Snap for 9867821 from 84b96d9a9aa725071a44fcfbb4531f6fe142bed8 to udc-release

Change-Id: Ie612475e5a69d2e8521abcdbeec694d75d6e760f
diff --git a/apps/ b/apps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19cdcfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/
@@ -0,0 +1,1207 @@
+# Copyright 2021-2023 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Imports
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import asyncio
+import enum
+import logging
+import os
+import struct
+import time
+import click
+from bumble.core import (
+    UUID,
+    CommandTimeoutError,
+from bumble.colors import color
+from bumble.device import Connection, ConnectionParametersPreferences, Device, Peer
+from bumble.gatt import Characteristic, CharacteristicValue, Service
+from bumble.hci import (
+    HCI_LE_1M_PHY,
+    HCI_LE_2M_PHY,
+    HCI_Constant,
+    HCI_Error,
+    HCI_StatusError,
+from bumble.sdp import (
+    DataElement,
+    ServiceAttribute,
+from bumble.transport import open_transport_or_link
+import bumble.rfcomm
+import bumble.core
+from bumble.utils import AsyncRunner
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Logging
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Constants
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SPEED_SERVICE_UUID = '50DB505C-8AC4-4738-8448-3B1D9CC09CC5'
+SPEED_TX_UUID = 'E789C754-41A1-45F4-A948-A0A1A90DBA53'
+SPEED_RX_UUID = '016A2CC7-E14B-4819-935F-1F56EAE4098D'
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Utils
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def parse_packet(packet):
+    if len(packet) < 1:
+        print(
+            color(f'!!! Packet too short (got {len(packet)} bytes, need >= 1)', 'red')
+        )
+        raise ValueError('packet too short')
+    try:
+        packet_type = PacketType(packet[0])
+    except ValueError:
+        print(color(f'!!! Invalid packet type 0x{packet[0]:02X}', 'red'))
+        raise
+    return (packet_type, packet[1:])
+def parse_packet_sequence(packet_data):
+    if len(packet_data) < 5:
+        print(
+            color(
+                f'!!!Packet too short (got {len(packet_data)} bytes, need >= 5)',
+                'red',
+            )
+        )
+        raise ValueError('packet too short')
+    return struct.unpack_from('>bI', packet_data, 0)
+def le_phy_name(phy_id):
+    return {HCI_LE_1M_PHY: '1M', HCI_LE_2M_PHY: '2M', HCI_LE_CODED_PHY: 'CODED'}.get(
+        phy_id, HCI_Constant.le_phy_name(phy_id)
+    )
+def print_connection(connection):
+    if connection.transport == BT_LE_TRANSPORT:
+        phy_state = (
+            'PHY='
+            f'RX:{le_phy_name(connection.phy.rx_phy)}/'
+            f'TX:{le_phy_name(connection.phy.tx_phy)}'
+        )
+        data_length = f'DL={connection.data_length}'
+        connection_parameters = (
+            'Parameters='
+            f'{connection.parameters.connection_interval * 1.25:.2f}/'
+            f'{connection.parameters.peripheral_latency}/'
+            f'{connection.parameters.supervision_timeout * 10} '
+        )
+    else:
+        phy_state = ''
+        data_length = ''
+        connection_parameters = ''
+    mtu = connection.att_mtu
+    print(
+        f'{color("@@@ Connection:", "yellow")} '
+        f'{connection_parameters} '
+        f'{data_length} '
+        f'{phy_state} '
+        f'MTU={mtu}'
+    )
+def make_sdp_records(channel):
+    return {
+        0x00010001: [
+            ServiceAttribute(
+                DataElement.unsigned_integer_32(0x00010001),
+            ),
+            ServiceAttribute(
+                DataElement.sequence([DataElement.uuid(SDP_PUBLIC_BROWSE_ROOT)]),
+            ),
+            ServiceAttribute(
+                DataElement.sequence(
+                    [DataElement.uuid(UUID('E6D55659-C8B4-4B85-96BB-B1143AF6D3AE'))]
+                ),
+            ),
+            ServiceAttribute(
+                DataElement.sequence(
+                    [
+                        DataElement.sequence([DataElement.uuid(BT_L2CAP_PROTOCOL_ID)]),
+                        DataElement.sequence(
+                            [
+                                DataElement.uuid(BT_RFCOMM_PROTOCOL_ID),
+                                DataElement.unsigned_integer_8(channel),
+                            ]
+                        ),
+                    ]
+                ),
+            ),
+        ]
+    }
+class PacketType(enum.IntEnum):
+    RESET = 0
+    SEQUENCE = 1
+    ACK = 2
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sender
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Sender:
+    def __init__(self, packet_io, start_delay, packet_size, packet_count):
+        self.tx_start_delay = start_delay
+        self.tx_packet_size = packet_size
+        self.tx_packet_count = packet_count
+        self.packet_io = packet_io
+        self.packet_io.packet_listener = self
+        self.start_time = 0
+        self.bytes_sent = 0
+        self.done = asyncio.Event()
+    def reset(self):
+        pass
+    async def run(self):
+        print(color('--- Waiting for I/O to be ready...', 'blue'))
+        await self.packet_io.ready.wait()
+        print(color('--- Go!', 'blue'))
+        if self.tx_start_delay:
+            print(color(f'*** Startup delay: {self.tx_start_delay}', 'blue'))
+            await asyncio.sleep(self.tx_start_delay)  # FIXME
+        print(color('=== Sending RESET', 'magenta'))
+        await self.packet_io.send_packet(bytes([PacketType.RESET]))
+        self.start_time = time.time()
+        for tx_i in range(self.tx_packet_count):
+            packet_flags = PACKET_FLAG_LAST if tx_i == self.tx_packet_count - 1 else 0
+            packet = struct.pack(
+                '>bbI',
+                PacketType.SEQUENCE,
+                packet_flags,
+                tx_i,
+            ) + bytes(self.tx_packet_size - 6)
+            print(color(f'Sending packet {tx_i}: {len(packet)} bytes', 'yellow'))
+            self.bytes_sent += len(packet)
+            await self.packet_io.send_packet(packet)
+        await self.done.wait()
+        print(color('=== Done!', 'magenta'))
+    def on_packet_received(self, packet):
+        try:
+            packet_type, _ = parse_packet(packet)
+        except ValueError:
+            return
+        if packet_type == PacketType.ACK:
+            elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time
+            average_tx_speed = self.bytes_sent / elapsed
+            print(
+                color(
+                    f'@@@ Received ACK. Speed: average={average_tx_speed:.4f}'
+                    f' ({self.bytes_sent} bytes in {elapsed:.2f} seconds)',
+                    'green',
+                )
+            )
+            self.done.set()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Receiver
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Receiver:
+    def __init__(self, packet_io):
+        self.reset()
+        self.packet_io = packet_io
+        self.packet_io.packet_listener = self
+        self.done = asyncio.Event()
+    def reset(self):
+        self.expected_packet_index = 0
+        self.start_timestamp = 0.0
+        self.last_timestamp = 0.0
+        self.bytes_received = 0
+    def on_packet_received(self, packet):
+        try:
+            packet_type, packet_data = parse_packet(packet)
+        except ValueError:
+            return
+        now = time.time()
+        if packet_type == PacketType.RESET:
+            print(color('=== Received RESET', 'magenta'))
+            self.reset()
+            self.start_timestamp = now
+            return
+        try:
+            packet_flags, packet_index = parse_packet_sequence(packet_data)
+        except ValueError:
+            return
+        print(
+            f'<<< Received packet {packet_index}: '
+            f'flags=0x{packet_flags:02X}, {len(packet)} bytes'
+        )
+        if packet_index != self.expected_packet_index:
+            print(
+                color(
+                    f'!!! Unexpected packet, expected {self.expected_packet_index} '
+                    f'but received {packet_index}'
+                )
+            )
+        elapsed_since_start = now - self.start_timestamp
+        elapsed_since_last = now - self.last_timestamp
+        self.bytes_received += len(packet)
+        instant_rx_speed = len(packet) / elapsed_since_last
+        average_rx_speed = self.bytes_received / elapsed_since_start
+        print(
+            color(
+                f'Speed: instant={instant_rx_speed:.4f}, average={average_rx_speed:.4f}',
+                'yellow',
+            )
+        )
+        self.last_timestamp = now
+        self.expected_packet_index = packet_index + 1
+        if packet_flags & PACKET_FLAG_LAST:
+            AsyncRunner.spawn(
+                self.packet_io.send_packet(
+                    struct.pack('>bbI', PacketType.ACK, packet_flags, packet_index)
+                )
+            )
+            print(color('@@@ Received last packet', 'green'))
+            self.done.set()
+    async def run(self):
+        await self.done.wait()
+        print(color('=== Done!', 'magenta'))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Ping
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Ping:
+    def __init__(self, packet_io, start_delay, packet_size, packet_count):
+        self.tx_start_delay = start_delay
+        self.tx_packet_size = packet_size
+        self.tx_packet_count = packet_count
+        self.packet_io = packet_io
+        self.packet_io.packet_listener = self
+        self.done = asyncio.Event()
+        self.current_packet_index = 0
+        self.ping_sent_time = 0.0
+        self.latencies = []
+    def reset(self):
+        pass
+    async def run(self):
+        print(color('--- Waiting for I/O to be ready...', 'blue'))
+        await self.packet_io.ready.wait()
+        print(color('--- Go!', 'blue'))
+        if self.tx_start_delay:
+            print(color(f'*** Startup delay: {self.tx_start_delay}', 'blue'))
+            await asyncio.sleep(self.tx_start_delay)  # FIXME
+        print(color('=== Sending RESET', 'magenta'))
+        await self.packet_io.send_packet(bytes([PacketType.RESET]))
+        await self.send_next_ping()
+        await self.done.wait()
+        average_latency = sum(self.latencies) / len(self.latencies)
+        print(color(f'@@@ Average latency: {average_latency:.2f}'))
+        print(color('=== Done!', 'magenta'))
+    async def send_next_ping(self):
+        packet = struct.pack(
+            '>bbI',
+            PacketType.SEQUENCE,
+            PACKET_FLAG_LAST
+            if self.current_packet_index == self.tx_packet_count - 1
+            else 0,
+            self.current_packet_index,
+        ) + bytes(self.tx_packet_size - 6)
+        print(color(f'Sending packet {self.current_packet_index}', 'yellow'))
+        self.ping_sent_time = time.time()
+        await self.packet_io.send_packet(packet)
+    def on_packet_received(self, packet):
+        elapsed = time.time() - self.ping_sent_time
+        try:
+            packet_type, packet_data = parse_packet(packet)
+        except ValueError:
+            return
+        try:
+            packet_flags, packet_index = parse_packet_sequence(packet_data)
+        except ValueError:
+            return
+        if packet_type == PacketType.ACK:
+            latency = elapsed * 1000
+            self.latencies.append(latency)
+            print(
+                color(
+                    f'<<< Received ACK [{packet_index}], latency={latency:.2f}ms',
+                    'green',
+                )
+            )
+            if packet_index == self.current_packet_index:
+                self.current_packet_index += 1
+            else:
+                print(
+                    color(
+                        f'!!! Unexpected packet, expected {self.current_packet_index} '
+                        f'but received {packet_index}'
+                    )
+                )
+        if packet_flags & PACKET_FLAG_LAST:
+            self.done.set()
+            return
+        AsyncRunner.spawn(self.send_next_ping())
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Pong
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Pong:
+    def __init__(self, packet_io):
+        self.reset()
+        self.packet_io = packet_io
+        self.packet_io.packet_listener = self
+        self.done = asyncio.Event()
+    def reset(self):
+        self.expected_packet_index = 0
+    def on_packet_received(self, packet):
+        try:
+            packet_type, packet_data = parse_packet(packet)
+        except ValueError:
+            return
+        if packet_type == PacketType.RESET:
+            print(color('=== Received RESET', 'magenta'))
+            self.reset()
+            return
+        try:
+            packet_flags, packet_index = parse_packet_sequence(packet_data)
+        except ValueError:
+            return
+        print(
+            color(
+                f'<<< Received packet {packet_index}: '
+                f'flags=0x{packet_flags:02X}, {len(packet)} bytes',
+                'green',
+            )
+        )
+        if packet_index != self.expected_packet_index:
+            print(
+                color(
+                    f'!!! Unexpected packet, expected {self.expected_packet_index} '
+                    f'but received {packet_index}'
+                )
+            )
+        self.expected_packet_index = packet_index + 1
+        AsyncRunner.spawn(
+            self.packet_io.send_packet(
+                struct.pack('>bbI', PacketType.ACK, packet_flags, packet_index)
+            )
+        )
+        if packet_flags & PACKET_FLAG_LAST:
+            self.done.set()
+    async def run(self):
+        await self.done.wait()
+        print(color('=== Done!', 'magenta'))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# GattClient
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class GattClient:
+    def __init__(self, _device, att_mtu=None):
+        self.att_mtu = att_mtu
+        self.speed_rx = None
+        self.speed_tx = None
+        self.packet_listener = None
+        self.ready = asyncio.Event()
+    async def on_connection(self, connection):
+        peer = Peer(connection)
+        if self.att_mtu:
+            print(color(f'*** Requesting MTU update: {self.att_mtu}', 'blue'))
+            await peer.request_mtu(self.att_mtu)
+        print(color('*** Discovering services...', 'blue'))
+        await peer.discover_services()
+        speed_services = peer.get_services_by_uuid(SPEED_SERVICE_UUID)
+        if not speed_services:
+            print(color('!!! Speed Service not found', 'red'))
+            return
+        speed_service = speed_services[0]
+        print(color('*** Discovering characteristics...', 'blue'))
+        await speed_service.discover_characteristics()
+        speed_txs = speed_service.get_characteristics_by_uuid(SPEED_TX_UUID)
+        if not speed_txs:
+            print(color('!!! Speed TX not found', 'red'))
+            return
+        self.speed_tx = speed_txs[0]
+        speed_rxs = speed_service.get_characteristics_by_uuid(SPEED_RX_UUID)
+        if not speed_rxs:
+            print(color('!!! Speed RX not found', 'red'))
+            return
+        self.speed_rx = speed_rxs[0]
+        print(color('*** Subscribing to RX', 'blue'))
+        await self.speed_rx.subscribe(self.on_packet_received)
+        print(color('*** Discovery complete', 'blue'))
+        connection.on('disconnection', self.on_disconnection)
+        self.ready.set()
+    def on_disconnection(self, _):
+        self.ready.clear()
+    def on_packet_received(self, packet):
+        if self.packet_listener:
+            self.packet_listener.on_packet_received(packet)
+    async def send_packet(self, packet):
+        await self.speed_tx.write_value(packet)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# GattServer
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class GattServer:
+    def __init__(self, device):
+        self.device = device
+        self.packet_listener = None
+        self.ready = asyncio.Event()
+        # Setup the GATT service
+        self.speed_tx = Characteristic(
+            SPEED_TX_UUID,
+            Characteristic.WRITE,
+            Characteristic.WRITEABLE,
+            CharacteristicValue(write=self.on_tx_write),
+        )
+        self.speed_rx = Characteristic(SPEED_RX_UUID, Characteristic.NOTIFY, 0)
+        speed_service = Service(
+            SPEED_SERVICE_UUID,
+            [self.speed_tx, self.speed_rx],
+        )
+        device.add_services([speed_service])
+        self.speed_rx.on('subscription', self.on_rx_subscription)
+    async def on_connection(self, connection):
+        connection.on('disconnection', self.on_disconnection)
+    def on_disconnection(self, _):
+        self.ready.clear()
+    def on_rx_subscription(self, _connection, notify_enabled, _indicate_enabled):
+        if notify_enabled:
+            print(color('*** RX subscription', 'blue'))
+            self.ready.set()
+        else:
+            print(color('*** RX un-subscription', 'blue'))
+            self.ready.clear()
+    def on_tx_write(self, _, value):
+        if self.packet_listener:
+            self.packet_listener.on_packet_received(value)
+    async def send_packet(self, packet):
+        await self.device.notify_subscribers(self.speed_rx, packet)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# StreamedPacketIO
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class StreamedPacketIO:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.packet_listener = None
+        self.io_sink = None
+        self.rx_packet = b''
+        self.rx_packet_header = b''
+        self.rx_packet_need = 0
+    def on_packet(self, packet):
+        while packet:
+            if self.rx_packet_need:
+                chunk = packet[: self.rx_packet_need]
+                self.rx_packet += chunk
+                packet = packet[len(chunk) :]
+                self.rx_packet_need -= len(chunk)
+                if not self.rx_packet_need:
+                    # Packet completed
+                    if self.packet_listener:
+                        self.packet_listener.on_packet_received(self.rx_packet)
+                    self.rx_packet = b''
+                    self.rx_packet_header = b''
+            else:
+                # Expect the next packet
+                header_bytes_needed = 2 - len(self.rx_packet_header)
+                header_bytes = packet[:header_bytes_needed]
+                self.rx_packet_header += header_bytes
+                if len(self.rx_packet_header) != 2:
+                    return
+                packet = packet[len(header_bytes) :]
+                self.rx_packet_need = struct.unpack('>H', self.rx_packet_header)[0]
+    async def send_packet(self, packet):
+        if not self.io_sink:
+            print(color('!!! No sink, dropping packet', 'red'))
+            return
+        # pylint: disable-next=not-callable
+        self.io_sink(struct.pack('>H', len(packet)) + packet)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# L2capClient
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class L2capClient(StreamedPacketIO):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        _device,
+        psm=DEFAULT_L2CAP_PSM,
+        max_credits=DEFAULT_L2CAP_MAX_CREDITS,
+        mtu=DEFAULT_L2CAP_MTU,
+        mps=DEFAULT_L2CAP_MPS,
+    ):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.psm = psm
+        self.max_credits = max_credits
+        self.mtu = mtu
+        self.mps = mps
+        self.ready = asyncio.Event()
+    async def on_connection(self, connection):
+        connection.on('disconnection', self.on_disconnection)
+        # Connect a new L2CAP channel
+        print(color(f'>>> Opening L2CAP channel on PSM = {self.psm}', 'yellow'))
+        try:
+            l2cap_channel = await connection.open_l2cap_channel(
+                psm=self.psm,
+                max_credits=self.max_credits,
+                mtu=self.mtu,
+                mps=self.mps,
+            )
+            print(color('*** L2CAP channel:', 'cyan'), l2cap_channel)
+        except Exception as error:
+            print(color(f'!!! Connection failed: {error}', 'red'))
+            return
+        l2cap_channel.sink = self.on_packet
+        l2cap_channel.on('close', self.on_l2cap_close)
+        self.io_sink = l2cap_channel.write
+        self.ready.set()
+    def on_disconnection(self, _):
+        pass
+    def on_l2cap_close(self):
+        print(color('*** L2CAP channel closed', 'red'))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# L2capServer
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class L2capServer(StreamedPacketIO):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        device,
+        psm=DEFAULT_L2CAP_PSM,
+        max_credits=DEFAULT_L2CAP_MAX_CREDITS,
+        mtu=DEFAULT_L2CAP_MTU,
+        mps=DEFAULT_L2CAP_MPS,
+    ):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.l2cap_channel = None
+        self.ready = asyncio.Event()
+        # Listen for incoming L2CAP CoC connections
+        device.register_l2cap_channel_server(
+            psm=psm,
+            server=self.on_l2cap_channel,
+            max_credits=max_credits,
+            mtu=mtu,
+            mps=mps,
+        )
+        print(color(f'### Listening for CoC connection on PSM {psm}', 'yellow'))
+    async def on_connection(self, connection):
+        connection.on('disconnection', self.on_disconnection)
+    def on_disconnection(self, _):
+        pass
+    def on_l2cap_channel(self, l2cap_channel):
+        print(color('*** L2CAP channel:', 'cyan'), l2cap_channel)
+        self.io_sink = l2cap_channel.write
+        l2cap_channel.on('close', self.on_l2cap_close)
+        l2cap_channel.sink = self.on_packet
+        self.ready.set()
+    def on_l2cap_close(self):
+        print(color('*** L2CAP channel closed', 'red'))
+        self.l2cap_channel = None
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# RfcommClient
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class RfcommClient(StreamedPacketIO):
+    def __init__(self, device):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.device = device
+        self.ready = asyncio.Event()
+    async def on_connection(self, connection):
+        connection.on('disconnection', self.on_disconnection)
+        # Create a client and start it
+        print(color('*** Starting RFCOMM client...', 'blue'))
+        rfcomm_client = bumble.rfcomm.Client(self.device, connection)
+        rfcomm_mux = await rfcomm_client.start()
+        print(color('*** Started', 'blue'))
+        channel = DEFAULT_RFCOMM_CHANNEL
+        print(color(f'### Opening session for channel {channel}...', 'yellow'))
+        try:
+            rfcomm_session = await rfcomm_mux.open_dlc(channel)
+            print(color('### Session open', 'yellow'), rfcomm_session)
+        except bumble.core.ConnectionError as error:
+            print(color(f'!!! Session open failed: {error}', 'red'))
+            await rfcomm_mux.disconnect()
+            return
+        rfcomm_session.sink = self.on_packet
+        self.io_sink = rfcomm_session.write
+        self.ready.set()
+    def on_disconnection(self, _):
+        pass
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# RfcommServer
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class RfcommServer(StreamedPacketIO):
+    def __init__(self, device):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.ready = asyncio.Event()
+        # Create and register a server
+        rfcomm_server = bumble.rfcomm.Server(device)
+        # Listen for incoming DLC connections
+        channel_number = rfcomm_server.listen(self.on_dlc, DEFAULT_RFCOMM_CHANNEL)
+        # Setup the SDP to advertise this channel
+        device.sdp_service_records = make_sdp_records(channel_number)
+        print(
+            color(
+                f'### Listening for RFComm connection on channel {channel_number}',
+                'yellow',
+            )
+        )
+    async def on_connection(self, connection):
+        connection.on('disconnection', self.on_disconnection)
+    def on_disconnection(self, _):
+        pass
+    def on_dlc(self, dlc):
+        print(color('*** DLC connected:', 'blue'), dlc)
+        dlc.sink = self.on_packet
+        self.io_sink = dlc.write
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Central
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Central(Connection.Listener):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        transport,
+        peripheral_address,
+        classic,
+        role_factory,
+        mode_factory,
+        connection_interval,
+        phy,
+    ):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.transport = transport
+        self.peripheral_address = peripheral_address
+        self.classic = classic
+        self.role_factory = role_factory
+        self.mode_factory = mode_factory
+        self.device = None
+        self.connection = None
+        if phy:
+            self.phy = {
+                '1m': HCI_LE_1M_PHY,
+                '2m': HCI_LE_2M_PHY,
+                'coded': HCI_LE_CODED_PHY,
+            }[phy]
+        else:
+            self.phy = None
+        if connection_interval:
+            connection_parameter_preferences = ConnectionParametersPreferences()
+            connection_parameter_preferences.connection_interval_min = (
+                connection_interval
+            )
+            connection_parameter_preferences.connection_interval_max = (
+                connection_interval
+            )
+            # Preferences for the 1M PHY are always set.
+            self.connection_parameter_preferences = {
+                HCI_LE_1M_PHY: connection_parameter_preferences,
+            }
+            if self.phy not in (None, HCI_LE_1M_PHY):
+                # Add an connections parameters entry for this PHY.
+                self.connection_parameter_preferences[
+                    self.phy
+                ] = connection_parameter_preferences
+        else:
+            self.connection_parameter_preferences = None
+    async def run(self):
+        print(color('>>> Connecting to HCI...', 'green'))
+        async with await open_transport_or_link(self.transport) as (
+            hci_source,
+            hci_sink,
+        ):
+            print(color('>>> Connected', 'green'))
+            central_address = DEFAULT_CENTRAL_ADDRESS
+            self.device = Device.with_hci(
+                DEFAULT_CENTRAL_NAME, central_address, hci_source, hci_sink
+            )
+            mode = self.mode_factory(self.device)
+            role = self.role_factory(mode)
+            self.device.classic_enabled = self.classic
+            await self.device.power_on()
+            print(color(f'### Connecting to {self.peripheral_address}...', 'cyan'))
+            try:
+                self.connection = await self.device.connect(
+                    self.peripheral_address,
+                    connection_parameters_preferences=self.connection_parameter_preferences,
+                    transport=BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT if self.classic else BT_LE_TRANSPORT,
+                )
+            except CommandTimeoutError:
+                print(color('!!! Connection timed out', 'red'))
+                return
+            except bumble.core.ConnectionError as error:
+                print(color(f'!!! Connection error: {error}', 'red'))
+                return
+            except HCI_StatusError as error:
+                print(color(f'!!! Connection failed: {error.error_name}'))
+                return
+            print(color('### Connected', 'cyan'))
+            self.connection.listener = self
+            print_connection(self.connection)
+            await mode.on_connection(self.connection)
+            # Set the PHY if requested
+            if self.phy is not None:
+                try:
+                    await self.connection.set_phy(
+                        tx_phys=[self.phy], rx_phys=[self.phy]
+                    )
+                except HCI_Error as error:
+                    print(
+                        color(
+                            f'!!! Unable to set the PHY: {error.error_name}', 'yellow'
+                        )
+                    )
+            await
+            await asyncio.sleep(DEFAULT_LINGER_TIME)
+    def on_disconnection(self, reason):
+        print(color(f'!!! Disconnection: reason={reason}', 'red'))
+        self.connection = None
+    def on_connection_parameters_update(self):
+        print_connection(self.connection)
+    def on_connection_phy_update(self):
+        print_connection(self.connection)
+    def on_connection_att_mtu_update(self):
+        print_connection(self.connection)
+    def on_connection_data_length_change(self):
+        print_connection(self.connection)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Peripheral
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Peripheral(Device.Listener, Connection.Listener):
+    def __init__(self, transport, classic, role_factory, mode_factory):
+        self.transport = transport
+        self.classic = classic
+        self.role_factory = role_factory
+        self.role = None
+        self.mode_factory = mode_factory
+        self.mode = None
+        self.device = None
+        self.connection = None
+        self.connected = asyncio.Event()
+    async def run(self):
+        print(color('>>> Connecting to HCI...', 'green'))
+        async with await open_transport_or_link(self.transport) as (
+            hci_source,
+            hci_sink,
+        ):
+            print(color('>>> Connected', 'green'))
+            peripheral_address = DEFAULT_PERIPHERAL_ADDRESS
+            self.device = Device.with_hci(
+                DEFAULT_PERIPHERAL_NAME, peripheral_address, hci_source, hci_sink
+            )
+            self.device.listener = self
+            self.mode = self.mode_factory(self.device)
+            self.role = self.role_factory(self.mode)
+            self.device.classic_enabled = self.classic
+            await self.device.power_on()
+            if self.classic:
+                await self.device.set_discoverable(True)
+                await self.device.set_connectable(True)
+            else:
+                await self.device.start_advertising(auto_restart=True)
+            if self.classic:
+                print(
+                    color(
+                        '### Waiting for connection on'
+                        f' {self.device.public_address}...',
+                        'cyan',
+                    )
+                )
+            else:
+                print(
+                    color(
+                        f'### Waiting for connection on {peripheral_address}...',
+                        'cyan',
+                    )
+                )
+            await self.connected.wait()
+            print(color('### Connected', 'cyan'))
+            await self.mode.on_connection(self.connection)
+            await
+            await asyncio.sleep(DEFAULT_LINGER_TIME)
+    def on_connection(self, connection):
+        connection.listener = self
+        self.connection = connection
+        self.connected.set()
+    def on_disconnection(self, reason):
+        print(color(f'!!! Disconnection: reason={reason}', 'red'))
+        self.connection = None
+        self.role.reset()
+    def on_connection_parameters_update(self):
+        print_connection(self.connection)
+    def on_connection_phy_update(self):
+        print_connection(self.connection)
+    def on_connection_att_mtu_update(self):
+        print_connection(self.connection)
+    def on_connection_data_length_change(self):
+        print_connection(self.connection)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def create_mode_factory(ctx, default_mode):
+    mode = ctx.obj['mode']
+    if mode is None:
+        mode = default_mode
+    def create_mode(device):
+        if mode == 'gatt-client':
+            return GattClient(device, att_mtu=ctx.obj['att_mtu'])
+        if mode == 'gatt-server':
+            return GattServer(device)
+        if mode == 'l2cap-client':
+            return L2capClient(device)
+        if mode == 'l2cap-server':
+            return L2capServer(device)
+        if mode == 'rfcomm-client':
+            return RfcommClient(device)
+        if mode == 'rfcomm-server':
+            return RfcommServer(device)
+        raise ValueError('invalid mode')
+    return create_mode
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def create_role_factory(ctx, default_role):
+    role = ctx.obj['role']
+    if role is None:
+        role = default_role
+    def create_role(packet_io):
+        if role == 'sender':
+            return Sender(
+                packet_io,
+                start_delay=ctx.obj['start_delay'],
+                packet_size=ctx.obj['packet_size'],
+                packet_count=ctx.obj['packet_count'],
+            )
+        if role == 'receiver':
+            return Receiver(packet_io)
+        if role == 'ping':
+            return Ping(
+                packet_io,
+                start_delay=ctx.obj['start_delay'],
+                packet_size=ctx.obj['packet_size'],
+                packet_count=ctx.obj['packet_count'],
+            )
+        if role == 'pong':
+            return Pong(packet_io)
+        raise ValueError('invalid role')
+    return create_role
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Main
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@click.option('--device-config', metavar='FILENAME', help='Device configuration file')
+@click.option('--role', type=click.Choice(['sender', 'receiver', 'ping', 'pong']))
+    '--mode',
+    type=click.Choice(
+        [
+            'gatt-client',
+            'gatt-server',
+            'l2cap-client',
+            'l2cap-server',
+            'rfcomm-client',
+            'rfcomm-server',
+        ]
+    ),
+    '--att-mtu',
+    metavar='MTU',
+    type=click.IntRange(23, 517),
+    help='GATT MTU (gatt-client mode)',
+    '--packet-size',
+    '-s',
+    metavar='SIZE',
+    type=click.IntRange(8, 4096),
+    default=500,
+    help='Packet size (server role)',
+    '--packet-count',
+    '-c',
+    metavar='COUNT',
+    type=int,
+    default=10,
+    help='Packet count (server role)',
+    '--start-delay',
+    '-sd',
+    metavar='SECONDS',
+    type=int,
+    default=1,
+    help='Start delay (server role)',
+def bench(
+    ctx, device_config, role, mode, att_mtu, packet_size, packet_count, start_delay
+    ctx.ensure_object(dict)
+    ctx.obj['device_config'] = device_config
+    ctx.obj['role'] = role
+    ctx.obj['mode'] = mode
+    ctx.obj['att_mtu'] = att_mtu
+    ctx.obj['packet_size'] = packet_size
+    ctx.obj['packet_count'] = packet_count
+    ctx.obj['start_delay'] = start_delay
+    ctx.obj['classic'] = mode in ('rfcomm-client', 'rfcomm-server')
+    '--peripheral',
+    'peripheral_address',
+    metavar='ADDRESS_OR_NAME',
+    help='Address or name to connect to',
+    '--connection-interval',
+    '--ci',
+    type=int,
+    help='Connection interval (in ms)',
+@click.option('--phy', type=click.Choice(['1m', '2m', 'coded']), help='PHY to use')
+def central(ctx, transport, peripheral_address, connection_interval, phy):
+    """Run as a central (initiates the connection)"""
+    role_factory = create_role_factory(ctx, 'sender')
+    mode_factory = create_mode_factory(ctx, 'gatt-client')
+    classic = ctx.obj['classic']
+        Central(
+            transport,
+            peripheral_address,
+            classic,
+            role_factory,
+            mode_factory,
+            connection_interval,
+            phy,
+        ).run()
+    )
+def peripheral(ctx, transport):
+    """Run as a peripheral (waits for a connection)"""
+    role_factory = create_role_factory(ctx, 'receiver')
+    mode_factory = create_mode_factory(ctx, 'gatt-server')
+        Peripheral(transport, ctx.obj['classic'], role_factory, mode_factory).run()
+    )
+def main():
+    logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get('BUMBLE_LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper())
+    bench()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
diff --git a/apps/ b/apps/
index b7c30c7..26223d7 100644
--- a/apps/
+++ b/apps/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 import os
 import random
 import re
+from typing import Optional
 from collections import OrderedDict
 import click
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@
 from bumble.utils import AsyncRunner
 from bumble.transport import open_transport_or_link
 from bumble.gatt import Characteristic, Service, CharacteristicDeclaration, Descriptor
+from bumble.gatt_client import CharacteristicProxy
 from bumble.hci import (
@@ -119,6 +121,8 @@
 # Console App
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class ConsoleApp:
+    connected_peer: Optional[Peer]
     def __init__(self):
         self.known_addresses = set()
         self.known_attributes = []
@@ -218,7 +222,7 @@
                     filter=Condition(lambda: self.top_tab == 'local-services'),
-                    Frame(Window(self.remote_services_text), title='Remove Services'),
+                    Frame(Window(self.remote_services_text), title='Remote Services'),
                     filter=Condition(lambda: self.top_tab == 'remote-services'),
@@ -490,7 +494,9 @@
-    def find_characteristic(self, param):
+    def find_characteristic(self, param) -> Optional[CharacteristicProxy]:
+        if not self.connected_peer:
+            return None
         parts = param.split('.')
         if len(parts) == 2:
             service_uuid = UUID(parts[0]) if parts[0] != '*' else None
diff --git a/apps/ b/apps/
index 9c9345e..4707983 100644
--- a/apps/
+++ b/apps/
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
+    HCI_Command_Complete_Event,
+    HCI_Command_Status_Event,
@@ -46,10 +48,19 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def command_succeeded(response):
+    if isinstance(response, HCI_Command_Status_Event):
+        return response.status == HCI_SUCCESS
+    if isinstance(response, HCI_Command_Complete_Event):
+        return response.return_parameters.status == HCI_SUCCESS
+    return False
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 async def get_classic_info(host):
     if host.supports_command(HCI_READ_BD_ADDR_COMMAND):
         response = await host.send_command(HCI_Read_BD_ADDR_Command())
-        if response.return_parameters.status == HCI_SUCCESS:
+        if command_succeeded(response):
                 color('Classic Address:', 'yellow'), response.return_parameters.bd_addr
@@ -57,7 +68,7 @@
     if host.supports_command(HCI_READ_LOCAL_NAME_COMMAND):
         response = await host.send_command(HCI_Read_Local_Name_Command())
-        if response.return_parameters.status == HCI_SUCCESS:
+        if command_succeeded(response):
                 color('Local Name:', 'yellow'),
@@ -73,7 +84,7 @@
         response = await host.send_command(
-        if response.return_parameters.status == HCI_SUCCESS:
+        if command_succeeded(response):
                 color('LE Number Of Supported Advertising Sets:', 'yellow'),
@@ -84,7 +95,7 @@
         response = await host.send_command(
-        if response.return_parameters.status == HCI_SUCCESS:
+        if command_succeeded(response):
                 color('LE Maximum Advertising Data Length:', 'yellow'),
@@ -93,7 +104,7 @@
     if host.supports_command(HCI_LE_READ_MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH_COMMAND):
         response = await host.send_command(HCI_LE_Read_Maximum_Data_Length_Command())
-        if response.return_parameters.status == HCI_SUCCESS:
+        if command_succeeded(response):
                 color('Maximum Data Length:', 'yellow'),
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 2a15f00..8311d18 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@
 # Imports
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 from __future__ import annotations
+import functools
 import struct
 from pyee import EventEmitter
 from typing import Dict, Type, TYPE_CHECKING
-from bumble.core import UUID, name_or_number
-from bumble.hci import HCI_Object, key_with_value
+from bumble.core import UUID, name_or_number, get_dict_key_by_value, ProtocolError
+from bumble.hci import HCI_Object, key_with_value, HCI_Constant
 from bumble.colors import color
@@ -184,13 +185,18 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Exceptions
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class ATT_Error(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, error_code, att_handle=0x0000):
-        self.error_code = error_code
+class ATT_Error(ProtocolError):
+    def __init__(self, error_code, att_handle=0x0000, message=''):
+        super().__init__(
+            error_code,
+            error_namespace='att',
+            error_name=ATT_PDU.error_name(error_code),
+        )
         self.att_handle = att_handle
+        self.message = message
     def __str__(self):
-        return f'ATT_Error({ATT_PDU.error_name(self.error_code)})'
+        return f'ATT_Error(error={self.error_name}, handle={self.att_handle:04X}): {self.message}'
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -725,11 +731,38 @@
+    }
+    @staticmethod
+    def string_to_permissions(permissions_str: str):
+        try:
+            return functools.reduce(
+                lambda x, y: x | get_dict_key_by_value(Attribute.PERMISSION_NAMES, y),
+                permissions_str.split(","),
+                0,
+            )
+        except TypeError:
+            raise TypeError(
+                f"Attribute::permissions error:\nExpected a string containing any of the keys, seperated by commas: {','.join(Attribute.PERMISSION_NAMES.values())}\nGot: {permissions_str}"
+            )
     def __init__(self, attribute_type, permissions, value=b''):
         self.handle = 0
         self.end_group_handle = 0
-        self.permissions = permissions
+        if isinstance(permissions, str):
+            self.permissions = self.string_to_permissions(permissions)
+        else:
+            self.permissions = permissions
         # Convert the type to a UUID object if it isn't already
         if isinstance(attribute_type, str):
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index da5d4cf..cd7de3d 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -21,7 +21,12 @@
 import random
 import struct
 from bumble.colors import color
-from bumble.core import BT_CENTRAL_ROLE, BT_PERIPHERAL_ROLE
+from bumble.core import (
 from bumble.hci import (
@@ -29,17 +34,21 @@
+    HCI_Connection_Complete_Event,
+    HCI_Connection_Request_Event,
@@ -47,7 +56,9 @@
+    HCI_Role_Change_Event,
+from typing import Optional, Union, Dict
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -65,13 +76,14 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class Connection:
-    def __init__(self, controller, handle, role, peer_address, link):
+    def __init__(self, controller, handle, role, peer_address, link, transport):
         self.controller = controller
         self.handle = handle
         self.role = role
         self.peer_address = peer_address = link
         self.assembler = HCI_AclDataPacketAssembler(self.on_acl_pdu)
+        self.transport = transport
     def on_hci_acl_data_packet(self, packet):
@@ -82,23 +94,33 @@
     def on_acl_pdu(self, data):
-                self.controller.random_address, self.peer_address, data
+                self.controller, self.peer_address, self.transport, data
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class Controller:
-    def __init__(self, name, host_source=None, host_sink=None, link=None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name,
+        host_source=None,
+        host_sink=None,
+        link=None,
+        public_address: Optional[Union[bytes, str, Address]] = None,
+    ): = name
         self.hci_sink = None = link
-        self.central_connections = (
-            {}
-        )  # Connections where this controller is the central
-        self.peripheral_connections = (
-            {}
-        )  # Connections where this controller is the peripheral
+        self.central_connections: Dict[
+            Address, Connection
+        ] = {}  # Connections where this controller is the central
+        self.peripheral_connections: Dict[
+            Address, Connection
+        ] = {}  # Connections where this controller is the peripheral
+        self.classic_connections: Dict[
+            Address, Connection
+        ] = {}  # Connections in BR/EDR
         self.hci_version = HCI_VERSION_BLUETOOTH_CORE_5_0
         self.hci_revision = 0
@@ -148,7 +170,14 @@
         self.advertising_timer_handle = None
         self._random_address = Address('00:00:00:00:00:00')
-        self._public_address = None
+        if isinstance(public_address, Address):
+            self._public_address = public_address
+        elif public_address is not None:
+            self._public_address = Address(
+                public_address, Address.PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS
+            )
+        else:
+            self._public_address = Address('00:00:00:00:00:00')
         # Set the source and sink interfaces
         if host_source:
@@ -271,7 +300,9 @@
         handle = 0
         max_handle = 0
         for connection in itertools.chain(
-            self.central_connections.values(), self.peripheral_connections.values()
+            self.central_connections.values(),
+            self.peripheral_connections.values(),
+            self.classic_connections.values(),
             max_handle = max(max_handle, connection.handle)
             if connection.handle == handle:
@@ -279,14 +310,19 @@
                 handle = max_handle + 1
         return handle
-    def find_connection_by_address(self, address):
+    def find_le_connection_by_address(self, address):
         return self.central_connections.get(address) or self.peripheral_connections.get(
+    def find_classic_connection_by_address(self, address):
+        return self.classic_connections.get(address)
     def find_connection_by_handle(self, handle):
         for connection in itertools.chain(
-            self.central_connections.values(), self.peripheral_connections.values()
+            self.central_connections.values(),
+            self.peripheral_connections.values(),
+            self.classic_connections.values(),
             if connection.handle == handle:
                 return connection
@@ -298,6 +334,12 @@
                 return connection
         return None
+    def find_classic_connection_by_handle(self, handle):
+        for connection in self.classic_connections.values():
+            if connection.handle == handle:
+                return connection
+        return None
     def on_link_central_connected(self, central_address):
         Called when an incoming connection occurs from a central on the link
@@ -310,7 +352,12 @@
         if connection is None:
             connection_handle = self.allocate_connection_handle()
             connection = Connection(
-                self, connection_handle, BT_PERIPHERAL_ROLE, peer_address,
+                self,
+                connection_handle,
+                BT_PERIPHERAL_ROLE,
+                peer_address,
+      ,
+                BT_LE_TRANSPORT,
             self.peripheral_connections[peer_address] = connection
             logger.debug(f'New PERIPHERAL connection handle: 0x{connection_handle:04X}')
@@ -364,7 +411,12 @@
             if connection is None:
                 connection_handle = self.allocate_connection_handle()
                 connection = Connection(
-                    self, connection_handle, BT_CENTRAL_ROLE, peer_address,
+                    self,
+                    connection_handle,
+                    BT_CENTRAL_ROLE,
+                    peer_address,
+          ,
+                    BT_LE_TRANSPORT,
                 self.central_connections[peer_address] = connection
@@ -432,16 +484,19 @@
     def on_link_encrypted(self, peer_address, _rand, _ediv, _ltk):
         # For now, just setup the encryption without asking the host
-        if connection := self.find_connection_by_address(peer_address):
+        if connection := self.find_le_connection_by_address(peer_address):
                     status=0, connection_handle=connection.handle, encryption_enabled=1
-    def on_link_acl_data(self, sender_address, data):
+    def on_link_acl_data(self, sender_address, transport, data):
         # Look for the connection to which this data belongs
-        connection = self.find_connection_by_address(sender_address)
+        if transport == BT_LE_TRANSPORT:
+            connection = self.find_le_connection_by_address(sender_address)
+        else:
+            connection = self.find_classic_connection_by_address(sender_address)
         if connection is None:
             logger.warning(f'!!! no connection for {sender_address}')
@@ -479,6 +534,87 @@
+    # Classic link connections
+    ############################################################
+    def on_classic_connection_request(self, peer_address, link_type):
+        self.send_hci_packet(
+            HCI_Connection_Request_Event(
+                bd_addr=peer_address,
+                class_of_device=0,
+                link_type=link_type,
+            )
+        )
+    def on_classic_connection_complete(self, peer_address, status):
+        if status == HCI_SUCCESS:
+            # Allocate (or reuse) a connection handle
+            peer_address = peer_address
+            connection = self.classic_connections.get(peer_address)
+            if connection is None:
+                connection_handle = self.allocate_connection_handle()
+                connection = Connection(
+                    controller=self,
+                    handle=connection_handle,
+                    # Role doesn't matter in Classic because they are managed by HCI_Role_Change and HCI_Role_Discovery
+                    role=BT_CENTRAL_ROLE,
+                    peer_address=peer_address,
+          ,
+                    transport=BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT,
+                )
+                self.classic_connections[peer_address] = connection
+                logger.debug(
+                    f'New CLASSIC connection handle: 0x{connection_handle:04X}'
+                )
+            else:
+                connection_handle = connection.handle
+            self.send_hci_packet(
+                HCI_Connection_Complete_Event(
+                    status=status,
+                    connection_handle=connection_handle,
+                    bd_addr=peer_address,
+                    encryption_enabled=False,
+                    link_type=HCI_Connection_Complete_Event.ACL_LINK_TYPE,
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            connection = None
+            self.send_hci_packet(
+                HCI_Connection_Complete_Event(
+                    status=status,
+                    connection_handle=0,
+                    bd_addr=peer_address,
+                    encryption_enabled=False,
+                    link_type=HCI_Connection_Complete_Event.ACL_LINK_TYPE,
+                )
+            )
+    def on_classic_disconnected(self, peer_address, reason):
+        # Send a disconnection complete event
+        if connection := self.classic_connections.get(peer_address):
+            self.send_hci_packet(
+                HCI_Disconnection_Complete_Event(
+                    status=HCI_SUCCESS,
+                    connection_handle=connection.handle,
+                    reason=reason,
+                )
+            )
+            # Remove the connection
+            del self.classic_connections[peer_address]
+        else:
+            logger.warning(f'!!! No classic connection found for {peer_address}')
+    def on_classic_role_change(self, peer_address, new_role):
+        self.send_hci_packet(
+            HCI_Role_Change_Event(
+                status=HCI_SUCCESS,
+                bd_addr=peer_address,
+                new_role=new_role,
+            )
+        )
+    ############################################################
     # Advertising support
     def on_advertising_timer_fired(self):
@@ -521,7 +657,31 @@
         See Bluetooth spec Vol 2, Part E - 7.1.5 Create Connection command
-        # TODO: classic mode not supported yet
+        if is None:
+            return
+        logger.debug(f'Connection request to {command.bd_addr}')
+        # Check that we don't already have a pending connection
+        if
+            self.send_hci_packet(
+                HCI_Command_Status_Event(
+                    status=HCI_CONTROLLER_BUSY_ERROR,
+                    num_hci_command_packets=1,
+                    command_opcode=command.op_code,
+                )
+            )
+            return
+, command.bd_addr)
+        # Say that the connection is pending
+        self.send_hci_packet(
+            HCI_Command_Status_Event(
+                status=HCI_COMMAND_STATUS_PENDING,
+                num_hci_command_packets=1,
+                command_opcode=command.op_code,
+            )
+        )
     def on_hci_disconnect_command(self, command):
@@ -537,19 +697,57 @@
         # Notify the link of the disconnection
-        if not (
-            connection := self.find_central_connection_by_handle(
-                command.connection_handle
-            )
-        ):
-            logger.warning('connection not found')
-            return
+        handle = command.connection_handle
+        if connection := self.find_central_connection_by_handle(handle):
+            if
+                    self.random_address, connection.peer_address, command
+                )
+            else:
+                # Remove the connection
+                del self.central_connections[connection.peer_address]
+        elif connection := self.find_classic_connection_by_handle(handle):
+            if
+                    self,
+                    connection.peer_address,
+                )
+            else:
+                # Remove the connection
+                del self.classic_connections[connection.peer_address]
-        if
-  , connection.peer_address, command)
-        else:
-            # Remove the connection
-            del self.central_connections[connection.peer_address]
+    def on_hci_accept_connection_request_command(self, command):
+        '''
+        See Bluetooth spec Vol 2, Part E - 7.1.8 Accept Connection Request command
+        '''
+        if is None:
+            return
+        self.send_hci_packet(
+            HCI_Command_Status_Event(
+                status=HCI_SUCCESS,
+                num_hci_command_packets=1,
+                command_opcode=command.op_code,
+            )
+        )
+, command.bd_addr, command.role)
+    def on_hci_switch_role_command(self, command):
+        '''
+        See Bluetooth spec Vol 2, Part E - 7.2.8 Switch Role command
+        '''
+        if is None:
+            return
+        self.send_hci_packet(
+            HCI_Command_Status_Event(
+                status=HCI_SUCCESS,
+                num_hci_command_packets=1,
+                command_opcode=command.op_code,
+            )
+        )
+, command.bd_addr, command.role)
     def on_hci_set_event_mask_command(self, command):
@@ -627,6 +825,12 @@
         return bytes([ret])
+    def on_hci_write_extended_inquiry_response_command(self, _command):
+        '''
+        See Bluetooth spec Vol 2, Part E - 7.3.59 Write Simple Pairing Mode Command
+        '''
+        return bytes([HCI_SUCCESS])
     def on_hci_write_simple_pairing_mode_command(self, _command):
         See Bluetooth spec Vol 2, Part E - 7.3.59 Write Simple Pairing Mode Command
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb70bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Constants
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# fmt: off
+WL = [-60, -30, 58, 172, 334, 538, 1198, 3042]
+RL42 = [0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
+ILB = [
+    2048,
+    2093,
+    2139,
+    2186,
+    2233,
+    2282,
+    2332,
+    2383,
+    2435,
+    2489,
+    2543,
+    2599,
+    2656,
+    2714,
+    2774,
+    2834,
+    2896,
+    2960,
+    3025,
+    3091,
+    3158,
+    3228,
+    3298,
+    3371,
+    3444,
+    3520,
+    3597,
+    3676,
+    3756,
+    3838,
+    3922,
+    4008,
+WH = [0, -214, 798]
+RH2 = [2, 1, 2, 1]
+# Values in QM2/QM4/QM6 left shift three bits than original g722 specification.
+QM2 = [-7408, -1616, 7408, 1616]
+QM4 = [
+    0,
+    -20456,
+    -12896,
+    -8968,
+    -6288,
+    -4240,
+    -2584,
+    -1200,
+    20456,
+    12896,
+    8968,
+    6288,
+    4240,
+    2584,
+    1200,
+    0,
+QM6 = [
+    -136,
+    -136,
+    -136,
+    -136,
+    -24808,
+    -21904,
+    -19008,
+    -16704,
+    -14984,
+    -13512,
+    -12280,
+    -11192,
+    -10232,
+    -9360,
+    -8576,
+    -7856,
+    -7192,
+    -6576,
+    -6000,
+    -5456,
+    -4944,
+    -4464,
+    -4008,
+    -3576,
+    -3168,
+    -2776,
+    -2400,
+    -2032,
+    -1688,
+    -1360,
+    -1040,
+    -728,
+    24808,
+    21904,
+    19008,
+    16704,
+    14984,
+    13512,
+    12280,
+    11192,
+    10232,
+    9360,
+    8576,
+    7856,
+    7192,
+    6576,
+    6000,
+    5456,
+    4944,
+    4464,
+    4008,
+    3576,
+    3168,
+    2776,
+    2400,
+    2032,
+    1688,
+    1360,
+    1040,
+    728,
+    432,
+    136,
+    -432,
+    -136,
+QMF_COEFFS = [3, -11, 12, 32, -210, 951, 3876, -805, 362, -156, 53, -11]
+# fmt: on
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Classes
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class G722Decoder(object):
+    """G.722 decoder with bitrate 64kbit/s.
+    For the Blocks in the sub-band decoders, please refer to the G.722
+    specification for the required information. G722 specification:
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._x = [0] * 24
+        self._band = [Band(), Band()]
+        # The initial value in BLOCK 3L
+        self._band[0].det = 32
+        # The initial value in BLOCK 3H
+        self._band[1].det = 8
+    def decode_frame(self, encoded_data) -> bytearray:
+        result_array = bytearray(len(encoded_data) * 4)
+        self.g722_decode(result_array, encoded_data)
+        return result_array
+    def g722_decode(self, result_array, encoded_data) -> int:
+        """Decode the data frame using g722 decoder."""
+        result_length = 0
+        for code in encoded_data:
+            higher_bits = (code >> 6) & 0x03
+            lower_bits = code & 0x3F
+            rlow = self.lower_sub_band_decoder(lower_bits)
+            rhigh = self.higher_sub_band_decoder(higher_bits)
+            # Apply the receive QMF
+            self._x[:22] = self._x[2:]
+            self._x[22] = rlow + rhigh
+            self._x[23] = rlow - rhigh
+            xout2 = sum(self._x[2 * i] * QMF_COEFFS[i] for i in range(12))
+            xout1 = sum(self._x[2 * i + 1] * QMF_COEFFS[11 - i] for i in range(12))
+            result_length = self.update_decoded_result(
+                xout1, result_length, result_array
+            )
+            result_length = self.update_decoded_result(
+                xout2, result_length, result_array
+            )
+        return result_length
+    def update_decoded_result(self, xout, byte_length, byte_array) -> int:
+        result = (int)(xout >> 11)
+        bytes_result = result.to_bytes(2, 'little', signed=True)
+        byte_array[byte_length] = bytes_result[0]
+        byte_array[byte_length + 1] = bytes_result[1]
+        return byte_length + 2
+    def lower_sub_band_decoder(self, lower_bits) -> int:
+        """Lower sub-band decoder for last six bits."""
+        # Block 5L
+        # INVQBL
+        wd1 = lower_bits
+        wd2 = QM6[wd1]
+        wd1 >>= 2
+        wd2 = (self._band[0].det * wd2) >> 15
+        # RECONS
+        rlow = self._band[0].s + wd2
+        # Block 6L
+        # LIMIT
+        if rlow > 16383:
+            rlow = 16383
+        elif rlow < -16384:
+            rlow = -16384
+        # Block 2L
+        # INVQAL
+        wd2 = QM4[wd1]
+        dlowt = (self._band[0].det * wd2) >> 15
+        # Block 3L
+        # LOGSCL
+        wd2 = RL42[wd1]
+        wd1 = (self._band[0].nb * 127) >> 7
+        wd1 += WL[wd2]
+        if wd1 < 0:
+            wd1 = 0
+        elif wd1 > 18432:
+            wd1 = 18432
+        self._band[0].nb = wd1
+        # SCALEL
+        wd1 = (self._band[0].nb >> 6) & 31
+        wd2 = 8 - (self._band[0].nb >> 11)
+        if wd2 < 0:
+            wd3 = ILB[wd1] << -wd2
+        else:
+            wd3 = ILB[wd1] >> wd2
+        self._band[0].det = wd3 << 2
+        # Block 4L
+        self._band[0].block4(dlowt)
+        return rlow
+    def higher_sub_band_decoder(self, higher_bits) -> int:
+        """Higher sub-band decoder for first two bits."""
+        # Block 2H
+        # INVQAH
+        wd2 = QM2[higher_bits]
+        dhigh = (self._band[1].det * wd2) >> 15
+        # Block 5H
+        # RECONS
+        rhigh = dhigh + self._band[1].s
+        # Block 6H
+        # LIMIT
+        if rhigh > 16383:
+            rhigh = 16383
+        elif rhigh < -16384:
+            rhigh = -16384
+        # Block 3H
+        # LOGSCH
+        wd2 = RH2[higher_bits]
+        wd1 = (self._band[1].nb * 127) >> 7
+        wd1 += WH[wd2]
+        if wd1 < 0:
+            wd1 = 0
+        elif wd1 > 22528:
+            wd1 = 22528
+        self._band[1].nb = wd1
+        # SCALEH
+        wd1 = (self._band[1].nb >> 6) & 31
+        wd2 = 10 - (self._band[1].nb >> 11)
+        if wd2 < 0:
+            wd3 = ILB[wd1] << -wd2
+        else:
+            wd3 = ILB[wd1] >> wd2
+        self._band[1].det = wd3 << 2
+        # Block 4H
+        self._band[1].block4(dhigh)
+        return rhigh
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Band(object):
+    """Structure for G722 decode proccessing."""
+    s: int = 0
+    nb: int = 0
+    det: int = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._sp = 0
+        self._sz = 0
+        self._r = [0] * 3
+        self._a = [0] * 3
+        self._ap = [0] * 3
+        self._p = [0] * 3
+        self._d = [0] * 7
+        self._b = [0] * 7
+        self._bp = [0] * 7
+        self._sg = [0] * 7
+    def saturate(self, amp: int) -> int:
+        if amp > 32767:
+            return 32767
+        elif amp < -32768:
+            return -32768
+        else:
+            return amp
+    def block4(self, d: int) -> None:
+        """Block4 for both lower and higher sub-band decoder."""
+        wd1 = 0
+        wd2 = 0
+        wd3 = 0
+        # RECONS
+        self._d[0] = d
+        self._r[0] = self.saturate(self.s + d)
+        # PARREC
+        self._p[0] = self.saturate(self._sz + d)
+        # UPPOL2
+        for i in range(3):
+            self._sg[i] = (self._p[i]) >> 15
+        wd1 = self.saturate((self._a[1]) << 2)
+        wd2 = -wd1 if self._sg[0] == self._sg[1] else wd1
+        if wd2 > 32767:
+            wd2 = 32767
+        wd3 = 128 if self._sg[0] == self._sg[2] else -128
+        wd3 += wd2 >> 7
+        wd3 += (self._a[2] * 32512) >> 15
+        if wd3 > 12288:
+            wd3 = 12288
+        elif wd3 < -12288:
+            wd3 = -12288
+        self._ap[2] = wd3
+        # UPPOL1
+        self._sg[0] = (self._p[0]) >> 15
+        self._sg[1] = (self._p[1]) >> 15
+        wd1 = 192 if self._sg[0] == self._sg[1] else -192
+        wd2 = (self._a[1] * 32640) >> 15
+        self._ap[1] = self.saturate(wd1 + wd2)
+        wd3 = self.saturate(15360 - self._ap[2])
+        if self._ap[1] > wd3:
+            self._ap[1] = wd3
+        elif self._ap[1] < -wd3:
+            self._ap[1] = -wd3
+        # UPZERO
+        wd1 = 0 if d == 0 else 128
+        self._sg[0] = d >> 15
+        for i in range(1, 7):
+            self._sg[i] = (self._d[i]) >> 15
+            wd2 = wd1 if self._sg[i] == self._sg[0] else -wd1
+            wd3 = (self._b[i] * 32640) >> 15
+            self._bp[i] = self.saturate(wd2 + wd3)
+        # DELAYA
+        for i in range(6, 0, -1):
+            self._d[i] = self._d[i - 1]
+            self._b[i] = self._bp[i]
+        for i in range(2, 0, -1):
+            self._r[i] = self._r[i - 1]
+            self._p[i] = self._p[i - 1]
+            self._a[i] = self._ap[i]
+        # FILTEP
+        self._sp = 0
+        for i in range(1, 3):
+            wd1 = self.saturate(self._r[i] + self._r[i])
+            self._sp += (self._a[i] * wd1) >> 15
+        self._sp = self.saturate(self._sp)
+        # FILTEZ
+        self._sz = 0
+        for i in range(6, 0, -1):
+            wd1 = self.saturate(self._d[i] + self._d[i])
+            self._sz += (self._b[i] * wd1) >> 15
+        self._sz = self.saturate(self._sz)
+        # PREDIC
+        self.s = self.saturate(self._sp + self._sz)
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 512bb1d..25fa099 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
@@ -94,10 +95,13 @@
+    HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Reply_Command,
+    HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Negative_Reply_Command,
+    HCI_Switch_Role_Command,
@@ -310,6 +314,9 @@
     def update(self, report):
         advertisement = Advertisement.from_advertising_report(report)
+        if advertisement is None:
+            return None
         result = None
         if advertisement.is_scan_response:
@@ -615,7 +622,9 @@
         assert self.transport == BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
         self.handle = handle
         self.peer_resolvable_address = peer_resolvable_address
-        self.role = role
+        # Quirk: role might be known before complete
+        if self.role is None:
+            self.role = role
         self.parameters = parameters
@@ -663,6 +672,9 @@
     async def encrypt(self, enable: bool = True) -> None:
         return await self.device.encrypt(self, enable)
+    async def switch_role(self, role: int) -> None:
+        return await self.device.switch_role(self, role)
     async def sustain(self, timeout=None):
         """Idles the current task waiting for a disconnect or timeout"""
@@ -739,6 +751,7 @@
         self.le_enabled = True
         # LE host enable 2nd parameter
         self.le_simultaneous_enabled = True
+        self.classic_enabled = False
         self.classic_sc_enabled = True
         self.classic_ssp_enabled = True
         self.classic_accept_any = True
@@ -768,6 +781,7 @@
         self.le_simultaneous_enabled = config.get(
             'le_simultaneous_enabled', self.le_simultaneous_enabled
+        self.classic_enabled = config.get('classic_enabled', self.classic_enabled)
         self.classic_sc_enabled = config.get(
             'classic_sc_enabled', self.classic_sc_enabled
@@ -979,6 +993,7 @@
         self.keystore = KeyStore.create_for_device(config)
         self.irk = config.irk
         self.le_enabled = config.le_enabled
+        self.classic_enabled = config.classic_enabled
         self.le_simultaneous_enabled = config.le_simultaneous_enabled
         self.classic_ssp_enabled = config.classic_ssp_enabled
         self.classic_sc_enabled = config.classic_sc_enabled
@@ -991,15 +1006,20 @@
             for characteristic in service.get("characteristics", []):
                 descriptors = []
                 for descriptor in characteristic.get("descriptors", []):
+                    # Leave this check until 5/25/2023
+                    if descriptor.get("permission", False):
+                        raise Exception(
+                            "Error parsing Device Config's GATT Services. The key 'permission' must be renamed to 'permissions'"
+                        )
                     new_descriptor = Descriptor(
-                        permissions=descriptor["permission"],
+                        permissions=descriptor["permissions"],
                 new_characteristic = Characteristic(
-                    permissions=int(characteristic["permissions"], 0),
+                    permissions=characteristic["permissions"],
@@ -1242,6 +1262,11 @@
         # Done
         self.powered_on = True
+    async def power_off(self) -> None:
+        if self.powered_on:
+            await
+            self.powered_on = False
     def supports_le_feature(self, feature):
@@ -1666,7 +1691,7 @@
                     if not phys:
-                        raise ValueError('least one supported PHY needed')
+                        raise ValueError('at least one supported PHY needed')
                     phy_count = len(phys)
                     initiating_phys = phy_list_to_bits(phys)
@@ -1807,7 +1832,7 @@
                     return await self.abort_on('flush', pending_connection)
-                except ConnectionError as error:
+                except core.ConnectionError as error:
                     raise core.TimeoutError() from error
             self.remove_listener('connection', on_connection)
@@ -2041,21 +2066,31 @@
     async def set_connection_phy(
         self, connection, tx_phys=None, rx_phys=None, phy_options=None
+        if not
+            logger.warning('ignoring request, command not supported')
+            return
         all_phys_bits = (1 if tx_phys is None else 0) | (
             (1 if rx_phys is None else 0) << 1
-        return await self.send_command(
+        result = await self.send_command(
                 phy_options=0 if phy_options is None else int(phy_options),
-            ),
-            check_result=True,
+            )
+        if result.status != HCI_COMMAND_STATUS_PENDING:
+            logger.warning(
+                'HCI_LE_Set_PHY_Command failed: '
+                f'{HCI_Constant.error_name(result.status)}'
+            )
+            raise HCI_StatusError(result)
     async def set_default_phy(self, tx_phys=None, rx_phys=None):
         all_phys_bits = (1 if tx_phys is None else 0) | (
             (1 if rx_phys is None else 0) << 1
@@ -2290,6 +2325,34 @@
     # [Classic only]
+    async def switch_role(self, connection: Connection, role: int):
+        pending_role_change = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
+        def on_role_change(new_role):
+            pending_role_change.set_result(new_role)
+        def on_role_change_failure(error_code):
+            pending_role_change.set_exception(HCI_Error(error_code))
+        connection.on('role_change', on_role_change)
+        connection.on('role_change_failure', on_role_change_failure)
+        try:
+            result = await self.send_command(
+                HCI_Switch_Role_Command(bd_addr=connection.peer_address, role=role)  # type: ignore[call-arg]
+            )
+            if result.status != HCI_COMMAND_STATUS_PENDING:
+                logger.warning(
+                    'HCI_Switch_Role_Command failed: '
+                    f'{HCI_Constant.error_name(result.status)}'
+                )
+                raise HCI_StatusError(result)
+            await connection.abort_on('disconnection', pending_role_change)
+        finally:
+            connection.remove_listener('role_change', on_role_change)
+            connection.remove_listener('role_change_failure', on_role_change_failure)
+    # [Classic only]
     async def request_remote_name(self, remote: Union[Address, Connection]) -> str:
         # Set up event handlers
         pending_name = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
@@ -2494,7 +2557,7 @@
             self.advertising = False
         # Notify listeners
-        error = ConnectionError(
+        error = core.ConnectionError(
@@ -2567,7 +2630,7 @@
     def on_disconnection_failure(self, connection, error_code):
         logger.debug(f'*** Disconnection failed: {error_code}')
-        error = ConnectionError(
+        error = core.ConnectionError(
@@ -2765,6 +2828,54 @@
     # [Classic only]
+    def on_pin_code_request(self, connection):
+        # classic legacy pairing
+        # Ask what the pairing config should be for this connection
+        pairing_config = self.pairing_config_factory(connection)
+        can_input = pairing_config.delegate.io_capability in (
+        )
+        # respond the pin code
+        if can_input:
+            async def get_pin_code():
+                pin_code = await connection.abort_on(
+                    'disconnection', pairing_config.delegate.get_string(16)
+                )
+                if pin_code is not None:
+                    pin_code = bytes(pin_code, encoding='utf-8')
+                    pin_code_len = len(pin_code)
+                    assert 0 < pin_code_len <= 16, "pin_code should be 1-16 bytes"
+                    await
+                        HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Reply_Command(
+                            bd_addr=connection.peer_address,
+                            pin_code_length=pin_code_len,
+                            pin_code=pin_code,
+                        )
+                    )
+                else:
+                    logger.debug("delegate.get_string() returned None")
+                    await
+                        HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Negative_Reply_Command(
+                            bd_addr=connection.peer_address
+                        )
+                    )
+            asyncio.create_task(get_pin_code())
+        else:
+                HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Negative_Reply_Command(
+                    bd_addr=connection.peer_address
+                )
+            )
+    # [Classic only]
+    @host_event_handler
+    @with_connection_from_address
     def on_authentication_user_passkey_notification(self, connection, passkey):
         # Ask what the pairing config should be for this connection
         pairing_config = self.pairing_config_factory(connection)
@@ -2776,7 +2887,7 @@
     # [Classic only]
-    def on_remote_name(self, connection, address, remote_name):
+    def on_remote_name(self, connection: Connection, address, remote_name):
         # Try to decode the name
             remote_name = remote_name.decode('utf-8')
@@ -2794,7 +2905,7 @@
     # [Classic only]
-    def on_remote_name_failure(self, connection, address, error):
+    def on_remote_name_failure(self, connection: Connection, address, error):
         if connection:
             connection.emit('remote_name_failure', error)
         self.emit('remote_name_failure', address, error)
@@ -2905,6 +3016,21 @@
+    # [Classic only]
+    @host_event_handler
+    @with_connection_from_address
+    def on_role_change(self, connection, new_role):
+        connection.role = new_role
+        connection.emit('role_change', new_role)
+    # [Classic only]
+    @host_event_handler
+    @try_with_connection_from_address
+    def on_role_change_failure(self, connection, address, error):
+        if connection:
+            connection.emit('role_change_failure', error)
+        self.emit('role_change_failure', address, error)
     def on_pairing_start(self, connection):
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 2fd7573..25add18 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Imports
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import annotations
 import asyncio
 import logging
 import struct
+from typing import List, Optional
 from pyee import EventEmitter
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@
+    ATT_Error,
 from . import core
 from .core import UUID, InvalidStateError, ProtocolError
@@ -59,6 +62,7 @@
+    Service,
@@ -73,6 +77,8 @@
 # Proxies
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class AttributeProxy(EventEmitter):
+    client: Client
     def __init__(self, client, handle, end_group_handle, attribute_type):
         self.client = client
@@ -101,6 +107,9 @@
 class ServiceProxy(AttributeProxy):
+    uuid: UUID
+    characteristics: List[CharacteristicProxy]
     def from_client(service_class, client, service_uuid):
         # The service and its characteristics are considered to have already been
@@ -130,6 +139,8 @@
 class CharacteristicProxy(AttributeProxy):
+    descriptors: List[DescriptorProxy]
     def __init__(self, client, handle, end_group_handle, uuid, properties):
         super().__init__(client, handle, end_group_handle, uuid)
         self.uuid = uuid
@@ -201,6 +212,8 @@
 # GATT Client
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class Client:
+    services: List[ServiceProxy]
     def __init__(self, connection):
         self.connection = connection
         self.mtu_exchange_done = False
@@ -306,7 +319,7 @@
         if not already_known:
-    async def discover_services(self, uuids=None):
+    async def discover_services(self, uuids=None) -> List[ServiceProxy]:
         See Vol 3, Part G - 4.4.1 Discover All Primary Services
@@ -332,8 +345,10 @@
                         '!!! unexpected error while discovering services: '
-                    # TODO raise appropriate exception
-                    return
+                    raise ATT_Error(
+                        error_code=response.error_code,
+                        message='Unexpected error while discovering services',
+                    )
             for (
@@ -349,7 +364,7 @@
                         f'bogus handle values: {attribute_handle} {end_group_handle}'
-                    return
+                    return []
                 # Create a service proxy for this service
                 service = ServiceProxy(
@@ -452,7 +467,9 @@
         # TODO
         return []
-    async def discover_characteristics(self, uuids, service):
+    async def discover_characteristics(
+        self, uuids, service: Optional[ServiceProxy]
+    ) -> List[CharacteristicProxy]:
         See Vol 3, Part G - 4.6.1 Discover All Characteristics of a Service and 4.6.2
         Discover Characteristics by UUID
@@ -465,12 +482,12 @@
         services = [service] if service else
         # Perform characteristic discovery for each service
-        discovered_characteristics = []
+        discovered_characteristics: List[CharacteristicProxy] = []
         for service in services:
             starting_handle = service.handle
             ending_handle = service.end_group_handle
-            characteristics = []
+            characteristics: List[CharacteristicProxy] = []
             while starting_handle <= ending_handle:
                 response = await self.send_request(
@@ -491,8 +508,10 @@
                             '!!! unexpected error while discovering characteristics: '
-                        # TODO raise appropriate exception
-                        return
+                        raise ATT_Error(
+                            error_code=response.error_code,
+                            message='Unexpected error while discovering characteristics',
+                        )
                 # Stop if for some reason the list was empty
@@ -535,8 +554,11 @@
         return discovered_characteristics
     async def discover_descriptors(
-        self, characteristic=None, start_handle=None, end_handle=None
-    ):
+        self,
+        characteristic: Optional[CharacteristicProxy] = None,
+        start_handle=None,
+        end_handle=None,
+    ) -> List[DescriptorProxy]:
         See Vol 3, Part G - 4.7.1 Discover All Characteristic Descriptors
@@ -549,7 +571,7 @@
             return []
-        descriptors = []
+        descriptors: List[DescriptorProxy] = []
         while starting_handle <= ending_handle:
             response = await self.send_request(
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index d82f273..3a5953a 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
                 length=entry_size, attribute_data_list=b''.join(attribute_data_list)
-            logging.warning(f"not found {request}")
+            logging.debug(f"not found {request}")
         self.send_response(connection, response)
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index bcab7a7..9b5793d 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@
             elif field_type == -2:
                 # 16-bit signed
                 field_value = struct.unpack_from('<h', data, offset)[0]
-                offset += 1
+                offset += 2
             elif field_type == 3:
                 # 24-bit unsigned
                 padded = data[offset : offset + 3] + bytes([0])
@@ -2099,6 +2099,24 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    fields=[
+        ('bd_addr', Address.parse_address),
+        ('pin_code_length', 1),
+        ('pin_code', 16),
+    ],
+    return_parameters_fields=[
+        ('status', STATUS_SPEC),
+        ('bd_addr', Address.parse_address),
+    ],
+class HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Reply_Command(HCI_Command):
+    '''
+    See Bluetooth spec @ 7.1.12 PIN Code Request Reply Command
+    '''
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     fields=[('bd_addr', Address.parse_address)],
         ('status', STATUS_SPEC),
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 87ec610..9e05c8c 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -24,7 +24,10 @@
 from bumble.l2cap import L2CAP_PDU
 from bumble.snoop import Snooper
+from typing import Optional
 from .hci import (
+    Address,
@@ -53,7 +56,6 @@
-    HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Negative_Reply_Command,
@@ -142,6 +144,24 @@
         if controller_sink:
+    def find_connection_by_bd_addr(
+        self,
+        bd_addr: Address,
+        transport: Optional[int] = None,
+        check_address_type: bool = False,
+    ) -> Optional[Connection]:
+        for connection in self.connections.values():
+            if connection.peer_address.to_bytes() == bd_addr.to_bytes():
+                if (
+                    check_address_type
+                    and connection.peer_address.address_type != bd_addr.address_type
+                ):
+                    continue
+                if transport is None or connection.transport == transport:
+                    return connection
+        return None
     async def flush(self) -> None:
         # Make sure no command is pending
         await self.command_semaphore.acquire()
@@ -276,7 +296,7 @@
     def send_hci_packet(self, packet):
         if self.snooper:
-            self.snooper.snoop(packet, Snooper.Direction.HOST_TO_CONTROLLER)
+            self.snooper.snoop(bytes(packet), Snooper.Direction.HOST_TO_CONTROLLER)
@@ -425,7 +445,7 @@
         logger.debug(f'{color("### CONTROLLER -> HOST", "green")}: {packet}')
         if self.snooper:
-            self.snooper.snoop(packet, Snooper.Direction.CONTROLLER_TO_HOST)
+            self.snooper.snoop(bytes(packet), Snooper.Direction.CONTROLLER_TO_HOST)
         # If the packet is a command, invoke the handler for this packet
         if packet.hci_packet_type == HCI_COMMAND_PACKET:
@@ -719,12 +739,17 @@
                 f'role change for {event.bd_addr}: '
-            # TODO: lookup the connection and update the role
+            if connection := self.find_connection_by_bd_addr(
+                event.bd_addr, BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+            ):
+                connection.role = event.new_role
+            self.emit('role_change', event.bd_addr, event.new_role)
                 f'role change for {event.bd_addr} failed: '
+            self.emit('role_change_failure', event.bd_addr, event.status)
     def on_hci_le_data_length_change_event(self, event):
@@ -794,11 +819,7 @@
     def on_hci_pin_code_request_event(self, event):
-        # For now, just refuse all requests
-        # TODO: delegate the decision
-        self.send_command_sync(
-            HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Negative_Reply_Command(bd_addr=event.bd_addr)
-        )
+        self.emit('pin_code_request', event.bd_addr)
     def on_hci_link_key_request_event(self, event):
         async def send_link_key():
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 2610adc..ef7fdab 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -796,6 +796,11 @@
         self.disconnection_result = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
         return await self.disconnection_result
+    def abort(self):
+        if self.state == self.OPEN:
+            self.change_state(self.CLOSED)
+            self.emit('close')
     def send_configure_request(self):
         options = L2CAP_Control_Frame.encode_configuration_options(
@@ -1105,6 +1110,10 @@
         self.disconnection_result = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
         return await self.disconnection_result
+    def abort(self):
+        if self.state == self.CONNECTED:
+            self.change_state(self.DISCONNECTED)
     def on_pdu(self, pdu):
         if self.sink is None:
             logger.warning('received pdu without a sink')
@@ -1492,8 +1501,12 @@
     def on_disconnection(self, connection_handle, _reason):
         logger.debug(f'disconnection from {connection_handle}, cleaning up channels')
         if connection_handle in self.channels:
+            for _, channel in self.channels[connection_handle].items():
+                channel.abort()
             del self.channels[connection_handle]
         if connection_handle in self.le_coc_channels:
+            for _, channel in self.le_coc_channels[connection_handle].items():
+                channel.abort()
             del self.le_coc_channels[connection_handle]
         if connection_handle in self.identifiers:
             del self.identifiers[connection_handle]
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 82dd9db..85ad96e 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -19,12 +19,15 @@
 import asyncio
 from functools import partial
 from bumble.colors import color
 from bumble.hci import (
+    HCI_Connection_Complete_Event,
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -57,6 +60,11 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.controllers = set()
         self.pending_connection = None
+        self.pending_classic_connection = None
+    ############################################################
+    # Common utils
+    ############################################################
     def add_controller(self, controller):
         logger.debug(f'new controller: {controller}')
@@ -71,22 +79,39 @@
                 return controller
         return None
-    def on_address_changed(self, controller):
-        pass
+    def find_classic_controller(self, address):
+        for controller in self.controllers:
+            if controller.public_address == address:
+                return controller
+        return None
     def get_pending_connection(self):
         return self.pending_connection
+    ############################################################
+    # LE handlers
+    ############################################################
+    def on_address_changed(self, controller):
+        pass
     def send_advertising_data(self, sender_address, data):
         # Send the advertising data to all controllers, except the sender
         for controller in self.controllers:
             if controller.random_address != sender_address:
                 controller.on_link_advertising_data(sender_address, data)
-    def send_acl_data(self, sender_address, destination_address, data):
+    def send_acl_data(self, sender_controller, destination_address, transport, data):
         # Send the data to the first controller with a matching address
-        if controller := self.find_controller(destination_address):
-            controller.on_link_acl_data(sender_address, data)
+        if transport == BT_LE_TRANSPORT:
+            destination_controller = self.find_controller(destination_address)
+            source_address = sender_controller.random_address
+        elif transport == BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT:
+            destination_controller = self.find_classic_controller(destination_address)
+            source_address = sender_controller.public_address
+        if destination_controller is not None:
+            destination_controller.on_link_acl_data(source_address, transport, data)
     def on_connection_complete(self):
         # Check that we expect this call
@@ -163,6 +188,89 @@
         if peripheral_controller := self.find_controller(peripheral_address):
             peripheral_controller.on_link_encrypted(central_address, rand, ediv, ltk)
+    ############################################################
+    # Classic handlers
+    ############################################################
+    def classic_connect(self, initiator_controller, responder_address):
+        logger.debug(
+            f'[Classic] {initiator_controller.public_address} connects to {responder_address}'
+        )
+        responder_controller = self.find_classic_controller(responder_address)
+        if responder_controller is None:
+            initiator_controller.on_classic_connection_complete(
+                responder_address, HCI_PAGE_TIMEOUT_ERROR
+            )
+            return
+        self.pending_classic_connection = (initiator_controller, responder_controller)
+        responder_controller.on_classic_connection_request(
+            initiator_controller.public_address,
+            HCI_Connection_Complete_Event.ACL_LINK_TYPE,
+        )
+    def classic_accept_connection(
+        self, responder_controller, initiator_address, responder_role
+    ):
+        logger.debug(
+            f'[Classic] {responder_controller.public_address} accepts to connect {initiator_address}'
+        )
+        initiator_controller = self.find_classic_controller(initiator_address)
+        if initiator_controller is None:
+            responder_controller.on_classic_connection_complete(
+                responder_controller.public_address, HCI_PAGE_TIMEOUT_ERROR
+            )
+            return
+        async def task():
+            if responder_role != BT_PERIPHERAL_ROLE:
+                initiator_controller.on_classic_role_change(
+                    responder_controller.public_address, int(not (responder_role))
+                )
+            initiator_controller.on_classic_connection_complete(
+                responder_controller.public_address, HCI_SUCCESS
+            )
+        asyncio.create_task(task())
+        responder_controller.on_classic_role_change(
+            initiator_controller.public_address, responder_role
+        )
+        responder_controller.on_classic_connection_complete(
+            initiator_controller.public_address, HCI_SUCCESS
+        )
+        self.pending_classic_connection = None
+    def classic_disconnect(self, initiator_controller, responder_address, reason):
+        logger.debug(
+            f'[Classic] {initiator_controller.public_address} disconnects {responder_address}'
+        )
+        responder_controller = self.find_classic_controller(responder_address)
+        async def task():
+            initiator_controller.on_classic_disconnected(responder_address, reason)
+        asyncio.create_task(task())
+        responder_controller.on_classic_disconnected(
+            initiator_controller.public_address, reason
+        )
+    def classic_switch_role(
+        self, initiator_controller, responder_address, initiator_new_role
+    ):
+        responder_controller = self.find_classic_controller(responder_address)
+        if responder_controller is None:
+            return
+        async def task():
+            initiator_controller.on_classic_role_change(
+                responder_address, initiator_new_role
+            )
+        asyncio.create_task(task())
+        responder_controller.on_classic_role_change(
+            initiator_controller.public_address, int(not (initiator_new_role))
+        )
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class RemoteLink:
@@ -200,6 +308,9 @@
     def get_pending_connection(self):
         return self.pending_connection
+    def get_pending_classic_connection(self):
+        return self.pending_classic_connection
     async def wait_until_connected(self):
         await self.websocket
@@ -366,7 +477,8 @@
     async def send_acl_data_to_relay(self, peer_address, data):
         await self.send_targeted_message(peer_address, f'acl:{data.hex()}')
-    def send_acl_data(self, _, peer_address, data):
+    def send_acl_data(self, _, peer_address, _transport, data):
+        # TODO: handle different transport
         self.execute(partial(self.send_acl_data_to_relay, peer_address, data))
     async def send_connection_request_to_relay(self, peer_address):
diff --git a/bumble/profiles/ b/bumble/profiles/
index fabaa28..1b1e93a 100644
--- a/bumble/profiles/
+++ b/bumble/profiles/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import logging
 from typing import List
 from ..core import AdvertisingData
+from ..device import Device, Connection
 from ..gatt import (
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
-from ..device import Device
+from ..utils import AsyncRunner
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Logging
@@ -55,16 +56,16 @@
         self.hisyncid = hisyncid
         self.capability = capability  # Device Capabilities [Left, Monaural]
         self.device = device
-        self.emitted_data_name = 'ASHA_data_' + str(self.capability)
         self.audio_out_data = b''
         self.psm = psm  # a non-zero psm is mainly for testing purpose
         # Handler for volume control
-        def on_volume_write(_connection, value):
+        def on_volume_write(connection, value):
   '--- VOLUME Write:{value[0]}')
+            self.emit('volume', connection, value[0])
         # Handler for audio control commands
-        def on_audio_control_point_write(_connection, value):
+        def on_audio_control_point_write(connection: Connection, value):
   '--- AUDIO CONTROL POINT Write:{value.hex()}')
             opcode = value[0]
             if opcode == AshaService.OPCODE_START:
@@ -76,14 +77,29 @@
                     f'volume={value[3]}, '
+                self.emit(
+                    'start',
+                    connection,
+                    {
+                        'codec': value[1],
+                        'audiotype': value[2],
+                        'volume': value[3],
+                        'otherstate': value[4],
+                    },
+                )
             elif opcode == AshaService.OPCODE_STOP:
       '### STOP')
+                self.emit('stop', connection)
             elif opcode == AshaService.OPCODE_STATUS:
       '### STATUS: connected={value[1]}')
-            # TODO Respond with a status
-            # asyncio.create_task(device.notify_subscribers(audio_status_characteristic,
-            # force=True))
+            # OPCODE_STATUS does not need audio status point update
+            if opcode != AshaService.OPCODE_STATUS:
+                AsyncRunner.spawn(
+                    device.notify_subscribers(
+                        self.audio_status_characteristic, force=True
+                    )
+                )
         self.read_only_properties_characteristic = Characteristic(
@@ -126,7 +142,7 @@
             def on_data(data):
                 logging.debug(f'<<< data received:{data}')
-                self.emit(self.emitted_data_name, data)
+                self.emit('data', channel.connection, data)
                 self.audio_out_data += data
             channel.sink = on_data
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index a6b02ba..dbb2795 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -852,17 +852,27 @@
         # Register ourselves with the L2CAP channel manager
         device.register_l2cap_server(RFCOMM_PSM, self.on_connection)
-    def listen(self, acceptor):
-        # Find a free channel number
-        for channel in range(
-        ):
-            if channel not in self.acceptors:
-                self.acceptors[channel] = acceptor
-                return channel
+    def listen(self, acceptor, channel=0):
+        if channel:
+            if channel in self.acceptors:
+                # Busy
+                return 0
+        else:
+            # Find a free channel number
+            for candidate in range(
+            ):
+                if candidate not in self.acceptors:
+                    channel = candidate
+                    break
-        # All channels used...
-        return 0
+            if channel == 0:
+                # All channels used...
+                return 0
+        self.acceptors[channel] = acceptor
+        return channel
     def on_connection(self, l2cap_channel):
         logger.debug(f'+++ new L2CAP connection: {l2cap_channel}')
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 9a72cb0..1714743 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -522,9 +522,19 @@
     async def compare_numbers(self, number: int, digits: int) -> bool:
         return True
-    async def get_number(self) -> int:
+    async def get_number(self) -> Optional[int]:
+        '''
+        Returns an optional number as an answer to a passkey request.
+        Returning `None` will result in a negative reply.
+        '''
         return 0
+    async def get_string(self, max_length) -> Optional[str]:
+        '''
+        Returns a string whose utf-8 encoding is up to max_length bytes.
+        '''
+        return None
     # pylint: disable-next=unused-argument
     async def display_number(self, number: int, digits: int) -> None:
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 359fa38..4b331d2 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -15,12 +15,21 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Imports
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from contextlib import contextmanager
 from enum import IntEnum
+import logging
 import struct
 import datetime
-from typing import BinaryIO
+from typing import BinaryIO, Generator
+import os
-from bumble.hci import HCI_Packet, HCI_COMMAND_PACKET, HCI_EVENT_PACKET
+from bumble.hci import HCI_COMMAND_PACKET, HCI_EVENT_PACKET
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Logging
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -44,7 +53,7 @@
         HCI_BSCP = 1003
         H5 = 1004
-    def snoop(self, hci_packet: HCI_Packet, direction: Direction) -> None:
+    def snoop(self, hci_packet: bytes, direction: Direction) -> None:
         """Snoop on an HCI packet."""
@@ -67,9 +76,10 @@
             self.IDENTIFICATION_PATTERN + struct.pack('>LL', 1, self.DataLinkType.H4)
-    def snoop(self, hci_packet: HCI_Packet, direction: Snooper.Direction) -> None:
+    def snoop(self, hci_packet: bytes, direction: Snooper.Direction) -> None:
         flags = int(direction)
-        if hci_packet.hci_packet_type in (HCI_EVENT_PACKET, HCI_COMMAND_PACKET):
+        packet_type = hci_packet[0]
+        if packet_type in (HCI_EVENT_PACKET, HCI_COMMAND_PACKET):
             flags |= 0x10
         # Compute the current timestamp
@@ -79,15 +89,82 @@
         # Emit the record
-        packet_data = bytes(hci_packet)
-                len(packet_data),  # Original Length
-                len(packet_data),  # Included Length
+                len(hci_packet),  # Original Length
+                len(hci_packet),  # Included Length
                 flags,  # Packet Flags
                 0,  # Cumulative Drops
                 timestamp,  # Timestamp
-            + packet_data
+            + hci_packet
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def create_snooper(spec: str) -> Generator[Snooper, None, None]:
+    """
+    Create a snooper given a specification string.
+    The general syntax for the specification string is:
+      <snooper-type>:<type-specific-arguments>
+    Supported snooper types are:
+      btsnoop
+        The syntax for the type-specific arguments for this type is:
+        <io-type>:<io-type-specific-arguments>
+        Supported I/O types are:
+        file
+          The type-specific arguments for this I/O type is a string that is converted
+          to a file path using the python `str.format()` string formatting. The log
+          records will be written to that file if it can be opened/created.
+          The keyword args that may be referenced by the string pattern are:
+            now: the value of ``
+            utcnow: the value of `datetime.utcnow()`
+            pid: the current process ID.
+            instance: the instance ID in the current process.
+    Examples:
+      btsnoop:file:my_btsnoop.log
+      btsnoop:file:/tmp/bumble_{now:%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S}_{pid}.log
+    """
+    if ':' not in spec:
+        raise ValueError('snooper type prefix missing')
+    snooper_type, snooper_args = spec.split(':', maxsplit=1)
+    if snooper_type == 'btsnoop':
+        if ':' not in snooper_args:
+            raise ValueError('I/O type for btsnoop snooper type missing')
+        io_type, io_name = snooper_args.split(':', maxsplit=1)
+        if io_type == 'file':
+            # Process the file name string pattern.
+            global _SNOOPER_INSTANCE_COUNT
+            file_path = io_name.format(
+      ,
+                utcnow=datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
+                pid=os.getpid(),
+                instance=_SNOOPER_INSTANCE_COUNT,
+            )
+            # Open the file
+            logger.debug(f'Snoop file: {file_path}')
+            with open(file_path, 'wb') as snoop_file:
+                _SNOOPER_INSTANCE_COUNT += 1
+                yield BtSnooper(snoop_file)
+                _SNOOPER_INSTANCE_COUNT -= 1
+                return
+        raise ValueError(f'I/O type {io_type} not supported')
+    raise ValueError(f'snooper type {snooper_type} not found')
diff --git a/bumble/transport/ b/bumble/transport/
index 8a93ed7..2d4600f 100644
--- a/bumble/transport/
+++ b/bumble/transport/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2021-2022 Google LLC
+# Copyright 2021-2023 Google LLC
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Imports
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
 import logging
+import os
-from .common import Transport, AsyncPipeSink
+from .common import Transport, AsyncPipeSink, SnoopingTransport
 from ..controller import Controller
+from ..snoop import create_snooper
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Logging
@@ -27,13 +30,52 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _wrap_transport(transport: Transport) -> Transport:
+    """
+    Automatically wrap a Transport instance when a wrapping class can be inferred
+    from the environment.
+    If no wrapping class is applicable, the transport argument is returned as-is.
+    """
+    # If BUMBLE_SNOOPER is set, try to automatically create a snooper.
+    if snooper_spec := os.getenv('BUMBLE_SNOOPER'):
+        try:
+            return SnoopingTransport.create_with(
+                transport, create_snooper(snooper_spec)
+            )
+        except Exception as exc:
+            logger.warning(f'Exception while creating snooper: {exc}')
+    return transport
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 async def open_transport(name: str) -> Transport:
-    '''
+    """
     Open a transport by name.
     The name must be <type>:<parameters>
     Where <parameters> depend on the type (and may be empty for some types).
-    The supported types are: serial,udp,tcp,pty,usb
-    '''
+    The supported types are:
+      * serial
+      * udp
+      * tcp-client
+      * tcp-server
+      * ws-client
+      * ws-server
+      * pty
+      * file
+      * vhci
+      * hci-socket
+      * usb
+      * pyusb
+      * android-emulator
+    """
+    return _wrap_transport(await _open_transport(name))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+async def _open_transport(name: str) -> Transport:
     # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
     # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
@@ -107,7 +149,18 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-async def open_transport_or_link(name):
+async def open_transport_or_link(name: str) -> Transport:
+    """
+    Open a transport or a link relay.
+    Args:
+      name:
+        Name of the transport or link relay to open.
+        When the name starts with "link-relay:", open a link relay (see RemoteLink
+        for details on what the arguments are).
+        For other namespaces, see `open_transport`.
+    """
     if name.startswith('link-relay:'):
         from import RemoteLink  # lazy import
@@ -119,6 +172,6 @@
             async def close(self):
-        return LinkTransport(controller, AsyncPipeSink(controller))
+        return _wrap_transport(LinkTransport(controller, AsyncPipeSink(controller)))
     return await open_transport(name)
diff --git a/bumble/transport/ b/bumble/transport/
index 945ba4b..05a1fb5 100644
--- a/bumble/transport/
+++ b/bumble/transport/
@@ -15,12 +15,16 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Imports
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import annotations
+import contextlib
 import struct
 import asyncio
 import logging
+from typing import ContextManager
 from .. import hci
 from ..colors import color
+from ..snoop import Snooper
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -246,6 +250,20 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class Transport:
+    """
+    Base class for all transports.
+    A Transport represents a source and a sink together.
+    An instance must be closed by calling close() when no longer used. Instances
+    implement the ContextManager protocol so that they may be used in a `async with`
+    statement.
+    An instance is iterable. The iterator yields, in order, its source and sink, so
+    that it may be used with a convenient call syntax like:
+    async with create_transport() as (source, sink):
+        ...
+    """
     def __init__(self, source, sink):
         self.source = source
         self.sink = sink
@@ -335,3 +353,60 @@
     async def close(self):
         await super().close()
         await self.close_function()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class SnoopingTransport(Transport):
+    """Transport wrapper that snoops on packets to/from a wrapped transport."""
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_with(
+        transport: Transport, snooper: ContextManager[Snooper]
+    ) -> SnoopingTransport:
+        """
+        Create an instance given a snooper that works as as context manager.
+        The returned instance will exit the snooper context when it is closed.
+        """
+        with contextlib.ExitStack() as exit_stack:
+            return SnoopingTransport(
+                transport, exit_stack.enter_context(snooper), exit_stack.pop_all().close
+            )
+        raise RuntimeError('unexpected code path')  # Satisfy the type checker
+    class Source:
+        def __init__(self, source, snooper):
+            self.source = source
+            self.snooper = snooper
+            self.sink = None
+        def set_packet_sink(self, sink):
+            self.sink = sink
+            self.source.set_packet_sink(self)
+        def on_packet(self, packet):
+            self.snooper.snoop(packet, Snooper.Direction.CONTROLLER_TO_HOST)
+            if self.sink:
+                self.sink.on_packet(packet)
+    class Sink:
+        def __init__(self, sink, snooper):
+            self.sink = sink
+            self.snooper = snooper
+        def on_packet(self, packet):
+            self.snooper.snoop(packet, Snooper.Direction.HOST_TO_CONTROLLER)
+            if self.sink:
+                self.sink.on_packet(packet)
+    def __init__(self, transport, snooper, close_snooper=None):
+        super().__init__(
+            self.Source(transport.source, snooper), self.Sink(transport.sink, snooper)
+        )
+        self.transport = transport
+        self.close_snooper = close_snooper
+    async def close(self):
+        await self.transport.close()
+        if self.close_snooper:
+            self.close_snooper()
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 474fff2..8a55684 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import traceback
 import collections
 import sys
-from typing import Awaitable, TypeVar
+from typing import Awaitable, Set, TypeVar
 from functools import wraps
 from pyee import EventEmitter
@@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
     # Shared default queue
     default_queue = WorkQueue()
+    # Shared set of running tasks
+    running_tasks: Set[Awaitable] = set()
     def run_in_task(queue=None):
@@ -187,6 +190,19 @@
         return decorator
+    @staticmethod
+    def spawn(coroutine):
+        """
+        Spawn a task to run a coroutine in a "fire and forget" mode.
+        Using this method instead of just calling `asyncio.create_task(coroutine)`
+        is necessary when you don't keep a reference to the task, because `asyncio`
+        only keeps weak references to alive tasks.
+        """
+        task = asyncio.create_task(coroutine)
+        AsyncRunner.running_tasks.add(task)
+        task.add_done_callback(AsyncRunner.running_tasks.remove)
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class FlowControlAsyncPipe:
diff --git a/docs/mkdocs/mkdocs.yml b/docs/mkdocs/mkdocs.yml
index 8cabd0c..0ddc982 100644
--- a/docs/mkdocs/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/docs/mkdocs/mkdocs.yml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   - Apps & Tools:
     - Overview: apps_and_tools/
     - Console: apps_and_tools/
-    - Link Relay: apps_and_tools/
+    - Bench: apps_and_tools/
     - HCI Bridge: apps_and_tools/
     - Golden Gate Bridge: apps_and_tools/
     - Show: apps_and_tools/
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
     - Pair: apps_and_tools/
     - Unbond: apps_and_tools/
     - USB Probe: apps_and_tools/
+    - Link Relay: apps_and_tools/
   - Hardware:
     - Overview: hardware/
   - Platforms:
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
   - Examples:
     - Overview: examples/
-copyright: Copyright 2021-2022 Google LLC
+copyright: Copyright 2021-2023 Google LLC
   name: 'material'
diff --git a/docs/mkdocs/src/apps_and_tools/ b/docs/mkdocs/src/apps_and_tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db785d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/mkdocs/src/apps_and_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+The "bench" tool implements a number of different ways of measuring the
+throughput and/or latency between two devices.
+# General Usage
+  --device-config FILENAME        Device configuration file
+  --role [sender|receiver|ping|pong]
+  --mode [gatt-client|gatt-server|l2cap-client|l2cap-server|rfcomm-client|rfcomm-server]
+  --att-mtu MTU                   GATT MTU (gatt-client mode)  [23<=x<=517]
+  -s, --packet-size SIZE          Packet size (server role)  [8<=x<=4096]
+  -c, --packet-count COUNT        Packet count (server role)
+  -sd, --start-delay SECONDS      Start delay (server role)
+  --help                          Show this message and exit.
+  central     Run as a central (initiates the connection)
+  peripheral  Run as a peripheral (waits for a connection)
+## Options for the ``central`` Command
+Usage: bumble-bench central [OPTIONS] TRANSPORT
+  Run as a central (initiates the connection)
+  --peripheral ADDRESS_OR_NAME    Address or name to connect to
+  --connection-interval, --ci CONNECTION_INTERVAL
+                                  Connection interval (in ms)
+  --phy [1m|2m|coded]             PHY to use
+  --help                          Show this message and exit.
+To test once device against another, one of the two devices must be running 
+the ``peripheral`` command and the other the ``central`` command. The device
+running the ``peripheral`` command will accept connections from the device
+running the ``central`` command.
+When using Bluetooth LE (all modes except for ``rfcomm-server`` and ``rfcomm-client``utils),
+the default addresses configured in the tool should be sufficient. But when using 
+Bluetooth Classic, the address of the Peripheral must be specified on the Central 
+using the ``--peripheral`` option. The address will be printed by the Peripheral when
+it starts.
+Independently of whether the device is the Central or Peripheral, each device selects a
+``mode`` and and ``role`` to run as. The ``mode`` and ``role`` of the Central and Peripheral
+must be compatible.
+Device 1 mode     | Device 2 mode
+``gatt-client``   | ``gatt-server``
+``l2cap-client``  | ``l2cap-server``
+``rfcomm-client`` | ``rfcomm-server``
+Device 1 role | Device 2 role
+``sender``    | ``receiver``
+``ping``      | ``pong``
+# Examples
+In the following examples, we have two USB Bluetooth controllers, one on `usb:0` and
+the other on `usb:1`, and two consoles/terminals. We will run a command in each.
+!!! example "GATT Throughput"
+    Using the default mode and role for the Central and Peripheral.
+    In the first console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench peripheral usb:0
+    ```
+    In the second console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench central usb:1
+    ```
+    In this default configuration, the Central runs a Sender, as a GATT client, 
+    connecting to the Peripheral running a Receiver, as a GATT server.
+!!! example "L2CAP Throughput"
+    In the first console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode l2cap-server peripheral usb:0
+    ```
+    In the second console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode l2cap-client central usb:1
+    ```
+!!! example "RFComm Throughput"
+    In the first console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode rfcomm-server peripheral usb:0
+    ```
+    NOTE: the BT address of the Peripheral will be printed out, use it with the
+    ``--peripheral`` option for the Central.
+    In this example, we use a larger packet size and packet count than the default.
+    In the second console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode rfcomm-client --packet-size 2000 --packet-count 100 central --peripheral 00:16:A4:5A:40:F2 usb:1
+    ```
+!!! example "Ping/Pong Latency"
+    In the first console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --role pong peripheral usb:0
+    ```
+    In the second console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --role ping central usb:1
+    ```
+!!! example "Reversed modes with GATT and custom connection interval"
+    In the first console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode gatt-client peripheral usb:0
+    ```
+    In the second console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode gatt-server central --ci 10 usb:1
+    ```
+!!! example "Reversed modes with L2CAP and custom PHY"
+    In the first console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode l2cap-client peripheral usb:0
+    ```
+    In the second console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode l2cap-server central --phy 2m usb:1
+    ```
+!!! example "Reversed roles with L2CAP"
+    In the first console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode l2cap-client --role sender peripheral usb:0
+    ```
+    In the second console/terminal:
+    ```
+    $ bumble-bench --mode l2cap-server --role receiver central usb:1
+    ```
diff --git a/docs/mkdocs/src/apps_and_tools/ b/docs/mkdocs/src/apps_and_tools/
index f588738..fe7af56 100644
--- a/docs/mkdocs/src/apps_and_tools/
+++ b/docs/mkdocs/src/apps_and_tools/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 These include:
   * [Console]( - an interactive text-based console
+  * [Bench]( - Speed and Latency benchmarking between two devices (LE and Classic)
   * [Pair]( - Pair/bond two devices (LE and Classic)
   * [Unbond]( - Remove a previously established bond
   * [HCI Bridge]( - a HCI transport bridge to connect two HCI transports and filter/snoop the HCI packets
diff --git a/docs/mkdocs/src/ b/docs/mkdocs/src/
index fb1e155..c81f7ff 100644
--- a/docs/mkdocs/src/
+++ b/docs/mkdocs/src/
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 eventually added. Support for BLE is therefore currently somewhat more advanced than for Classic.
 !!! warning
-    This project is still very much experimental and in an alpha state where a lot of things are still missing or broken, and what's there changes frequently.
-    Also, there are still a few hardcoded values/parameters in some of the examples and apps which need to be changed (those will eventually be command line arguments, as appropriate)
+    This project is still in an early state of development where some things are still missing or broken, and what's implemented may change and evolve frequently.
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index ef3dbdf..0a4aae3 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
     bumble-unbond = bumble.apps.unbond:main
     bumble-usb-probe = bumble.apps.usb_probe:main
     bumble-link-relay = bumble.apps.link_relay.link_relay:main
+    bumble-bench = bumble.apps.bench:main
 * = py.typed, *.pyi
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
 development =
     black == 22.10
     invoke >= 1.7.3
-    mypy == 0.991
+    mypy == 1.1.1
     nox >= 2022
     pylint == 2.15.8
     types-appdirs >= 1.4.3
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e499531..92f7915 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import pytest
 from bumble.controller import Controller
+from bumble.core import BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
 from import LocalLink
 from bumble.device import Device
 from import Host
@@ -58,18 +59,19 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.connections = [None, None]
+        addresses = ['F0:F1:F2:F3:F4:F5', 'F5:F4:F3:F2:F1:F0'] = LocalLink()
         self.controllers = [
-            Controller('C1',,
-            Controller('C2',,
+            Controller('C1',, public_address=addresses[0]),
+            Controller('C2',, public_address=addresses[1]),
         self.devices = [
-                address='F0:F1:F2:F3:F4:F5',
+                address=addresses[0],
                 host=Host(self.controllers[0], AsyncPipeSink(self.controllers[0])),
-                address='F5:F4:F3:F2:F1:F0',
+                address=addresses[1],
                 host=Host(self.controllers[1], AsyncPipeSink(self.controllers[1])),
@@ -79,6 +81,9 @@
     def on_connection(self, which, connection):
         self.connections[which] = connection
+    def on_paired(self, which, keys):
+        self.paired[which] = keys
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -94,12 +99,21 @@
         'connection', lambda connection: two_devices.on_connection(1, connection)
+    # Enable Classic connections
+    two_devices.devices[0].classic_enabled = True
+    two_devices.devices[1].classic_enabled = True
     # Start
     await two_devices.devices[0].power_on()
     await two_devices.devices[1].power_on()
     # Connect the two devices
-    await two_devices.devices[0].connect(two_devices.devices[1].random_address)
+    await asyncio.gather(
+        two_devices.devices[0].connect(
+            two_devices.devices[1].public_address, transport=BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+        ),
+        two_devices.devices[1].accept(two_devices.devices[0].public_address),
+    )
     # Check the post conditions
     assert two_devices.connections[0] is not None
@@ -152,6 +166,9 @@
 async def test_source_sink_1():
     two_devices = TwoDevices()
+    # Enable Classic connections
+    two_devices.devices[0].classic_enabled = True
+    two_devices.devices[1].classic_enabled = True
     await two_devices.devices[0].power_on()
     await two_devices.devices[1].power_on()
@@ -171,9 +188,16 @@
     listener = Listener(Listener.create_registrar(two_devices.devices[1]))
     listener.on('connection', on_avdtp_connection)
-    connection = await two_devices.devices[0].connect(
-        two_devices.devices[1].random_address
-    )
+    async def make_connection():
+        connections = await asyncio.gather(
+            two_devices.devices[0].connect(
+                two_devices.devices[1].public_address, BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+            ),
+            two_devices.devices[1].accept(two_devices.devices[0].public_address),
+        )
+        return connections[0]
+    connection = await make_connection()
     client = await Protocol.connect(connection)
     endpoints = await client.discover_remote_endpoints()
     assert len(endpoints) == 1
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3be2c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Imports
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import hashlib
+import os
+from bumble.decoder import G722Decoder
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_decode_file():
+    decoder = G722Decoder()
+    output_bytes = bytearray()
+    with open(
+        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'g722_sample.g722'), 'rb'
+    ) as file:
+        file_content =
+        frame_length = 80
+        data_length = int(len(file_content) / frame_length)
+        for i in range(0, data_length):
+            decoded_data = decoder.decode_frame(
+                file_content[i * frame_length : i * frame_length + frame_length]
+            )
+            output_bytes.extend(decoded_data)
+        result = hashlib.md5(output_bytes).hexdigest()
+        assert result == 'b58e0cdd012d12f5633fc796c3b0fbd4'
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_decode_file()
diff --git a/tests/g722_sample.g722 b/tests/g722_sample.g722
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..432cd6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/g722_sample.g722
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 2473623..70bbdb8 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -37,10 +37,12 @@
+    Descriptor,
 from bumble.transport import AsyncPipeSink
 from bumble.core import UUID
 from bumble.att import (
+    Attribute,
@@ -862,6 +864,29 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_attribute_string_to_permissions():
+    assert Attribute.string_to_permissions('READABLE') == 1
+    assert Attribute.string_to_permissions('WRITEABLE') == 2
+    assert Attribute.string_to_permissions('READABLE,WRITEABLE') == 3
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_charracteristic_permissions():
+    characteristic = Characteristic(
+        'FDB159DB-036C-49E3-B3DB-6325AC750806',
+        Characteristic.READ | Characteristic.WRITE | Characteristic.NOTIFY,
+    )
+    assert characteristic.permissions == 3
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_descriptor_permissions():
+    descriptor = Descriptor('2902', 'READABLE,WRITEABLE')
+    assert descriptor.permissions == 3
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get('BUMBLE_LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper())
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 14e5182..af68e86 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
+    HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Reply_Command,
@@ -213,6 +214,23 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Reply_Command():
+    pin_code = b'1234'
+    pin_code_length = len(pin_code)
+    # here to make the test pass, we need to
+    # pad pin_code, as HCI_Object.format_fields
+    # does not do it for us
+    padded_pin_code = pin_code + bytes(16 - pin_code_length)
+    command = HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Reply_Command(
+        bd_addr=Address(
+            '00:11:22:33:44:55', address_type=Address.PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS
+        ),
+        pin_code_length=pin_code_length,
+        pin_code=padded_pin_code,
+    )
+    basic_check(command)
 def test_HCI_Reset_Command():
     command = HCI_Reset_Command()
@@ -440,6 +458,7 @@
 def run_test_commands():
+    test_HCI_PIN_Code_Request_Reply_Command()
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 751825f..d6b16ec 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import pytest
 from bumble.controller import Controller
 from import LocalLink
 from bumble.device import Device, Peer
 from import Host
@@ -47,18 +48,19 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.connections = [None, None]
+        addresses = ['F0:F1:F2:F3:F4:F5', 'F5:F4:F3:F2:F1:F0'] = LocalLink()
         self.controllers = [
-            Controller('C1',,
-            Controller('C2',,
+            Controller('C1',, public_address=addresses[0]),
+            Controller('C2',, public_address=addresses[1]),
         self.devices = [
-                address='F0:F1:F2:F3:F4:F5',
+                address=addresses[0],
                 host=Host(self.controllers[0], AsyncPipeSink(self.controllers[0])),
-                address='F5:F4:F3:F2:F1:F0',
+                address=addresses[1],
                 host=Host(self.controllers[1], AsyncPipeSink(self.controllers[1])),
@@ -100,6 +102,60 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    'responder_role,',
+async def test_self_classic_connection(responder_role):
+    # Create two devices, each with a controller, attached to the same link
+    two_devices = TwoDevices()
+    # Attach listeners
+    two_devices.devices[0].on(
+        'connection', lambda connection: two_devices.on_connection(0, connection)
+    )
+    two_devices.devices[1].on(
+        'connection', lambda connection: two_devices.on_connection(1, connection)
+    )
+    # Enable Classic connections
+    two_devices.devices[0].classic_enabled = True
+    two_devices.devices[1].classic_enabled = True
+    # Start
+    await two_devices.devices[0].power_on()
+    await two_devices.devices[1].power_on()
+    # Connect the two devices
+    await asyncio.gather(
+        two_devices.devices[0].connect(
+            two_devices.devices[1].public_address, transport=BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+        ),
+        two_devices.devices[1].accept(
+            two_devices.devices[0].public_address, responder_role
+        ),
+    )
+    # Check the post conditions
+    assert two_devices.connections[0] is not None
+    assert two_devices.connections[1] is not None
+    # Check the role
+    assert two_devices.connections[0].role != responder_role
+    assert two_devices.connections[1].role == responder_role
+    # Role switch
+    await two_devices.connections[0].switch_role(responder_role)
+    # Check the role
+    assert two_devices.connections[0].role == responder_role
+    assert two_devices.connections[1].role != responder_role
+    await two_devices.connections[0].disconnect()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 async def test_self_gatt():
     # Create two devices, each with a controller, attached to the same link
     two_devices = TwoDevices()
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c0069a0..cd3c5f2 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -72,5 +72,6 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_parser()
+    test_parser_extensions()