pw_web_ui: Bundle all TypeScript modules into Pigweed package

This exports Pigweed package in both ESM and UMD formats.
ESM is great for node and modern browsers while UMD offers better
compatibility and ease of use at the expense of being bigger in size.

Separately, this also exports a ProtoCollection with useful protos
(like Echo RPC) which helps downstream user to get started faster.

Change-Id: I13d2625a93d176f5186a2f08dcff5a4585fe4b72
Reviewed-by: Anthony DiGirolamo <>
Commit-Queue: Asad Memon <>
16 files changed
tree: f32ee21f76dde9cf26747af7ff67a1545f27af14
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docker/
  3. docs/
  4. pw_allocator/
  5. pw_analog/
  6. pw_android_toolchain/
  7. pw_arduino_build/
  8. pw_assert/
  9. pw_assert_basic/
  10. pw_assert_log/
  11. pw_assert_tokenized/
  12. pw_assert_zephyr/
  13. pw_base64/
  14. pw_bloat/
  15. pw_blob_store/
  16. pw_bluetooth/
  17. pw_bluetooth_hci/
  18. pw_boot/
  19. pw_boot_cortex_m/
  20. pw_build/
  21. pw_build_info/
  22. pw_build_mcuxpresso/
  23. pw_bytes/
  24. pw_checksum/
  25. pw_chrono/
  26. pw_chrono_embos/
  27. pw_chrono_freertos/
  28. pw_chrono_stl/
  29. pw_chrono_threadx/
  30. pw_chrono_zephyr/
  31. pw_cli/
  32. pw_console/
  33. pw_containers/
  34. pw_cpu_exception/
  35. pw_cpu_exception_cortex_m/
  36. pw_crypto/
  37. pw_digital_io/
  38. pw_docgen/
  39. pw_doctor/
  40. pw_env_setup/
  41. pw_file/
  42. pw_function/
  43. pw_fuzzer/
  44. pw_hdlc/
  45. pw_hex_dump/
  46. pw_i2c/
  47. pw_i2c_mcuxpresso/
  48. pw_interrupt/
  49. pw_interrupt_cortex_m/
  50. pw_interrupt_zephyr/
  51. pw_kvs/
  52. pw_libc/
  53. pw_log/
  54. pw_log_android/
  55. pw_log_basic/
  56. pw_log_null/
  57. pw_log_rpc/
  58. pw_log_string/
  59. pw_log_tokenized/
  60. pw_log_zephyr/
  61. pw_malloc/
  62. pw_malloc_freelist/
  63. pw_metric/
  64. pw_minimal_cpp_stdlib/
  65. pw_module/
  66. pw_multisink/
  67. pw_package/
  68. pw_persistent_ram/
  69. pw_polyfill/
  70. pw_preprocessor/
  71. pw_presubmit/
  72. pw_protobuf/
  73. pw_protobuf_compiler/
  74. pw_random/
  75. pw_result/
  76. pw_ring_buffer/
  77. pw_router/
  78. pw_rpc/
  79. pw_snapshot/
  80. pw_software_update/
  81. pw_span/
  82. pw_spi/
  83. pw_status/
  84. pw_stm32cube_build/
  85. pw_stream/
  86. pw_string/
  87. pw_symbolizer/
  88. pw_sync/
  89. pw_sync_baremetal/
  90. pw_sync_embos/
  91. pw_sync_freertos/
  92. pw_sync_stl/
  93. pw_sync_threadx/
  94. pw_sync_zephyr/
  95. pw_sys_io/
  96. pw_sys_io_arduino/
  97. pw_sys_io_baremetal_lm3s6965evb/
  98. pw_sys_io_baremetal_stm32f429/
  99. pw_sys_io_emcraft_sf2/
  100. pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso/
  101. pw_sys_io_stdio/
  102. pw_sys_io_stm32cube/
  103. pw_sys_io_zephyr/
  104. pw_system/
  105. pw_target_runner/
  106. pw_thread/
  107. pw_thread_embos/
  108. pw_thread_freertos/
  109. pw_thread_stl/
  110. pw_thread_threadx/
  111. pw_tls_client/
  112. pw_tls_client_boringssl/
  113. pw_tls_client_mbedtls/
  114. pw_tokenizer/
  115. pw_tool/
  116. pw_toolchain/
  117. pw_trace/
  118. pw_trace_tokenized/
  119. pw_transfer/
  120. pw_unit_test/
  121. pw_varint/
  122. pw_watch/
  123. pw_web_ui/
  124. pw_work_queue/
  125. targets/
  126. third_party/
  127. ts/
  128. zephyr/
  129. .bazelignore
  130. .bazelrc
  131. .clang-format
  132. .clang-tidy
  133. .eslintrc.json
  134. .gitattributes
  135. .gitignore
  136. .gn
  137. .prettierrc.js
  138. .pylintrc
  139. activate.bat
  140. Android.bp
  141. AUTHORS
  142. bootstrap.bat
  144. BUILD.bazel
  147. CMakeLists.txt
  148. jest.config.ts
  149. Kconfig.zephyr
  150. LICENSE
  151. modules.gni
  152. OWNERS
  153. package-lock.json
  154. package.json
  158. rollup.config.js
  159. tsconfig.json


Pigweed is an open source collection of embedded-targeted libraries–or as we like to call them, modules. These modules are building blocks and infrastructure that enable faster and more reliable development on small-footprint MMU-less 32-bit microcontrollers like the STMicroelectronics STM32L452 or the Nordic nRF52832.

For more information please see our website:
