The upgrade steps are:

  • Select a version for the upgrade. Note the year it was released by sqlite.org.
  • Find the autoconf amalgamation tarball. For release 3.42.0, the URL is sqlite-autoconf-3420000.tar.gz.
  • Change to the directory external/sqlite in the workspace.
  • Run the script UPDATE-SOURCE.bash. This script is executable. The arguments are the sqlite release year and the version. Invoke the script without arguments for an example.

UPDATE-SOURCE.bash may fail if the Android patch cannot be applied cleanly. If this happens, correct the patch failures by hand and rebuild the Android patch file. Use the script REBUILD-ANDROID-PATCH.bash to rebuild the patch file. This script takes a single argument which is the same version number that was given to UPDATE-SOURCE.bash. Then rerun UPDATE-SOURCE.bash. It is important that UPDATE-SOURCE.bash run without errors.

Once the scripts have completed, there will be a directory containing the new source files. The directory is named after the sqlite release and exists in parallel with other sqlite release directories. For release 3.42.0, the directory name is external/sqlite/dist/sqlite-autoconf-3420000.


The release of sqlite can be controlled by trunk-stable build flags. The flag is RELEASE_PACKAGE_LIBSQLITE3. The value of that flag is the 7-digit sqlite release number (e.g., 3420000). Any target that respects trunk-stable flags will use the source in external/sqlite/dist/sqlite-autoconf-FLAG. Not all targets respect the trunk-stable flags, however. Such targets use the directory external/sqlite/dist/sqlite-default.

A new release of sqlite can be promoted to trunk by setting the flag to the proper release string. Once a new release of sqlite has been promoted to next, it is best practice to change the symbolic link sqlite-default to point to the new release. This ensures that any target that does not honor build flags will use the newly promoted release.

Finally, after the new sqlite release has been delivered in an Android update, old sqlite release directories can be deleted.


This file contains the license that allows Android to use the third-party software. SQLite is unusual because it has no license: it is in the public domain. The current file content is below.

The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
a legal notice, here is a blessing:

   May you do good and not evil.
   May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
   May you share freely, never taking more than you give.

CTS Version Test

There is a CTS test that verifies the SQLite version. This must be updated as well and it must be updated within aosp-main at the same time as the source.


Find and update the function testSqliteLibraryVersion(). This function must be updated as soon as a new sqlite release is installed in trunk_staging, and the function must accept old and new sqlite releases. Once a new release has been committed to next, old releases can be rejected by this function.

Note that the CTS test is sometimes propagated to branches for older Android releases, which do not use the latest sqlite release. If that happens, the CTS test will have to accept both the old and new sqlite releases.



This is a documentation file that, among other things, maps SQLite versions to Android API levels. It should be updated every time SQLite is upgraded and on every Android API bump. There is a small problem with API names: Android usually prefers not to publicize the new API level until it is official, so care must be taken not to expose unofficial API levels through this file.

The current plan for modifying this file when SQLite is upgraded is to add a new row, using "latest" as the API level. The file should also be updated appropriately when a new API level is formally announced.

This file probably should be modified in an Android branch (not AOSP). That way it enters public view with the official release process.

Recommended Tests

The following tests are recommended before committing an update:


At the time of writing, there are no test failures in the baseline code.