Handle more invalid patch header cases.

Added more unittests for checking invalid headers.

Bug: chromium:822821
Test: Added unittests
Change-Id: I649674c41f00395dbf63f53e2576f7b7b61116c3
diff --git a/patch_reader_unittest.cc b/patch_reader_unittest.cc
index 4526922..e3b32a9 100644
--- a/patch_reader_unittest.cc
+++ b/patch_reader_unittest.cc
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
@@ -51,14 +52,23 @@
-  void ConstructPatchData(std::vector<uint8_t>* patch_data) {
+  void ConstructPatchHeader(int64_t ctrl_size,
+                            int64_t diff_size,
+                            int64_t new_size,
+                            std::vector<uint8_t>* patch_data) {
     EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(8), patch_data->size());
-    // Encode the header
+    // Encode the header.
     uint8_t buf[24];
-    EncodeInt64(ctrl_stream_->GetCompressedData().size(), buf);
-    EncodeInt64(diff_stream_->GetCompressedData().size(), buf + 8);
-    EncodeInt64(new_file_size_, buf + 16);
+    EncodeInt64(ctrl_size, buf);
+    EncodeInt64(diff_size, buf + 8);
+    EncodeInt64(new_size, buf + 16);
     std::copy(buf, buf + sizeof(buf), std::back_inserter(*patch_data));
+  }
+  void ConstructPatchData(std::vector<uint8_t>* patch_data) {
+    ConstructPatchHeader(ctrl_stream_->GetCompressedData().size(),
+                         diff_stream_->GetCompressedData().size(),
+                         new_file_size_, patch_data);
     // Concatenate the three streams into one patch.
@@ -94,6 +104,29 @@
+  // Helper function to check that invalid headers are detected. This method
+  // creates a new header with the passed |ctrl_size|, |diff_size| and
+  // |new_size| and appends after the header |compressed_size| bytes of extra
+  // zeros. It then expects that initializing a PatchReader with this will fail.
+  void InvalidHeaderTestHelper(int64_t ctrl_size,
+                               int64_t diff_size,
+                               int64_t new_size,
+                               size_t compressed_size) {
+    std::vector<uint8_t> patch_data;
+    std::copy(kBSDF2MagicHeader, kBSDF2MagicHeader + 5,
+              std::back_inserter(patch_data));
+    patch_data.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(CompressorType::kBrotli));
+    patch_data.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(CompressorType::kBrotli));
+    patch_data.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(CompressorType::kBrotli));
+    ConstructPatchHeader(ctrl_size, diff_size, new_size, &patch_data);
+    patch_data.resize(patch_data.size() + compressed_size);
+    BsdiffPatchReader patch_reader;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(patch_reader.Init(patch_data.data(), patch_data.size()))
+        << "Where ctrl_size=" << ctrl_size << " diff_size=" << diff_size
+        << " new_size=" << new_size << " compressed_size=" << compressed_size;
+  }
   size_t new_file_size_{500};
   std::vector<std::string> diff_data_{"HelloWorld", "BspatchPatchTest",
@@ -141,4 +174,27 @@
+TEST_F(PatchReaderTest, InvalidHeaderTest) {
+  // Negative values are not allowed.
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(-1, 0, 20, 50);
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(30, -3, 20, 50);
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(30, 8, -20, 50);
+  // Values larger than the patch size are also not allowed for ctrl and diff,
+  // or for the sum of both.
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(30, 5, 20, 10);  // 30 > 10
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(5, 30, 20, 10);  // 30 > 10
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(30, 5, 20, 32);  // 30 + 5 > 32
+  // Values that overflow int64 are also not allowed when used combined
+  const int64_t kMax64 = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(kMax64 - 5, 5, 20, 20);
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(5, kMax64 - 5, 20, 20);
+  // 2 * (kMax64 - 5) + sizeof(header) is still positive due to overflow, but
+  // the patch size is too small.
+  InvalidHeaderTestHelper(kMax64 - 5, kMax64 - 5, 20, 20);
 }  // namespace bsdiff