Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 278205

This commit was generated by

Change-Id: I23f1e7ea8c154ba72e7fb594436216f861f868ab
diff --git a/mojo/services/view_manager/ b/mojo/services/view_manager/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22faff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mojo/services/view_manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,1368 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/at_exit.h"
+#include "base/auto_reset.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/run_loop.h"
+#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
+#include "mojo/common/common_type_converters.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/application/application.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/application/connect.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/router.h"
+#include "mojo/service_manager/service_manager.h"
+#include "mojo/services/public/cpp/geometry/geometry_type_converters.h"
+#include "mojo/services/public/cpp/view_manager/types.h"
+#include "mojo/services/public/cpp/view_manager/util.h"
+#include "mojo/services/public/interfaces/view_manager/view_manager.mojom.h"
+#include "mojo/services/view_manager/ids.h"
+#include "mojo/services/view_manager/test_change_tracker.h"
+#include "mojo/shell/shell_test_helper.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
+namespace mojo {
+namespace view_manager {
+namespace service {
+namespace {
+const char kTestServiceURL[] = "mojo:test_url";
+// ViewManagerProxy is a proxy to an ViewManagerService. It handles invoking
+// ViewManagerService functions on the right thread in a synchronous manner
+// (each ViewManagerService cover function blocks until the response from the
+// ViewManagerService is returned). In addition it tracks the set of
+// ViewManagerClient messages received by way of a vector of Changes. Use
+// DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount() to wait for a certain number of messages to be
+// received.
+class ViewManagerProxy : public TestChangeTracker::Delegate {
+ public:
+  explicit ViewManagerProxy(TestChangeTracker* tracker)
+      : tracker_(tracker),
+        view_manager_(NULL),
+        quit_count_(0),
+        router_(NULL) {
+    SetInstance(this);
+  }
+  virtual ~ViewManagerProxy() {}
+  // Runs a message loop until the single instance has been created.
+  static ViewManagerProxy* WaitForInstance() {
+    if (!instance_)
+      RunMainLoop();
+    ViewManagerProxy* instance = instance_;
+    instance_ = NULL;
+    return instance;
+  }
+  ViewManagerService* view_manager() { return view_manager_; }
+  // Runs the main loop until |count| changes have been received.
+  std::vector<Change> DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(size_t count) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(0u, quit_count_);
+    if (tracker_->changes()->size() >= count) {
+      CopyChangesFromTracker();
+      return changes_;
+    }
+    quit_count_ = count - tracker_->changes()->size();
+    // Run the current message loop. When |count| Changes have been received,
+    // we'll quit.
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return changes_;
+  }
+  const std::vector<Change>& changes() const { return changes_; }
+  // Destroys the connection, blocking until done.
+  void Destroy() {
+    router_->CloseMessagePipe();
+  }
+  // The following functions are cover methods for ViewManagerService. They
+  // block until the result is received.
+  bool CreateNode(Id node_id) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->CreateNode(node_id,
+                              base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                         base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool AddNode(Id parent, Id child, Id server_change_id) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->AddNode(parent, child, server_change_id,
+                           base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                      base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool RemoveNodeFromParent(Id node_id, Id server_change_id) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->RemoveNodeFromParent(node_id, server_change_id,
+        base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                   base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool ReorderNode(Id node_id,
+                   Id relative_node_id,
+                   OrderDirection direction,
+                   Id server_change_id) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->ReorderNode(node_id, relative_node_id, direction,
+                               server_change_id,
+                               base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                          base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool SetView(Id node_id, Id view_id) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->SetView(node_id, view_id,
+                           base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                      base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool CreateView(Id view_id) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->CreateView(view_id,
+                              base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                         base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  void GetNodeTree(Id node_id, std::vector<TestNode>* nodes) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    view_manager_->GetNodeTree(node_id,
+                               base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotNodeTree,
+                                          base::Unretained(this), nodes));
+    RunMainLoop();
+  }
+  bool Embed(const std::vector<Id>& nodes) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    base::AutoReset<bool> auto_reset(&in_embed_, true);
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->Embed(kTestServiceURL, Array<Id>::From(nodes),
+                         base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                    base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool DeleteNode(Id node_id, Id server_change_id) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->DeleteNode(node_id,
+                              server_change_id,
+                              base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                         base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool DeleteView(Id view_id) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->DeleteView(view_id,
+                              base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                         base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool SetNodeBounds(Id node_id, const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
+    changes_.clear();
+    bool result = false;
+    view_manager_->SetNodeBounds(node_id, Rect::From(bounds),
+                                 base::Bind(&ViewManagerProxy::GotResult,
+                                            base::Unretained(this), &result));
+    RunMainLoop();
+    return result;
+  }
+ private:
+  friend class TestViewManagerClientConnection;
+  void set_router(mojo::internal::Router* router) { router_ = router; }
+  void set_view_manager(ViewManagerService* view_manager) {
+    view_manager_ = view_manager;
+  }
+  static void RunMainLoop() {
+    DCHECK(!main_run_loop_);
+    main_run_loop_ = new base::RunLoop;
+    main_run_loop_->Run();
+    delete main_run_loop_;
+    main_run_loop_ = NULL;
+  }
+  void QuitCountReached() {
+    CopyChangesFromTracker();
+    main_run_loop_->Quit();
+  }
+  void CopyChangesFromTracker() {
+    std::vector<Change> changes;
+    tracker_->changes()->swap(changes);
+    changes_.swap(changes);
+  }
+  static void SetInstance(ViewManagerProxy* instance) {
+    DCHECK(!instance_);
+    instance_ = instance;
+    // Embed() runs its own run loop that is quit when the result is
+    // received. Embed() also results in a new instance. If we quit here while
+    // waiting for a Embed() we would prematurely return before we got the
+    // result from Embed().
+    if (!in_embed_ && main_run_loop_)
+      main_run_loop_->Quit();
+  }
+  // Callbacks from the various ViewManagerService functions.
+  void GotResult(bool* result_cache, bool result) {
+    *result_cache = result;
+    DCHECK(main_run_loop_);
+    main_run_loop_->Quit();
+  }
+  void GotNodeTree(std::vector<TestNode>* nodes, Array<NodeDataPtr> results) {
+    NodeDatasToTestNodes(results, nodes);
+    DCHECK(main_run_loop_);
+    main_run_loop_->Quit();
+  }
+  // TestChangeTracker::Delegate:
+  virtual void OnChangeAdded() OVERRIDE {
+    if (quit_count_ > 0 && --quit_count_ == 0)
+      QuitCountReached();
+  }
+  static ViewManagerProxy* instance_;
+  static base::RunLoop* main_run_loop_;
+  static bool in_embed_;
+  TestChangeTracker* tracker_;
+  // MessageLoop of the test.
+  base::MessageLoop* main_loop_;
+  ViewManagerService* view_manager_;
+  // Number of changes we're waiting on until we quit the current loop.
+  size_t quit_count_;
+  std::vector<Change> changes_;
+  mojo::internal::Router* router_;
+// static
+ViewManagerProxy* ViewManagerProxy::instance_ = NULL;
+// static
+base::RunLoop* ViewManagerProxy::main_run_loop_ = NULL;
+// static
+bool ViewManagerProxy::in_embed_ = false;
+class TestViewManagerClientConnection
+    : public InterfaceImpl<ViewManagerClient> {
+ public:
+  TestViewManagerClientConnection() : connection_(&tracker_) {
+    tracker_.set_delegate(&connection_);
+  }
+  // InterfaceImp:
+  virtual void OnConnectionEstablished() OVERRIDE {
+    connection_.set_router(internal_state()->router());
+    connection_.set_view_manager(client());
+  }
+  // ViewMangerClient:
+  virtual void OnViewManagerConnectionEstablished(
+      ConnectionSpecificId connection_id,
+      const String& creator_url,
+      Id next_server_change_id,
+      Array<NodeDataPtr> nodes) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnViewManagerConnectionEstablished(
+        connection_id, creator_url, next_server_change_id, nodes.Pass());
+  }
+  virtual void OnRootsAdded(Array<NodeDataPtr> nodes) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnRootsAdded(nodes.Pass());
+  }
+  virtual void OnServerChangeIdAdvanced(
+      Id next_server_change_id) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnServerChangeIdAdvanced(next_server_change_id);
+  }
+  virtual void OnNodeBoundsChanged(Id node_id,
+                                   RectPtr old_bounds,
+                                   RectPtr new_bounds) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnNodeBoundsChanged(node_id, old_bounds.Pass(), new_bounds.Pass());
+  }
+  virtual void OnNodeHierarchyChanged(Id node,
+                                      Id new_parent,
+                                      Id old_parent,
+                                      Id server_change_id,
+                                      Array<NodeDataPtr> nodes) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnNodeHierarchyChanged(node, new_parent, old_parent,
+                                    server_change_id, nodes.Pass());
+  }
+  virtual void OnNodeReordered(Id node_id,
+                               Id relative_node_id,
+                               OrderDirection direction,
+                               Id server_change_id) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnNodeReordered(node_id, relative_node_id, direction,
+                             server_change_id);
+  }
+  virtual void OnNodeDeleted(Id node, Id server_change_id) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnNodeDeleted(node, server_change_id);
+  }
+  virtual void OnViewDeleted(Id view) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnViewDeleted(view);
+  }
+  virtual void OnNodeViewReplaced(Id node,
+                                  Id new_view_id,
+                                  Id old_view_id) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnNodeViewReplaced(node, new_view_id, old_view_id);
+  }
+  virtual void OnViewInputEvent(Id view_id,
+                                EventPtr event,
+                                const Callback<void()>& callback) OVERRIDE {
+    tracker_.OnViewInputEvent(view_id, event.Pass());
+  }
+  virtual void DispatchOnViewInputEvent(Id view_id,
+                                        mojo::EventPtr event) OVERRIDE {
+  }
+ private:
+  TestChangeTracker tracker_;
+  ViewManagerProxy connection_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestViewManagerClientConnection);
+// Used with ViewManagerService::Embed(). Creates a
+// TestViewManagerClientConnection, which creates and owns the ViewManagerProxy.
+class EmbedServiceLoader : public ServiceLoader {
+ public:
+  EmbedServiceLoader() {}
+  virtual ~EmbedServiceLoader() {}
+  // ServiceLoader:
+  virtual void LoadService(ServiceManager* manager,
+                           const GURL& url,
+                           ScopedMessagePipeHandle shell_handle) OVERRIDE {
+    scoped_ptr<Application> app(new Application(shell_handle.Pass()));
+    app->AddService<TestViewManagerClientConnection>();
+    apps_.push_back(app.release());
+  }
+  virtual void OnServiceError(ServiceManager* manager,
+                              const GURL& url) OVERRIDE {
+  }
+ private:
+  ScopedVector<Application> apps_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EmbedServiceLoader);
+// Creates an id used for transport from the specified parameters.
+Id BuildNodeId(ConnectionSpecificId connection_id,
+               ConnectionSpecificId node_id) {
+  return (connection_id << 16) | node_id;
+// Creates an id used for transport from the specified parameters.
+Id BuildViewId(ConnectionSpecificId connection_id,
+               ConnectionSpecificId view_id) {
+  return (connection_id << 16) | view_id;
+// Callback from EmbedRoot(). |result| is the result of the
+// Embed() call and |run_loop| the nested RunLoop.
+void EmbedRootCallback(bool* result_cache,
+                       base::RunLoop* run_loop,
+                       bool result) {
+  *result_cache = result;
+  run_loop->Quit();
+// Resposible for establishing the initial ViewManagerService connection. Blocks
+// until result is determined.
+bool EmbedRoot(ViewManagerInitService* view_manager_init,
+               const std::string& url) {
+  bool result = false;
+  base::RunLoop run_loop;
+  view_manager_init->EmbedRoot(url, base::Bind(&EmbedRootCallback,
+                                               &result, &run_loop));
+  run_loop.Run();
+  return result;
+}  // namespace
+typedef std::vector<std::string> Changes;
+class ViewManagerTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+  ViewManagerTest() : connection_(NULL), connection2_(NULL) {}
+  virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+    test_helper_.Init();
+    test_helper_.SetLoaderForURL(
+        scoped_ptr<ServiceLoader>(new EmbedServiceLoader()),
+        GURL(kTestServiceURL));
+    ConnectToService(test_helper_.service_provider(),
+                     "mojo:mojo_view_manager",
+                     &view_manager_init_);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(EmbedRoot(view_manager_init_.get(), kTestServiceURL));
+    connection_ = ViewManagerProxy::WaitForInstance();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_ != NULL);
+    connection_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+  }
+  virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+    if (connection2_)
+      connection2_->Destroy();
+    if (connection_)
+      connection_->Destroy();
+  }
+ protected:
+  void EstablishSecondConnectionWithRoots(Id id1, Id id2) {
+    std::vector<Id> node_ids;
+    node_ids.push_back(id1);
+    if (id2 != 0)
+      node_ids.push_back(id2);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->Embed(node_ids));
+    connection2_ = ViewManagerProxy::WaitForInstance();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_ != NULL);
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, connection2_->changes().size());
+  }
+  // Creates a second connection to the viewmanager.
+  void EstablishSecondConnection(bool create_initial_node) {
+    if (create_initial_node)
+      ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+        EstablishSecondConnectionWithRoots(BuildNodeId(1, 1), 0));
+    const std::vector<Change>& changes(connection2_->changes());
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("OnConnectionEstablished creator=mojo:test_url",
+              ChangesToDescription1(changes)[0]);
+    if (create_initial_node) {
+      EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,1 parent=null view=null]",
+                ChangeNodeDescription(changes));
+    }
+  }
+  void DestroySecondConnection() {
+    connection2_->Destroy();
+    connection2_ = NULL;
+  }
+  base::ShadowingAtExitManager at_exit_;
+  base::MessageLoop loop_;
+  shell::ShellTestHelper test_helper_;
+  ViewManagerInitServicePtr view_manager_init_;
+  ViewManagerProxy* connection_;
+  ViewManagerProxy* connection2_;
+// Verifies client gets a valid id.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, ValidId) {
+  // TODO(beng): this should really have the URL of the application that
+  //             connected to ViewManagerInit.
+  EXPECT_EQ("OnConnectionEstablished creator=",
+            ChangesToDescription1(connection_->changes())[0]);
+  // All these tests assume 1 for the client id. The only real assertion here is
+  // the client id is not zero, but adding this as rest of code here assumes 1.
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, connection_->changes()[0].connection_id);
+  // Change ids start at 1 as well.
+  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<Id>(1), connection_->changes()[0].change_id);
+// Verifies two clients/connections get different ids.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, TwoClientsGetDifferentConnectionIds) {
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  EXPECT_EQ("OnConnectionEstablished creator=mojo:test_url",
+            ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes())[0]);
+  // It isn't strickly necessary that the second connection gets 2, but these
+  // tests are written assuming that is the case. The key thing is the
+  // connection ids of |connection_| and |connection2_| differ.
+  EXPECT_EQ(2, connection2_->changes()[0].connection_id);
+  // Change ids start at 1 as well.
+  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<Id>(1), connection2_->changes()[0].change_id);
+// Verifies client gets a valid id.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, CreateNode) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->changes().empty());
+  // Can't create a node with the same id.
+  ASSERT_FALSE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->changes().empty());
+  // Can't create a node with a bogus connection id.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(2, 1)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->changes().empty());
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, CreateViewFailsWithBogusConnectionId) {
+  EXPECT_FALSE(connection_->CreateView(BuildViewId(2, 1)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->changes().empty());
+// Verifies hierarchy changes.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, AddRemoveNotify) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  // Make 3 a child of 2.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildNodeId(1, 3), 1));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->changes().empty());
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ServerChangeIdAdvanced 2", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Remove 3 from its parent.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->RemoveNodeFromParent(BuildNodeId(1, 3), 2));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->changes().empty());
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ServerChangeIdAdvanced 3", changes[0]);
+  }
+// Verifies AddNode fails when node is already in position.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, AddNodeWithNoChange) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  // Make 3 a child of 2.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildNodeId(1, 3), 1));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ServerChangeIdAdvanced 2", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Try again, this should fail.
+  {
+    EXPECT_FALSE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildNodeId(1, 3), 2));
+  }
+// Verifies AddNode fails when node is already in position.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, AddAncestorFails) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  // Make 3 a child of 2.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildNodeId(1, 3), 1));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ServerChangeIdAdvanced 2", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Try to make 2 a child of 3, this should fail since 2 is an ancestor of 3.
+  {
+    EXPECT_FALSE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 2));
+  }
+// Verifies adding with an invalid id fails.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, AddWithInvalidServerId) {
+  // Create two nodes.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  // Make 2 a child of 1. Supply an invalid change id, which should fail.
+  ASSERT_FALSE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 0));
+// Verifies adding to root sends right notifications.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, AddToRoot) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 21)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  // Make 3 a child of 21.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 21), BuildNodeId(1, 3), 1));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ServerChangeIdAdvanced 2", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Make 21 a child of 1.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 21), 2));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=2 node=1,21 new_parent=1,1 old_parent=null",
+        changes[0]);
+  }
+// Verifies HierarchyChanged is correctly sent for various adds/removes.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, NodeHierarchyChangedNodes) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 11)));
+  // Make 11 a child of 2.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildNodeId(1, 11), 1));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  // Make 2 a child of 1.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 2));
+    // Client 2 should get a hierarchy change that includes the new nodes as it
+    // has not yet seen them.
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=2 node=1,2 new_parent=1,1 old_parent=null",
+        changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,2 parent=1,1 view=null],"
+              "[node=1,11 parent=1,2 view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+  // Add 1 to the root.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 3));
+    // Client 2 should get a hierarchy change that includes the new nodes as it
+    // has not yet seen them.
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=3 node=1,1 new_parent=null old_parent=null",
+        changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+  // Remove 1 from its parent.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->RemoveNodeFromParent(BuildNodeId(1, 1), 4));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->changes().empty());
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=4 node=1,1 new_parent=null old_parent=null",
+        changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Create another node, 111, parent it to 11.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 111)));
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 11), BuildNodeId(1, 111),
+                                     5));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=5 node=1,111 new_parent=1,11 "
+        "old_parent=null", changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,111 parent=1,11 view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+  // Reattach 1 to the root.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 6));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=6 node=1,1 new_parent=null old_parent=null",
+        changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, NodeHierarchyChangedAddingKnownToUnknown) {
+  // Create the following structure: root -> 1 -> 11 and 2->21 (2 has no
+  // parent).
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 11)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 21)));
+  // Set up the hierarchy.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 11), 2));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildNodeId(1, 21), 3));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  {
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,1 parent=null view=null],"
+              "[node=1,11 parent=1,1 view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+  // Remove 11, should result in a delete (since 11 is no longer in connection
+  // 2's root).
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->RemoveNodeFromParent(BuildNodeId(1, 11), 4));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("NodeDeleted change_id=4 node=1,11", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Add 2 to 1.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 5));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=5 node=1,2 new_parent=1,1 old_parent=null",
+        changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,2 parent=1,1 view=null],"
+              "[node=1,21 parent=1,2 view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, ReorderNode) {
+  Id node1_id = BuildNodeId(1, 1);
+  Id node2_id = BuildNodeId(1, 2);
+  Id node3_id = BuildNodeId(1, 3);
+  Id node4_id = BuildNodeId(1, 4);  // Peer to 1,1
+  Id node5_id = BuildNodeId(1, 5);  // Peer to 1,1
+  Id node6_id = BuildNodeId(1, 6);  // Child of 1,2.
+  Id node7_id = BuildNodeId(1, 7);  // Unparented.
+  Id node8_id = BuildNodeId(1, 8);  // Unparented.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(node1_id));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(node2_id));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(node3_id));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(node4_id));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(node5_id));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(node6_id));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(node7_id));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(node8_id));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(node1_id, node2_id, 1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(node2_id, node6_id, 2));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(node1_id, node3_id, 3));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(
+      NodeIdToTransportId(RootNodeId()), node4_id, 4));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(
+      NodeIdToTransportId(RootNodeId()), node5_id, 5));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  {
+    connection_->ReorderNode(node2_id, node3_id, ORDER_ABOVE, 6);
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "Reordered change_id=6 node=1,2 relative=1,3 direction=above",
+        changes[0]);
+  }
+  {
+    connection_->ReorderNode(node2_id, node3_id, ORDER_BELOW, 7);
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "Reordered change_id=7 node=1,2 relative=1,3 direction=below",
+        changes[0]);
+  }
+  {
+    // node2 is already below node3.
+    EXPECT_FALSE(connection_->ReorderNode(node2_id, node3_id, ORDER_BELOW, 8));
+  }
+  {
+    // node4 & 5 are unknown to connection2_.
+    EXPECT_FALSE(connection2_->ReorderNode(node4_id, node5_id, ORDER_ABOVE, 8));
+  }
+  {
+    // node6 & node3 have different parents.
+    EXPECT_FALSE(connection_->ReorderNode(node3_id, node6_id, ORDER_ABOVE, 8));
+  }
+  {
+    // Non-existent node-ids
+    EXPECT_FALSE(connection_->ReorderNode(BuildNodeId(1, 27),
+                                          BuildNodeId(1, 28),
+                                          ORDER_ABOVE,
+                                          8));
+  }
+  {
+    // node7 & node8 are un-parented.
+    EXPECT_FALSE(connection_->ReorderNode(node7_id, node8_id, ORDER_ABOVE, 8));
+  }
+// Verifies DeleteNode works.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, DeleteNode) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  // Make 2 a child of 1.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 1));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged change_id=1 node=1,2 new_parent=1,1 "
+              "old_parent=null", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Delete 2.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->DeleteNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), 2));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->changes().empty());
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("NodeDeleted change_id=2 node=1,2", changes[0]);
+  }
+// Verifies DeleteNode isn't allowed from a separate connection.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, DeleteNodeFromAnotherConnectionDisallowed) {
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(connection2_->DeleteNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+// Verifies DeleteView isn't allowed from a separate connection.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, DeleteViewFromAnotherConnectionDisallowed) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateView(BuildViewId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(connection2_->DeleteView(BuildViewId(1, 1)));
+// Verifies if a node was deleted and then reused that other clients are
+// properly notified.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, ReuseDeletedNodeId) {
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  // Add 2 to 1.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 1));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=1 node=1,2 new_parent=1,1 old_parent=null",
+        changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,2 parent=1,1 view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+  // Delete 2.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->DeleteNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), 2));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("NodeDeleted change_id=2 node=1,2", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Create 2 again, and add it back to 1. Should get the same notification.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 3));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=3 node=1,2 new_parent=1,1 old_parent=null",
+        changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,2 parent=1,1 view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+// Assertions around setting a view.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, SetView) {
+  // Create nodes 1, 2 and 3 and the view 11. Nodes 2 and 3 are parented to 1.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateView(BuildViewId(1, 11)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 3), 2));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  // Set view 11 on node 1.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 1),
+                                     BuildViewId(1, 11)));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ViewReplaced node=1,1 new_view=1,11 old_view=null",
+              changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Set view 11 on node 2.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildViewId(1, 11)));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(2);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(2u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ViewReplaced node=1,1 new_view=null old_view=1,11",
+              changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("ViewReplaced node=1,2 new_view=1,11 old_view=null",
+              changes[1]);
+  }
+// Verifies deleting a node with a view sends correct notifications.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, DeleteNodeWithView) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateView(BuildViewId(1, 11)));
+  // Set view 11 on node 2.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildViewId(1, 11)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  // Delete node 2. The second connection should not see this because the node
+  // was not known to it.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->DeleteNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), 1));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ServerChangeIdAdvanced 2", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Parent 3 to 1.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 3), 2));
+  connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+  // Set view 11 on node 3.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 3), BuildViewId(1, 11)));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ViewReplaced node=1,3 new_view=1,11 old_view=null", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Delete 3.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->DeleteNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3), 3));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("NodeDeleted change_id=3 node=1,3", changes[0]);
+  }
+// Sets view from one connection on another.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, SetViewFromSecondConnection) {
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  // Create a view in the second connection.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->CreateView(BuildViewId(2, 51)));
+  // Attach view to node 1 in the first connection.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildViewId(2, 51)));
+    connection_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ViewReplaced node=1,1 new_view=2,51 old_view=null", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Shutdown the second connection and verify view is removed.
+  {
+    DestroySecondConnection();
+    connection_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(2);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(2u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ViewReplaced node=1,1 new_view=null old_view=2,51", changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("ViewDeleted view=2,51", changes[1]);
+  }
+// Assertions for GetNodeTree.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, GetNodeTree) {
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(true));
+  // Create 11 in first connection and make it a child of 1.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 11)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 11), 2));
+  // Create two nodes in second connection, 2 and 3, both children of 1.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(2, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(2, 3)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(2, 2), 3));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(2, 3), 4));
+  // Attach view to node 11 in the first connection.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateView(BuildViewId(1, 51)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 11), BuildViewId(1, 51)));
+  // Verifies GetNodeTree() on the root.
+  {
+    std::vector<TestNode> nodes;
+    connection_->GetNodeTree(BuildNodeId(0, 1), &nodes);
+    ASSERT_EQ(5u, nodes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=0,1 parent=null view=null", nodes[0].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=1,1 parent=0,1 view=null", nodes[1].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=1,11 parent=1,1 view=1,51", nodes[2].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=2,2 parent=1,1 view=null", nodes[3].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=2,3 parent=1,1 view=null", nodes[4].ToString());
+  }
+  // Verifies GetNodeTree() on the node 1,1.
+  {
+    std::vector<TestNode> nodes;
+    connection2_->GetNodeTree(BuildNodeId(1, 1), &nodes);
+    ASSERT_EQ(4u, nodes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=1,1 parent=null view=null", nodes[0].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=1,11 parent=1,1 view=1,51", nodes[1].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=2,2 parent=1,1 view=null", nodes[2].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=2,3 parent=1,1 view=null", nodes[3].ToString());
+  }
+  // Connection 2 shouldn't be able to get the root tree.
+  {
+    std::vector<TestNode> nodes;
+    connection2_->GetNodeTree(BuildNodeId(0, 1), &nodes);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0u, nodes.size());
+  }
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, SetNodeBounds) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->SetNodeBounds(BuildNodeId(1, 1),
+                                         gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)));
+  connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+  const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+  ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+  EXPECT_EQ("BoundsChanged node=1,1 old_bounds=0,0 0x0 new_bounds=0,0 100x100",
+            changes[0]);
+  // Should not be possible to change the bounds of a node created by another
+  // connection.
+  ASSERT_FALSE(connection2_->SetNodeBounds(BuildNodeId(1, 1),
+                                           gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)));
+// Various assertions around SetRoots.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, SetRoots) {
+  // Create 1, 2, and 3 in the first connection.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3)));
+  // Parent 1 to the root.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+  // Establish the second connection and give it the roots 1 and 3.
+  {
+    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnectionWithRoots(
+                                BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 3)));
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("OnConnectionEstablished creator=mojo:test_url", changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,1 parent=null view=null],"
+              "[node=1,3 parent=null view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+  // Create 4 and add it to the root, connection 2 should only get id advanced.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 4)));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 4), 2));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ServerChangeIdAdvanced 3", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Move 4 under 3, this should expose 4 to the client.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 3), BuildNodeId(1, 4), 3));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+        "HierarchyChanged change_id=3 node=1,4 new_parent=1,3 "
+        "old_parent=null", changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,4 parent=1,3 view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+  // Move 4 under 2, since 2 isn't a root client should get a delete.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildNodeId(1, 4), 4));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("NodeDeleted change_id=4 node=1,4", changes[0]);
+  }
+  // Delete 4, client shouldn't receive a delete since it should no longer know
+  // about 4.
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->DeleteNode(BuildNodeId(1, 4), 5));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("ServerChangeIdAdvanced 6", changes[0]);
+  }
+// Verify AddNode fails when trying to manipulate nodes in other roots.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, CantMoveNodesFromOtherRoot) {
+  // Create 1 and 2 in the first connection.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  // Try to move 2 to be a child of 1 from connection 2. This should fail as 2
+  // should not be able to access 1.
+  ASSERT_FALSE(connection2_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 1));
+  // Try to reparent 1 to the root. A connection is not allowed to reparent its
+  // roots.
+  ASSERT_FALSE(connection2_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+// Verify RemoveNodeFromParent fails for nodes that are descendants of the
+// roots.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, CantRemoveNodesInOtherRoots) {
+  // Create 1 and 2 in the first connection and parent both to the root.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 2));
+  // Establish the second connection and give it the root 1.
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  // Connection 2 should not be able to remove node 2 or 1 from its parent.
+  ASSERT_FALSE(connection2_->RemoveNodeFromParent(BuildNodeId(1, 2), 3));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(connection2_->RemoveNodeFromParent(BuildNodeId(1, 1), 3));
+  // Create nodes 10 and 11 in 2.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(2, 10)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(2, 11)));
+  // Parent 11 to 10.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(2, 10), BuildNodeId(2, 11), 3));
+  // Remove 11 from 10.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->RemoveNodeFromParent( BuildNodeId(2, 11), 4));
+  // Verify nothing was actually removed.
+  {
+    std::vector<TestNode> nodes;
+    connection_->GetNodeTree(BuildNodeId(0, 1), &nodes);
+    ASSERT_EQ(3u, nodes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=0,1 parent=null view=null", nodes[0].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=1,1 parent=0,1 view=null", nodes[1].ToString());
+    EXPECT_EQ("node=1,2 parent=0,1 view=null", nodes[2].ToString());
+  }
+// Verify SetView fails for nodes that are not descendants of the roots.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, CantRemoveSetViewInOtherRoots) {
+  // Create 1 and 2 in the first connection and parent both to the root.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 2));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  // Create a view in the second connection.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->CreateView(BuildViewId(2, 51)));
+  // Connection 2 should be able to set the view on node 1 (it's root), but not
+  // on 2.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildViewId(2, 51)));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(connection2_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 2), BuildViewId(2, 51)));
+// Verify GetNodeTree fails for nodes that are not descendants of the roots.
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, CantGetNodeTreeOfOtherRoots) {
+  // Create 1 and 2 in the first connection and parent both to the root.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 1), 1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(0, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 2));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  std::vector<TestNode> nodes;
+  // Should get nothing for the root.
+  connection2_->GetNodeTree(BuildNodeId(0, 1), &nodes);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(nodes.empty());
+  // Should get nothing for node 2.
+  connection2_->GetNodeTree(BuildNodeId(1, 2), &nodes);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(nodes.empty());
+  // Should get node 1 if asked for.
+  connection2_->GetNodeTree(BuildNodeId(1, 1), &nodes);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1u, nodes.size());
+  EXPECT_EQ("node=1,1 parent=null view=null", nodes[0].ToString());
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, ConnectTwice) {
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 2)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->AddNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildNodeId(1, 2), 1));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  // Try to connect again to 1,1, this should fail as already connected to that
+  // root.
+  {
+    std::vector<Id> node_ids;
+    node_ids.push_back(BuildNodeId(1, 1));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(connection_->Embed(node_ids));
+  }
+  // Connecting to 1,2 should succeed and end up in connection2.
+  {
+    std::vector<Id> node_ids;
+    node_ids.push_back(BuildNodeId(1, 2));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->Embed(node_ids));
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("OnRootsAdded", changes[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ("[node=1,2 parent=1,1 view=null]",
+              ChangeNodeDescription(connection2_->changes()));
+  }
+TEST_F(ViewManagerTest, OnViewInput) {
+  // Create node 1 and assign a view from connection 2 to it.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->CreateNode(BuildNodeId(1, 1)));
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondConnection(false));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->CreateView(BuildViewId(2, 11)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(connection2_->SetView(BuildNodeId(1, 1), BuildViewId(2, 11)));
+  // Dispatch an event to the view and verify its received.
+  {
+    EventPtr event(Event::New());
+    event->action = 1;
+    connection_->view_manager()->DispatchOnViewInputEvent(
+        BuildViewId(2, 11),
+        event.Pass());
+    connection2_->DoRunLoopUntilChangesCount(1);
+    const Changes changes(ChangesToDescription1(connection2_->changes()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ("InputEvent view=2,11 event_action=1", changes[0]);
+  }
+// TODO(sky): add coverage of test that destroys connections and ensures other
+// connections get deletion notification (or advanced server id).
+// TODO(sky): need to better track changes to initial connection. For example,
+// that SetBounsdNodes/AddNode and the like don't result in messages to the
+// originating connection.
+}  // namespace service
+}  // namespace view_manager
+}  // namespace mojo