[rust] Genericize flexbuffer reader (#6450)

* feature/rust-tokio-bytes added feature name for tokio-bytes

* Added flexbuffer implementation, TODO: typecast to avoid recurse

* Converted codebase to utilize FlexBuffer implementation, need to resolve deserialization issues

* Added todo for lifetime issue, may use &'de [u8] for deserializer instead of current method

* Added proper &[u8] implementation

* Removed unused struct

* Added experimental fix to get_slice

* Added experimental fix to get_slice

* Avoided lifetime issues via ref structs, need to check if this hurts peformance

* Updated deserializer implementation to allow for borrowed data from Reader struct

* Fixed bug with str

* Removed unnecessary generic parameter

* Added unsafe to avoid lifetime complaints, current tests pass, need to review alternatives to unsafe

* Opinionated: Removed bytes crate as this implementation could be done in a separate crate

* Cleaned up flatbuffer

* Fixed sample / example

* Resolved PR feedback, need to resolve issues with tests

* Cleaned up FlexBuffer trait to be an auto impl

* Removed TODO

* Reverted Deserializer to only support &'de [u8]

* Cleaned up / renamed function for clarification

* Renamed FlexBuffer -> InternalBuffer for clarification on it's purpose

* Fixed issue with key bytes

* resolved issues with broken tests, confirming this is a breaking change

* Removed FIXME that's solved by splitting String and Key variants

* Implemented associated types approach

* Fixed backward slice logic

* Fixed MapReader compile error

* Added from_buffer for deserialization, removed  function since it's only needed for deserialization

* Removed dead code

* Cleaned up buffer, removed AsRef in favor of Deref

* Renamed Buffer::as_str -> Buffer::buffer_str

* Minor cleanup

* Updated documentation, need to fix tests

* Removed unnecessary &

* Removed unused lifetime

* removed unnecessary as_ref

* Minor optimization wrap-up

* resolved issue with Clone

* Added test to verify no deep-copy

* Added  for optimization

* Updated to use empty fn instead of default

* Updated comments / test name - plus the 0.3.0 version bump

* comment
14 files changed
tree: b48894842741f0586e899765945665fcfde36218
  1. .appveyor/
  2. .bazelci/
  3. .github/
  4. .travis/
  5. android/
  6. bazel/
  7. CMake/
  8. conan/
  9. dart/
  10. docs/
  11. go/
  12. grpc/
  13. include/
  14. java/
  15. js/
  16. kotlin/
  17. lobster/
  18. lua/
  19. mjs/
  20. net/
  21. php/
  22. python/
  23. reflection/
  24. rust/
  25. samples/
  26. snap/
  27. src/
  28. swift/
  29. tests/
  30. ts/
  31. .clang-format
  32. .editorconfig
  33. .eslintrc.js
  34. .gitattributes
  35. .gitignore
  36. .travis.yml
  37. appveyor.yml
  38. BUILD.bazel
  39. build_defs.bzl
  40. CMakeLists.txt
  41. composer.json
  42. conanfile.py
  44. Formatters.md
  45. LICENSE.txt
  46. package.json
  47. pom.xml
  48. readme.md
  49. swift.swiftformat
  50. tsconfig.json
  51. tsconfig.mjs.json

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FlatBuffers is a cross platform serialization library architected for maximum memory efficiency. It allows you to directly access serialized data without parsing/unpacking it first, while still having great forwards/backwards compatibility.

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  • Android
  • And any others with a recent C++ compiler.

Supported programming languages

  • C++
  • C#
  • C
  • Dart
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Lobster
  • Lua
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Rust
  • TypeScript

and more in progress...


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Flatbuffers is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.