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Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
diff --git a/docs/README.3DFX b/docs/README.3DFX
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-                            3Dfx Glide device driver
-A Voodoo-based videocard/accelerator
-DOS (with DJGPP), Windows9x/2k (with MinGW), Linux
-Glide3x library for your OS
-How to compile:
-   Place the Glide3 SDK in the top Mesa directory:
-	$(MESA)/glide3/include/
-		3dfx.h, g3ext.h, glide.h, glidesys.h, glideutl.h, sst1vid.h
-	$(MESA)/glide3/lib/
-		libgld3x.a, libgld3i.a, glide3x.dxe
-   Type:
-	make -f Makefile.DJ X86=1 FX=1
-   Look into the makefile for further information.
-   Place the Glide3 SDK in the top Mesa directory:
-	$(MESA)/glide3/include/
-		3dfx.h, g3ext.h, glide.h, glidesys.h, glideutl.h, sst1vid.h
-	$(MESA)/glide3/lib/
-		libglide3x.a, glide3x.dll
-   Type:
-	make -f Makefile.mgw X86=1 FX=1
-   Look into the makefile for further information.
-   Place the Glide3 SDK in /usr/local/glide
-	/usr/local/glide/include/
-		3dfx.h, g3ext.h, glide.h, glidesys.h, glideutl.h, sst1vid.h
-	/usr/local/glide/lib/
-		libglide3x.a, libglide3x.so
-   Type:
-	make linux-glide
-	or
-	make linux-x86-glide
-Compilation defines:
-	enable driver debug code
-	enable Glide trace code
-	use packed color in vertex structure
-	map GL_COMPRESSED_RGB[A] to FXT1. Works with VSA100-based cards only.
-	map S3TC to FXT1
-	fake textures larger than HW can support
-	(see MESA_FX_MAXLOD environment variable)
-Environment variables:
-The following environment variables affect MesaFX. Those that affect Glide
-only, are beyond the scope of this section. Entries that don't have a "Value"
-field, can have any value whatsoever
-"Note" (*) means that the environment variable affects Glide, too; also, if
-the var is not found in the environment, it is searched in windoze registry.
-"Note" (!) means that the environment variable is not working as expected;
-may have undefined effects, might have effects only at Glide level or might
-not have any effect whatsoever. Caveat emptor! Those are to be revised soon.
-It is recommended to leave the envvars alone, so that Mesa/Glide will run with
-default values. Use them only when you experience crashes or strange behavior.
-	OS: all
-	HW: dual-TMU cards (Voodoo2, Avenger, Napalm)
-	Desc: force single-TMU
-	Note: (*)
-	Value: "1"
-	OS: all
-	HW: all
-	Desc: max # of buffers allowed to build up
-	Note: (*) (!)
-	Value: "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" or "6"
-	OS: all
-	HW: all
-	Desc: number of vertical retraces to wait before swapping
-	Note: (*) (!) works only at Glide-level?
-	OS: all
-	HW: VSA100-based cards
-	Desc: SLI/AA setup
-	Note: (*) (!) works only at Glide-level?
-	Value:
-	    1, 2, 4 chip cards
-		"0" - SLI & AA disable
-		"1" - SLI disabled, 2 sample AA enabled
-	    2, 4 chip cards
-		"2" - 2-way SLI enabled, AA disabled
-		"3" - 2-way SLI enabled, 2 sample AA enabled
-		"4" - SLI disabled, 4 sample AA enabled
-	    4 chip cards
-		"5" - 4-way SLI enabled, AA disabled
-		"6" - 4-way SLI enabled, 2 sample AA enabled
-		"7" - 2-way SLI enabled, 4 sample AA enabled
-		"8" - SLI disabled, 8 sample AA enabled 
-	OS: win32
-	HW: ?
-	Desc: ?
-	Note: (!) disabled?
-	OS: linux
-	HW: all
-	Desc: avoid installing signals
-	Note: (!) untested!
-	OS: all
-	HW: all
-	Desc: verbose to stderr
-	Value: any; special value "r" to redirect stderr to MESA.LOG
-	OS: all
-	HW: Voodoo1, Rush, Banshee
-	Desc: do not snap vertices inside Mesa
-	Note: to be used with Glide3x that snaps vertices internally
-	OS: all
-	HW: dual-TMU cards (some Voodoo1, Voodoo2, Avenger, Napalm)
-	Desc: try to use pointcast palette
-	Note: may give adverse effects on UMA cards (Avenger, Napalm)
-	OS: all
-	HW: all
-	Desc: disable 6666 palette
-	OS: all
-	HW: Napalm
-	Desc: force 565 16bpp mode (traditional Voodoo, no 32/15bpp)
-	OS: all
-	HW: Napalm
-	Desc: disable 32bit textures
-	OS: all
-	HW: Napalm
-	Desc: disable Napalm combiners (color/alpha/texture)
-	Note: this option allows dual-TMU cards perform single-pass
-	      trilinear, but some advanced (multi)texturing modes
-	      won't work (GL_EXT_texture_env_combine)
-	OS: all
-	HW: all
-	Desc: disable mirror extension
-	OS: all
-	HW: all
-	Desc: disable UMA
-	OS: all
-	HW: all
-	Desc: disable Texus2
-	OS: all
-	HW: non VSA-100 cards
-	Desc: enable large texture support using SW rescaling
-	Value:
-	    "9"  - 512x512 textures
-	    "10" - 1024x1024 textures
-	    "11" - 2048x2048 textures
-	OS: all
-	HW: all
-	Desc: allow vertex program extensions
-	OS: linux
-	HW: Voodoo1, Rush, Voodoo2
-	Desc: display mode
-	Note: (!) experimental
-	Value:
-	    "w" - windowed mode
-	    "f" - fullscreen mode
-	    "d" - disable glide driver
-	OS: win32
-	HW: Rush, Banshee, Avenger, Napalm
-	Desc: display mode
-	Note: (!) experimental
-	Value:
-	    "w" - windowed mode
-Daniel Borca <dborca 'at' users 'dot' sourceforge 'dot' net>
-Hiroshi Morii <koolsmoky 'at' users 'dot' sourceforge 'dot' net>
-WARNING! The info below this line is outdated (yet some of it useful). WARNING!
-Info for Mesa 4.1
-The 3dfx Glide driver in Mesa is disabled by default.  Not too many people
-use this driver anymore and at some point down the road it will be dropped.
-To use/enable the Glide driver either do this:
-'./configure --with-glide=DIR'    Where DIR is the location of Glide, like
-                                  /usr/ or /usr/local
-'make linux-x86-glide'     If using the old-style Makefile system.
-The rest of this file hasn't changed since Mesa 3.3.  Some of it's out of
-date, but some is still valid.
-What do you need ?
-	- A PC with a 3Dfx Voodoo1/2 Graphics or Voodoo Rush based board
-	  (Pure3D, Monster 3D, R3D, Obsidian, Stingray 128/3D, etc.).
-	  The Quantum3D Obsidian3D-2 X-24 requires some special env. setting
-	  under Linux (more information in the "Useful Glide Environment
-	  Variables");
-	- The 3Dfx Glide library 2.3 or later for your OS (the 2.4 works fine).
-	  The Voodoo2 requires the Glide library 2.51. The Glide 3.1 is not
-	  compatible with the Glide 2.x so it doesn't work with the current
-	  version of the driver;
-	- A compiler supported by the Glide library (Micro$oft VC++ (tested),
-	  Watcom (tested), GCC for Linux (tested), etc.);
-	- It's nice to have two monitors - one for your normal graphics
-	  card and one for your 3Dfx card. If something goes wrong with
-	  an application using the 3Dfx hardware you can still see your
-	  normal screen in order to recover.
-Tested on:
-	Windows 95 - David Bucciarelli
-	Windows NT - Henri Fousse
-	Linux - Daryll Strauss, Brian Paul, David Bucciarelli
-	FreeBSD
-	BeOS - Duncan Wilcox
-	MacOS - Fazekas Miklos
-What is able to do ?
-	- It is able accelerate points, lines and polygon with flat
-	  shading, gouraud shading, Z-buffer, texture mapping, blending, fog and
-	  antialiasing (when possible). There is also the support for rendering
-	  in a window with a slow trick for the Voodoo Graphics (available only
-	  for Linux) and at full speed with the Voodoo Rush chipset.
-	  Under Linux is also possible to switch on-the-fly between the fullscreen
-	  and in-window rendering hack.
-	  There is also the support for using more than one Voodoo Graphics in the
-	  some application/PC (you can create one context for each board and use
-	  multiple video outputs for driving monitors, videoprojectors or HMDs).
-	  The driver is able to fallback to pure software rendering when afeature
-	  isn't supported by the Voodoo hardware (however software rendering is
-	  very slow compared to hardware supported rendering)
-How to compile:
-	Here are the basic steps for using the 3Dfx hardware with Mesa
-	on Linux:
-	- You'll need the Glide library and headers.  Mesa expects:
-		/usr/local/glide/include/*.h        // all the Glide headers
-		/usr/local/glide/lib/libglide2x.so
-	  If your Glide libraries and headers are in a different directory
-	  you'll have to modify the Mesa-config and mklib.glide files.
-	- Unpack the MesaLib-3.1.tar.gz and MesaDemos-3.1.tar.gz archives;
-	- If you're going to use a newer Mesa/Glide driver than v0.27 then
-          unpack the new driver archive over the Mesa directory.
-	- In the Mesa-3.1 directory type "make linux-glide"
-	- Compilation _should_ finish without errors;
-	- Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so that the
-	  libglide2x.so and Mesa library files can be found.  For example:
-	    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/glide/lib:/SOMEDIR/Mesa-3.1/lib"
-	- You'll have to run Glide-based programs as root or set the suid
-	  bit on executables;
-	- Try a demo:
-	    cd gdemos
-	    su
-	    setenv MESA_GLX_FX f
-	    ./gears     (hit ESC to exit)
-	- You can find the demos especially designed for the Voodoo driver in
-	  in the Mesa-3.1/3Dfx/demos directory (type "make" in order to compile
-	  everything).
-	Check the WEB page at http://valerie.inf.elte.hu/~boga/Mesa.html
-MS Windows:
-	For the MSVC++:
-	- The glide2x.lib have to be in the default MSVC++ lib directory;
-	- The Glide headers have to be in the default MSVC++ include directory;
-	- You must have the vcvars32.bat script in your PATH;
-	- Go to the directory Mesa-3.1 and run the mesafx.bat;
-	- The script will compile everything (Mesa-3.1/lib/OpenGL32.{lib,dll},
-	  Mesa-3.1/lib/GLU32.{lib,dll}, Mesa-3.1/lib/GLUT32.{lib,dll} and
-          Voodoo demos);
-	- At the end, you will be in the Mesa-3.1/3Dfx/demos directory;
-	- Try some demo (fire.exe, teapot.exe, etc.) in order to check if
-	  everything is OK (you can use Alt-Tab or Ctrl-F9 to switch between
-	  the Voodoo screen and the windows desktop);
-	- Remember to copy the Mesa OpenGL32.dll, GLU32.dll and GLUT32.dll in the
-          some directory were you run your Mesa based applications.
-	- I think that you can easy change the Makefile.fx files in order
-	  to work with other kind of compilers;
-	- To discover how open the 3Dfx screen, read the sources under
-	  the Mesa-3.1/3Dfx/demos directory. You can use the GLUT library or
-          the Diego Picciani's wgl emulator.
-	NOTE: the MSVC++ 5.0 optimizer is really buggy. Also if you install the
-	SP3, you could have some problem (you can disable optimization in order
-	solve these kind of problems).
-Doing more with Mesa & Linux Glide:
-	The MESA_GLX_FX environment variable can be used to coax most
-	GLX-based programs into using Glide (and the __GLUT library
-	is GLX-based__).
-        Full-screen 3Dfx rendering:
-        ---------------------------
-	1. Set the MESA_GLX_FX variable to "fullscreen":
-		ksh:
-			export MESA_GLX_FX = "fullscreen"
-		csh:
-			setenv MESA_GLX_FX fullscreen
-	2. As root, run a GLX-based program (any GLUT demo on Linux).
-	3. Be careful:  once the 3Dfx screen appears you won't be able
-	to see the GLUT windows on your X display.  This can make using
-	the mouse tricky!  One solution is to hook up your 3Dfx card to
-	a second monitor.  If you can do this then set these env vars
-	first:
-		setenv SST_VGA_PASS 1
-	or for the Voodoo2:
-		setenv SSTV2_VGA_PASS 1
-        Rendering into an X window with the help of the Voodoo hardware:
-        ----------------------------------------------------------------
-	1. Start your X server in 16 bpp mode (XFree86:  startx -- -bpp 16)
-	   in order to have the best performance and the best visual
-	   quality. However you can use any visual depth supported by X.
-	2. Set the following environment variables:
-		export MESA_GLX_FX="window"	# to enable window rendering
-		export SST_VGA_PASS=1	# to stop video signal switching
-		export SST_NOSHUTDOWN=1	# to stop video signal switching
-	    OR
-		setenv MESA_GLX_FX window
-		setenv SST_VGA_PASS 1
-		setenv SST_NOSHUTDOWN 1
-	(the Voodoo2 requires to use "SSTV2_" instead "SST_").
-	3. As root, try running a GLX-based program
-	How does it work?  We use the 3Dfx hardware to do rendering then
-	copy the image from the 3Dfx frame buffer into an X window when
-	the SwapBuffers() function is called.  The problem with this
-	idea is it's slow.  The image must be copied from the 3Dfx frame
-	buffer to main memory then copied into the X window (and when the X
-	visual depth doesn't match the Voodoo framebufffer bit per pixel, it
-	is required also a pixel format translation).
-	NOTE: the in-window rendering feature only works with double-buffering.
-        On the fly switching between in window rendering and full screen rendering
-	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	The Mesa 2.6 has introduced the capability of switching
-	on-the-fly between the fullscreen/fullspeed rendering and the in-window
-	hack and vice versa. The on-the-fly switching requires a direct support
-	by the application but it is really easy to add. You have to start
-	your X server in 16 bpp mode and to add the following lines to your
-	application:
-		#if defined(FX) && define(XMESA)
-		#include <GL/xmesa.h>
-		static int fullscreen=1;
-		#endif
-		...
-		/* In the GLUT keyboard event callback */
-		#if defined(FX) && !define(WIN32)
-		  case ' ':
-		    fullscreen=(!fullscreen);
-		    XMesaSetFXmode(fullscreen ? XMESA_FX_FULLSCREEN : XMESA_FX_WINDOW);
-		    break;
-		#endif
-		...
-       	See the 3Dfx/demos/tunnel.c program
-       	for an example.  You have to set the -DXMESA flag in the Makefile's COPTS
-       	to enable it.
-  	Rendering into an X window with the X11 software driver:
-        --------------------------------------------------------
-	Set the MESA_GLX_FX variable to "disable" your GLX-based program will use
-	the X11 software driver (the 3Dfx hardware isn't used at all).
-Useful Glide Environment Variables:
-	- To disable the 3Dfx logo, set the FX_GLIDE_NO_SPLASH variable.
-	- To disable video signal switching:
-		setenv SST_VGA_PASS 1
-	  or for the Voodoo2:
-		setenv SSTV2_VGA_PASS 1
-        - To set the default screen refresh rate:
-                setenv SST_SCREENREFRESH=75
-          the supported values are 60, 70, 72, 75, 80, 85, 90, 100, 120.
-	- To force the Mesa library to swap buffers as fast as possible,
-	  without any vertical blanking synchronization (useful for benchmarks):
-                setenv SST_SWAP_EN_WAIT_ON_VIDSYNC 0
-	- You can slight improve the performances of your Voodoo1 board with
-	  the following env. var.:
-		setenv SST_FASTMEM 1
-		setenv SST_PCIRD 1
-		setenv SST_GRXCLK 57
-	  (don't use this setting with the Quantum3D 100SB or with any other
-	  SLI configuration: it will hang everything !).
-	  The following setting can be used with the Voodoo2:
-		setenv SSTV2_FASTPCIRD=1
-		setenv SSTV2_GRXCLK=95
-	- The Quantum3D Obsidian3D-2 X-24 requires some special env. setting
-	  in order to work under Linux:
-		export SSTV2_FT_CLKDEL=5
-		export SSTV2_TF0_CLKDEL=7
-		export SSTV2_TF1_CLKDEL=7
-		export SSTV2_TF2_CLKDEL=7
-	  (Thanks to Phil Ross for this trick).
-The Mesa/Voodoo Environment Variables:
-	- Only for Windows/Voodoo Rush users, if you define the
-	  env. var. MESA_WGL_FX:
-		export MESA_WGL_FX=fullscreen
-	  you will get fullscreen rendering;
-	- Only for Windows/Voodoo Rush users, if you define the
-	  env. var. MESA_WGL_FX:
-		export MESA_WGL_FX=window
-	  you will get window rendering (default value);
-	- Only for Linux users, you can find more informations about
-	  the env. var. MESA_GLX_FX in the "Doing more with Mesa & Linux Glide"
-	  section;
-	- If you define the env. var. MESA_FX_SWAP_PENDING:
-	  you will able to set the maximum number of swapbuffers
-	  commands in the Voodoo FIFO after a swapbuffer (default value: 2);
-        - If you define the env. var. MESA_FX_INFO:
-		export MESA_FX_INFO=1
-          you will get some useful statistic.
-        - If you define the env. var. MESA_FX_NO_SIGNALS:
-		export MESA_FX_NO_SIGNALS=1
-          Mesa/FX will not install atexit() or signal() handlers.
-Know BUGS and Problems:
-	- fog doesn't work in the right way when using the glDepthRange() function;
-	- Maximum texture size: 256x256 (this is an hardware limit);
-	- Texture border aren't yet supported;
-	- A GL_BLEND in a glTexEnv() is not supported (it is an hardware limit);
-        - Use the glBindTexture extension (standard in OpenGL 1.1) for texture
-	  mapping (the old way: glTexImage inside a display list, download
-	  the texture map each time that you call the display list !!!);
-	- Stencil buffer and Accumulation buffer are emulated in software (they are not
-	  directly supported by the Hardware);
-	- Color index mode not implemented (this is an hardware limit);
-	- Thre is an know bug in the Linux Glide library so the in-window-rendering hack
-	  and any other operations that requires to read the Voodoo frame buffer
-	  (like the accumulation buffer support) doesn't work on Voodoo SLI cards.
-	- The driver switch to pure software (_slow_) rendering when:
-		- Stencil enabled;
-		- Using the Accumulation buffer;
-		- Blend enabled and blend equation != GL_FUNC_ADD_EXT;
-		- Color logic operation enabled and color logic operation != GL_COPY;
-		- The four values of glColorMask() aren't the some;
-		- Texture 1D or 3D enabled;
-		- Texture function is GL_BLEND;
-		- Using the Multitexture extension with Voodoo cards with only one TMU;
-		- Using the Multitexture extension with Voodoo cards with more than
-		   one TMU, and texture function isn't GL_MODULATE;
-		- Point size is != 1.0 or point params vector != (1.0,0.0,0.0);
-		- Line width != 1.0 or using stipple lines.
-		- Using polygon offset or stipple polygons;
-	NOTE: this is list is not yet complete.
-Hints and Special Features:
-	- Under Linux and with a Voodoo Graphics board, you can use
-	  XMesaSetFXmode(XMESA_FX_FULLSCREEN or XMESA_FX_WINDOW) in order to
-	  switch on the fly between fullscreen rendering and the in-window-rendering
-	  hack.
-	- The driver is able to use all the texture memory available: 2/4MB on
-	  Voodoo1 boards and 8MB (!) on high-end Voodoo1 and Voodoo2 boards.
-	- Trilinear filtering is fully supported on Voodoo boards with two TMUs
-	  (high-end Voodoo1 boards and Voodoo2 boards). When only one TMU is
-	  available the driver fallback to bilinear filter also if you ask
-	  for trilinear filtering.
-        - The Voodoo driver support multiple Voodoo Graphics boards in the
-          some PC. Using this feature, you can write applications that use
-          multiple monitors, videoprojectors or HMDs for the output. See
-	  Mesa-3.1/3Dfx/demos/tunnel2.c for an example of how setup one
-          context for each board.
-	- The v0.19 introduces a new powerful texture memory manager: the
-	  texture memory is used as a cache of the set of all defined texture
-	  maps. You can now define several MBs of texture maps also with a 2MB
-	  of texture memory (the texture memory manager will do automatically
-	  all the swap out/swap in
-	  texture memory work). The new texture memory manager has also
-	  solved a lot of other bugs/no specs compliance/problems
-	  related to the texture memory usage.
-	- Use triangles and quads strip: they are a LOT faster than sparse
-	  triangles and quads.
-	- The Voodoo driver supports the GL_EXT_paletted_texture. it works
-	  only with GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT, GL_RGBA palettes and the alpha value
-	  is ignored because this is a limitation of the current Glide
-	  version and of the Voodoo hardware. See Mesa-3.1/3Dfx/demos/paltex.c for
-	  a demo of this extension.
-	- The Voodoo driver directly supports 3Dfx Global Palette extension.
-	  It was written for GLQuake and I think that it isn't a good idea
-	  to use this extension for any other purpose (it is a trick). See
-	  Mesa-3.1/3Dfx/demos/glbpaltex.c for a demo of this extension.
-	- The Voodoo driver chooses the screen resolution according to the
-	  requested window size. If you open a 640x480 window, you will get
-	  a 640x480 screen resolution, if you open a 800x600 window, you
-	  will get a 800x600 screen resolution, etc.
-	  Most GLUT demos support the '-geometry' option, so you can choose
-	  the screen resolution: 'tunnel -geometry 800x600'.
-	  Clearly, you Voodoo board must have enough framebuffer RAM (otherwise
-	  the window creation will fail).
-	- The glGetString(GL_RENDERER) returns more information
-          about the hardware configuration: "Mesa Glide <version>
-          <Voodoo_Graphics|Voodoo_Rush|UNKNOWN> <num> CARD/<num> FB/
-          <num> TM/<num> TMU/<NOSLI|SLI>"
-          where: <num> CARD is the card used for the current context,
-          <num> FB is the number of MB for the framebuffer,
-          <num> TM is the number of MB for the texture memory,
-          <num> TMU is the number of TMU. You can try to run
-          Mesa/demos/glinfo in order to have an example of the output.
-Did you find a lot BUGs and problems ? Good, send me an email.
-For a complete FAQ check the Bernd Kreimeier's Linux 3Dfx HOWTO
-available at http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/xf3D (it includes also
-a lot of informations not strictly related to Linux, so it can be
-useful also if you don't use Linux)
-1. What is 3Dfx?
-3Dfx Interactive, Inc. is the company which builds the VooDoo 3-D graphics
-chipset (and others) used in popular PC cards such as the Diamond Monster 3D
-and the Orchid Righteous 3D (more informations at http://www.3dfx.com).
-2. What is Glide?
-Glide is a "thin" programming interface for the 3Dfx hardware.  It was
-originally written for Windows/Intel but has been ported to Linux/Intel
-by Daryll Strauss.
-3Dfx, Inc. should be applauded for allowing the Linux version of Glide
-to be written.
-You can directly program with the Glide library if you wish.  You can
-obtain Glide from the "Developer" section of the 3Dfx website: www.3dfx.com
-There's a Linux/Glide newsgroup at news://news.3dfx.com/3dfx.glide.linux
-3. What is fxmesa?
-"fxmesa" is the name of the Mesa device driver for the 3Dfx Glide library.
-It was written by David Bucciarelli and others.  It works on both Linux
-and Windows.  Basically, it allows you to write and run OpenGL-style programs
-on the 3Dfx hardware.
-4. What is GLQuake?
-Quake is a very popular game from id software, Inc.  See www.idsoftware.com
-GLQuake is a version of Quake written for OpenGL.  There is now a Linux
-version of GLQuake with works with the Mesa/3Dfx/Glide combo.
-Here's what you need to run GLQuake on Linux:
-   PC with 100MHz Pentium or better
-   a 3Dfx-based card
-   Mesa 3.1 libraries:  libMesaGL.so  libMesaGLU.so
-   Glide 2.4 libraries:  libglide2x.so  libtexus.so
-   GLQuake for Linux.
-Also, the windows version of GLQuake works fine with the Mesa OpenGL32.dll,
-you have only to copy the Mesa-3.1/lib/OpenGL32.dll in the GLQuake directory
-in order to test 'MesaQuake'.
-5. What is GLUT?
-GLUT is Mark Kilgard's OpenGL Utility Toolkit.  It provides an API for
-writing portable OpenGL programs with support for multiple windows, pop-
-up menus, event handling, etc.
-Check the Mark's home page for more informations (http://reality.sgi.com/mjk_asd).
-Every OpenGL programmer should check out GLUT.
-GLUT on Linux uses GLX.
-6. What is GLX?
-GLX is the OpenGL extension to the X Window System.  I defines both a
-programming API (glX*() functions) and a network protocol.  Mesa implements
-an emulation of GLX on Linux.  A real GLX implementation would requires
-hooks into the X server.  The 3Dfx hardware can be used with GLX-based
-programs via the MESA_GLX_FX environment variable.
-7. Is the Voodoo driver able to use the 4Mb texture memory of
-the Pure3D boards ?
-Yes, the Voodoo driver v0.20 includes the support for Voodoo
-Graphics boards with more than 2Mb of texture memory.
-8. Do the Voodoo driver support the Voodoo Rush under Windows ?
-Yes, Diego Picciani has developed the support for the Voodoo
-Rush but David Bucciarelli has a Pure3D and a Monster3D and Brian Paul
-has a Monster3D, so the new versions of the Mesa/Voodoo sometime are
-not tested with the Voodoo Rush.
-9. Do the Voodoo driver support the Voodoo Rush under Linux ?
-No because the Linux Glide doesn't (yet) support the Voodoo Rush.
-10. Can I sell my Mesa/Voodoo based software and include
-a binary copy of the Mesa in order to make the software
-working out of the box ?
-11. Which is the best make target for compiling the Mesa for
-Linux GLQuake ('make linux-glide', 'make linux-386-glide', etc.) ?
-'make linux-386-opt-glide' for Voodoo1 and 'make linux-386-opt-V2-glide'
-for Voodoo2 boards because it doesn't include the '-fPIC'
-option (4-5% faster).
-12. Can I use a Mesa compiled with a 'make linux-386-opt-V2-glide'
-for my applications/programs/demos ?
-Yes, there is only one constrain: you can't run two Mesa applications
-at the some time. This isn't a big issue with the today Voodoo Graphics.
-Thanks to:
-Henri Fousse       (he has written several parts of the v0.15 and the old GLUT
-	            emulator for Win);
-Diego Picciani     (he has developed all the Voodoo Rush support and the wgl
-	            emulator);
-Daryll Strauss     (for the Linux Glide and the first Linux support);
-Brian Paul         (of course);
-Dave 'Zoid' Kirsch (for the Linux GLQuake and Linux Quake2test/Q2 ports)
-Bernd Kreimeier    (for the Linux 3Dfx HOWTO and for pushing companies to offer
-                    a better Linux support)
-3Dfx and Quantum3D (for actively supporting Linux)
-The most update places where find Mesa VooDoo driver related informations are
-the Mesa mailing list and my driver WEB page
-David Bucciarelli (davibu@tin.it)
-Humanware s.r.l. 
-Via XXIV Maggio 62
-Pisa, Italy
-Tel./Fax +39-50-554108
-email: info.hmw@plus.it
-www: www-hmw.caribel.pisa.it
diff --git a/docs/README.AMIWIN b/docs/README.AMIWIN
deleted file mode 100644
index 47cf696..0000000
--- a/docs/README.AMIWIN
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-Port by Victor Ng-Thow-Hing (victorng@dgp.toronto.edu) 
-Original Author (Brian Paul (brianp@ssec.wisc.edu)
-Dec.1 , 1995: Port of release Mesa 1.2.5
- - Modifications made to minimize changes to Mesa distribution.
-Nov.25, 1995: Port of release Mesa 1.2.4
-As a 3D graphics progammer, I was increasingly frustrated to see OpenGL 
-appearing on so many platforms EXCEPT the Amiga. Up to now, the task
-of porting OpenGL directly from native Amiga drawing routines seemed like
-a daunting task. However, two important events made this port possible.
-First of all, Brian Paul wrote Mesa, the OpenGL software emulator that 
-can be found on many platforms - except the Amiga and Atari (who cares 
-about the latter!). This was pretty ironic considering that Mesa was 
-originally prototyped on an Amiga! The second great event was when 
-Holger Kruse developed AmiWin, the X11R6 server for the Amiga (definitely 
-register for this great piece of software) and released a development kit
-so one could compile X programs with SAS/C.
-Since Mesa had X routines as its primitive drawing operations, this made
-a marriage of Mesa and Amiwin feasible. I copied over the sources from
-an ftp site, played with the code, wrote some Smakefiles, and voila, 
-I had OpenGL programs displaying on my Amiga.
-Although the speed is nothing to be impressed about, this port can be
-potentially useful to those who want to quickly test their code in
-wireframe or perhaps learn more about programming with the OpenGL API.
-I hope Amiga developers will continue to write excellent software for
-their machine, especially more X clients for Amiwin. If you have any 
-solutions so some of my problems in the porting notes, please send me
-some email!
-See you around,
-Just run the shell script mklib.amiwin in the mesa directory. This will
-make all the libraries and copy them into the mesa/lib directory. If you
-don't want to compile everything, just go to the desired directory and
-type smake in that directory.
-Change any of the variables in the smakefiles as necessary. You will REQUIRE
-the Amiwin development kit to compile these libraries since you need X11.LIB
-and the shareable X libraries. Some examples require the AmiTCP4.0
-net.lib static link library and related header files for unix related
-header files and functions like sleep().
-Study the Smakefiles in the demos, samples and book directories for the
-proper SAS/C options and linkable libraries to use. Basically aux calls
-require Mesaaux.LIB, gl calls require MesaGL.LIB, glu calls MesaGLU.LIB,
-tk calls Mesatk.LIB. There is a preliminary port of MesaGLUT.LIB toolkit
-available in the lib directory with the other Mesa libraries. However, 
-it seems to cause crashes on some of the sample code. Someone else may want
-to attempt a more stable port.
-My strategy of porting was to leave as much of the code untouched as
-possible. I surrounded any amiga specific changes with 
-#ifdef AMIWIN ... #endif or #ifndef AMIWIN ... #endif preprocessor
-symbols. The code  was ported on an Amiga 2000, with Fusion 40 accelerator
-and a Picasso II graphics card. The SAS/C 6.56 compiler was used, with
-the AmiWin 2.16 X development kit.
-All compilations were done for a 68040 CPU with 68882 math coprocessor for
-maximum  speed. Please edit the smakefile for other compilers.
-I wrote smakefiles for the directories I ported. I omitted the Windows
-and Widgets directories. The former is for MS Windows and the latter 
-requires Motif, which is not easily available for the Amiga.
-Here are the changes I did per directory:
-* mesa
-Nov. 25, 1995 v 1.2.4
-  - added a mklib.amiwin shell script that will make all the libraries and
-    sample code for Mesa
-  - created this readme file: readme.AMIGA
-* mesa/include
-Dec. 1, 1995 v 1.2.5
-  - added the following to GL/xmesa.h 
-     #ifdef AMIWIN
-     #include <pragmas/xlib_pragmas.h>
-     extern struct Library *XLibBase;
-     #endif
-NET CHANGE: xmesa.h
-* mesa/src 
-Nov. 25, 1995 v 1.2.4
-  - added the necessary pragma calls for X functions to the following:
-    xmesa1.c, xmesa2.c, xmesa3.c, xfonts.c, glx.c 
-    This prevents undefined symbols errors during the linking phase for 
-    X library calls
-  - created smakefile
-Dec.  1, 1995 v 1.2.5
-  - removed AMIWIN includes from xmesa1.c, xmesa2.c, xmesa3.c, xfonts.c, 
-    glx.c since they are now defined in include/GL/xmesa.h
-NET CHANGE: smakefile
-* mesa/src-tk
-Nov. 25, 1995 v 1.2.4
-  - added the necessary pragma calls for X functions to the following:
-    private.h
-  - created smakefile
-Dec.  1, 1995 v 1.2.5
-  - removed AMIWIN includes from private.h since it is now defined in
-    include/GL/xmesa.h
-NET CHANGE: smakefile
-* mesa/src-glu
-Nov. 25, 1995 v 1.2.4
-  - created smakefile
-NET CHANGE: smakefile
-* mesa/src-aux
-Nov. 25, 1995 v 1.2.4
-  - added the necessary pragma calls for X functions to the following:
-    glaux.c
-  - created smakefile
-NET CHANGE: glaux.c, smakefile
-* mesa/demos
-Nov. 25, 1995 v 1.2.4
-  - added the necessary pragma calls for X functions to the following:
-    xdemo.c, glxdemo.c, offset.c
-  - created smakefile
-  - put #ifndef AMIWIN ... #endif around sleep() calls in xdemo.c since 
-    they are not part of AmigaDOS.
-Dec.  1, 1995 v 1.2.5
-  - removed AMIWIN defines from xdemo.c, glxdemo.c, offset.c since
-    already defined in include/GL/xmesa.h
-  - modified Smakefile to include header and includes from the AmiTCP4.0
-    net.lib linkable library to provide unix-compatible sys/time.h and
-    the sleep() function
-    - removed AMIWIN defines in xdemo.c since sleep() now defined
-NET CHANGE: smakefile
-* mesa/samples
-Nov. 25, 1995 v 1.2.4
-  - added the necessary pragma calls for X functions to the following:
-    oglinfo.c
-  - created smakefile
-  - put #ifndef AMIWIN ... #endif around sleep() in blendxor.c
-  - removed olympic from smakefile targets since <sys/time.h> not defined
-Dec.  1, 1995 v 1.2.5
-  - removed AMIWIN defines from oglinfo.c, since already defined in 
-    include/GL/xmesa.h
-  - modified Smakefile to include header and includes from the AmiTCP4.0
-    net.lib linkable library to provide unix-compatible sys/time.h and
-    the sleep() function
-    - removed AMIWIN defines in blendxor.c for sleep()
-    - added AMIWIN defines around _MACHTEN_ in olympic.c since xrandom()
-      functions are not defined in any libraries
-    - added olympic back into the Smakefile targets
-NET CHANGE: smakefile, olympic.c
-* mesa/book
-Nov. 25, 1995 v 1.2.4
-- created smakefile
-- removed accpersp and dof from smakefile targets since the SAS/C compile seems to
-  confuse the near,far variables with near/far memory models.
-NET CHANGE: smakefile
-* mesa/windows
-Dec.  1, 1995 v 1.2.5
-- Removed directory to save space since this is only needed for Windows based 
-  machines.
diff --git a/docs/README.DJ b/docs/README.DJ
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f783ac..0000000
--- a/docs/README.DJ
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-			Mesa 6.5 DOS/DJGPP Port v1.8
-			~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Well, guess what... this is the DOS port of Mesa 6.5, for DJGPP fans... Whoa!
-The driver uses OSMesa to draw off screen, and then blits the buffer.  This is
-not terribly efficient, and has some drawbacks, but saves maintenance costs.
-Mesa copyright applies.
-Unzip and type:
-	make -f Makefile.DJ [OPTIONS...]
-Available options:
-     Environment variables:
-	CPU		optimize for the given processor.
-			default = pentium
-	GLIDE		path to Glide3 SDK; used with FX.
-			default = $(TOP)/glide3
-	FX=1		build for 3dfx Glide3. Note that this disables
-			compilation of most DMesa code and requires fxMesa.
-			As a consequence, you'll need the DJGPP Glide3
-			library to build any application.
-			default = no
-	X86=1		optimize for x86 (if possible, use MMX, SSE, 3DNow).
-			default = no
-     Targets:
-	all:		build everything
-	libgl:		build GL
-	libglu:		build GLU
-	libglut:	build GLUT
-	clean:		remove object files
-	realclean:	remove all generated files
-Tested on:
-	Video card:	Radeon 9500
-	DJGPP:		djdev 2.04 + gcc v4.1.0 + make v3.80
-	OS:		DOS, Win98SE, WinXP (using Videoport driver)
-1. Compilation
-   Q) `make' barfs and exits because it cannot find some stupid file.
-   A) You need LFN support.
-   A) When compiling for Glide (FX=1), pay attention to Glide path.
-   Q) Libraries built OK, but linker complains about `vsnprintf' every time I
-      compile some demo.
-   A) Upgrade to DJGPP 2.04.
-   A) Add `vsnprintf.c' to the CORE_SOURCES in `src/Makefile.DJ' (untested!).
-   A) Patch `src/mesa/main/imports.c' with the following line:
-	#define vsnprintf(buf, max, fmt, arg) vsprintf(buf, fmt, arg)
-      This hack should be safe in 90% of the cases, but if anything goes wrong,
-      don't come back to me crying.
-   Q) `make' complains about DXE3 or something, yet it builds the libraries.
-   A) DXE3 refers to the DJGPP dynamic modules. You'll need either the latest
-      DJGPP distro, or download the separate package from my web page. Read the
-      DXE3 documentation on how to use them.
-   A) When compiling for Glide (FX=1), make sure `glide3x.dxe' can be found in
-      LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or top `lib' directory).
-2. Using Mesa for DJGPP
-   Q) Every test I tried crashes badly.
-   A) If you have compiled with SSE and you're running under plain DOS, you
-      have to disable SSE at run-time. See environment variables below.
-   Q) DMesa is so SLOOOW! The Win32 OpenGL performs so much better...
-   A) Is that a question? If you have a 3dfx Voodoo (any model), you're
-      lucky (check http://sourceforge.net/projects/glide for the DJGPP port).
-      If you haven't, sorry; everything is done in software.
-   Q) I tried to set refresh rate w/ DMesa, but without success.
-   A) Refresh rate control works only for VESA 3.0 and the 3dfx driver (in
-      which case FX_GLIDE_REFRESH will be overwritten if it is defined and
-      is not 0).
-   Q) I made a simple application and it does nothing. It exits right away. Not
-      even a blank screen.
-   A) Software drivers (VESA/VGA/NUL) must to be constructed as single-buffered
-      visuals.  However, DMesaSwapBuffers must be called to get any output.
-   A) Another weird "feature" is that buffer width must be multiple of 8 (I'm a
-      lazy programmer and I found that the easiest way to keep buffer handling
-      at peak performance ;-).
-   Q) I'm getting a "bad font!" fatal error.
-   A) Always use GLUT_STROKE_* and GLUT_BITMAP_* constants when dealing with
-      GLUT fonts. If you're using `glut.dxe', then make sure GLUT_STROKE_* and
-      GLUT_BITMAP_* are mapped to integer constants, not to the actual font
-      address (same mechanism used for Win32 _DLL).
-   Q) What is NUL driver good for, if I don't get any output at all?
-   A) For debugging. The NUL driver is very much like OSMesa. Everything is
-      done just the same as VESA/VGA drivers, only it doesn't touch your video
-      hardware. You can query the actual buffer by issuing:
-	DMesaGetIntegerv(DMESA_GET_BUFFER_ADDR, &buffer);
-      and dump it to a file.
-   Q) How do I query for a list of available video modes to choose as a visual?
-   A) This is an ugly hack, for which I'm sure I'll burn in hell.
-      First, query for a list of modes:
-	n = DMesaGetIntegerv(DMESA_GET_VIDEO_MODES, NULL);
-      If `n' is strictly positive, you allocate an array of pointers to a given
-      struct (which is guaranteed to be extended only - not changed in future):
-	struct {
-		int xres, yres;
-		int bpp;
-	} **l = malloc(n * sizeof(void *));
-      Now pass the newly allocated buffer to fill in:
-	DMesaGetIntegerv(DMESA_GET_VIDEO_MODES, (GLint *)l);
-      And collect the info:
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-	    printf("%dx%d:%d\n", l[i]->xres, l[i]->yres, l[i]->bpp);
-	}
-   Q) The GLUT is incomplete.
-   A) See below.
-libGLUT (the toolkit):
-Well, this "skeletal" GLUT implementation was taken from AllegGL project and
-heavily changed. Thanks should go to Bernhard Tschirren, Mark Kilgard, Brian
-Paul and probably others (or probably not ;-). GLUT functionality will be
-extended only on an "as needed" basis.
-GLUT talks to hardware via PC_HW package which was put together from various
-pieces I wrote long time ago. It consists from the keyboard, mouse and timer
-My keyboard driver used only scancodes; as GLUT requires ASCII values for keys,
-I borrowed the translation tables (and maybe more) from Allegro -- many thanks
-to Shawn Hargreaves et co. Ctrl-Alt-Del (plus Ctrl-Alt-End, for Windows users)
-will shut down the GLUT engine unconditionally: it will raise SIGINT, which in
-turn will (hopefully) call the destructors, thus cleaning up your/my mess ;-)
-NB: since the DJGPP guys ensured signal handlers won't go beyond program's
-space (and since dynamic modules shall) the SIGINT can't be hooked (well, it
-can, but it is useless), therefore you must live with the 'Exiting due to
-signal SIGINT' message...
-The mouse driver is far from complete (lack of drawing, etc), but is enough to
-make almost all the demos work. Supports the CuteMouse WheelAPI.
-The timer is pretty versatile for it supports multiple timers with different
-frequencies. While not being the most accurate timer in the known universe, I
-think it's OK. Take this example: you have timer A with a very high rate, and
-then you have timer B with very low rate compared to A; now, A ticks OK, but
-timer B will probably loose precision!
-As an addition, stdout and stderr are redirected and dumped upon exit. This
-means that `printf' can be safely called during graphics. A bit of a hack, I
-know, because all messages come in bulk, but I think it's better than nothing.
-"Borrowed" from LIBRHUTI (Robert Hoehne).
-Window creating defaults: (0, 0, 300, 300), 16bpp. However, the video mode is
-chosen in such a way that first window will fit. If you need high resolution
-with small windows, set initial position far to the right (or way down); then
-you can move them back to any position right before the main loop.
-Environment variables:
-	DMESA_NULDRV		- (any value) force NUL driver
-	GLUT_FPS		- print frames/second statistics to stderr
-	MESA_NO_SSE		- (any value) safe option under pure DOS
-	DMESA_GLUT_REFRESH	- set vertical screen refresh rate (VESA3)
-	DMESA_GLUT_BPP		- set default bits per pixel (VGA needs 8)
-	DMESA_GLUT_ALPHA	- set default alpha bits (8)
-	DMESA_GLUT_DEPTH	- set default depth bits (16)
-	DMESA_GLUT_STENCIL	- set default stencil bits (8)
-	DMESA_GLUT_ACCUM	- set default accum bits (16)
-v1.0 (mar-2002)
-	initial release
-v1.1 (sep-2002)
-	+ added 3dfx Glide3 support
-	+ added refresh rate control
-	+ added fonts in GLUT
-	* lots of minor changes
-v1.2 (nov-2002)
-	* synced w/ Mesa-4.1
-	- removed dmesadxe.h
-v1.3 (mar-2003)
-	+ enabled OpenGL 1.4 support
-	+ added MMX clear/blit routines
-	+ enabled SGI's GLU compilation
-	+ added samples makefile
-	+ added new GLUT functions
-	+ added color-index modes
-	+ added Matrox Millennium MGA2064W driver
-	+ added 8bit FakeColor (thanks to Neil Funk)
-	+ added VGA support (to keep Ben Decker happy)
-	! fixed some compilation errors (reported by Chan Kar Heng)
-	* optimized driver for faster callback access... yeah, right :)
-	* overhauled virtual buffer and internal video drivers
-	* better fxMesa integration
-	* revamped GLUT
-	* switched to DXE3
-v1.4 (dec-2003)
-	+ enabled GLUT fonts with DXE
-	+ truly added multi-window support in GLUT (for Adrian Woodward)
-	* accomodated makefiles with the new sourcetree
-	* fixed some ALPHA issues
-	* minor changes to PC_HW/timer interface
-	x hacked and slashed the 3dfx driver (w/ help from Hiroshi Morii)
-v1.5 (jan-2004)
-	+ added interface to query available "visuals" (GLFW - Marcus Geelnard)
-	+ added GLUT timer callback
-	- removed Matrox Millennium MGA2064W driver
-	x more changes to the 3dfx driver
-v1.6 (aug-2004)
-	+ implemented NUL driver
-	+ added DMesaGetProcAddress and glutGetProcAddress
-	* reorganized fxMesa wrapper to handle multiple contexts
-	! fixed a horrible bug in VGA initialization routine
-	! fixed partial clears
-v1.7 (???-2005)
-	+ enabled OpenGL 2.0 support
-	+ added support for sw texture compression
-	+ added FreeGLUT specific functions
-	* no more GLX sources in DOS GLUT
-	* made GLUT timer callbacks less accurate but safer
-v1.8 (apr-2006)
-	* killed lots of code, the driver is now a front-end to OSMesa
-	* fixed problem with WinNT (http://www.volny.cz/martin.sulak/)
-	- removed 3dfx Glide3 support (temporarily?)
-Name:   Daniel Borca
-E-mail: dborca@users.sourceforge.net
-WWW:    http://www.geocities.com/dborca/
diff --git a/docs/README.GGI b/docs/README.GGI
deleted file mode 100644
index ddb6772..0000000
--- a/docs/README.GGI
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-GGIMesa for LibGGI 2.x
-LibGGI 2.0 or greater
-To install GGIMesa, follow the instructions in INSTALL.GNU.  If you 
-wish to install GGIGLUT as well, first install GGIMesa and then run
-make install (must be root)
-in ggi/ggiglut.
-* Set the environment variables GGIMESA_DEBUG and/or GGIGLUT_DEBUG 
-to 255 to see lots of debugging output.
-* GGIGLUT contains support for all of the GLUT 3.6 API except for the
-high-level primitive drawing functions, but many of the functions (in
-particular the menu drawing functions) are just stubs.
diff --git a/docs/README.LYNXOS b/docs/README.LYNXOS
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ab980..0000000
--- a/docs/README.LYNXOS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Mesa 3.0 for LynxOS builds in the following way:
-make lynxos
-This will build all the libraries and demo applications. You should have 
-around 400 megabytes free for everything since everything is done with 
-Before using this make file however, you should perform the following 
-0) cd to the Mesa-3.0 directory
-1) Copy the GL directory under the include directory to /usr/include.
-2) Copy the files in the lib directory to /lib.
-3) Make links so that the Mesa libraries look like ordinary OpenGL 
-in /lib. This is important for compatibility with other OpenGL apps. This
-is done as follows:
-cd /lib
-ln -s libMesaGL.a libGL.a
-ln -s libMesaGLU.a libGLU.a
-Mesa 3.0 includes the GLUT (GL Utility Toolkit) by default.
-The demo applications are done using this toolkit.
-Mesa makefiles for building their apps could be used as well, but the
-following one is much more concise. Note that the order of the X libraries
-is important to the linker so that all symbols get resolved correctly.
-Changing the order may result in having to list a library twice to make
-sure all linkages are made correctly.
-----cut here for Makefile -----
-FILES = your_app.x
-SPECIAL_INCLUDES = -I/usr/include/GL
-SPECIAL_CFLAGS = -g  -ansi -pedantic -funroll-loops -ffast-math -DSHM
-SPECIAL_LIBS = -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lm -L/usr/X11/lib -lXext -lXmu -lXi \
--lX11 -lbsd -g
-%.o: %.c
-	gcc -o your_app $(STANDARD_OFILES) $(SPECIAL_LIBS)
-----cut here for Makefile-----
-I have tested Mesa under LynxOS 3.0 and 3.01. It should build fine under 
-versions as well. Note, however, that LynxOS versions prior to 3.0 are not
-binary compatible, so you will have to rebuild from source.
-Vik Sohal
-January 13, 1999
diff --git a/docs/README.NeXT b/docs/README.NeXT
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ad9a9e..0000000
--- a/docs/README.NeXT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-The NeXT support has now been incorporated into the OpenStep support.
-You can build NeXT libraries simply by typing "make next", though before
-linking they will need to be ranlib'd by hand. For more information see
-the README.OpenStep file, together with the README files in OpenStep/Old_Demos.
--Pete French. (pete@ohm.york.ac.uk) 28/5/1998
diff --git a/docs/README.OS2 b/docs/README.OS2
deleted file mode 100644
index b3374ea..0000000
--- a/docs/README.OS2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-            README for port of Mesa 3.x to XFree86 on OS/2 (X/2)
-                          (as of 19990514)
-                           Contents:
-                           1) Binary release
-                           2) Building from sources
-                           3) History
-                           4) Todo
-                           5) Mesa Home Page
-1) Binary release
-   Though the Mesa sources should build in a quite reasonable time even on
-   a 585 class machine a binary relase is available (check topic 4) for an URL)
-   This package includes:
-     - lib/MesaGL.dll,  MesaGL.a
-     - lib/MesaGLU.dll, MesaGLU.a
-     - lib/glut.dll,    glut.a
-     - include/GL/*.h
-    Installing this in your XFree86 tree will enable you to build and
-    run all applications compatible with Mesa (and the current DLL
-    interface, of course ;-)
-    As usual the OMF-style libraries can be created using emxomf.
-    (e.g. "emxomf foo.a"  creates the foo.lib omf-style library).
-    The static libraries are rarely used and you have to rebuild
-    Mesa to get them. They're a supported target, so you get
-    them in a straightforward way (see below).
-    The testing of these libraries was limited to the supplied
-    demos/examples and a quite small number of third-party apps.
-    No warranty ... as usual ...  ;-)
-2)  Instructions to build Mesa 3.x for XFree86/OS2 from sources:
-    Except the official Mesa source distribution you need:
-      - a recent version of XFree86 (3.3.x or above) including
-        the programming libraries
-      - EMX 0.9c (0.9d might work, never checked)
-      - GNU make
-      - REXX (!)
-    The creation of the DLLs as well as of the static libraries
-    (if you want to have them) is handled in "mklib-emx.cmd",
-    a small REXX script. Perhaps not the best idea, but this
-    way it fits best in the scheme used to build libraries
-    on all platforms in Mesa 3.x.
-    To actually build the libraries and demos, check mklib-emx.cmd
-    and modify it as desired. Then type
-      make os2-x11
-    and wait for completion ;-)
-3)  History
-    Initially Darren Abbott (abbott@hiwaay.net) ported Mesa versions 2.x
-    to XFree86 OS/2. This port might still be available from 
-       http://fly.HiWAAY.net/~abbott/xfree86-os2/xfree86.html
-    The current port picked up things during the beta test for 3.0. 
-    No major changes in the source were done. The build mechanism under OS/2
-    has been made very similar to other platforms (if you treat mklib-emx.cmd
-    as a "black box").
-    Advantage is that X/2 is now a valid target and all files are
-    integrated in the official source distribution.
-    Disadvantage is that this port (i.e. the DLLs' interface itself) is
-    definitly NOT COMPATIBLE to those of version 2.x. 
-    It's uncertain whether this would be at all possible but since there
-    a _very_ few those apps it's not worth to find out anyway.
-    Also some libs (MesaTK, MesaAUX) are withdrawn from the Mesa distribution,
-    and accordingly from the OS/2 port.
-4) Todo
-    By now binary compatiblity is ensured by using the function names
-    as entry points instead of ordinals. This might cost performance and
-    is subject to change in future. In addition the supplied X86 assembler
-    source is not used yet.
-5)  Mesa Home Page
-    You can get the source code and more information about Mesa from
-       http://www.mesa3d.org/
-    The OS/2 ports should be available from
-       http://r350.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~hcchu/os2/ports 
-Alexander Mai
diff --git a/docs/README.OpenStep b/docs/README.OpenStep
deleted file mode 100644
index a566eca..0000000
--- a/docs/README.OpenStep
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-This is a port of the GL and GLU libraries to NeXT/Apple object
-orientated systems. As these systems have their own window handling
-systems we simply use the offscreen rendering capability of Mesa
-to generate bitmaps which may then be displayed by the application
-with a View as required. Example pieces of code may be found in the
-OpenStep directory.
-Sadly there are now a proliferation of different system that we need to
-support compilation for: The original NextStep system, The OpenStep
-system, the Rhapsody/Mac OS X system and also the windows implementations
-of the latter two systems. This version of the code has been compiled and
-tested under the following architectures:
-	NextStep 3.3 
-	OpenStep 4.2
-	Rhapsody DR2
-	WebObjects for NT 3.5
-	WebObjects for NT 4.0
-All tests were done with Intel processors. Feedback on other systems would,
-however, be appreciated !
-On UNIX systems simply type "make openstep". Under Windows systems
-with WebObjects run the "win32-openstep.sh" script from within the Bourne
-shell provided with the development environment. In both cases this will
-build the libraries and place them into the "lib" directory. Some examples
-may be found in the OpenStep directory showing how to use the code in an
-actual application (MesaView) as well as some command line demos.
-The CC variable may be specified on the command line for doing such things
-as building FFAT libraries or using alternative compilers to the standard 'cc'
-e.g.  make CC='cc -arch m68k -arch i386' openstep" will build the libraries
-with both intel and motorola architectures.
--Pete French. (pete@ohm.york.ac.uk) 7/6/1999
diff --git a/docs/README.WINDML b/docs/README.WINDML
deleted file mode 100644
index 448db71..0000000
--- a/docs/README.WINDML
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-                        WindML Driver for Mesa 4.0
-Tornado 2 + WindML, Cumulative Patchs are recommended. 
-I suppose you have a valid WindML installation. Double buffer hardware
-gives better performance than double buffer software so if you can
-compile your WindML driver with this option, just do it. I/O
-redirection is adviced in target server.
-Tested on
-During the development, my main target was a CoolMonster:
-- Video card: CT69000
-and my host a Windows NT + Tornado 2.
-1. Mesa sources must be in root directory (C:\)
-2. Add the following line to your torVars.bat:
-set MESA_BASE=C:\Mesa
-OR copy the new torVars.bat in your bin path:
-c:/Mesa/src/ugl/tornado/torVars.sample -> 
-/mnt/nt/Tornado/host/x86-win32/bin/torVars (for example)
-3. In a command prompt:
-$ torVars
-$ cd c:\Mesa
-$ make -f Makefile.ugl CPU=PENTIUM
-Take a long while...
-5. Include all the files from ugldemos folder to build some downloadable
-   application modules
-4. Download UGL/Mesa object files on target
-For example via the WindShell:
-ld < c:\Tornado\target\lib\objMesaGL.o
-ld < c:\Tornado\target\lib\objMesaUGL.o
-ld < c:\Tornado\target\lib\objMesaGLU.o
-ld < c:\Tornado\target\lib\objGLUTshapes.o
-ld < c:\Tornado\target\lib\objMesaOS.o
-You can put the previous lines in a file and use:
-< filename
-6. Download the application modules.
-7. In WindShell, run:
--> uglalldemos
-During the show some messages will appear, it provides some useful
-information on key management.
-Sample Usage:
-In addition to the usual ugl calls to initialize UGL, (may be find an
-input driver), you must do the following to use the UGL/Mesa interface:
-1. Call uglMesaCreateContext() to create a UGL/Mesa rendering context,
-   given the display format.
-2. Call uglMesaMakeCurrent() to bind the UGL/Mesa buffers to an
-   UGL/Mesa Context and to make the context the current one.
-3. Make gl* calls to render your graphics.
-4. Use uglMesaSwapBuffers() when double buffering to swap front/back buffers.
-5. Before the UGL is destroyed, call MesaDestroyContext().
-6. Before exiting, call if required uglEventQDestroy and then
-   uglDeinitialize();
-I found the following limitations in my driver :
- - Color Indexed management is only in 8 bits
- - It's possible to mix UGL/OpenGL application with a software
-   double buffer
-New files in Mesa:
-- Makefile.ugl
-- rules.windmlmesa
-- docs/README.UGL
-- include/GL/uglmesa.h
-- si-glu/Makefile.ugl
-- src/Makefile.ugl
-- src/ugl/torGLUTShapesInit.c
-- src/ugl/torMesaUGLInit.c
-- src/ugl/ugl_api.c
-- src/ugl/ugl_dd.c
-- src/ugl/ugl_glutshapes.c
-- src/ugl/ugl_line.c
-- src/ugl/ugl_span.c
-- src/ugl/ugl_tri.c
-- src/ugl/uglmesaP.h
-- ugldemos/*
-Modified files in Tornado 2.0:
-- c:\Tornado\host\x86-win32\bin\torVars.bat
-rem Command line build environments
-set WIND_HOST_TYPE=x86-win32
-set WIND_BASE=C:\Tornado
-set MESA_BASE=C:\Mesa
-- c:\Tornado\target\config\comps\VxWorks\01uglmesa.cdf
-- c:\Tornado\target\h\GL\*
-- GCC 2.96, ASM compilation
-Thanks to:
-Precision Insight team for their great job around Mesa, XFree, and DRI.
-Wind River Systems to take me as an intern.
-Stephane Raimbault
-July 24, 2001
diff --git a/docs/systems.html b/docs/systems.html
index 03db779..035a489 100644
--- a/docs/systems.html
+++ b/docs/systems.html
@@ -38,32 +38,5 @@
-<h2>Deprecated Systems</h2>
-These drivers have not been maintained and are being deprecated.
-They can be saved if someone steps up to help.
-<LI>3dfx/Glide <A HREF="README.3DFX">(README.3DFX)</A>
-<LI>Direct3D driver <A HREF="README.D3D">(README.D3D)</A>
-<LI>OpenStep <A HREF="README.OpenStep">(README.OpenStep)</A>
-And for historical reference:
-<LI><a href="http://utah-glx.sourceforge.net/" target="_parent">Utah GLX drivers</a>