blob: 90ebc448db5fd2d2b1f489b78a0dd287c5aa6be9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Renders an array of slices into the provided div,
* using a child canvas element. Uses a FastRectRenderer to draw only
* the visible slices.
cr.define('tracing', function() {
var pallette = tracing.getPallette();
var highlightIdBoost = tracing.getPalletteHighlightIdBoost();
var textWidthMap = { };
function quickMeasureText(ctx, text) {
var w = textWidthMap[text];
if (!w) {
w = ctx.measureText(text).width;
textWidthMap[text] = w;
return w;
* A generic track that contains other tracks as its children.
* @constructor
var TimelineContainerTrack = cr.ui.define('div');
TimelineContainerTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
decorate: function() {
this.tracks_ = [];
detach: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.tracks_.length; i++)
get viewport() {
return this.viewport_;
set viewport(v) {
this.viewport_ = v;
for (var i = 0; i < this.tracks_.length; i++)
this.tracks_[i].viewport = v;
get firstCanvas() {
if (this.tracks_.length)
return this.tracks_[0].firstCanvas;
return undefined;
* Picks a slice, if any, at a given location.
* @param {number} wX X location to search at, in worldspace.
* @param {number} wY Y location to search at, in offset space.
* offset space.
* @param {function():*} onHitCallback Callback to call with the slice,
* if one is found.
* @return {boolean} true if a slice was found, otherwise false.
pick: function(wX, wY, onHitCallback) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.tracks_.length; i++) {
var trackClientRect = this.tracks_[i].getBoundingClientRect();
if (wY >= && wY < trackClientRect.bottom)
return this.tracks_[i].pick(wX, onHitCallback);
return false;
* Finds slices intersecting the given interval.
* @param {number} loWX Lower X bound of the interval to search, in
* worldspace.
* @param {number} hiWX Upper X bound of the interval to search, in
* worldspace.
* @param {number} loY Lower Y bound of the interval to search, in
* offset space.
* @param {number} hiY Upper Y bound of the interval to search, in
* offset space.
* @param {function():*} onHitCallback Function to call for each slice
* intersecting the interval.
pickRange: function(loWX, hiWX, loY, hiY, onHitCallback) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.tracks_.length; i++) {
var trackClientRect = this.tracks_[i].getBoundingClientRect();
var a = Math.max(loY,;
var b = Math.min(hiY, trackClientRect.bottom);
if (a <= b)
this.tracks_[i].pickRange(loWX, hiWX, loY, hiY, onHitCallback);
* Visualizes a TimelineThread using a series of of TimelineSliceTracks.
* @constructor
var TimelineThreadTrack = cr.ui.define(TimelineContainerTrack);
TimelineThreadTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: TimelineContainerTrack.prototype,
decorate: function() {
get thread(thread) {
return this.thread_;
set thread(thread) {
this.thread_ = thread;
get tooltip() {
return this.tooltip_;
set tooltip(value) {
this.tooltip_ = value;
get heading() {
return this.heading_;
set heading(h) {
this.heading_ = h;
get headingWidth() {
return this.headingWidth_;
set headingWidth(width) {
this.headingWidth_ = width;
addTrack_: function(slices) {
var track = new TimelineSliceTrack();
track.heading = '';
track.slices = slices;
track.headingWidth = this.headingWidth_;
track.viewport = this.viewport_;
return track;
updateChildTracks_: function() {
this.textContent = '';
this.tracks_ = [];
if (this.thread_) {
if (this.thread_.cpuSlices) {
var track = this.addTrack_(this.thread_.cpuSlices);
track.height = '4px';
for (var srI = 0; srI < this.thread_.nonNestedSubRows.length; ++srI) {
for (var srI = 0; srI < this.thread_.subRows.length; ++srI) {
if (this.tracks_.length > 0) {
if (this.thread_.cpuSlices) {
this.tracks_[1].heading = this.heading_;
this.tracks_[1].tooltip = this.tooltip_;
} else {
this.tracks_[0].heading = this.heading_;
this.tracks_[0].tooltip = this.tooltip_;
* Visualizes a TimelineCpu using a series of of TimelineSliceTracks.
* @constructor
var TimelineCpuTrack = cr.ui.define(TimelineContainerTrack);
TimelineCpuTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: TimelineContainerTrack.prototype,
decorate: function() {
get cpu(cpu) {
return this.cpu_;
set cpu(cpu) {
this.cpu_ = cpu;
get tooltip() {
return this.tooltip_;
set tooltip(value) {
this.tooltip_ = value;
get heading() {
return this.heading_;
set heading(h) {
this.heading_ = h;
get headingWidth() {
return this.headingWidth_;
set headingWidth(width) {
this.headingWidth_ = width;
updateChildTracks_: function() {
this.textContent = '';
this.tracks_ = [];
if (this.cpu_) {
var track = new TimelineSliceTrack();
track.slices = this.cpu_.slices;
track.headingWidth = this.headingWidth_;
track.viewport = this.viewport_;
this.tracks_[0].heading = this.heading_;
this.tracks_[0].tooltip = this.tooltip_;
* A canvas-based track constructed. Provides the basic heading and
* invalidation-managment infrastructure. Subclasses must implement drawing
* and picking code.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLDivElement}
var CanvasBasedTrack = cr.ui.define('div');
CanvasBasedTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
decorate: function() {
this.className = 'timeline-canvas-based-track';
this.slices_ = null;
this.headingDiv_ = document.createElement('div');
this.headingDiv_.className = 'timeline-canvas-based-track-title';
this.canvasContainer_ = document.createElement('div');
this.canvasContainer_.className =
this.canvas_ = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas_.className = 'timeline-canvas-based-track-canvas';
this.ctx_ = this.canvas_.getContext('2d');
detach: function() {
if (this.viewport_)
set headingWidth(width) { = width;
get heading() {
return this.headingDiv_.textContent;
set heading(text) {
this.headingDiv_.textContent = text;
set tooltip(text) {
this.headingDiv_.title = text;
get viewport() {
return this.viewport_;
set viewport(v) {
this.viewport_ = v;
if (this.viewport_)
this.viewport_ = v;
if (this.viewport_) {
this.viewportChangeBoundToThis_ = this.viewportChange_.bind(this);
viewportChange_: function() {
invalidate: function() {
if (this.rafPending_)
webkitRequestAnimationFrame(function() {
this.rafPending_ = false;
if (!this.viewport_)
if (this.canvas_.width != this.canvasContainer_.clientWidth)
this.canvas_.width = this.canvasContainer_.clientWidth;
if (this.canvas_.height != this.canvasContainer_.clientHeight)
this.canvas_.height = this.canvasContainer_.clientHeight;
}.bind(this), this);
this.rafPending_ = true;
get firstCanvas() {
return this.canvas_;
* A track that displays an array of TimelineSlice objects.
* @constructor
* @extends {CanvasBasedTrack}
var TimelineSliceTrack = cr.ui.define(CanvasBasedTrack);
TimelineSliceTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: CanvasBasedTrack.prototype,
decorate: function() {
get slices() {
return this.slices_;
set slices(slices) {
this.slices_ = slices;
set height(height) { = height;
redraw: function() {
var ctx = this.ctx_;
var canvasW = this.canvas_.width;
var canvasH = this.canvas_.height;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasW, canvasH);
// Culling parameters.
var vp = this.viewport_;
var pixWidth = vp.xViewVectorToWorld(1);
var viewLWorld = vp.xViewToWorld(0);
var viewRWorld = vp.xViewToWorld(canvasW);
// Draw grid without a transform because the scale
// affects line width.
if (vp.gridEnabled) {
var x = vp.gridTimebase;
while (x < viewRWorld) {
if (x >= viewLWorld) {
// Do conversion to viewspace here rather than on
// x to avoid precision issues.
var vx = vp.xWorldToView(x);
ctx.moveTo(vx, 0);
ctx.lineTo(vx, canvasH);
x += vp.gridStep;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.25)';
// Begin rendering in world space.;
// Slices.
var tr = new tracing.FastRectRenderer(ctx, viewLWorld, 2 * pixWidth,
2 * pixWidth, viewRWorld, pallette);
tr.setYandH(0, canvasH);
var slices = this.slices_;
for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; ++i) {
var slice = slices[i];
var x = slice.start;
// Less than 0.001 causes short events to disappear when zoomed in.
var w = Math.max(slice.duration, 0.001);
var colorId = slice.selected ?
slice.colorId + highlightIdBoost :
if (w < pixWidth)
w = pixWidth;
if (slice.duration > 0) {
tr.fillRect(x, w, colorId);
} else {
// Instant: draw a triangle. If zoomed too far, collapse
// into the FastRectRenderer.
if (pixWidth > 0.001) {
tr.fillRect(x, pixWidth, colorId);
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = pallette[colorId];
ctx.moveTo(x - (4 * pixWidth), canvasH);
ctx.lineTo(x, 0);
ctx.lineTo(x + (4 * pixWidth), canvasH);
// Labels.
if (canvasH > 8) {
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.font = '10px sans-serif';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
// Don't render text until until it is 20px wide
var quickDiscardThresshold = pixWidth * 20;
for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; ++i) {
var slice = slices[i];
if (slice.duration > quickDiscardThresshold) {
var title = slice.title;
if (slice.didNotFinish) {
title += ' (Did Not Finish)';
var labelWidth = quickMeasureText(ctx, title) + 2;
var labelWidthWorld = pixWidth * labelWidth;
if (labelWidthWorld < slice.duration) {
var cX = vp.xWorldToView(slice.start + 0.5 * slice.duration);
ctx.fillText(title, cX, 2.5, labelWidth);
* Picks a slice, if any, at a given location.
* @param {number} wX X location to search at, in worldspace.
* @param {number} wY Y location to search at, in offset space.
* offset space.
* @param {function():*} onHitCallback Callback to call with the slice,
* if one is found.
* @return {boolean} true if a slice was found, otherwise false.
pick: function(wX, wY, onHitCallback) {
var clientRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
if (wY < || wY >= clientRect.bottom)
return false;
var x = tracing.findLowIndexInSortedIntervals(this.slices_,
function(x) { return x.start; },
function(x) { return x.duration; },
if (x >= 0 && x < this.slices_.length) {
onHitCallback('slice', this, this.slices_[x]);
return true;
return false;
* Finds slices intersecting the given interval.
* @param {number} loWX Lower X bound of the interval to search, in
* worldspace.
* @param {number} hiWX Upper X bound of the interval to search, in
* worldspace.
* @param {number} loY Lower Y bound of the interval to search, in
* offset space.
* @param {number} hiY Upper Y bound of the interval to search, in
* offset space.
* @param {function():*} onHitCallback Function to call for each slice
* intersecting the interval.
pickRange: function(loWX, hiWX, loY, hiY, onHitCallback) {
var clientRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var a = Math.max(loY,;
var b = Math.min(hiY, clientRect.bottom);
if (a > b)
var that = this;
function onPickHit(slice) {
onHitCallback('slice', that, slice);
function(x) { return x.start; },
function(x) { return x.duration; },
loWX, hiWX,
* Find the index for the given slice.
* @return {index} Index of the given slice, or undefined.
* @private
indexOfSlice_: function(slice) {
var index = tracing.findLowIndexInSortedArray(this.slices_,
function(x) { return x.start; },
while (index < this.slices_.length &&
slice.start == this.slices_[index].start &&
slice.colorId != this.slices_[index].colorId) {
return index < this.slices_.length ? index : undefined;
* Return the next slice, if any, after the given slice.
* @param {slice} The previous slice.
* @return {slice} The next slice, or undefined.
* @private
pickNext: function(slice) {
var index = this.indexOfSlice_(slice);
if (index != undefined) {
if (index < this.slices_.length - 1)
index = undefined;
return index != undefined ? this.slices_[index] : undefined;
* Return the previous slice, if any, before the given slice.
* @param {slice} A slice.
* @return {slice} The previous slice, or undefined.
pickPrevious: function(slice) {
var index = this.indexOfSlice_(slice);
if (index == 0)
return undefined;
else if ((index != undefined) && (index > 0))
return index != undefined ? this.slices_[index] : undefined;
* A track that displays a TimelineCounter object.
* @constructor
* @extends {CanvasBasedTrack}
var TimelineCounterTrack = cr.ui.define(CanvasBasedTrack);
TimelineCounterTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: CanvasBasedTrack.prototype,
decorate: function() {
get counter() {
return this.counter_;
set counter(counter) {
this.counter_ = counter;
redraw: function() {
var ctr = this.counter_;
var ctx = this.ctx_;
var canvasW = this.canvas_.width;
var canvasH = this.canvas_.height;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasW, canvasH);
// Culling parametrs.
var vp = this.viewport_;
var pixWidth = vp.xViewVectorToWorld(1);
var viewLWorld = vp.xViewToWorld(0);
var viewRWorld = vp.xViewToWorld(canvasW);
// Drop sampels that are less than skipDistancePix apart.
var skipDistancePix = 1;
var skipDistanceWorld = vp.xViewVectorToWorld(skipDistancePix);
// Begin rendering in world space.;
// Figure out where drawing should begin.
var numSeries = ctr.numSeries;
var numSamples = ctr.numSamples;
var startIndex = tracing.findLowIndexInSortedArray(ctr.timestamps,
function() {
// Draw indices one by one until we fall off the viewRWorld.
var yScale = canvasH / ctr.maxTotal;
for (var seriesIndex = ctr.numSeries - 1;
seriesIndex >= 0; seriesIndex--) {
var colorId = ctr.seriesColors[seriesIndex];
ctx.fillStyle = pallette[colorId];
// Set iLast and xLast such that the first sample we draw is the
// startIndex sample.
var iLast = startIndex - 1;
var xLast = iLast >= 0 ? ctr.timestamps[iLast] - skipDistanceWorld : -1;
var yLastView = canvasH;
// Iterate over samples from iLast onward until we either fall off the
// viewRWorld or we run out of samples. To avoid drawing too much, after
// drawing a sample at xLast, skip subsequent samples that are less than
// skipDistanceWorld from xLast.
var hasMoved = false;
while (true) {
var i = iLast + 1;
if (i >= numSamples) {
ctx.lineTo(xLast, yLastView);
ctx.lineTo(xLast + 8 * pixWidth, yLastView);
ctx.lineTo(xLast + 8 * pixWidth, canvasH);
var x = ctr.timestamps[i];
var y = ctr.totals[i * numSeries + seriesIndex];
var yView = canvasH - (yScale * y);
if (x > viewRWorld) {
ctx.lineTo(x, yLastView);
ctx.lineTo(x, canvasH);
if (x - xLast < skipDistanceWorld) {
iLast = i;
if (!hasMoved) {
ctx.moveTo(viewLWorld, canvasH);
hasMoved = true;
ctx.lineTo(x, yLastView);
ctx.lineTo(x, yView);
iLast = i;
xLast = x;
yLastView = yView;
* Picks a slice, if any, at a given location.
* @param {number} wX X location to search at, in worldspace.
* @param {number} wY Y location to search at, in offset space.
* offset space.
* @param {function():*} onHitCallback Callback to call with the slice,
* if one is found.
* @return {boolean} true if a slice was found, otherwise false.
pick: function(wX, wY, onHitCallback) {
* Finds slices intersecting the given interval.
* @param {number} loWX Lower X bound of the interval to search, in
* worldspace.
* @param {number} hiWX Upper X bound of the interval to search, in
* worldspace.
* @param {number} loY Lower Y bound of the interval to search, in
* offset space.
* @param {number} hiY Upper Y bound of the interval to search, in
* offset space.
* @param {function():*} onHitCallback Function to call for each slice
* intersecting the interval.
pickRange: function(loWX, hiWX, loY, hiY, onHitCallback) {
return {
TimelineCounterTrack: TimelineCounterTrack,
TimelineSliceTrack: TimelineSliceTrack,
TimelineThreadTrack: TimelineThreadTrack,
TimelineCpuTrack: TimelineCpuTrack