Reset ProbesProducer's state if losing service connection

Fixes a lifetime bug in traced_probes. The bug is the following:
when we lose the connection to the service we reset the IPC
|endpoint_| and re-attempt the connection. However the |endpoint_|
is the object that owns the shared memory buffer, on which the
various TraceWriter instances hold onto. We cannot destroy the
|endpoint_| without guaranteeing that all the TraceWriter(s) have
been destroyed as well.
This CL achieves this by simply invoking the destructor (which in
turn will destroy all the SinkDelegates and the various controllers)
and then back the constructor, starting with a brand new instance.
This, of course, relies on destruction order to be correct. But at
least doesn't introduce a secondary teardown path.

Bug: 77282805
Test: see repro steps of b/77282805.
Change-Id: Ieec7ab934c796222fea15365ee7c98d2db75cd6d
2 files changed
tree: 1d8344ebaea933a8a3ca6b951b24fa3b2b764953
  1. build_overrides/
  2. buildtools/
  3. debian/
  4. docs/
  5. gn/
  6. include/
  7. infra/
  8. protos/
  9. src/
  10. test/
  11. tools/
  12. .clang-format
  13. .gitignore
  14. .gn
  15. .travis.yml
  16. Android.bp
  17. Android.bp.extras
  19. codereview.settings
  21. NOTICE
  22. OWNERS
  23. perfetto.rc
  25. README.chromium

Perfetto - Performance instrumentation and logging for POSIX platforms

This project is meant to be built both as part of the Android tree and from a standalone checkout

For internal docs see this page

Supported platforms

Android is the platform targeted in the first milestones. Right now Linux desktop and OSX are maintained best-effort.


This project uses Android AOSP Gerrit for code reviews and uses the Google C++ style. Currently targets -std=c++11.

You can use both git cl upload from Chromium depot tools or Android repo to upload patches.

git cl is quite convenient as it supports code auto-formatting via git cl format.

See for more details about external contributions and CLA signing.

Build instructions

See docs/

Running Perfetto

See docs/

Continuous integration

Continuous build and test coverage is available at Trybots: CLs uploaded to gerrit are automatically submitted to TravisCI within one minute and made available on the CI page above. The relevant code lives in the infra/ directory.

Run tests

On the host (Linux / OSX)

$ tools/ninja -C out/default (tracing_unittests | tracing_benchmarks)
$ out/default/tracing_unittests --gtest_help

On Android

Either connect a device in ADB mode or use the bundled emulator.

To start the emulator:
$ tools/run_android_emulator (arm | arm64) &

To run the tests (either on the emulator or physical device):
$ tools/run_android_test out/default tracing_unittests