mfd: qcom_rpm: Handle message RAM clock

The MSM8660, APQ8060, IPQ806x and MSM8960 have a GCC clock
to the message RAM used by the RPM. This needs to be enabled
for messages to pass through. This is a crude solution that
simply prepare/enable at probe() and disable/unprepare
at remove(). More elaborate PM is probably possible to
add later.

The construction uses IS_ERR() to gracefully handle the
platforms that do not provide a message RAM clock. It will
bail out of probe only if the clock is hitting a probe
deferral situation.

Of course this requires the proper device tree set-up:

rpm: rpm@104000 {
    compatible = "qcom,rpm-msm8660";
    clocks = <&gcc RPM_MSG_RAM_H_CLK>;
    clock-names = "ram";

I have provided this in the MSM8660 device tree, and will
provide patches for the other targets.

Cc: Björn Andersson <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <>
Signed-off-by: Lee Jones <>
1 file changed