DO-NOT-UPSTREAM arm64, LLVMLinux: prfm

Fix for prfm error on AArch64

The following error is generated with the mainline clang compiler
for AArch64:

error: invalid operand in inline asm: 'prfm pldl1keep, ${0:a}

Per comments by Tim Northover on the LLVM Bug database:

"It's rather unclear how it's better than "prfm pstl1keep, [%0]" though.
Not all instructions can make use of any offset, so wouldn't we have to be
conservative and always map it to "[xN]"?

When %a0 is changed to [%x0] it uncovered a GCC bug:

Changing the "p" to "r" resolves the issue for both clang and GCC.

Signed-off-by: Mark Charlebois <>
1 file changed