Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 290040

This commit was generated by

Change-Id: I694ec52d1e0b553f163c2faf4373d63270ab1aac
diff --git a/mojo/application_manager/ b/mojo/application_manager/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a75cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mojo/application_manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "mojo/application_manager/application_manager.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "mojo/application_manager/application_loader.h"
+#include "mojo/common/common_type_converters.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/application/connect.h"
+#include "mojo/public/interfaces/application/application.mojom.h"
+#include "mojo/public/interfaces/application/shell.mojom.h"
+#include "mojo/services/public/interfaces/content_handler/content_handler.mojom.h"
+namespace mojo {
+namespace {
+// Used by TestAPI.
+bool has_created_instance = false;
+class StubServiceProvider : public InterfaceImpl<ServiceProvider> {
+ public:
+  ServiceProvider* GetRemoteServiceProvider() { return client(); }
+ private:
+  virtual void ConnectToService(const String& service_name,
+                                ScopedMessagePipeHandle client_handle)
+}  // namespace
+class ApplicationManager::LoadCallbacksImpl
+    : public ApplicationLoader::LoadCallbacks {
+ public:
+  LoadCallbacksImpl(base::WeakPtr<ApplicationManager> manager,
+                    const GURL& requested_url,
+                    const GURL& requestor_url,
+                    ServiceProviderPtr service_provider)
+      : manager_(manager),
+        requested_url_(requested_url),
+        requestor_url_(requestor_url),
+        service_provider_(service_provider.Pass()) {}
+ private:
+  virtual ~LoadCallbacksImpl() {}
+  // LoadCallbacks implementation
+  virtual ScopedMessagePipeHandle RegisterApplication() OVERRIDE {
+    ScopedMessagePipeHandle shell_handle;
+    if (manager_) {
+      manager_->RegisterLoadedApplication(requested_url_,
+                                          requestor_url_,
+                                          service_provider_.Pass(),
+                                          &shell_handle);
+    }
+    return shell_handle.Pass();
+  }
+  virtual void LoadWithContentHandler(const GURL& content_handler_url,
+                                      URLResponsePtr content) OVERRIDE {
+    if (manager_) {
+      manager_->LoadWithContentHandler(requested_url_,
+                                       requestor_url_,
+                                       content_handler_url,
+                                       content.Pass(),
+                                       service_provider_.Pass());
+    }
+  }
+  base::WeakPtr<ApplicationManager> manager_;
+  GURL requested_url_;
+  GURL requestor_url_;
+  ServiceProviderPtr service_provider_;
+class ApplicationManager::ShellImpl : public InterfaceImpl<Shell> {
+ public:
+  ShellImpl(ApplicationManager* manager, const GURL& url)
+      : manager_(manager), url_(url) {}
+  virtual ~ShellImpl() {}
+  void ConnectToClient(const GURL& requestor_url,
+                       ServiceProviderPtr service_provider) {
+    client()->AcceptConnection(String::From(requestor_url),
+                               service_provider.Pass());
+  }
+  // ServiceProvider implementation:
+  virtual void ConnectToApplication(
+      const String& app_url,
+      InterfaceRequest<ServiceProvider> in_service_provider) OVERRIDE {
+    ServiceProviderPtr out_service_provider;
+    out_service_provider.Bind(in_service_provider.PassMessagePipe());
+    manager_->ConnectToApplication(
+        app_url.To<GURL>(), url_, out_service_provider.Pass());
+  }
+  const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
+ private:
+  virtual void OnConnectionError() OVERRIDE {
+    manager_->OnShellImplError(this);
+  }
+  ApplicationManager* const manager_;
+  const GURL url_;
+struct ApplicationManager::ContentHandlerConnection {
+  ContentHandlerConnection(ApplicationManager* manager,
+                           const GURL& content_handler_url) {
+    ServiceProviderPtr service_provider;
+    BindToProxy(&service_provider_impl, &service_provider);
+    manager->ConnectToApplication(
+        content_handler_url, GURL(), service_provider.Pass());
+    mojo::ConnectToService(service_provider_impl.client(), &content_handler);
+  }
+  StubServiceProvider service_provider_impl;
+  ContentHandlerPtr content_handler;
+// static
+ApplicationManager::TestAPI::TestAPI(ApplicationManager* manager)
+    : manager_(manager) {
+ApplicationManager::TestAPI::~TestAPI() {
+bool ApplicationManager::TestAPI::HasCreatedInstance() {
+  return has_created_instance;
+bool ApplicationManager::TestAPI::HasFactoryForURL(const GURL& url) const {
+  return manager_->url_to_shell_impl_.find(url) !=
+         manager_->url_to_shell_impl_.end();
+    : interceptor_(NULL), weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
+ApplicationManager::~ApplicationManager() {
+  STLDeleteValues(&url_to_content_handler_);
+  TerminateShellConnections();
+  STLDeleteValues(&url_to_loader_);
+  STLDeleteValues(&scheme_to_loader_);
+void ApplicationManager::TerminateShellConnections() {
+  STLDeleteValues(&url_to_shell_impl_);
+// static
+ApplicationManager* ApplicationManager::GetInstance() {
+  static base::LazyInstance<ApplicationManager> instance =
+  has_created_instance = true;
+  return &instance.Get();
+void ApplicationManager::ConnectToApplication(
+    const GURL& url,
+    const GURL& requestor_url,
+    ServiceProviderPtr service_provider) {
+  URLToShellImplMap::const_iterator shell_it = url_to_shell_impl_.find(url);
+  if (shell_it != url_to_shell_impl_.end()) {
+    ConnectToClient(
+        shell_it->second, url, requestor_url, service_provider.Pass());
+    return;
+  }
+  scoped_refptr<LoadCallbacksImpl> callbacks(
+      new LoadCallbacksImpl(weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+                            url,
+                            requestor_url,
+                            service_provider.Pass()));
+  GetLoaderForURL(url)->Load(this, url, callbacks);
+void ApplicationManager::ConnectToClient(ShellImpl* shell_impl,
+                                         const GURL& url,
+                                         const GURL& requestor_url,
+                                         ServiceProviderPtr service_provider) {
+  if (interceptor_) {
+    shell_impl->ConnectToClient(
+        requestor_url,
+        interceptor_->OnConnectToClient(url, service_provider.Pass()));
+  } else {
+    shell_impl->ConnectToClient(requestor_url, service_provider.Pass());
+  }
+void ApplicationManager::RegisterLoadedApplication(
+    const GURL& url,
+    const GURL& requestor_url,
+    ServiceProviderPtr service_provider,
+    ScopedMessagePipeHandle* shell_handle) {
+  ShellImpl* shell_impl = NULL;
+  URLToShellImplMap::iterator iter = url_to_shell_impl_.find(url);
+  if (iter != url_to_shell_impl_.end()) {
+    // This can happen because services are loaded asynchronously. So if we get
+    // two requests for the same service close to each other, we might get here
+    // and find that we already have it.
+    shell_impl = iter->second;
+  } else {
+    MessagePipe pipe;
+    shell_impl = WeakBindToPipe(new ShellImpl(this, url), pipe.handle1.Pass());
+    url_to_shell_impl_[url] = shell_impl;
+    *shell_handle = pipe.handle0.Pass();
+  }
+  ConnectToClient(shell_impl, url, requestor_url, service_provider.Pass());
+void ApplicationManager::LoadWithContentHandler(
+    const GURL& content_url,
+    const GURL& requestor_url,
+    const GURL& content_handler_url,
+    URLResponsePtr content,
+    ServiceProviderPtr service_provider) {
+  ContentHandlerConnection* connection = NULL;
+  URLToContentHandlerMap::iterator iter =
+      url_to_content_handler_.find(content_handler_url);
+  if (iter != url_to_content_handler_.end()) {
+    connection = iter->second;
+  } else {
+    connection = new ContentHandlerConnection(this, content_handler_url);
+    url_to_content_handler_[content_handler_url] = connection;
+  }
+  connection->content_handler->OnConnect(
+      content_url.spec(), content.Pass(), service_provider.Pass());
+void ApplicationManager::SetLoaderForURL(scoped_ptr<ApplicationLoader> loader,
+                                         const GURL& url) {
+  URLToLoaderMap::iterator it = url_to_loader_.find(url);
+  if (it != url_to_loader_.end())
+    delete it->second;
+  url_to_loader_[url] = loader.release();
+void ApplicationManager::SetLoaderForScheme(
+    scoped_ptr<ApplicationLoader> loader,
+    const std::string& scheme) {
+  SchemeToLoaderMap::iterator it = scheme_to_loader_.find(scheme);
+  if (it != scheme_to_loader_.end())
+    delete it->second;
+  scheme_to_loader_[scheme] = loader.release();
+void ApplicationManager::SetInterceptor(Interceptor* interceptor) {
+  interceptor_ = interceptor;
+ApplicationLoader* ApplicationManager::GetLoaderForURL(const GURL& url) {
+  URLToLoaderMap::const_iterator url_it = url_to_loader_.find(url);
+  if (url_it != url_to_loader_.end())
+    return url_it->second;
+  SchemeToLoaderMap::const_iterator scheme_it =
+      scheme_to_loader_.find(url.scheme());
+  if (scheme_it != scheme_to_loader_.end())
+    return scheme_it->second;
+  return default_loader_.get();
+void ApplicationManager::OnShellImplError(ShellImpl* shell_impl) {
+  // Called from ~ShellImpl, so we do not need to call Destroy here.
+  const GURL url = shell_impl->url();
+  URLToShellImplMap::iterator it = url_to_shell_impl_.find(url);
+  DCHECK(it != url_to_shell_impl_.end());
+  delete it->second;
+  url_to_shell_impl_.erase(it);
+  ApplicationLoader* loader = GetLoaderForURL(url);
+  if (loader)
+    loader->OnServiceError(this, url);
+ScopedMessagePipeHandle ApplicationManager::ConnectToServiceByName(
+    const GURL& application_url,
+    const std::string& interface_name) {
+  StubServiceProvider* stub_sp = new StubServiceProvider;
+  ServiceProviderPtr spp;
+  BindToProxy(stub_sp, &spp);
+  ConnectToApplication(application_url, GURL(), spp.Pass());
+  MessagePipe pipe;
+  stub_sp->GetRemoteServiceProvider()->ConnectToService(interface_name,
+                                                        pipe.handle1.Pass());
+  return pipe.handle0.Pass();
+}  // namespace mojo