Android U QPR2 Beta 1 Release 0.7 (AP11.231020.014,shiba/husky)
kleaf: switch to generic label_flags

To allow for this project to be shared by multiple devices, let's switch
to generic labels for the kernel_build, SoC module, and SoC headers. The
flags are defined by the specific flags in their top-level bazel build

Bug: 270639066
Test: Compile pass. Hall sensor driver is loaded.
Change-Id: Idbe47d5ca8c6a73fc5805a9fe1761954324f4167
Signed-off-by: emilchung <>
1 file changed
tree: b4d5b5f84a2c988805a63c9cd88defbb582e93c9
  1. BUILD.bazel
  2. hall_sensor.c
  3. Kconfig
  4. Makefile