Revert "kbuild: fix make -rR breakage"

This reverts commit e5c44fd88c146755da6941d047de4d97651404a9.

Thanks to Daniel Ritz and Michal Piotrowski for noticing the problem.

Daniel says:

  "[The] reason is a recent change that made modules always shows as
   module.mod.  it breaks modprobe and probably many scripts..besides
   lsmod looking horrible

   stuff like this in modprobe.conf:
        install pcmcia_core /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install pcmcia_core; /sbin/modprobe pcmcia
   makes modprobe fork/exec endlessly calling itself...until oom
   interrupts it"

Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
5 files changed