New palm rejection model and adaptive hold

This CL:
1. add a new version of neural palm model (v2) which co-exists with the
   old one, which reduces the overall latency of palm rej by 50%.
2. add support of adaptive hold, which can hold most of palms really
3. add two flags for these two new feature, off by default.

Bug: 198472780
Test: tested manually on kohaku DUT
Merged-In: I7bda4a3bd05160eaad8702d1173d15fb1f3fdb1c
Change-Id: I7bda4a3bd05160eaad8702d1173d15fb1f3fdb1c
Reviewed-by: Jing Wang <>
Reviewed-by: Rob Schonberger <>
Commit-Queue: Xinglong Luan <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#965442}
(cherry picked from commit 849a097c529800b6df5d6ba8512b91d857985d15)
12 files changed