blob: 5b3c9ea940343227cb81d5426967739fcc573885 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/core/tracks/letter_dot_track.html">
'use strict';
tv.exportTo('tv.c.tracks', function() {
* A track that displays an array of memoryDump objects.
* @constructor
* @extends {HeadingTrack}
var MemoryDumpTrack = tv.b.ui.define(
'memory-dump-track', tv.c.tracks.LetterDotTrack);
MemoryDumpTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: tv.c.tracks.LetterDotTrack.prototype,
decorate: function(viewport) {, viewport);
this.heading = 'Memory dumps';
this.memoryDumps_ = undefined;
get memoryDumps() {
return this.memoryDumps_;
set memoryDumps(memoryDumps) {
this.memoryDumps_ = memoryDumps;
if (memoryDumps === undefined) {
this.items = undefined;
var memoryColorId = tv.b.ui.getColorIdForReservedName('memory_dump');
this.items = {
return {
start: memoryDump.start,
get selected() {
return this.memoryDump.selected;
colorId: memoryColorId,
dotLetter: 'M',
memoryDump: memoryDump
getModelEventFromItem: function(item) {
return item.memoryDump;
return {
MemoryDumpTrack: MemoryDumpTrack