blob: ac4c740b03313c4024f1d6e32c07bbf053e2ded8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
#include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/subchannel_interface.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/polling_entity.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/work_serializer.h"
#include "src/core/lib/resolver/server_address.h"
#include "src/core/lib/transport/connectivity_state.h"
namespace grpc_core {
extern DebugOnlyTraceFlag grpc_trace_lb_policy_refcount;
/// Interface for load balancing policies.
/// The following concepts are used here:
/// Channel: An abstraction that manages connections to backend servers
/// on behalf of a client application. The application creates a channel
/// for a given server name and then sends calls (RPCs) on it, and the
/// channel figures out which backend server to send each call to. A channel
/// contains a resolver, a load balancing policy (or a tree of LB policies),
/// and a set of one or more subchannels.
/// Subchannel: A subchannel represents a connection to one backend server.
/// The LB policy decides which subchannels to create, manages the
/// connectivity state of those subchannels, and decides which subchannel
/// to send any given call to.
/// Resolver: A plugin that takes a gRPC server URI and resolves it to a
/// list of one or more addresses and a service config, as described
/// in See
/// resolver.h for the resolver API.
/// Load Balancing (LB) Policy: A plugin that takes a list of addresses
/// from the resolver, maintains and manages a subchannel for each
/// backend address, and decides which subchannel to send each call on.
/// An LB policy has two parts:
/// - A LoadBalancingPolicy, which deals with the control plane work of
/// managing subchannels.
/// - A SubchannelPicker, which handles the data plane work of
/// determining which subchannel a given call should be sent on.
/// LoadBalacingPolicy API.
/// Note: All methods with a "Locked" suffix must be called from the
/// work_serializer passed to the constructor.
/// Any I/O done by the LB policy should be done under the pollset_set
/// returned by \a interested_parties().
// TODO(roth): Once we move to EventManager-based polling, remove the
// interested_parties() hooks from the API.
class LoadBalancingPolicy : public InternallyRefCounted<LoadBalancingPolicy> {
/// Interface for accessing per-call state.
/// Implemented by the client channel and used by the SubchannelPicker.
class CallState {
CallState() = default;
virtual ~CallState() = default;
/// Allocates memory associated with the call, which will be
/// automatically freed when the call is complete.
/// It is more efficient to use this than to allocate memory directly
/// for allocations that need to be made on a per-call basis.
virtual void* Alloc(size_t size) = 0;
/// Returns the value of the call attribute \a key.
/// Keys are static strings, so an attribute can be accessed by an LB
/// policy implementation only if it knows about the internal key.
/// Returns a null string_view if key not found.
virtual absl::string_view ExperimentalGetCallAttribute(const char* key) = 0;
/// Interface for accessing metadata.
/// Implemented by the client channel and used by the SubchannelPicker.
class MetadataInterface {
virtual ~MetadataInterface() = default;
// This needs some API design to ensure we can add/remove/replace metadata
// keys... we're deliberately not doing so to save some time whilst
// cleaning up the internal metadata representation, but we should add
// something back before making this a public API.
/// Adds a key/value pair.
/// Does NOT take ownership of \a key or \a value.
/// Implementations must ensure that the key and value remain alive
/// until the call ends. If desired, they may be allocated via
/// CallState::Alloc().
virtual void Add(absl::string_view key, absl::string_view value) = 0;
/// Produce a vector of metadata key/value strings for tests.
virtual std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>
TestOnlyCopyToVector() = 0;
virtual absl::optional<absl::string_view> Lookup(
absl::string_view key, std::string* buffer) const = 0;
/// Arguments used when picking a subchannel for a call.
struct PickArgs {
/// The path of the call. Indicates the RPC service and method name.
absl::string_view path;
/// Initial metadata associated with the picking call.
/// The LB policy may use the existing metadata to influence its routing
/// decision, and it may add new metadata elements to be sent with the
/// call to the chosen backend.
MetadataInterface* initial_metadata;
/// An interface for accessing call state. Can be used to allocate
/// memory associated with the call in an efficient way.
CallState* call_state;
/// Interface for accessing backend metric data.
/// Implemented by the client channel and used by
/// SubchannelCallTrackerInterface.
class BackendMetricAccessor {
// Represents backend metrics reported by the backend to the client.
struct BackendMetricData {
/// CPU utilization expressed as a fraction of available CPU resources.
double cpu_utilization;
/// Memory utilization expressed as a fraction of available memory
/// resources.
double mem_utilization;
/// Total requests per second being served by the backend. This
/// should include all services that a backend is responsible for.
uint64_t requests_per_second;
/// Application-specific requests cost metrics. Metric names are
/// determined by the application. Each value is an absolute cost
/// (e.g. 3487 bytes of storage) associated with the request.
std::map<absl::string_view, double> request_cost;
/// Application-specific resource utilization metrics. Metric names
/// are determined by the application. Each value is expressed as a
/// fraction of total resources available.
std::map<absl::string_view, double> utilization;
virtual ~BackendMetricAccessor() = default;
/// Returns the backend metric data returned by the server for the call,
/// or null if no backend metric data was returned.
virtual const BackendMetricData* GetBackendMetricData() = 0;
/// Interface for tracking subchannel calls.
/// Implemented by LB policy and used by the channel.
class SubchannelCallTrackerInterface {
virtual ~SubchannelCallTrackerInterface() = default;
/// Called when a subchannel call is started after an LB pick.
virtual void Start() = 0;
/// Called when a subchannel call is completed.
/// The metadata may be modified by the implementation. However, the
/// implementation does not take ownership, so any data that needs to be
/// used after returning must be copied.
struct FinishArgs {
absl::Status status;
MetadataInterface* trailing_metadata;
BackendMetricAccessor* backend_metric_accessor;
virtual void Finish(FinishArgs args) = 0;
/// The result of picking a subchannel for a call.
struct PickResult {
/// A successful pick.
struct Complete {
/// The subchannel to be used for the call. Must be non-null.
RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> subchannel;
/// Optionally set by the LB policy when it wishes to be notified
/// about the resulting subchannel call.
/// Note that if the pick is abandoned by the channel, this may never
/// be used.
std::unique_ptr<SubchannelCallTrackerInterface> subchannel_call_tracker;
explicit Complete(
RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> sc,
std::unique_ptr<SubchannelCallTrackerInterface> tracker = nullptr)
: subchannel(std::move(sc)),
subchannel_call_tracker(std::move(tracker)) {}
/// Pick cannot be completed until something changes on the control
/// plane. The client channel will queue the pick and try again the
/// next time the picker is updated.
struct Queue {};
/// Pick failed. If the call is wait_for_ready, the client channel
/// will wait for the next picker and try again; otherwise, it
/// will immediately fail the call with the status indicated (although
/// the call may be retried if the client channel is configured to do so).
struct Fail {
absl::Status status;
explicit Fail(absl::Status s) : status(s) {}
/// Pick will be dropped with the status specified.
/// Unlike FailPick, the call will be dropped even if it is
/// wait_for_ready, and retries (if configured) will be inhibited.
struct Drop {
absl::Status status;
explicit Drop(absl::Status s) : status(s) {}
// A pick result must be one of these types.
// Default to Queue, just to allow default construction.
absl::variant<Complete, Queue, Fail, Drop> result = Queue();
PickResult() = default;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
PickResult(Complete complete) : result(std::move(complete)) {}
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
PickResult(Queue queue) : result(queue) {}
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
PickResult(Fail fail) : result(std::move(fail)) {}
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
PickResult(Drop drop) : result(std::move(drop)) {}
/// A subchannel picker is the object used to pick the subchannel to
/// use for a given call. This is implemented by the LB policy and
/// used by the client channel to perform picks.
/// Pickers are intended to encapsulate all of the state and logic
/// needed on the data plane (i.e., to actually process picks for
/// individual calls sent on the channel) while excluding all of the
/// state and logic needed on the control plane (i.e., resolver
/// updates, connectivity state notifications, etc); the latter should
/// live in the LB policy object itself.
/// Currently, pickers are always accessed from within the
/// client_channel data plane mutex, so they do not have to be
/// thread-safe.
class SubchannelPicker {
SubchannelPicker() = default;
virtual ~SubchannelPicker() = default;
virtual PickResult Pick(PickArgs args) = 0;
/// A proxy object implemented by the client channel and used by the
/// LB policy to communicate with the channel.
// TODO(roth): Once insecure builds go away, add methods for accessing
// channel creds. By default, that should strip off the call creds
// attached to the channel creds, but there should also be a "use at
// your own risk" option to get the channel creds without stripping
// off the attached call creds.
class ChannelControlHelper {
ChannelControlHelper() = default;
virtual ~ChannelControlHelper() = default;
/// Creates a new subchannel with the specified channel args.
virtual RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> CreateSubchannel(
ServerAddress address, const grpc_channel_args& args) = 0;
/// Sets the connectivity state and returns a new picker to be used
/// by the client channel.
virtual void UpdateState(grpc_connectivity_state state,
const absl::Status& status,
std::unique_ptr<SubchannelPicker>) = 0;
/// Requests that the resolver re-resolve.
virtual void RequestReresolution() = 0;
/// Returns the channel authority.
virtual absl::string_view GetAuthority() = 0;
/// Adds a trace message associated with the channel.
virtual void AddTraceEvent(TraceSeverity severity,
absl::string_view message) = 0;
/// Interface for configuration data used by an LB policy implementation.
/// Individual implementations will create a subclass that adds methods to
/// return the parameters they need.
class Config : public RefCounted<Config> {
~Config() override = default;
// Returns the load balancing policy name
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
/// Data passed to the UpdateLocked() method when new addresses and
/// config are available.
struct UpdateArgs {
/// A list of addresses, or an error indicating a failure to obtain the
/// list of addresses.
absl::StatusOr<ServerAddressList> addresses;
/// The LB policy config.
RefCountedPtr<Config> config;
/// A human-readable note providing context about the name resolution that
/// provided this update. LB policies may wish to include this message
/// in RPC failure status messages. For example, if the update has an
/// empty list of addresses, this message might say "no DNS entries
/// found for <name>".
std::string resolution_note;
// TODO(roth): Before making this a public API, find a better
// abstraction for representing channel args.
const grpc_channel_args* args = nullptr;
// TODO(roth): Remove everything below once channel args is
// converted to a copyable and movable C++ object.
UpdateArgs() = default;
~UpdateArgs() { grpc_channel_args_destroy(args); }
UpdateArgs(const UpdateArgs& other);
UpdateArgs(UpdateArgs&& other) noexcept;
UpdateArgs& operator=(const UpdateArgs& other);
UpdateArgs& operator=(UpdateArgs&& other) noexcept;
/// Args used to instantiate an LB policy.
struct Args {
/// The work_serializer under which all LB policy calls will be run.
std::shared_ptr<WorkSerializer> work_serializer;
/// Channel control helper.
/// Note: LB policies MUST NOT call any method on the helper from
/// their constructor.
std::unique_ptr<ChannelControlHelper> channel_control_helper;
/// Channel args.
// TODO(roth): Find a better channel args representation for this API.
// TODO(roth): Clarify ownership semantics here -- currently, this
// does not take ownership of args, which is the opposite of how we
// handle them in UpdateArgs.
const grpc_channel_args* args = nullptr;
explicit LoadBalancingPolicy(Args args, intptr_t initial_refcount = 1);
~LoadBalancingPolicy() override;
// Not copyable nor movable.
LoadBalancingPolicy(const LoadBalancingPolicy&) = delete;
LoadBalancingPolicy& operator=(const LoadBalancingPolicy&) = delete;
/// Returns the name of the LB policy.
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
/// Updates the policy with new data from the resolver. Will be invoked
/// immediately after LB policy is constructed, and then again whenever
/// the resolver returns a new result.
// TODO(roth): Change this to return some indication as to whether the
// update has been accepted, so that we can indicate to the resolver
// whether it should go into backoff to retry the resolution.
virtual void UpdateLocked(UpdateArgs) = 0; // NOLINT
/// Tries to enter a READY connectivity state.
/// This is a no-op by default, since most LB policies never go into
/// IDLE state.
virtual void ExitIdleLocked() {}
/// Resets connection backoff.
virtual void ResetBackoffLocked() = 0;
grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties() const { return interested_parties_; }
// Note: This must be invoked while holding the work_serializer.
void Orphan() override;
// A picker that returns PickResult::Queue for all picks.
// Also calls the parent LB policy's ExitIdleLocked() method when the
// first pick is seen.
class QueuePicker : public SubchannelPicker {
explicit QueuePicker(RefCountedPtr<LoadBalancingPolicy> parent)
: parent_(std::move(parent)) {}
~QueuePicker() override { parent_.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "QueuePicker"); }
PickResult Pick(PickArgs args) override;
RefCountedPtr<LoadBalancingPolicy> parent_;
bool exit_idle_called_ = false;
// A picker that returns PickResult::Fail for all picks.
class TransientFailurePicker : public SubchannelPicker {
explicit TransientFailurePicker(absl::Status status) : status_(status) {}
PickResult Pick(PickArgs /*args*/) override {
return PickResult::Fail(status_);
absl::Status status_;
std::shared_ptr<WorkSerializer> work_serializer() const {
return work_serializer_;
// Note: LB policies MUST NOT call any method on the helper from their
// constructor.
ChannelControlHelper* channel_control_helper() const {
return channel_control_helper_.get();
/// Shuts down the policy.
virtual void ShutdownLocked() = 0;
/// Work Serializer under which LB policy actions take place.
std::shared_ptr<WorkSerializer> work_serializer_;
/// Owned pointer to interested parties in load balancing decisions.
grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties_;
/// Channel control helper.
std::unique_ptr<ChannelControlHelper> channel_control_helper_;
} // namespace grpc_core