Copy upstream release-45

Bug: 320769332
Test: n/a
Change-Id: I2bd7e29c821118aab8dcf291b88b7b8e8c4c2c4d
2578 files changed
tree: 682106c9832709f1037847e7c1ffec5096a8614e
  1. common/
  2. docs/
  3. exemplars/
  4. keyboards/
  5. seed/
  6. specs/
  7. tools/
  8. .gitignore
  11. pom.xml
  12. readme.html
  14. vetur.config.js

Unicode CLDR Project

For current CLDR release information, see

main branch:

cldr-mvn Ansible Lint Publish to gh-pages CodeQL


Update: 2024-04-15

This is the final release version of CLDR 45.

What is CLDR?

The Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) provides key building blocks for software to support the world's languages, with the largest and most extensive standard repository of locale data available. This data is used by a wide spectrum of companies for their software internationalization and localization, adapting software to the conventions of different languages for such common software tasks.

See for further information:


Most data submissions are done via the CLDR Survey Tool, which is open and available on predetermined cycles. Click HERE for information on how to obtain a survey tool account.

For details about code and other contributions, see


A source formatter is now used, please see spotless for details.

Copyright & Licenses

Copyright © 2004-2024 Unicode, Inc. Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

The project is released under LICENSE.

Note that some CLDR tools depend on libraries managed via Maven; use of these libraries is governed by separate license agreements.

A CLA is required to contribute to this project - please refer to the file (or start a Pull Request) for more information.