Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r167172

This commit was generated by

Change-Id: Ib8d56fd5ae39a2d7e8c91dcd76cc6d13f25f2aab
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/ b/content/browser/renderer_host/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d447dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "content/browser/renderer_host/clipboard_message_filter.h"
+#if defined(USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB)
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include "third_party/zlib/zlib.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "content/common/clipboard_messages.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
+namespace content {
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+namespace {
+// The write must be performed on the UI thread because the clipboard object
+// from the IO thread cannot create windows so it cannot be the "owner" of the
+// clipboard's contents.  // See
+void WriteObjectsHelper(const ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap* objects) {
+  DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+  static ui::Clipboard* clipboard = ui::Clipboard::GetForCurrentThread();
+  clipboard->WriteObjects(ui::Clipboard::BUFFER_STANDARD, *objects);
+}  // namespace
+ClipboardMessageFilter::ClipboardMessageFilter() {
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OverrideThreadForMessage(
+    const IPC::Message& message, BrowserThread::ID* thread) {
+  // Clipboard writes should always occur on the UI thread due the restrictions
+  // of various platform APIs. In general, the clipboard is not thread-safe, so
+  // all clipboard calls should be serviced from the UI thread.
+  //
+  // Windows needs clipboard reads to be serviced from the IO thread because
+  // these are sync IPCs which can result in deadlocks with NPAPI plugins if
+  // serviced from the UI thread. Note that Windows clipboard calls ARE
+  // thread-safe so it is ok for reads and writes to be serviced from different
+  // threads.
+#if !defined(OS_WIN)
+  if (IPC_MESSAGE_CLASS(message) == ClipboardMsgStart)
+    *thread = BrowserThread::UI;
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+  if (message.type() == ClipboardHostMsg_ReadImage::ID)
+    *thread = BrowserThread::FILE;
+bool ClipboardMessageFilter::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message,
+                                               bool* message_was_ok) {
+  bool handled = true;
+  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(ClipboardMessageFilter, message, *message_was_ok)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_WriteObjectsAsync, OnWriteObjectsAsync)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_WriteObjectsSync, OnWriteObjectsSync)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_GetSequenceNumber, OnGetSequenceNumber)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_IsFormatAvailable, OnIsFormatAvailable)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_Clear, OnClear)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_ReadAvailableTypes,
+                        OnReadAvailableTypes)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_ReadText, OnReadText)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_ReadAsciiText, OnReadAsciiText)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_ReadHTML, OnReadHTML)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_ReadRTF, OnReadRTF)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(ClipboardHostMsg_ReadImage, OnReadImage)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_ReadCustomData, OnReadCustomData)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_ReadData, OnReadData)
+#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ClipboardHostMsg_FindPboardWriteStringAsync,
+                        OnFindPboardWriteString)
+    IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
+  return handled;
+ClipboardMessageFilter::~ClipboardMessageFilter() {
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnWriteObjectsSync(
+    const ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap& objects,
+    base::SharedMemoryHandle bitmap_handle) {
+  DCHECK(base::SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(bitmap_handle))
+      << "Bad bitmap handle";
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+  // We cannot write directly from the IO thread, and cannot service the IPC
+  // on the UI thread. We'll copy the relevant data and get a handle to any
+  // shared memory so it doesn't go away when we resume the renderer, and post
+  // a task to perform the write on the UI thread.
+  ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap* long_living_objects =
+      new ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap(objects);
+  // Splice the shared memory handle into the clipboard data.
+  ui::Clipboard::ReplaceSharedMemHandle(long_living_objects, bitmap_handle,
+                                        peer_handle());
+  BrowserThread::PostTask(
+      BrowserThread::UI,
+      FROM_HERE,
+      base::Bind(&WriteObjectsHelper, base::Owned(long_living_objects)));
+  // Splice the shared memory handle into the clipboard data.
+  ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap objects_copy(objects);
+  ui::Clipboard::ReplaceSharedMemHandle(&objects_copy,
+      bitmap_handle, peer_handle());
+  GetClipboard()->WriteObjects(ui::Clipboard::BUFFER_STANDARD, objects_copy);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnWriteObjectsAsync(
+    const ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap& objects) {
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+  // We cannot write directly from the IO thread, and cannot service the IPC
+  // on the UI thread. We'll copy the relevant data and post a task to preform
+  // the write on the UI thread.
+  ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap* long_living_objects =
+      new ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap(objects);
+  // This async message doesn't support shared-memory based bitmaps; they must
+  // be removed otherwise we might dereference a rubbish pointer.
+  long_living_objects->erase(ui::Clipboard::CBF_SMBITMAP);
+  BrowserThread::PostTask(
+      BrowserThread::UI,
+      FROM_HERE,
+      base::Bind(&WriteObjectsHelper, base::Owned(long_living_objects)));
+  GetClipboard()->WriteObjects(ui::Clipboard::BUFFER_STANDARD, objects);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnGetSequenceNumber(
+    ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer, uint64* sequence_number) {
+  *sequence_number = GetClipboard()->GetSequenceNumber(buffer);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadAvailableTypes(
+    ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer, std::vector<string16>* types,
+    bool* contains_filenames) {
+  GetClipboard()->ReadAvailableTypes(buffer, types, contains_filenames);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnIsFormatAvailable(
+    const ui::Clipboard::FormatType& format, ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer,
+    bool* result) {
+  *result = GetClipboard()->IsFormatAvailable(format, buffer);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnClear(ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer) {
+  GetClipboard()->Clear(buffer);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadText(
+    ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer, string16* result) {
+  GetClipboard()->ReadText(buffer, result);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadAsciiText(
+    ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer, std::string* result) {
+  GetClipboard()->ReadAsciiText(buffer, result);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadHTML(
+    ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer, string16* markup, GURL* url,
+    uint32* fragment_start, uint32* fragment_end) {
+  std::string src_url_str;
+  GetClipboard()->ReadHTML(buffer, markup, &src_url_str, fragment_start,
+                           fragment_end);
+  *url = GURL(src_url_str);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadRTF(
+    ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer, std::string* result) {
+  GetClipboard()->ReadRTF(buffer, result);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadImage(
+    ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer, IPC::Message* reply_msg) {
+  SkBitmap bitmap = GetClipboard()->ReadImage(buffer);
+#if defined(USE_X11)
+  BrowserThread::PostTask(
+      BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
+      base::Bind(
+          &ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadImageReply, this, bitmap, reply_msg));
+  OnReadImageReply(bitmap, reply_msg);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadImageReply(
+    const SkBitmap& bitmap, IPC::Message* reply_msg) {
+  base::SharedMemoryHandle image_handle = base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle();
+  uint32 image_size = 0;
+  std::string reply_data;
+  if (!bitmap.isNull()) {
+    std::vector<unsigned char> png_data;
+    SkAutoLockPixels lock(bitmap);
+    if (gfx::PNGCodec::EncodeWithCompressionLevel(
+            static_cast<const unsigned char*>(bitmap.getPixels()),
+            gfx::PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA,
+            gfx::Size(bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()),
+            bitmap.rowBytes(),
+            false,
+            std::vector<gfx::PNGCodec::Comment>(),
+            Z_BEST_SPEED,
+            &png_data)) {
+      base::SharedMemory buffer;
+      if (buffer.CreateAndMapAnonymous(png_data.size())) {
+        memcpy(buffer.memory(), vector_as_array(&png_data), png_data.size());
+        if (buffer.GiveToProcess(peer_handle(), &image_handle)) {
+          image_size = png_data.size();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ClipboardHostMsg_ReadImage::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, image_handle,
+                                               image_size);
+  Send(reply_msg);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadCustomData(
+    ui::Clipboard::Buffer buffer, const string16& type, string16* result) {
+  GetClipboard()->ReadCustomData(buffer, type, result);
+void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadData(const ui::Clipboard::FormatType& format,
+                                        std::string* data) {
+  GetClipboard()->ReadData(format, data);
+// static
+ui::Clipboard* ClipboardMessageFilter::GetClipboard() {
+  // We have a static instance of the clipboard service for use by all message
+  // filters.  This instance lives for the life of the browser processes.
+  static ui::Clipboard* clipboard = ui::Clipboard::GetForCurrentThread();
+  return clipboard;
+}  // namespace content