Update Android.bp by running cargo_embargo am: 3f0e9572f4

Original change: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/external/rust/crates/hashlink/+/3094770

Change-Id: I92800d9ae3c152b6f20e17d6bec2c17be22ee880
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>
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  2. src/
  3. tests/
  4. .cargo_vcs_info.json
  5. .gitignore
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  7. Cargo.toml
  8. Cargo.toml.orig
  9. cargo_embargo.json
  10. CHANGELOG.md
  15. OWNERS
  16. README.md

hashlink -- HashMap-like containers that hold their key-value pairs in a user controllable order

Build Status Latest Version API Documentation

This crate is a fork of linked-hash-map that builds on top of hashbrown to implement more up to date versions of LinkedHashMap LinkedHashSet, and LruCache.

One important API change is that when a LinkedHashMap is used as a LRU cache, it allows you to easily retrieve an entry and move it to the back OR produce a new entry at the back without needlessly repeating key hashing and lookups:

let mut lru_cache = LinkedHashMap::new();
let key = "key".to_owned();
// Try to find my expensive to construct and hash key
let _cached_val = match lru_cache.raw_entry_mut().from_key(&key) {
    RawEntryMut::Occupied(mut occupied) => {
        // Cache hit, move entry to the back.
    RawEntryMut::Vacant(vacant) => {
        // Insert expensive to construct key and expensive to compute value,
        // automatically inserted at the back.
        vacant.insert(key.clone(), 42).1

Or, a simpler way to do the same thing:

let mut lru_cache = LinkedHashMap::new();
let key = "key".to_owned();
let _cached_val = lru_cache
    .or_insert_with(|| (key.clone(), 42));

This crate contains a decent amount of unsafe code from handling its internal linked list, and the unsafe code has diverged quite a lot from the original linked-hash-map implementation. It currently passes tests under miri and sanitizers, but it should probably still receive more review and testing, and check for test code coverage.


There is a huge amount of code in this crate that is copied verbatim from linked-hash-map and hashbrown, especially tests, associated types like iterators, and things like Debug impls.


This library is licensed the same as linked-hash-map and hashbrown, it is licensed under either of:

at your option.