Import gdbstub_arch-0.1.0 am: 52a992f950 am: e54eca01fa am: bd0fc1143e am: a481b6e84e

Original change:

Change-Id: I081d45dd2aaba0709cc95c8599fa6d075e9af13d
tree: c39c3a7ddb6c612daf46e1921f2ca6e98e1f56b1
  1. src/
  2. .cargo_vcs_info.json
  3. Cargo.toml
  4. Cargo.toml.orig


Community-contributed implementations of gdbstub::arch::Arch for various architectures.

Note: If an architecture is missing from this crate, that does not mean that it can't be used with gdbstub! So-long as there's support for the target architecture in GDB, it should be fairly straightforward to implement Arch manually.

Please consider upstreaming any missing Arch implementations you happen to implement yourself! Aside from the altruistic motive of improving gdbstub, upstreaming your Arch implementation will ensure that it's kept up-to-date with any future breaking API changes.

Disclaimer: These implementations are all community contributions, and while they are tested (by the PR's author) and code-reviewed, it's not particularly feasible to write detailed tests for each architecture! If you spot a bug in any of the implementations, please file an issue / open a PR!