Updates acdb files to support always-on hotword on the WCD.

Bug: 76119973

Change-Id: Idd410da505d7555a33c1eef9f40b284f4180306e
Test: Pushed to device and verified hotword works.
2 files changed
tree: 2886d1d007bcc7234b6d12954d670f7d69fcfbaf
  1. acdbdata/
  2. audio/
  3. blueline/
  4. bluetooth/
  5. crosshatch/
  6. dumpstate/
  7. gpt-utils/
  8. health/
  9. hidl/
  10. json-c/
  11. nfc/
  12. overlay/
  13. permissions/
  14. power-libperfmgr/
  15. recovery/
  16. sdm845/
  17. seccomp_policy/
  18. sensors/
  19. sepolicy/
  20. thermal/
  21. usb/
  22. vibrator/
  23. vndk/
  24. voice_processing/
  25. vr/
  26. .clang-format
  27. .gitignore
  28. Android.mk
  29. android_filesystem_config.h
  30. AndroidProducts.mk
  31. aosp_blueline.mk
  32. aosp_crosshatch.mk
  33. audio_effects.xml
  34. audio_platform_info_tavil_b1.xml
  35. audio_platform_info_tavil_c1.xml
  36. audio_policy_configuration.xml
  37. audio_policy_configuration_a2dp_offload_disabled.xml
  38. board-info.txt
  39. BoardConfig-common.mk
  40. CleanSpec.mk
  41. compatibility_matrix.xml
  42. default-permissions.xml
  43. device-blueline.mk
  44. device-common.mk
  45. device-crosshatch.mk
  46. device.mk
  47. framework_manifest.xml
  48. fstab.hardware
  49. gps.conf
  50. gps_debug.conf
  51. graphite_ipc_platform_info.xml
  52. init.edge_sense.sh
  53. init.hardware.diag.rc.user
  54. init.hardware.diag.rc.userdebug
  55. init.hardware.mpssrfs.rc.user
  56. init.hardware.mpssrfs.rc.userdebug
  57. init.hardware.rc
  58. init.hardware.usb.rc
  59. init.insmod.cfg
  60. init.insmod.sh
  61. init.logging.rc
  62. init.power.rc
  63. init.qcom.devstart.sh
  64. init.qcom.ipastart.sh
  65. init.qcom.wlan.sh
  66. init.radio.sh
  67. init.recovery.hardware.device.rc
  68. init.recovery.hardware.rc
  69. lowi.conf
  70. manifest.xml
  71. media_codecs.xml
  72. media_codecs_c2.xml
  73. media_codecs_performance.xml
  74. media_profiles_V1_0.xml
  75. mixer_paths_tavil_b1.xml
  76. p2p_supplicant_overlay.conf
  77. powerhint.json
  78. recovery.wipe
  79. sec_config
  80. sound_trigger_mixer_paths_wcd9340.xml
  81. sound_trigger_platform_info.xml
  82. system.prop
  83. thermal-engine-blueline-vr.conf
  84. thermal-engine-blueline.conf
  85. thermal-engine-crosshatch-vr.conf
  86. thermal-engine-crosshatch.conf
  87. ueventd.hardware.rc
  88. uinput-fpc.idc
  89. uinput-fpc.kl
  90. utils.mk
  91. vendorsetup.sh
  92. WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini
  93. wifi_concurrency_cfg.txt
  94. wpa_supplicant_overlay.conf
  95. wpa_supplicant_wcn.conf