Upgrading to new versions

This contains information on the notable or breaking changes in each version.


This adds support for Draft 2020-12

This adds support for the following keywords

  • $dynamicRef
  • $dynamicAnchor
  • $vocabulary

This refactors the schema retrieval codes as the ID is based on IRI and not URI.

Note that Java does not support IRIs. See https://cr.openjdk.org/%7Edfuchs/writeups/updating-uri/ for details.

The following are removed and replaced by SchemaLoader and SchemaMapper.

  • URIFactory - No replacement. The resolve logic is in AbsoluteIRI.
  • URISchemeFactory - No replacement as URIFactory isn't required anymore.
  • URISchemeFetcher - No replacement. The SchemaLoaders are iterated and called.
  • URITranslator - Replaced by SchemaMapper.
  • URLFactory - No replacement as URIFactory isn't required anymore.
  • URLFetcher - Replaced by UriSchemaLoader.
  • URNURIFactory - No replacement as URIFactory isn't required anymore.

The SchemaLoader and SchemaMapper are configured in the JsonSchemaFactory.Builder.

As per the specification. The format keyword since Draft 2019-09 no longer generates assertions by default.

This can be changed by using a custom meta schema with the relevant $vocabulary or by setting the execution configuration to enable format assertions.


The following are a summary of the changes

  • Paths are now specified using the JsonNodePath. The paths are instanceLocation, schemaLocation and evaluationPath. The meaning of these paths are as defined in the specification.
  • Schema Location comprises an absolute IRI component and a fragment that is a JsonNodePath that is typically a JSON pointer
  • Rename at to instanceLocation. Note that for the required validator the error message instanceLocation does not point to the missing property to be consistent with the specification. The ValidationMessage now contains a property attribute if this is required.
  • Rename schemaPath to schemaLocation. This should generally be an absolute IRI with a fragment particularly in later drafts.
  • Add evaluationPath


  • Now contains getSchemaLocation and getEvaluationPath in the interface
  • Implementations now need a constructor that takes in schemaLocation and evaluationPath
  • The validate method uses JsonNodePath for the instanceLocation
  • The validate method with just the rootNode has been removed


  • The walk method uses JsonNodePath for the instanceLocation


  • Rename at to instanceLocation
  • Rename schemaPath to schemaLocation
  • Add evaluationPath
  • Rename keyWordName to keyword


  • Rename at to instanceLocation
  • Rename schemaPath to schemaLocation
  • Add evaluationPath


  • The atPath methods are removed. Use JsonNodePath.append to get the path of the child
  • The buildValidationMessage methods are removed. Use the message builder method instead.


  • The evaluatedProperties and evaluatedItems are now Collection<JsonNodePath>


  • The validator keys are now using evaluationPath instead of schemaPath
  • The @deprecated constructor methods have been removed


  • The customMessage has been removed. This made the ValidatorTypeCode mutable if the feature was used as the enum is a shared instance. The logic for determining the customMessage has been moved to the validator.
  • The creation of newValidator instances now uses a functional interface instead of reflection.


  • The ValidatorState is now a property of the ExecutionContext. This change is largely to improve performance. The CollectorContext.get method is particularly slow for this use case.


Removes use of ThreadLocal to store context and explicitly passes the context as a parameter where needed.

The following are the main API changes, typically to accept an ExecutionContext as a parameter

  • com.networknt.schema.JsonSchema
  • com.networknt.schema.JsonValidator
  • com.networknt.schema.Format
  • com.networknt.schema.walk.JsonSchemaWalker
  • com.networknt.schema.walk.WalkEvent

JsonSchema was modified to optionally accept an ExecutionContext for the validate, validateAndCollect and walk methods. For methods where no ExecutionContext is supplied, one is created for each run in the createExecutionContext method in JsonSchema.

ValidationResult was modified to store the ExecutionContext of the run which is also a means of reusing the context, by passing this context information from the ValidationResult to following runs.


Up to version 1.0.81, the dependency org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 was included as a runtime dependency. Starting with 1.0.82 it is not required anymore.