Android u qpr2 beta 3.1 release 0.6
ftm5: modyfy the ABS_MT_ORIENTATION range as -4096 to 4096

Align the ABS_MT_ORIENTATION range as touch_offload.

Bug: 230270099
Test: Touch works fine.

Signed-off-by: davidycchen <>
Change-Id: Ia7e31b907272cfe4cb308bf4ec196cda6727d303
1 file changed
tree: c4e2717d52e22539a5f7efc52912d593565e7622
  1. fts_lib/
  2. fts.c
  3. fts.h
  4. fts_limits.h
  5. fts_proc.c
  6. Kbuild
  7. Kconfig
  8. Makefile